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The Dance of Dragons

This article is about the Season 5 episode, for other uses see The Dance of Dragons (disambiguation).

"The Dance of Dragons" is the ninth episode of the fifth season of Game of
Thrones and the forty-ninth episode of the series overall. It premiered on June The Dance of Dragons
7, 2015. It was written by David Benioff & D.B. Weiss and directed by David
Season 5 Episode 9

Contents [show]

Stannis confronts a troubling decision. Jon returns to The Wall. Mace visits the
Air date June 7, 2015
Iron Bank. Arya encounters someone from her past. Daenerys reluctantly
Runtime 53 minutes
oversees a traditional celebration of athleticism.
Written by David Benioff & D.B. Weiss

Directed by David Nutter

Summary Episode Guide

At the Wall Previous Next

"Hardhome" "Mother's Mercy"

Jon Snow, Tormund, and the surviving few thousand wildlings from Hardhome
arrive at the Wall, before the gates of Castle Black. For a tense moment Ser
Alliser Thorne hesitates to let all of their old enemies through, but finally he gives the order to
open the gate. Thousands of wildlings come through the Wall to Castle Black itself, including
many women and children, and even the giant Wun Wun. Many men of the Night's Watch
glare at them. Alliser coolly tells Jon that he has a good heart (to save so many people), but
that it may end up getting them all killed .

Jon reunites with Samwell Tarly, but is despondent, saying that the mission was a disaster Jon watches wildlings enter
inside Castle Black.
and they only managed to save a small fraction of the wildlings at Hardhome. Sam points to
different wildlings passing by and notes that each of them would have died if he had done
nothing at all, so it wasn't a complete failure.

In the North
During the night at Stannis Baratheon's army camp, Melisandre gazes intently into the flames of her tent's brazier hoping to
receive visions from the Lord of Light. In the distance, several tents burst into flames, sending confused men shouting, and one
horse screams as he runs away on fire. During the night, Ramsay Bolton and twenty men raided the camp, burning much of their
food supplies and heavy siege weapons. Hundreds of horses also died in the fire. Davos notes that their situation is now dire:
they don't have enough food to make the march back to Castle Black or to advance to Winterfell, and without their siege
weapons they have little chance of storming the castle to take its food supplies anyway. Stannis asks how this could happen and
Davos insists that the Boltons know the North's terrain better than they do so it was easy for a raiding party to sneak into camp.
Stannis suggests that the watchmen were either collaborating with the enemy or simply not attentive enough at their posts to 1/17
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allow such a disaster - either way he orders them to be executed. Stannis says to slaughter the dead horses for their meat,
which should at least buy them a little time.

Stannis's demeanor becomes grave and half-stunned, as he believes there is only one course of action to take. He starts by
ordering Davos to return to Castle Black to ask for more supplies from Jon Snow. Davos is confused given that even if Jon did
decide to resupply them the provisions probably wouldn't reach them in time, and wonders why Stannis would send him instead
of just a messenger. Stannis insists that it is because he needs his Hand of the King to engage in diplomacy to win Jon over - but
in reality, Stannis sends Davos away so he wouldn't be around to stop what Stannis was planning on doing next.

Davos visits the tent of Stannis's daughter Shireen Baratheon to say goodbye. She is enjoying reading a book by Grand Maester
Munkun about the Dance of the Dragons, a major civil war in the history of the Seven Kingdoms. They share a laugh about how
a knight tried to kill the dragon Vhagar by sneaking up on it with a mirrored shield, but it didn't fool the dragon, who promptly
roasted the knight. Davos gives her a wooden stag figurine he has been carving as a present. She asks why he has been so
nice to her, and he explains that he felt bad that his son Matthos always insisted that his father learn to read and he never did.
Matthos died in the war, and by teaching Davos to read Shireen helped him fulfill his son's wish.

Some time after Davos leaves, Stannis himself visits Shireen, visibly shaken but trying to speak to her kindly. He asks about her
reading, and she explains that "The Dance of the Dragons" was a great civil war between Rhaenyra Targaryen and her half-
brother Aegon, each of whom thought they deserved to sit on the Iron Throne. The great lords of the Seven Kingdoms each
declared for one or the other, dividing the realm in half, and tearing Westeros apart. Brother fought brother and dragon fought
dragon in the devastating war. It was a disaster for House Targaryen as well, who never truly recovered. Stannis asks who she
would have chosen, Rhaenyra or Aegon, and she says she wouldn't have chosen either - it was all of the choosing sides that
plunged Westeros into civil war. Stannis gravely responds that sometimes the world forces a man to choose even if he doesn't
want to, but if he stays true to himself he knows what he must do, and then it isn't really a choice at all - even if he hates doing it.
Shireen says it's all right and she wants to help him, though he responds that she doesn't even know what he wants. She doesn't
care and asks if there is any way she can help, and he says that there is. Shireen insists that she wants to, because she is
Princess Shireen of House Baratheon, his daughter. They hug and he embraces her tightly and Stannis whispers "forgive me".

Later, Shireen exits her tent as well and sees all of the soldiers gathered around, and asks where her father is. Coming to the
front of the assembly, she sees Melisandre in front of a wooden pyre with a large stake in the middle. She starts shouting to see
her father, but is grabbed by soldiers who drag her to the pyre and tie her to the stake. Melisandre soothingly tries to calm her by
saying that it will all be over soon. Shireen's cries ring out through the camp, but no one intervenes. Stannis and Shireen's
mother Selyse then appear in the crowd. Shireen sees them and begs her mother and father to help, but they do nothing. Selyse
insists aloud to herself that the sacrifice is what the Lord of Light wants.

Melisandre begins praying and announces that they offer up the life of this girl to the Lord of
Light, and sets the pyre on fire. As she explained to Stannis before, she believes that
sacrificing Shireen's life - which contains the power of a king's blood - will gain the Lord of
Light's favor, who in return will aid them in their time of need by lifting the blizzard. Stannis
believes that if they do nothing, they will remain snowbound and all starve to death here.
Shireen continues to repeatedly cry "Mother, please!" and "Father, please!" - eventually even Stannis watches as Shireen is
Selyse, who only had a cold and non-existent relationship with her daughter, suddenly breaks
and rushes forward, begging that they can't go through with it. Soldiers restrain her, however,
and she sinks to the ground crying in despair. Shireen's cries become even more frightened, but Stannis continues to watch 2/17
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even as Selyse sobs on the ground. As the flames begin to consume Shireen she wordlessly screams in pain and fear, and
eventually even Stannis cannot bear to look anymore as she burns to death.

In Dorne
Jaime Lannister is escorted into the main apartments of the Water Gardens by Areo Hotah, to
be received by Prince Doran Martell in a luxurious solar, along with Ellaria Sand, Doran's son
Trystane Martell, and Jaime's "niece" Myrcella Baratheon. They lounge on a circle of
couches, Myrcella cuddling with Trystane. Jaime notes that Myrcella is wearing a revealing
Dornish-style dress now, and she says that the warm climate of Dorne agrees with her.
Jaime sits and speaks with
Coming to the point, Doran asks Jaime why he has snuck in to Dorne to abduct Myrcella back
to King's Landing. He says he feared for her safety, but when Doran insists why he didn't just
send a letter by messenger-raven, he explains that they received a threatening message:
Myrcella's Lannister lion pendant jammed in the mouth of dead viper. Doran glares at Ellaria, while a confused Myrcella explains
that her pendant was simply stolen from her room.

Jaime asks if Doran intends to behead him, but (acting more sympathetic now that Jaime revealed he was threatened first) he
says that he will not, because he wishes to avoid war. Doran has seen what war can do, bodies piled on the battlefield and
orphans left starving in cities at home, and he will not lead his people into that. Ellaria bluntly asks what he will do, break bread
with the Lannisters? However he says that is precisely what he will do, as wine is poured for Jaime, and he raises his own goblet
and offers a toast to King Tommen, First of His Name, long may he reign. Jaime returns the toast but Ellaria deliberately pours
out her wine onto the floor in disgust.

Doran asks if Tommen indeed commands that his sister be returned to the capital, and Jaime politely says he does, to which
Doran says he cannot disobey his king - Myrcella will return to King's Landing. She is upset for a moment, but then Doran
explains his solution: his son Trystane will go along with them, to take over the seat on the Small Council which Tywin granted to
Oberyn, but which was vacated by his death. Doran insists that for the alliance between the Iron Throne and Dorne to continue,
the engagement of Trystane and Myrcella must stand, and Trystane will simply take his uncle Oberyn's place on the Small
Council. Jaime finds Doran's request entirely reasonable, and Myrcella is ecstatic that she will not be separated from Trystane,
so Jaime agrees. Ellaria gets up to leave and snaps that it is no wonder that Doran cannot stand, because he has no spine. As
she walks out he grabs her by the arm and lowers his voice, saying that she is the mother of four of his nieces and for their sake
he hopes she has a long and happy life but if she talks to him that way again, she will not.

Jaime then asks what fate will befall Bronn, who is still imprisoned. Bronn punched out Trystane when they tried to take Myrcella,
and Jaime is asked what the normal punishment is for striking a prince where he is from. Jaime politely insists that Bronn was
only following orders and they can't punish him for simply following Jaime's commands. Trystane agrees, saying he has learned
the value of mercy from his father, but that he has one "condition".

In the prison cells, Nymeria and Tyene Sand spar out of boredom, as Obara tries to ignore them and get some sleep. The
guards arrive and release Bronn, and Tyene mocks him as he leaves. Areo leads Bronn back to the solar where Doran, Jaime,
and the rest remain. Bronn apologizes to Trystane when he sees him and says he didn't mean anything by hitting him before.
Jaime then gladly informs Bronn that the Martells agreed to let Bronn go with Jaime, but on one condition: wordlessly, Areo then
delivers it by striking Bronn in the face with his elbow, so hard that Bronn is knocked to the floor, as a payback for hitting
Trystane. 3/17
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Later, in the courtyard, Areo brings Ellaria and the Sand Snakes before Prince Doran in his wheelchair. Doran gives Ellaria an
ultimatum: she can either choose to swear allegiance to him (and that she will not try something like this again), or she can
choose death. Restraining tears, she kneels and kisses his hand. Doran says that he believes in second chances and she is
forgiven - but sternly warns her that he does not believe in third chances.

Ellaria then finds Jaime in a study writing a letter back to King's Landing informing of his return. He writes very poorly, given that
he is using his non-dominant left hand, and Ellaria remarks that he writes like a seven year old. Ellaria notes how odd it is that
she and Oberyn were looked down on for their sexuality in King's Landing, and Jaime is scorned for his incestuous love for
Cersei - to which he remains silent and gives no acknowledgement - though a hundred years ago, if his name were Targaryen,
no one would have blinked an eye at such a relationship. Cryptically (perhaps spurred by Doran), she then says that she knows
"your daughter" Myrcella had no part in what befell Oberyn, and maybe even Jaime is innocent of that (and indeed he is, as
Oberyn volunteered for the trial by combat). She exits, and Jaime is left to ponder what seems to be her apology.

In Braavos
Arya, in her "Lanna" persona, is once again pushing her cart through the canal streets of
Braavos selling various types of shellfish. She passes the "Thin man" who sells insurance to
sailors, having been given a mission by the Faceless Men to assassinate him with poisoned
oysters. Just as she reaches him, however, she stops in her tracks and stares fixedly on a
boat at the dock which has caught her full attention. Stepping out of the boat is Master of Coin
Mace Tyrell - and the commander of his guards is none other than Ser Meryn Trant of the
Arya, or "Lanna", sells oysters,
Kingsguard, one of the names on Arya's kill list which she recites as a daily prayer. Meryn
clams, and cockles on the canal
helped betray her father and killed her Water Dancing trainer Syrio Forel. Mace was sent by
Cersei Lannister to treat with the Iron Bank of Braavos, which has started calling in the
crown's massive debts, and at least try to gain a little more time to deal with the problem from
the bankers. Mace is greeted at the dock by the bank's representative, Tycho Nestoris. Mace addresses Tycho politely and
amiably, though he doesn't realize that his jokes aren't really funny. All the while Arya remains frozen and staring at Ser Meryn,
ignoring the Thin Man's requests for some of her oysters.

Arya abandons her mission to assassinate the Thin Man, and instead follows Ser Meryn as he accompanies Mace. After visiting
the Iron Bank building, Meryn and a few other Lannister guards depart from Mace at night and go to visit a local brothel. Arya
sneaks into the brothel under the guise of simply selling her oysters and clams from a hand basket. The bouncer Brusco doesn't
want her in at first but the prostitute Lhara, who is one of Arya's regular customers, tells him to let her stay, as oysters are held to
be an aphrodisiac. Arya sells a few and then makes her way to the back chambers where she spies on Meryn from behind some
shutters. Meryn catches a brief look at her at one point, and she seems vaguely familiar, but he just shrugs it off (it has been
years since he last saw her, she is older and thus looks different, she has different Braavosi-style hair and clothes, and he
doesn't think that Arya would logically be in Braavos).

The brothel's madam presents several girls in succession to Meryn, but he passes on each as too old. She brings out her best
and most expensive prostitute, a beautiful young woman named Anara, but Meryn again dismisses her as too old. The madam
slowly realizes that Meryn is perversely interested in young girls who are barely teenagers - around Arya's age - so she brings
out a very young girl who Meryn accepts gruffly, bluntly saying he expects another "fresh" one tomorrow. After he leaves the
madam runs into Arya and shoos her out. 4/17
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Later, Arya returns to the House of Black and White empty-handed, having abandoned her first mission for the Faceless Men.
When Jaqen H'ghar asks what happened, she lies to him and says that the Thin Man simply wasn't hungry today and didn't
order any of her oysters. Jaqen quips that perhaps this is why he is a "thin man", and Arya promises that she will follow through
on the assassination tomorrow. She departs, and while Jaqen seems to suspect that she was lying, he makes no outward
reaction to it.

In Meereen
Attended by Tyrion Lannister, Missandei, and Daario Naharis, Daenerys sits in the royal box
at the Daznak's Pit. Hizdahr zo Loraq arrives late, claiming to have been putting the final
touches on the arrangements for the event. When the first two combatants take the field,
Hizdahr indicates that Daenerys is to start the fight with a clap of her hands. Daario verbally
spars with Hizdahr for much of the first match, drawing Daenerys's attention from the
Dany claps to start the fights.
spectacle in front of her. Her attention returns to the arena when Jorah Mormont gives the
traditional dedication to her. In spite of Jorah's previous successes, he has decidedly mixed
results in the grand melee he finds himself in. The grand melee begins with six fighters, with Jorah pairing up against a Norvosi
long-axe fighter. The Norvosi is able to land several blows against Jorah, eventually knocking him to the ground, however Jorah
is able to bring out his dagger and eventually bury it in the Norvosi's chest after a brief melee.

Meanwhile, a Braavosi Water Dancer easily dispatches his Dothraki opponent, and then focuses his
attention on Jorah. Jorah finds himself hopelessly outmatched by the Water Dancer and suffers many
cuts from his opponent's rapier. During the fight, a Meerenese Pit Fighter is able to lance his
opponent in the chest. The Water Dancer eventually knocks Jorah to the ground, and is about to
deliver a killing blow, but fails to notice the pit fighter who kills him from behind. Jorah then battles the
pit fighter and kills him and is the last fighter standing.

Jorah stares for a few moments at Daenerys, then suddenly grabs and hurls a spear at the royal box
– embedding itself in a Son of the Harpy sneaking up behind Daario. The Sons of the Harpy reveal
themselves on every level of the arena and begin slaughtering collaborating Masters and freedmen
Dany and Missandei
alike – Hizdahr included. Jorah and Daario evacuate Daenerys from the royal box, while Tyrion
during the riots.
rescues Missandei. Finding the exits blocked, the group makes a stand in the center of the Pit with
remainder of the Unsullied defenders. Seeing they are hopelessly outnumbered, Daenerys takes
Missandei's hand and closes her eyes, ready to face her death.

At that moment, a draconic screech pierces the air, and Drogon descends upon the arena,
flying out of a giant flame burst.

Many of the Sons scatter in terror as Drogon bites, crushes and mercilessly burns the nearest
ones to death. The Sons rally enough to attack Drogon with spears, embedding them in the
dragon's tough hide. Daenerys hastily makes an effort to remove the spears, prompting
Drogon to turn on her with a huge roar. He stops short of attacking her and becomes calm. Dany climbs on, and rides
Trying to get Drogon out of the Sons' range, Daenerys climbs atop his back and bids him to
fly ("Valahd"), becoming the first Targaryen dragonrider in over a century. The Sons of the
Harpy routed for now, Daario, Jorah, Missandei and Tyrion look on in astonishment as Drogon soars away. 5/17
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Main: The Dance of Dragons/Appearances

Braavosi madam
Aberdolf Strongbeard

Shireen Baratheon
Dothraki pit fighter
Norvoshi pit fighter
Pit fighter
Water Dancer
Meereenese Champion
Hizdahr zo Loraq
Many unnamed Slave Masters
Many unnamed Sons of the Harpy
Many unnamed Meereenese residents


Starring Guest Starring

Peter Dinklage as Tyrion Lannister Owen Teale as Ser Alliser Thorne

Nikolaj Coster-Waldau as Ser Jaime Lannister Tara Fitzgerald as Queen Selyse Baratheon
Emilia Clarke as Queen Daenerys Targaryen Mark Gatiss as Tycho Nestoris
Kit Harington as Lord Commander Jon Snow Alexander Siddig as Prince Doran Martell
Stephen Dillane as King Stannis Baratheon DeObia Oparei as Areo Hotah
Liam Cunningham as Ser Davos Seaworth Joel Fry as Hizdahr zo Loraq
Carice van Houten as Lady Melisandre Ian Beattie as Ser Meryn Trant
Indira Varma as Ellaria Sand Roger Ashton-Griffiths as Lord Mace Tyrell
Maisie Williams as Arya Stark Ben Crompton as Eddison Tollett
Jerome Flynn as Ser Bronn Keisha Castle-Hughes as Obara Sand
John Bradley as Samwell Tarly Rosabell Laurenti Sellers as Tyene Sand
Kristofer Hivju as Tormund Giantsbane Jessica Henwick as Nymeria Sand
Tom Wlaschiha as Jaqen H'ghar Nell Tiger Free as Princess Myrcella Baratheon
Michiel Huisman as Daario Naharis Toby Sebastian as Prince Trystane Martell
Nathalie Emmanuel as Missandei Kerry Ingram as Princess Shireen Baratheon 6/17
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with Iain Glen as Ser Jorah Mormont Brenock O'Connor as Olly

Ian Whyte as Wun Wun
Nicholas Boulton as Fighting pit announcer
Oengus MacNamara as the thin man
Lacy Moore as the Braavosi Madam
Jack Hickey as a Young Bravo
Sarine Sofair as Lhara
Karla Lyons as Johnna's sister
Ali Lyons as Johnna
Brian Fortune as First Builder Othell Yarwyck
Michael Condron as First Steward Bowen Marsh
Danny O'Connor as a Lannister guard
Garry Mountaine as Brusco
Dylan McDonough as a sailor
Jason McLaughlin as a Baratheon soldier
Ollie Kram as Anara
Gemita Samarra as Brea
Irma Mali as a prostitute
Aifric O'Donnell as Aya[1]
Fiach Kunz as a Lannister guard
Michael Johnston as Lannister Guard #3


Nigel O'Neill as a Baratheon General

Adam Basil as a Strong Fighter
James Bleakney as a Baratheon Soldier
Charles Jarman as a Pit Fighter
Andrew McClay as Stannis soldier
Danko Jordanov as Wilding gladiator
Graeme Peacock as a Baratheon Soldier
Mark Quigley as a Baratheon Soldier
Jessica Stevenson as a Wildling
Michael Stuart as a Night's Watch Officer
Derek Dubery as Brothel Patron #5
Mariola Sanz as Meereen Spectator

Cast notes
16 of 27 starring cast members appear in this episode.
Starring cast members Lena Headey (Cersei Lannister), Aidan Gillen (Petyr Baelish), Natalie Dormer (Margaery Tyrell),
Alfie Allen (Theon Greyjoy), Sophie Turner (Sansa Stark), Hannah Murray (Gilly), Conleth Hill (Varys), Gwendoline Christie
(Brienne of Tarth), Dean-Charles Chapman (Tommen Baratheon), Michael McElhatton (Roose Bolton) and Iwan Rheon
(Ramsay Bolton) are not credited and do not appear in this episode.
Guiomar Alonso, Boian Anev, George Appleby, Adam Basil, Richard Bradshaw, Jonathan Cohen, Christopher Cox, Matt
Crook, Ricardo Cruz Jr., Rob DeGroot, Ben Dimmock, Levan Doran, Clint Elvy, James Embree, Bradley Farmer, David 7/17
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Grant, Richard Hansen, Bobby Holland Hanton, Radoslav Ignatov, Borislav Iliev, Rowley Irlam, Erol Ismail, Charles
Jarman, Danko Yordanov, Milen Kaleychev, Georgi Manchev, Jonathan McBride, Leona McCarron, Richard Mead, Trayan
Milenov, Sian Milne, Camilla Naprous, David Newton, Antonio Ona Sanchez, Radoslav Parvanov, Peter Pedrero, Velizar
Plamenov Peev, Rashid Phoenix, Andy Pilgrim, Dominic Preece, Paul Shapcott, Vencislav Zlatkov Stoyanov, Ryan Stuart,
Teodor Tzolov, Tony Van Silva, Raycho Vasilev, Pablo Verdejo, Kala Vodenicharov, Calvin Warrington-Heasman, Belle
Williams, Annabel E. Wood and Lewis Young were stunt performers in this episode.

This episode takes its title from the fifth and most recent novel of the A Song of Ice and Fire series, A Dance with Dragons.
Like the book title, however, it may be a nod towards the Dance of the Dragons, which was the name given to the civil
war between two rival branches of House Targaryen after the death of King Viserys I. Despite this event occurring
prior to the events of the series, it may refer to the near-civil war ongoing in Meereen, between Daenerys and the
Sons of the Harpy.

The scenes at the Great Pit of Daznak in Meereen were filmed in Osuna, Spain, at the Plaza de Toros, which has real
sandstone walls and is over a century old. Controversially, it is an actively used bullfighting ring: annual events are held at
the Plaza de Toros which end with bulls actually being killed in the arena (though "sometimes the bull wins").[2]
The entire sequence in the coliseum took 12 days to shoot, and involved 1,000 extras (who were then digitally
doubled up to make an even larger crowd).[3]
Notice once again that not every Harpy statue in Meereen could be torn down, because many of them were large
load-bearing statues, but Daenerys had her soldiers deface such statues. A large harpy statue supports the outer
wall of Daznak's pit, and it has its face smashed.

This is only the fifth episode in the entire TV series in which no scenes are set in King's Landing at all (the fourth was
episode 5 of this season, "Kill the Boy", which focused largely on the Boltons). Much of this episode focuses on Stannis
Baratheon's camp, Arya in Braavos, Dorne, and events in Meereen. Members of the Lannisters and Tyrells do appear
(Jaime and Mace) but not those in King's Landing. Littlefinger, the Arryns, and the Vale do not appear. Winterfell itself,
House Bolton, Reek, Sansa Stark, and Brienne of Tarth do not appear in this episode. House Greyjoy has not appeared at
all throughout Season 5 and there is only one episode left after this.
Shireen Baratheon is still alive at the end of the fifth and most current novel, A Dance with Dragons, but in the "Inside the
Episode" featurette for this episode, Executive Producers David Benioff and D.B. Weiss confirmed that George R.R.
Martin told them that Shireen is going to be burned to death as a sacrifice in an unpublished future novel. Benioff
said: "When George first told us about this, it was one of those moments where I remember looking at Dan, it was just, like,
god it's so, so horrible, and it's so good in a story sense, because it all comes together."[4]
Shireen's death is thus the first major spoiler even for book readers. The only other thing that has been somewhat of
a spoiler so far is the appearance of the White Walker leader and revelation that Craster's sons are indeed being
turned into new White Walkers, back in Season 4's "Oathkeeper" - but it was implied that this was happening, and
presumably the White Walkers would have some kind of leader. The burning of Shireen, however, is the first major
character death confirmed to take place in an unpublished novel.
In the novels, Stannis actually left Shireen, Selyse, and Melisandre at Castle Black with Jon Snow. The basic idea
that Shireen is burned as a sacrifice seems to have been moved around somewhat from how it will play out in the
novels. In the books, Melisandre is still insistent on burning a sacrifice of royal blood (to the point that before his
death Jon fears that she might want to burn Maester Aemon, because he is a Targaryen and specifically the son of a
ruling king). It is very strongly implied that Melisandre might burn Shireen as a sacrifice in the future - but in the
upcoming apocalyptic war against the White Walkers, not so the blizzard halting his march against the Boltons at
Winterfell will cease. When he marches to Winterfell, Stannis actually instructs the men he leaves behind that if he
dies in the assault, he expects them to keep fighting to put Shireen on the Iron Throne. Fundamentally, however, 8/17
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Martin confirmed to Benioff and Weiss that in at least some form, Melisandre is going to burn Shireen alive as a
sacrifice to the Lord of Light in a future novel.
The TV producers were initially not certain that Shireen would ever even appear in the TV series due to time
constraints. Back when Stannis was introduced in Season 2, they later said that they actually focused very carefully
on the lines saying that he "has no sons" to intentionally leave open the possibility to introduce in the future that he
does have a daughter. Even when Kerry Ingram was hired to play Shireen when she was subsequently introduced in
Season 3, she stated that they only hired her for the one year - again uncertain if there would be enough time to
extensively include the character into the TV series. Afterwards they enjoyed Ingram's performance and how the
character was working out so they gave her more scenes in the next two seasons (it is unclear at what point Martin
told them that Shireen was going to be burned to death in a major moment in a future novel).
Shireen's death seems to be based on the Greek myth of Iphigenia during the Trojan War. Her father King
Agamemnon needed to lead the combined Greek fleet to Troy, but the winds were against them and it remained
stuck on the coast in Greece, due to Agamemnon killing a deer in a sacred grove of the goddess Artemis. Left unable
to fulfill their oaths to attack Troy, Agamemnon is told by the seer Calchas that the only way to appease the gods so
that they will calm the winds and let the fleet leave is if he sacrifices the life of his daughter Iphigenia. Agamemnon is
at first horrified, but under pressure from the other Greek captains he reluctantly agrees. Iphigenia is unaware of her
imminent sacrifice until the last moment, when she is brought before the altar. Ironically, while in the myth, this action
ultimately leads to the Greek victory in Troy, it achieves the exact opposite for Stannis. Although this sacrifice does
melt the snow and open the way to Winterfell in the following episode, Shireen's gruesome death disgusts Stannis'
men, and many of them desert as a result, leading to Stannis' defeat and death.
Of note, since the Greek people could not tolerate stories about human sacrifice, the original story was edited;
in the edited version, Artemis saves Iphigenia, places a stag in her place upon the altar, and takes her to Tauris.
Many years later, Iphigenia's brother Orestes arrives at Tauris and brings her back to Greece.

Shireen's execution is the third kinslaying performed by Stannis, following Renly's murder and the execution of Axell
Shireen's death has been foreshadowed in Season 2 episode "Valar Morghulis": Melisandre told Stannis "You will
betray your family. You will betray everything you once held dear".

Davos Seaworth was previously seen starting to carve a piece of wood four episodes ago in "Kill the Boy" when he left
Castle Black, which he finishes as the stag figurine he gives Shireen in this episode.
Actress Kerry Ingram actually got to keep the carved stag figurine and posted a picture of herself with it in her room
on her Twitter feed.[5]

Shireen extensively mentions in this episode that she is reading a history book about the Dance of the Dragons, a massive
civil war between two rival branches of House Targaryen (fought about 170 years ago) which devastated Westeros. Oddly,
she says that the title of the history book written by Munkun that she is reading is The Dance of Dragons, A True Telling,
and vaguely implies that "The Dance of Dragons" was the name of the war. In the novels, the name of the civil war is "The
Dance of the Dragons", and moreover, Munkun's book is titled "The Dance of the Dragons: A True Telling". It is unknown
why the episode made such minor dialogue changes - though the Season 4 animated Blu-ray featurettes did refer to it by
the correct full name, "The Dance of the Dragons". Whatever the case, Shireen accurately gives a succinct summation of
the war: Rhaenyra Targaryen fought her half-brother Aegon II Targaryen for the throne, the great lords of the realm chose
sides between them, and ultimately Targaryen fought Targaryen and dragon fought dragon. So many dragons died in the
civil war that the Targaryens "never really recovered" (so few dragons were left alive by the end that within the next 30
years they went extinct).
Joffrey Baratheon previously explained who Rhaenyra was by name back in Season 3 episode 4 "And Now His
Watch Is Ended", saying that in the end she was captured by her brother, who then fed her to his dragon while her
son watched. 9/17
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Shireen mentions that Ser Byron Swann tried to sneak up on the dragon Vhagar with a mirrored shield. Vhagar was
one of the original three Targaryen dragons used to conquer Westeros, as Arya herself explained back in Season 2's
"A Man Without Honor". Shireen couldn't possibly know this from reading Munkun's book, but in the novels when this
incident is brought up to Tyrion Lannister, he is much better read, and points out that Munkun's "True Telling" was
actually filled with several factual errors: Byron Swann fought against Rhaenyra, and Vhagar belonged to Aegon II's
faction. In reality, Tyrion explains, Bryon tried to sneak up on Rhaenyra's own dragon, Syrax - though the end result
was the same, the ploy didn't work and he was roasted alive.
Stannis remarks on how odd it is that it was called the "Dance" of the Dragons. In-universe, that is just what popular
songs and minstrels ended up calling it. Maesters have commented on how it isn't a very appropriate name, and "the
Death of the Dragons" might be more fitting, given the massive loss in both human life and dragons killed. The loose
reason might be that when dragons fight each other it somewhat looks like an elaborate aerial "dance", as each tries
to land strikes with teeth and claws on the other, darting back and forth and making attack runs.
George R.R. Martin did start writing a series of prequel novellas in 2013 expanding on the events of the Dance of the
Dragons in more detail. Martin has been in discussions with HBO about various prequel projects they might want to
make as spinoff TV series after the main Game of Thrones series is finished, but talks are only tentative at the
moment. The other prequel novellas set only 90 years before the main series (instead of 170 years ago), the Tales of
Dunk and Egg, would probably be made first. Essentially, the Dance of the Dragons was a civil war like the War of the
Five Kings - but in which both sides had dragons. If the Dance of the Dragons will ever be adapted into a prequel TV
series project it will not be for many years.

No explanation is given for why Jon Snow, Tormund, and the thousands of surviving
wildlings arrive at Castle Black from the north side of the Wall, necessitating a tense
moment in which Alliser Thorne hesitates about letting them through. They were last
seen fleeing Hardhome by ship. The easternmost castle on the Wall, Eastwatch-by-the-
Sea, is also their port on the east coast. Though Jon never explicitly says he is going to
Eastwatch to depart with the fleet, it is implied due to previous acknowledgements of its
Last episode, Jon Snow, his men,
status as a port. The fleet should have simply sailed around the Wall and deposited
and the wildlings were last seen
them directly at Eastwatch, after which if they wanted to go to Castle Black they would
evacuating Hardhome by ship...
march along the south side of the Wall.
It is known that there were several rewrites to the Hardhome scenes. They
originally thought they could film it in Iceland, but eventually decided to expand it
into a major action set piece, necessitating building an expansive set in the same
quarry where the Castle Black set is built in Northern Ireland. It is possible that the
surviving wildlings march overland to Castle Black because this is an early scene
filmed before the rewrites. In the novels, Jon never goes to Hardhome, and
Tormund's wildlings, who never go to Hardhome, are simply gathered in the ...only to suddenly appear on the
Haunted Forest north of Castle Black, so there was a tense moment when they north side of the Wall and Castle
had to be let through the tunnel from the north side of the Wall. It is possible that Black in this episode. The ships
the earlier drafts of this scene were based more closely on how this played out in have just disappeared, and they
the novels. apparently made the entire trek
In-universe, it might be explained that Stannis's sellsail fleet that he loaned to Jon by land?
was so terrified after the massacre at Hardhome, and maybe facing such bad
weather, that they refused to sail along the coast back to Eastwatch - instead just
sailing for a few days down the coast for a relatively safe distance, then making
Jon and the wildlings debark, and then fleeing directly across the open ocean back
to the Free Cities. Nevertheless, this explanation doesn't cover why Jon and the
Free Folk survivors don't go to Eastwatch but instead make the perilous march to Click to enlarge: Even going
Castle Black - as seen on the map at right, Castle Black is in the center of the overland, it is a shorter distance 10/17
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continent, and even over land it would be a much shorter walk to Eastwatch and between Hardhome and
its gate through the Wall than to Castle Black. Eastwatch than between
Another possible explanation is that Stannis Baratheon's fleet never used Hardhome and Castle Black.
Eastwatch as a port of anchor. We never see where Stannis had his ships
anchored in The Children, leaving open the possibility that he actually had the fleet
anchor further up north as a possible means of surprising the wildling forces. This is supported by the fact that when
Jon and Tormund leave for Hardhome, they actually head toward the gateway through the wall instead of leaving
south of Castle Black. This, however, does not explain why they would not anchor at Eastwatch after the events of
Hardhome when there is a clear and present danger of wight attack. The only possible explanation is that the fleet
wanted to get out of there quickly and simply packed whatever supplies they left at their original port of anchor,
hightailing it out of there afterwards. Jon Snow and Tormund would then have determined that they might as well use
the opportunity to rescue more Free Folk on the walk back (which was, after all, the point of the mission).

The scenes in which Prince Doran Martell and his family receive Jaime Lannister were filmed in the luxurious interiors of
the famous Alcázar of Seville, a medieval Islamic royal palace in Spain and a UNESCO World Heritage site, which has
rarely been open to filming.
This episode provides confirmation in dialogue that Ellaria Sand is the mother of four of Oberyn Martell's daughters, and
Oberyn previously established in Season 4 that he has eight daughters in the TV continuity (just as he does in the novels).
In the novels, Ellaria's four daughters are Elia, Obella, Dorea, and Loreza - all of them small children who do not yet play
any significant role in the narrative, though preview chapters of the next novel indicate that the eldest Elia is going to start
accompanying Oberyn's older daughters. The TV version of the Sand Snakes has been somewhat condensed, specifically
Tyene Sand is essentially a combination of two of his daughters from the novels: Tyene and Elia Sand. Book-Tyene is a
master poisoner but not Ellaria's daughter, while book-Elia is the eldest of Ellaria's four daughters - meaning that she is
young and headstrong and trying to prove herself to her older sisters. TV-Tyene combines book-Tyene's skill with poisons,
with book-Elia's status as Ellaria's daughter and the youngest of the Sand Snakes that are of fighting age (Ellaria's younger
three girls are small children). Oddly, "Elia Sand" was actually mentioned by name as existing in the TV continuity by
Oberyn himself (though due to time restrictions there is a good chance she will not appear in the TV show, and she has
barely appeared in the current novels). Given the reshuffling of the Sand Snakes in the TV series, there was some
confusion over exactly how many of them Ellaria is the mother of in the TV version. Just as in the books, she is the mother
of four of them - however, because she wasn't Tyene's mother in the novels, that would mean that she can't be the mother
of all four of the youngest Sand Snakes behind Tyene (Elia, Obella, Dorea, and Loreza). Also no mention has been made
of Sarella Sand, daughter of Oberyn and a Summer Islander ship captain, though she is "not in Dorne" at this point in the
novels. The House Martell family tree remains in some confusion until the writers make official statements about this.
Moreover, Doran Martell remarks that his son Trystane must learn to rule on his own some day - implying but not
definitively stating that he is Doran's heir. In the novels, he is the youngest of Doran's three children, after his
daughter Arianne and elder son Quentyn. As Dorne follows gender-blind inheritance (unlike the rest of Westeros), his
eldest child Arianne is also his heir in the novels. The TV series has avoided making any definitive statements on the
matter, and even Doran's lines in this episode are vague - which is what the writers did back in Season 2, when they
weren't sure if Shireen Baratheon would ever appear in the TV series, so they carefully phrased lines to say that
Stannis "has no sons" to intentionally leave room open to later say that he has a daughter.

In the novels, Doran actually sends Nymeria Sand to King's Landing to take Oberyn's place on the Small Council. In the
TV-version he sends his own son Trystane instead - though this does solve the problem of how to send Myrcella back to
King's Landing when she doesn't want to be separated from Trystane.
Jaime notices that Myrcella is so taken in by the Martells that she is even wearing revealing Dornish-style clothing (better
suited to the hot climate). He quips about her dress by asking if she is cold, implying it is too revealing and doesn't cover
her well. This implication about being "cold" is the same remark that Cersei made about Margaery Tyrell's revealing dress
in Season 3 episode 2 "Dark Wings, Dark Words". Myrcella's fashion choice is a sign that her allegiance has shifted more
to the Martells than to Cersei and the Lannisters (see "Costumes: The Seven Kingdoms - Dorne"). 11/17
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Myrcella explains that her Lannister lion-pendant necklace which was mailed to Cersei in King's Landing as a threat ("The
House of Black and White") was simply stolen from her room. It remains unclear, though, who sent it:
Ellaria and the Sand Snakes had no reason to forewarn Cersei about their scheme.
Doran might have sent it, to bait the Lannisters to try to "rescue" Myrcella, when in fact he was wise to the Sand
Snakes' plan the entire time, and wanted to make a big show of "stopping" them, to convince the Lannisters he
wanted to avoid a war at all costs when in fact he was secretly preparing for one; however, such plan seems over-
complicated and dangerous, because it could have resulted in Myrcella's death (as nearly happens in the fourth
novel). Doran could have both foiled the scheme and convinced Cersei that he was loyal to the Crown simply by
arresting his nieces and Ellaria, then sending an explicit message to Cersei, stating that he found out they meant to
stir up troubles and he foiled them of loyalty to the Crown; this is the way he acts in the novels.

Ellaria says that Jaime writes like a seven year old with his left hand: in the novels, Jaime himself notes that he can barely
write legibly with his left hand, like a child first learning his letters.
Doran refers to Tommen as "King of the Andals and the First Men". In the novels, the full title is actually "King of the
Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men" - indeed, the modern Dornishmen are the descendants of the Rhoynar who
migrated to Dorne one thousand years ago. The TV series didn't start introducing Dorne until Season 4 and barely
mentioned it beforehand (for fear of deluging viewers with too much information), thus in the first three seasons the title
consistently omitted any mention of the Rhoynar - going back to the Season 1 premiere, when Eddard Stark recites it when
he pronounces sentence at the execution. Any mention of the Rhoynar was also omitted in Season 4's "First of His Name"
at Tommen's coronation ceremony, even though Oberyn Martell was present in the audience. Missandei also introduced
Daenerys early in Season 4 as "Queen of the Andals and the First Men", omitting mention of the Rhoynar. Then in the
Season 4 finale Missandei abruptly referred to Daenerys as "Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men" -
contradicting not just the TV series in general but that specific character's own lines earlier in the same season. Now
Doran, ruler of the Dornishmen who are descendants of the Rhoynar, is himself presented as omitting the Rhoynar from
the title. It isn't clear which one is meant to be official in the TV continuity but given that the "of the Rhoynar" addition was
mentioned only once and four seasons into the TV series, then not consistently applied, Game of Thrones Wiki continues
to assume for the moment that the title was changed to "King of the Andals and the First Men" in the TV continuity.
The hand-slapping game that Nymeria and Tyene Sand play in their prison cell is actually an in-joke by the writers to an
incident that occurred off-set. During one of the season wrap parties, David Benioff got very drunk and started goofing
around with Jason Momoa (Khal Drogo). One thing led to another, and Benioff became so brazen that he challenged
Momoa to the hand-slapping game he had seen him take part in before and which Momoa was very good at (a variant of
the "Mercy" hand game). Momoa is very strong (6'4" tall and 245 pounds) and the inebriated Benioff ended up losing. By
the time Benioff got home later that night, after he had sobered up somewhat and regained more feeling in his arms, he
turned to his wife and said that Momoa had actually broken his hand.[6] The story circulating around that Momoa actually
broke Benioff's hand in a fit of anger after learning for the first time that Drogo would die at the end of Season 1 is just a
false rumor that got corrupted from this incident.[7]
Hizdahr zo Loraq is still alive in the novels and it is as-yet unknown if he is the true leader of the Sons of the Harpy.
In the novels, Daenerys Targaryen notices how riding dragons uses different commands than when riding horses: because
horses are prey animals, they instinctively turn away from danger, so a rider hits them on their left flank to make them turn
right. In contrast, she realizes, dragons are predators, so if she hits them on the left side they will instinctively turn left to
counter-attack whatever is hurting them.
Linguist David J. Peterson explained a mixup that happened with Daenerys's command to Drogon to "fly!" when she leaves
the arena - the on-screen subtitles say she actually said "valahd", even though she audibly seems to say just "fly".
Peterson explained that she was actually supposed to say the High Valyrian command "sōvēs!" - which has been
previously heard in the Season 3 finale, albeit in the plural "sōvētēs!" This is what Peterson officially handed in as both a
script and audio files. The problem is that in the specific take used in the final shot, actress Emilia Clarke just says "fly!" in
English - Peterson noted that this sort of thing happens all the time, production is hurrying and an actor just forgets the
translated line. Months later, the ADR team tried to fix this so that Clarke actually is saying a non-English word, and they 12/17
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asked Peterson for an audio recording of the original line. Peterson surmised, however, that the ADR team then realized
that because the camera is focused on Clarke's face, the mouth movements of her saying "fly!" clearly do not match the
two syllable long "sōvēs!" They didn't contact Peterson again but they do have all of his materials he submitted: he
determined upon watching it that they must have used a Dothraki language word which both matched her mouth
movements and which made sense in that context. "Valad" is actually a Dothraki riding command, basically a variant of
"giddyup!" or "run to the horizon!" etc., so they were able to fix the line so it makes some sense in this context - though
Peterson noted that "Valad" isn't spelled with an "H", the subtitlers must have just been sounding it out.[8]
Specifically, Peterson explained that the instruction books he sent to the ADR team lists the riding command as
"Frakhas valad!", which literally means "touch the horizon!", and like in other languages is just one of several variant
commands basically just equivalent to "giddyup!". "Valad" specifically just means "horizon", but in the listing for the
command he left a note that the whole command is often shortened to just "valad", because commands shouted out
to a horse tend to be short and not long sentences.[9]

The TV series has switched around the actions and fates of several of the men who were on Arya Stark's kill list,
specifically men who served Gregor Clegane at Harrenhal. Three men on her list were Meryn Trant, Polliver, and another
man called Raff the Sweetling who does not appear in the TV series. In the books, it is Raff who accompanies the Master
of Coin to the Iron Bank of Braavos, not Ser Meryn. Raff is interested in having sex with under-aged girls in the novels (this
is not an invention of the TV series), though Meryn specifically is not, but these traits carried over to him by combining their
storylines. Mace Tyrell also wasn't the representative sent to Braavos, but Ser Harys Swyft. Ser Harys is sent after Ser
Kevan Lannister assumes power, not as Hand of the King, but as Lord Regent.
Maisie Williams (Arya) had to actually have some oyster-shucking lessons; moreover, the gloves she wears are actually
functional, because oyster shells are very sharp.
The oysters that Arya sells to the Thin Man were actually filled with mushrooms because the actor playing him is a
vegetarian. The oysters that Maisie is eating when she sees Meryn Trant arriving for the first time were actually made
from bits of chicken.[10]

When Arya is in the brothel she takes payment in "coppers" and "silvers". Braavos doesn't use the same Currency that the
Seven Kingdoms do, based on the "Gold Dragon" coin and its denominations, the Silver Stag and Copper Penny. In fact,
Braavosi currency takes the form of square iron coins - and these have appeared prominently in the TV series since
Season 3. That being said, not much is known about the Braavosi currency system, and it is entirely possible that just as
the overall "Gold Dragon" currency system in Westeros has smaller denominations that use other metals, the Braavosi
currency system might also have denominations in copper and silver coins. Alternatively, these might have been other
Lannister guardsmen, out of uniform, visiting the brothel and just offering to pay in Gold Dragon denominations.
The exterior shots of the Iron Bank of Braavos building that Tycho Nestoris and Mace walk towards was a local church that
the production team wasn't actually allowed to walk inside of. Notice that when Arya watches Tycho, Mace, and Meryn,
while they appear to be walking in and out of the building, they are actually just miming it - the doorway itself is always off-
Mace Tyrell and Meryn Trant were ordered by Cersei to leave for Braavos five episodes ago in "Sons of the Harpy". It
doesn't take that long to travel between King's Landing and Braavos, because they are relatively close across the Narrow
Sea (Braavos is a bit further north, around the same latitude as the northern coast of the Vale). Given that the scenes set in
Braavos are not directly connected to scenes in other parts of the world (immediately reacting to letters, etc.), it is possible
that they are just not being shown synchronized with the same day events occur in scenes set in King's Landing in the
same episode, but their presentation to viewers is spaced out for dramatic pacing (when Jon Snow doesn't appear for a full
episode it doesn't mean he just sat around for a few weeks doing nothing). Mace is directly asked how his voyage went,
and he says it was fine, not mentioning any delays.
There was no "King Maegor the Third" in the A Song of Ice and Fire novels, as Mace Tyrell describes, who tried to outlaw
money-lending throughout the Seven Kingdoms. There was only one King Maegor, second son of Aegon the Conqueror,
who was an infamous tyrant - to the point that history popularly remembers him as "Maegor the Cruel". He has been
mentioned several times in the TV series since Season 1. While she didn't mention him by name, when Cersei and the 13/17
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High Sparrow discuss how the Targaryens disbanded the Faith Militant over two hundred years ago, it was actually Maegor
who ruthlessly warred with the Faith of the Seven to crush their military order. In the generations after his death, Maegor
was so infamous - he was called "Maegor the Cruel" after all - that the Targaryens avoided ever naming one of their
children after him again (except the son of Aerion Brightflame, Maester Aemon's older brother, but Aerion was wildly
insane). There are four possibilities: First, that this was a script error; Second, that the actor himself flubbed the line and it
wasn't caught in post-production; Third, that the writers intentionally had Mace mix up his historical facts as a subtle in-joke
to make him look foolish, and finally, that the scriptwriters intentionally decided to invent a new "King Maegor the Third"
(and by extension a Maegor the Second) in the TV continuity.
Similarly, back in Season 4's "Breaker of Chains", Tywin listed off several kings such as Baelor Targaryen and Robert
Baratheon, but also "King Orys the First" - even though there was never a king on the Iron Throne named Orys. That
instance could be explained by saying that this "Orys the First" was an infamous local king of the Stormlands,
because Tywin never said that he was a king on the Iron Throne. However, in this episode Mace says fairly clearly
that this "Maegor the Third" apparently ruled over all of the Seven Kingdoms and thus sat on the Iron Throne, making
it less easy to explain.
Game of Thrones Wiki managed to contact George R.R. Martin to ask about this reference to "Maegor the Third", but
he politely responded that had no more idea about it than we do, because the scriptwriters hadn't mentioned it to him.
He suspected that it might be a mistake, as the TV writers would be reluctant to invent new kings into the timeline,
but also allowed that it might have been a subtle in-joke that Mace is getting his history wrong in-universe - but
ultimately he really didn't know the story behind "Maegor the Third".[12]
Game of Thrones Wiki also managed to contact actor Roger Ashton-Griffiths (Mace Tyrell), who confirmed that
"Maegor the Third" is what was written in the script.[13]

A wide array of cultures are represented by the different fighters in the pit. Jorah Mormont first faces a Norvoshi bearded
priest armed with his long axe, then a Braavosi water dancer, having himself killed a dothraki warrior.
"The Dance of Dragons" won several Emmy Awards for 2015:[14]
Outstanding Special Visual Effects
Outstanding Single-Camera Picture Editing For A Drama Series

In the books

See: Differences between books and TV series - Season 5#The Dance of Dragons

The episode is adapted from the following chapter of A Storm of Swords:

Chapter 72, Jaime IX: Jaime's poor handwriting is criticized.

The episode is adapted from the following chapter of A Feast for Crows:
Chapter 40, The Princess in the Tower: Prince Doran releases the mastermind behind the plot to start a war between
Dorne and the Iron Throne, though she is furious and remains defiant.
The episode is adapted from the following chapters of A Dance with Dragons:
Chapter 7, Jon I: Stannis offers the Night's Watch support to man the nineteen castles along the Wall.
Chapter 35, Jon VII: The giant Wun Wun and some wildling men follow Jon Snow to Castle Black, and they are let in
through the gate, though the men of the Night’s Watch are reticent to let a giant in.
Chapter 38, The Watcher: The Sand Snakes are released. Prince Doran hosts Cersei’s Kingsguard, drinks in the
name of King Tommen and agrees to have the Kingsguard take Princess Myrcella back to King’s Landing,
accompanied by Trystane. Ellaria Sand says she is tired of the cycle of vengeance. Doran demands the conspirators
to swear their allegiance or else —and they do, reluctantly. The Prince chooses a relative to take on the position
Oberyn had briefly held in the small council before his death. 14/17
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Chapter 49, Jon X: Tormund returns to the Wall with thousands of wildlings.
Chapter 51, Theon I: Reluctantly, Roose Bolton lets out a host to fight Stannis in the snow.
Chapter 52, Daenerys IX: In celebration of the marriage between Daenerys and Hizdahr and the reopening of the
fighting pits, a gladiatorial celebration is held at Daznak's Pit. During the games, an attempt is made on Daenerys’s
life, believed to be perpetrated by the Sons of the Harpy, and just then Drogon appears. Many try to kill the dragon
and die in the attempt. Daenerys runs into the arena, shouting at Drogon. Although Drogon shows some aggression
towards her, she subdues him until he allows her to mount him. Then, she rips out a spear pierced in his side. Drogon
flies away with Daenerys, who looks back on the city of Meereen beneath her, while in her thoughts she commands
him to fly.
Chapter 57, Tyrion XI: Tyrion witnesses the events at Daznak’s Pit.
Chapter 58, Jon XII: Jon lets over thousands of Free Folk through the Wall at Castle Black, despite the misgivings of
most of the Night's Watch. While watching the wildlings pass through the wall, Jon discusses the White Walkers,
which the group encountered on the way to the Wall.
Chapter 62, The Sacrifice: Stannis’s camp is left stranded by the heavy snowstorm in their way to Winterfell —All
men are hungry and many are dying, both among the men and the horses, which they are resorting to eating now, as
the food supply is lacking. Stannis finally relents and authorizes a sacrifice to be made for the Lord of Light in the
hopes the storm will dissipate, which he watches silently. The sacrificed ones beg for mercy, but in vain.
Chapter 64, The Ugly Little Girl: In her disguise of the orphan girl who sells oysters, clams and cockles in the canals
of Braavos, Arya follows the conman she is charged with assassinating.
Chapter 70, The Queen’s Hand: The Sons of the Harpy resume their attacks against Daenerys’s people.

The sixth novel, The Winds of Winter, remains unpublished, so there are some events brought forward from it that may
occur in the story, yet the specific chapters are unknown. This may include Sansa’s wedding and her return to Winterfell,
both of which are also part of Littlefinger's plan in the books but have not happened yet. The meeting of Tyrion and
Daenerys has been confirmed to take place in the sixth book, as well as the resolution to the Battle in the snow between
Stannis and the Boltons, and Shireen’s death. The episode is adapted from the following chapters of The Winds of Winter:
Chapter unknown, Mercy: While disguised, Arya chances on a Lannister lackey in her kill list, who is guarding the
recently chosen Master of Coin sent to Braavos to negotiate the Crown's debt with the Iron Bank. Arya follows her
target and learns that he has an interest in child prostitutes.

Memorable Quotes
Alliser Thorne: "You have a good heart, Jon Snow. It'll get us all killed."

Doran Martell: "Many in Dorne want war but I've seen war. I've seen the bodies piled on the battlefields. I've seen the orphans
starving in the cities. I don't want to lead my people into that Hell."

Ellaria Sand: "No, you want to break bread with the Lannisters."
Doran Martell: "And that is precisely what we're doing. Let us drink to Tommen, the First of His Name, King of the Andals and
the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms!" [They all drink except Ellaria, who deliberately tilts her cup over, spilling wine over
the floor.] "King Tommen insists on his sister's return to the Capital."
Jaime Lannister: "I'm afraid he does."
Doran Martell: "I cannot disobey my King's command. She will return with you to King's Landing and my son, Prince Trystane,
will accompany you both. If the alliance between Dorne and the Iron Throne is to continue their engagement must stand."
Jaime Lannister: I accept.
Doran Martell: "One more thing. My brother was named to the Small Council before his death. Your father understood the
importance of keeping Dorne in the fold. With Oberyn gone, Trystane will take his place on the Small Council." 15/17
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Jaime Lannister: "You have my word."

Ellaria Sand: "The word of a Kingslayer!" [Stands up, walks to Doran.] "No wonder you can't stand! You have no spine!"
Doran Martell: [Grabs her wrist hard.] "You are mother of four of my nieces, girls I love very much. For their sake, I hope you live
a long and happy life. Speak to me that way again, and you won't."

Doran Martell: "Your rebellion is over. You can swear your allegiance to me now or you can die." [After a long pause, Ellaria
kneels and tearfully kisses Doran's ring; she raises her head and stares at him.] "I believe in second chances. I don't believe in
third chances."

Elllaria Sand: "You think I disapprove? Why? Because people disapprove of that sort of thing where you are from? They
disapproved of Oberyn and me, where you are from. Here no one blinked an eye. A hundred years ago, no one would have
blinked an eye at you if you'd been named Targaryen. It's always changing, who we're supposed to love and who we're not. The
only thing that stays the same is that we want who we want."


Beautiful Death poster

See also
The Dance of Dragons on Wikipedia

The Dance of Dragons on IMDb

The Dance of Dragons on A Wiki of Ice and Fire

1. ↑ [1]
2. ↑ Twitter account (Warning: graphic video of bulls being stabbed to death)
3. ↑ [2]
4. ↑ [3]
5. ↑ [4]
6. ↑ [5]
7. ↑ [6]
8. ↑ [7] 16/17
9/2/2020 The Dance of Dragons | Game of Thrones Wiki | Fandom

9. ↑ [8]
10. ↑ Season 5 Blu-ray commentary
11. ↑ Season 5 Blu-ray commentary
12. ↑ So Spake Martin, June 9, 2015
13. ↑ [9]
14. ↑ [10]

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