At a Glance+Guide+to+Write+Like+You+Speak

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At-A-Glance Guide To

Writing Like You Speak

1.The simple trick that will make your copy
a 100% more interesting.
2.5 instant tips for writing more
conversational copy.
3.The one thing you MUST do to nail truly
convincing sales copy.

The simple trick that will make your copy 100% more interesting

Imagine you're in a coffee shop, enjoying

a slice of slice of berry cheesecake and
chatting with a good friend.

You've just taken on a new client and

you're explaining what they do. Would
you say this…

drag andand
websitewebsite builder
builder utilises an
utilisesintegrated ecommerce ecommerce
an integrated
allowing users
platform and responsive
to createallowing
themes, an optimal viewing
to create
Seriously, nobody talks like
without any technical knowledge.
an optimal viewing experience, without any this!
technical knowledge.”
You’re friend is gonna lose the
will to live!
So why do so many people WRITE
like this?
As soon as people put hand to keyboard, they sound
completely unnatural. Like robots.

Which makes their copy hard for people to read.

And when that happens your readers lose interest and your copy
becomes useless at selling anything.

The simple trick?

Write like you’re actually in that coffee shop with your friend.

Write like Writing in a conversational tone changes everything. And

it’s the only way you’re going to get people to read and
• Keep it casual.
you speak absorb what you’re saying.

• EVEN if you're So forget everything you were taught at school and write
like you speak.Because when you do, your writing will be
B2B products!
more interesting and you’re gonna be 95% ahead of most

So keep it casual. EVEN if you’re selling B2B products!

Pause the video and have a go at rewriting the

MadeUpCo copy.

MadeUpCo’s drag and drop website builder It doesn't matter if you don't understand what they do, be
utilises an integrated ecommerce platform and creative and try to rewrite it as if you’re telling a friend.See
responsive themes, allowing users to create an you in a few minutes…
optimal viewing experience, without any
technical knowledge. How did you get on?

Did you make it sound more casual and conversational?

Let me show you my version.

With MadeUpCo’s drag and drop website

See how this is instantly more compelling?
builder, you can build beautiful responsive By making your copy more conversational,
websites and online stores, in minutes. No it sounds less robotic, and more like you’re
coding required.
talking to a human being.

Conversational copy boosts

conversions In a peanut shell:
conversational copy
boosts conversions.
So write like you speak.
5 tips for crafting conversational copy
1.Always write for one person:
You want to make your reader feel like you’re
addressing them personally. (And by the way
this is where your buyer persona comes in really

So instead of writing: Thank you to THOSE OF

YOU who completed the survey. Which sounds
like you’re talking to a crowd.

Write: Thank YOU for completing the survey.

2 : Use simple language

If people have to decode what you’re saying,
they’re not ABSORBING what you’re saying

So don’t try to be clever, with long, complex

words. And don’t assume more words is better.

In a nutshell:

Be helpful, and use simple words

Be generous, and keep it concise!

(If in doubt, imagine you’re talking to a class-

room of kids.

OK, so what I want you to do is replace each word in this list with something easier to understand.
I’ll give you the first one for free, so instead of advantageous, you’d write helpful.
Pause the video now and replace each word with a simpler alternative. Go on, give it a try!
Seriously, business jargon and industry speak is a big no-no in sales copy. So eradicate it completely. Or
should I say, get rid of it completely!

Advantageous Helpful
Facilitate Ease, help
Leverage Use
Optimum Best, greatest, most
Participate Take part
Subsequent Later, next
With exception of Except for
Let’s circle back around Let’s talk about that tomorrow
“You are invited to the launch of
Tom's Burger Hut on Saturday.” 3: Ask questions
TRY: Posing questions helps your reader process what you're
“Free on Saturday? Love burgers? saying more intensely. Which automatically makes your
writing more persuasive.
Join us for the launch of Tom's
Burger Hut.”

4: Use short sentences and paragraphs

And yes you can start sentences with And, But or
Remove sentence bloaters such as really, very,
almost, probably etc.
Break long sentences into parts.
Aim for no more than 13 words per sentence. Or less.
Remove sentence bloaters such as really, very, almost,
probably etc.

“We are” becomes “We’re” 5) Use contractions

“She is” becomes “She’s” Contractions make your copy sound more human.

We’re going to the cinema, sounds more realistic than

“You will” becomes “You’ll” we are going to the cinema. Without these, you sales
copy will sound wooden and forced, so use this sur-
“Are not” becomes “Aren’t” prisingly powerful trick to engage your reader.

Record yourself talking, then write down EXACTLY what you said…
…It’ll guide you towards a more conversational style.
And, when you’ve finished, read your copy aloud. If it doesn’t sound natural… REWRITE IT!

Also, keep an eye out when you’re reading other people’s copy, you’ll start to notice how
jarring something sounds when they don’t use these techniques. Writing like this gets
easier with practice, so go out there and have fun!

You’ve just learned:

1.That conversational copy will make your writing 100% more interesting.
2.5 tips for writing copy that sounds authentic, personal and engaging.
3.To always read your copy aloud to get the best tone and flow

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