AI PROJECT CYCLE Neural Networks

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Topics to be Deep Learning and Neural Network

covered Application and Advantages of Neural Network

Working of ANN
Deep Learning:- Machines can draw meaningful inferences from large volume of datasets. In Deep Learning, the

machine trained with a huge amount of data which helps it train itself. Deep Learning is machine learning

algorithm that is inspired by the functionality of our brain cells called neurons. For example, Google Translate,

image recognition in social media apps.

Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning Deep Learning
AI aims at making a machine Aims at making a machine that can Aims at building neural networks
that mimics human intelligence. learn through data and solve that can help in discovering patterns
complex problems. or trends.
It is a subset of Data Science. It is a subset of AI. It is a subset of ML
It is the simulation of It is the training of machines to It is the process of using artificial
intelligence in machines. take decisions with experience. neural networks for solving complex
Application of Neural Network
➢ Facial Recognition:- Cameras or Smartphones these days can estimate the age of the person on their facial


➢ Forecasting:- Neural Networks are trained to understand the patterns and detect the possibility of rainfall or rise in

stock prices with high accuracy.

➢ Music Composition:- Neural Networks can even learn patterns in music and train themselves enough to compose

fresh tunes.
Advantages of Neural Network
➢ Parallel Processing Capability:- Artificial Neural Network is a very powerful system that can perform more than

one job at the same time.

➢ Data is stored on the entire network:- Since the data is available on the entire network so if any node is down or

unavailable the whole system will not stop working.

➢ Capable of learning from non-linear and complex data:- The data can be complex and non-linear for ANN to use it

to generate the desired output.

Working of Artificial Neural Network
Input layer In this layer, we insert data.

Multiple Invisible layer which processes all the input

hidden layer data.

Output layer Gives output of data that was inserted.

Working of Artificial Neural Network
ANN is made of up 3 Layers:- Input, Hidden and Output.

➢ The Input layer accepts the inputs in several different formats provided by the programmers and
feed it to neural network. No processing takes place in Input Layer.

➢ The layer present between Input and Output Layer is called Hidden Layer. Each Node of the
hidden layer has its own machine algorithm which it executes on data received from input layer.
There can be multiple layer of Hidden Layer.

➢ The processed data by the hidden layers is passed onto the output layer which then gives the final
output to the user. No processing takes place in Output Layer.

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