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Bricks Reading 300 Workbook

(Level 2)

Answer Key

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01 Math in Alice in Wonderland 02 How Old Is Superman?

03 Secrets behind a Frog’s Tongue 04 Saving the Rhinoceros – Mission Impossible?

05 Ancient Egyptian Mathematics 06 Gauss’s Trick

07 Sign Language 08 Dionysia: The First Drama Competition

09 A Forced Exile 10 The Treasures of Troy

11 A Soccer Player Who Helped End a War 12 Dangerous Adventure: Extreme Sports

13 Is Bug Spray Dangerous? 14 Too Much Texting Linked to Pain

15 Break the Way We Think 16 Silent Beauty of Underwater Museums

17 Who Came Up With the Equals Sign? 18 The Father of Mathematics

19 Pro Bono: For the Public Good 20 A Special Way to Help Others

01 Math in Alice in Wonderland

Vocabulary Check Up

1. 수의

2. 관점

3. 훌륭한

4. ~에 갇히다, 빠지다

5. 힘든, 까다로운

6. ~을 다루다

7. 발견하다, 생각해내다

8. 기이한, 특이한

1. found out 2. deal with 3. adventures 4. brilliant

1. a 2. a 3. c

Comprehension Check Up
1. d 2. b

Writing Practice
1. (A) stuck in (B) probably (C) numeral (D) bizarre
2. She kept getting them wrong because of the strange numeral system.

02 How Old Is Superman?

Vocabulary Check Up

1. 보통의

2. 등장하다, 출연하다

3. (발행물, 출판물의) 호

4. 차단하다

5. 행성

6. 조정하다, 조절하다

7. 순식간에, 당장

8. 원천, 근원

1. beloved 2. normal 3. adjust 4. planets

1. c 2. c 3. d

Comprehension Check Up
1. b 2. b

Writing Practice
1. (A) normal (B) beloved (C) starred (D) silly
name age job answer
Superman 31 superhero Superman is a 31-year-old superhero.
me 13 student I am a 13-year-old student.

03 Secrets behind a Frog’s Tongue

Vocabulary Check Up

1. (충격을) 흡수하다

2. 눈을 깜박이다

3. 발견, 발견된 것

4. 궁금한, 호기심이 많은

5. (무엇을 찾으려고) 뒤지다, 캐다

6. 정확한, 정밀한

7. 침, 타액

8. 끈적거리는

1. discovery 2. blinked 3. Saliva 4. precise

1. b 2. d 3. a

Comprehension Check Up
1. a 2. d

Writing Practice
1. (A) brains (B) blow (C) blink (D) falling off
2. First, the softness allows it to wrap around the insect, like a glove.

04 Saving the Rhinoceros – Mission Impossible?

Vocabulary Check Up

1. 인식, 자각

2. 사육 상태

3. 구별하다

4. 멸종된

5. 밀렵하다

6. 사치(품)

7. (근거 없는) 미신, 통념

8. 돌아다니다, 배회하다

1. captivity 2. roam 3. awareness 4. extinct

1. c 2. a 3. a

Comprehension Check Up
1. b 2. d

Writing Practice
1. (A) earth (B) fewer (C) awareness (D) population
2. to prevent them from going extinct

05 Ancient Egyptian Mathematics

Vocabulary Check Up

1. 번성, 번창

2. 홍수, 범람

3. 건축물, 구조

4. 국가

5. (결과적으로) ~을 낳다, 야기하다

6. 믿을 수 없는, 놀라운

7. 업적, 성취, 성과

8. 건축, 건설

1. incredible 2. prosperity 3. accomplishments 4. flooding

1. a 2. d 3. b

Comprehension Check Up
1. c 2. c

Writing Practice
1. (A) ancient (B) structures (C) statue (D) construction
2. The pyramids were used as the tombs of the Egyptian kings.

06 Gauss’s Trick

Vocabulary Check Up

1. 계산

2. 과제, 숙제

3. 분야

4. 즉시, 곧

5. 짝

6. 천재, 귀재

7. 의심하다, 추측하다

8. (시간, 공간을) 차지하다, 채우다, 사용하다

1. field 2. assignments 3. immediately 4. occupied

1. c 2. b 3. d

Comprehension Check Up
1. a 2. d

Writing Practice
1. (A) immediately (B) genius (C) field (D) best
2. That’s because he was able to solve the difficult problem very quickly.

07 Sign Language

Vocabulary Check Up

1. 지적인, 똑똑한

2. 기꺼이 ~하다

3. 발전, 진보

4. 자신감

5. 추정하다

6. 연구원

7. 나아지다, 발전하다, 개선되다

8. 자극하다, 격려하다

1. willing to 2. self-confidence 3. assumed 4. researchers

1. b 2. b 3. c

Comprehension Check Up
1. d 2. a

Writing Practice
1. (A) mute (B) helpful (C) also (D) willing
2. It stimulates our brain’s language abilities.
It allows us to express ourselves.
It helps us increase our self-esteem.

08 Dionysia: The First Drama Competition

Vocabulary Check Up

1. 선택하다, 고르다

2. 조직하다, 구성하다

3. 관중, 청중, 관객

4. 제출하다

5. 시민

6. 추첨

7. 수확, 추수

8. 영예, 영광

1. honor 2. harvest 3. organize 4. lottery

1. d 2. b 3. a

Comprehension Check Up
1. c 2. b

Writing Practice
1. (A) organize (B) submit (C) selected (D) considered
2. It was famous for its drama competition.

09 A Forced Exile

Vocabulary Check Up

1. 간신히 해내다

2. 강요하다, 억지로 시키다

3. 비극

4. 버리다

5. 이민자, 이주민

6. 혈통, 출신

7. 망명, 추방

8. 극복하다, 이기다

1. forced 2. destination 3. immigrants 4. hardships

1. d 2. a 3. b

Comprehension Check Up
1. a 2. c

Writing Practice
1. (A) hardships (B) managed (C) rebuilt (D) neighboring
2. Many people died because they did not have much food to eat. / Many people died because of hunger.

10 The Treasures of Troy

Vocabulary Check Up

1. 은퇴하다

2. 마음을 사로잡다

3. 구리, 동

4. 전설

5. 발굴

6. 고고학자

7. 원래의, 본래의

8. 어리석은, 부조리의

1. archeologist 2. legend 3. excavation 4. retired

1. c 2. c 3. c

Comprehension Check Up
1. a 2. d

Writing Practice
1. (A) excavation (B) copper (C) treasures (D) proof
2. His dream was to show the world that Troy was real.

11 A Soccer Player Who Helped End a War

Vocabulary Check Up

1. 지역

2. 분리하다

3. 자격을 갖추다

4. 승인하다, 찬성하다

5. 긍정적인

6. 경쟁하다

7. 배경

8. 투쟁, 싸움

1. qualified 2. competed 3. region 4. backgrounds

1. a 2. c 3. d

Comprehension Check Up
1. b 2. c

Writing Practice
1. (A) struggle (B) divide (C) separate (D) religion
2. He was a soccer player and he helped bring his divided nation together.

12 Dangerous Adventure: Extreme Sports

Vocabulary Check Up

1. 피하다

2. 극복하다, 정복하다

3. (엎드려) 기다, 기어가다

4. 극한의, 극도의

5. 격렬한, 강렬한

6. 방해물, 장애물

7. 낙하산

8. 줄이다, 감소시키다

1. intense 2. avoiding 3. obstacles 4. fabric

1. d 2. d 3. b

Comprehension Check Up
1. c 2. b

Writing Practice
1. (A) dangerous (B) such as (C) fearlessly (D) playground
2. That’s because they crawl up and down pipes and jump from rooftop to rooftop, using only their bodies like
ninjas do.

13 Is Bug Spray Dangerous?

Vocabulary Check Up

1. 가려운

2. 곤충

3. 부적절하게

4. 바르다

5. 독성이 있는

6. 효과적인

7. 따갑게 하다, 쓰리게 하다

8. 발명하다

1. invented 2. sting 3. improperly 4. apply

1. b 2. d 3. a

Comprehension Check Up
1. b 2. b

Writing Practice
1. (A) insects (B) sting (C) itchy (D) harmful
2. It leaves us with painful or itchy bite marks.

14 Too Much Texting Linked to Pain

Vocabulary Check Up

1. 구부리다, 숙이다

2. 질환, 이상, 장애

3. 빈번한, 잦은

4. 지침

5. 신체의

6. (사람들과) 사귀다, 어울리다

7. 아프게 하다, 삐다, 접지르다

8. (팔, 다리 등을) 뻗다, 펴다

1. physical 2. socialize 3. personal 4. disorder

1. c 2. b 3. d

Comprehension Check Up
1. a 2. d

Writing Practice
1. (A) straight (B) breaks (C) daily usage (D) turn off

2. for another hour after you wake up

15 Break the Way We Think

Vocabulary Check Up

1. 예술작품, 미술품

2. 이의를 제기하다, 도전하다

3. 작곡가

4. 텅 빔, 빈 것/곳

5. 고무시키는, 영감을 주는

6. 입자, 작은 조각

7. (음악) 음

8. 속삭이다

1. instruments 2. particles 3. emptiness 4. artworks

1. a 2. c 3. d

Comprehension Check Up
1. c 2. d

Writing Practice
1. (A) empty (B) images (C) painting (D) creative
2. We can see many things such as the shadows of the viewers, the lights, and particles.

16 Silent Beauty of Underwater Museums

Vocabulary Check Up

1. 이야기하다, 연설하다

2. 명물, 명소, 볼거리

3. 현재의, 지금의

4. 결합하다, 조합하다

5. (~하도록) 권하다, 장려하다

6. 해양의, 바다의

7. 초상화, 인물 사진

8. 조각(품)

1. address 2. sculptures 3. attraction 4. threat

1. a 2. c 3. b

Comprehension Check Up
1. b 2. d

Writing Practice
1. (A) beneath (B) with (C) represents (D) return
2. It tries to make people pay attention to climate change.

17 Who Came Up With the Equals Sign?

Vocabulary Check Up

1. ~을 인식하다, 알다

2. 도입하다, 소개하다

3. 뛰어난, 비범한

4. 의학

5. 교육을 받은, 학식 있는, 많이 배운

6. 상징, 기호

7. 과정, 교과 과정

8. 기본의, 초급자의

1. educated 2. introduced 3. medicine 4. extraordinary

1. d 2. a 3. b

Comprehension Check Up
1. b 2. b

Writing Practice
1. (A) right away (B) In fact (C) century (D) preferred
2. It took more than a hundred years before people used Recorde’s symbol because many preferred using
other symbols.

18 The Father of Mathematics

Vocabulary Check Up

1. 거닐다, 돌아다니다

2. ~을 임대하다, 빌리다

3. 공식

4. 이론

5. 증명, 증거

6. 과목

7. ~을 놀리다

8. 인물

1. Making fun of 2. charges 3. formulas 4. subject

C. 1. b 2. d 3. c

Comprehension Check Up
1. a 2. d

Writing Practice
1. (A) wandering (B) subjects (C) made fun of (D) theories
2. Thales was very talented. However, other people believed that his knowledge was only good for theories.

19 Pro Bono: For the Public Good

Vocabulary Check Up

1. ~을 요구하다, 기대하다

2. 도망가다, 탈출하다

3. 실용적인

4. 법정

5. 위협하다

6. ~할 여유가 되다

7. 망명자, 난민

8. (소송) 사건

1. desired 2. court 3. refugees 4. threatened

C. 1. d 2. b 3. a

Comprehension Check Up
1. c 2. b

Writing Practice
1. (A) expected (B) afford (C) desire (D) practical
2. In order to get a pro bono lawyer, they must not have money to pay for the legal fees and the case has to
be strong.

20 A Special Way to Help Others

Vocabulary Check Up

1. 직접적으로

2. (진행, 전개 과정을) 추적하다

3. 확인하다, 분명히 하다

4. 장단점

5. 가난, 빈곤

6. 수송하다, 운송하다

7. 자선

8. 예산, (지출 예상) 비용

1. directly 2. confirm 3. positive 4. transport

1. c 2. a 3. b

Comprehension Check Up
1. a 2. b

Writing Practice
1. (A) effects (B) dependent (C) evidence (D) pros and cons
2. That’s because the recipients might waste the money or simply become dependent on donations.


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