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A ~ Ampere ~ Current measurement unit

A ~ Anchor ~ HTML� tag, a link to another location

A/N/K ~ alphabetic, numeric, katakana ~ Pertaining to alphabetic, numeric, or
a+ ~ a+ ~ Pronounced A plus, a certification developed by the Computing Technology
Industry Association (CompTIA) to validate vendor-neutral skills for entry-level
technicians. Holders of the A+ certification have been trained in installing,
troubleshooting, maintaining, customizing and operating PCs.
a11y ~ accessibility ~ There are eleven letters between the �a� and the �y�.
A2A ~ application-to-application ~ An approach to enterprise application
integration that
provides visibility into internal systems, so that these systems can share
information or
business processes.
AA ~ anti-aliasing ~ the technique of minimizing the distortion artifacts known as
when representing a high-resolution signal at a lower resolution
AA ~ automated attendant ~ A device, typically attached to a private branch
exchange or
voice mail system, that answers incoming calls.
AAA ~ authentication, authorization, and accounting ~ Also pronounced �triple a.�
to a framework for intelligently controlling access to computer resources,
policies, auditing usage, and providing the information necessary to bill for
AAB ~ All-to-all broadcast ~ the process where every node broadcasts its
information to
all other nodes.
AAC ~ Advanced Audio Coding ~ an audio compression format newer and more efficient
than MP3, used internally by iTunes and Nintendo Wii
AAC ~ ATM access concentrator ~ A device used to concentrate a variety of services
(such as frame relay, Internet Protocol and video) over a single ATM network access
AAL ~ ATM adaptation layer ~ The ATM layer where non-ATM data is converted to
ATM format. The AAL serves as the �glue� that connects traditional packet and frame
structures with short, fixed-length ATM cells.
AARP ~ AppleTalk Address Resolution Protocol ~ Provides for the dynamic assignment
of node identifiers to nodes within an AppleTalk network.
AAS ~ Auto Area Segmentation ~ Scanner technology which detects and optimizes text
and graphics on the same page by Epson.
AAT ~ Average Access Time ~ The average amount of time it takes for a storage
peripheral to transfer data to the CPU.
AAUI ~ Apple Attachment Unit Interface ~ A 14-position, 0.050-inch-spaced ribbon
contact connector.
ABAP ~ Advanced Business Application Programming ~ Powerful programming
language created specifically for developing SAP applications. The core development
in SAP�s R/3 system.
ABC ~ activity-based costing ~ An approach to understanding where and why costs are
incurred within an enterprise.
ABC ~ Atanasoff-Berry Computer ~ First digital calculating machine that used vacuum
ABEND ~ abnormal end ~ A type of system error in which a task or program fails to
execute properly (i.e., �abnormally ends�). The term is also used as the name for a
type of
error message that indicates such a failure has occurred.
ABEND ~ Absent By Enforced Net Deprivation ~ Sent in e-mail subject lines warning
friends and others of forced loss of Internet access
ABI ~ application binary interface ~ A set of specifications that enables an
written for one target OS and hardware platform to run on a different OS and
where the two hardware platforms share the same processor type.
ABLE ~ Agent Building and Learning Environment ~ A Java framework and toolkit for
constructing and deploying intelligent agents.
ABM ~ activity-based management ~ The use of ABC principles in the ongoing
management of costs and resources.
ABME ~ asynchronous balanced mode extended ~ In communications, an operational
mode in which modulus 128 sequence numbers are used.
ABR ~ Automatic Baud Rate detection ~ The process in which a receiving device
examines the first character of an incoming message to determines its speed, code
and stop bits.
ABR ~ available bit rate ~ An ATM service category. ABR service is conceptually
to that of a frame relay network - a minimal cell rate is guaranteed, and bursts
can be
supported if the network resources allow it.
AC97 ~ AC97 ~ The popular audio system from Realtek.
ACA ~ Australian Communications Authority ~ The Australian government body that
regulates the nation�s communications industries.
ACAP ~ Application Configuration Access Protocol ~ a standard for accessing program
configuration information from a remote server, allowing a user to use and change
configuration from any workstation by reading or writing the values on a central
Defined in RFC 2244.
ACC ~ Adaptive Cruise Control ~ Adaptive Cruise Control
ACC ~ Authorization Contract for Containers ~ Specification (JSR-115) that defines
new classes to satisfy the J2EE authorization model
ACCU ~ Association of C and C++ Users ~ A worldwide association of people who are
interested in C, C++, and related programming languages.
ACD ~ Automatic Call Delivery ~ feature that allows cellular & wireless phones to
receive incoming calls when roaming.
ACD ~ automatic call distributor or distribution ~ specialized phone system that
many incoming calls. ACDs are used for a variety of order-taking functions, such as
to help desks or dispatching of service technicians.
ACDI ~ Asynchronous Communications Device Interface ~ A software device that
permits asynchronous transmission, a way of transmitting data in which one
character is
sent at a time, and there may be uneven amounts of time between characters.
ACE ~ access control entry ~ a set of identities and permissions that are directly
associated with a particular resource. Each access control entry is directly
associated with
only one resource. More than one ACE can be associated with each resource.
ACE ~ Adobe Certified Expert ~ a professional who has demonstrated proficiency with
one or more Adobe software products.
ACE ~ Advanced CMOS-ECL ~ A high-end processor technology introduced by Hitachi
in the 1990s.
ACE ~ Agile Communication Environment ~ Nortel SIP-based platform acquired by
ACEE ~ access control environment element ~ In RACF, a control block containing
details of the current user, including user ID, current connect group, user
attributes, and
group authorities.
ACF ~ Advanced Communications Function ~ A family of IBM communications
programs that handle tasks such as resource sharing and distribution of functions.
include ACF/Virtual Telecommunications Access Method (ACF/VTAM) and
ACF/Network Control Program (ACF/NCP).
ACF2 ~ Access Control Facility 2 ~ A host-based security subsystem from CA
Computer Associates); also known as CA-ACF2.
ACG ~ adaptive code generation ~ A technology that enables a program that uses
processor features of a given system model to continue to work correctly when the
program is moved to another system model that does not have all the processor
features of
the original model.
ACH ~ automated clearinghouse ~ A type of funds transfer network that processes
and credit transactions between accounts from participating financial institutions.
ACI ~ access control information ~ Data that identifies the access rights of a
group or
ACID ~ atomicity, consistency, isolation, durability ~ Four well-established tests
verifying the integrity of business transactions in a data-processing environment.
ACK ~ acknowledgement ~ When a modem receives a data packet, it sends a signal back
to the sending modem. If all the data is present and correct, it sends an ACK
signal, which
acts as a request for the next data packet.
ACK ~ Acknowledgement ~ Transport and other layers - TCP/IP, for example. RFC 793
ACL ~ Access control list ~ A list of authorised users, processes or systems.
ACL ~ application connectivity link ~ A service that transmits out-of-band
between DirectTalk and the Siemens Hicom 300 switch.
ACL ~ Asianet Communications Limited ~ an Indian media conglomerate jointly owned
by STAR TV and Jupiter Entertainment.
ACL ~ Asynchronous Connectionless Link ~ type of data packet (data only).
ACL ~ Access control list ~ Security, application layer - Access control list,
ACM ~ Association for Computing Machinery ~ a worldwide association of computer
professionals headquartered in the United States.
ACM ~ Address Complete Message ~ Address Complete Message
ACMS ~ Application Control and Management System ~ A transaction-processing
monitor from Compaq (now part of Hewlett-Packard); originally a product of Digital
Equipment, which Compaq acquired in 1998.
acoustic coupler ~ acoustic coupler ~ A special type of modem that converts
energy (sound waves) into electrical energy, allowing a standard telephone handset
to be
attached to a computer or data terminal for data transmission.�
ACP ~ array control processor ~ A type of processor used in storage systems.
ACPI ~ Advanced Configuration and Power Interface ~ A standard developed by Intel,
Microsoft and Toshiba to improve PC power management and plug-and-play
ACR ~ Allowed Cell Rate ~ An ABR service parameter, ACR is the current rate in
cells/sec at which a source is allowed to send.
ACR ~ attenuation-to-crosstalk ratio ~ A measure of signal quality in network
ACRI ~ additional coding-related required information ~ A specification that is
by an encoding scheme to complete its definition, which extends beyond the
character set
and code page elements.
ACROSS ~ Automated Cargo Release and Operations Service System ~ Automated
Cargo Release and Operations Service System
ACS ~ Affiliated Computer Services, Inc ~ Xerox Corp.�s $6.4 billion acquisition of
Affiliated Computer Services Inc.
ACSE ~ Association Control Service Element ~ The method used in International
Organization for Standardization�s OSI for establishing a call between two
ACSLS ~ Automated Cartridge System Library Software ~ A Unix-based tape-
librarysharing system from Storage Technology.
ACT ~ access control template ~ a reusable named authorization pattern that you can
apply to multiple resources. An access control template consists of a list of users
groups and indicates, for each user or group, whether permissions are granted or
ActiveX ~ ActiveX ~ A Microsoft technology that facilitates various Internet
and therefore extends and enhances the functionality of Microsoft�s Internet
browser. Like Java, ActiveX enables the development of interactive content.
Activity Streams ~ Activity Streams ~ a publish/subscribe notification mechanism
provides frequent updates to subscribers about the activities or events that relate
to another
ACU ~ abstract code unit ~ A measurement used by the z/OS XL C/C++ compiler for
judging the size of a function. The number of ACUs that comprise a function is
proportional to its size and complexity.
AD ~ Active Directory ~ The directory service portion of the Windows 2000 operating
system. AD manages the identities and relationships of the distributed resources
that make
up a network environment.
AD ~ Administrative Domain ~ Defined in RFC 1136. On the Internet, a group of
networks, hosts, and routers operated by the same organization.
Ad Hoc Network ~ Ad Hoc Network ~ A decentralized wireless network in which each
node is capable of forwarding data to other nodes without relying on an established
point. An ad hoc network can be created spontaneously as needed and requires no
permanent infrastructure.
Ada ~ Ada ~ a programming language developed in the late 1970s for the U.S.
Department of Defense.
ADAPT ~ Architecture, Design, Analysis and Planning Tool ~ Architecture, Design,
Analysis and Planning Tool
ADB ~ Apple Desktop Bus ~ Port on the Macintosh for a keyboard, a mouse, and other
ADC ~ Advanced Direct Connect ~ a peer-to-peer file-sharing protocol, based on the
topology of the Direct Connect (DC) protocol.
ADC ~ Analog to Digital Converter ~ Often referred to A/D, the analog to digital
converter is an electronic device that transforms the analog signal to digital
signal, helping
interconnecting the two kinds of technology/gear.
ADC ~ automated data collection ~ The automated conversion of disparate types of
information into computer records. ADC devices and technologies include bar code
systems, optical character recognition and speech recognition.
ADCCP ~ Advanced Data Communications Control Procedures ~ A bit-oriented,
ANSIstandard communications link-layer protocol.
ADDM ~ Application Discovery and Dependency Mapping ~ BMC�s application
ADDM ~ Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor ~ analyzes the data in Oracle’s
Automatic Workload Repository (AWR) to discover the actual cause behind performance
ADE ~ Application Data Export ~ Technology by Oracle Databases
ADE ~ application development environment ~ An product that offers a range of tools
features (for example, for programming, interface development and testing) to
provide a
complete �environment� for developing applications.
ADF ~ Activity Decision Flow ~ The format in which models are exported from
WebSphere Business Integration Workbench into WebSphere Business Modeler.
ADF ~ Application Development Facility ~ An IBM program for developing IMS
ADF ~ automatic document feeder ~ a device for feeding documents into a SCANNER
automatically, sheet by sheet
ADI ~ Analog Devices, Inc. ~ leader in high performance signal processing solutions
ADI ~ Application Desktop Integrator ~ Spreadsheet-based extension of Oracle
Applications. It provides full-cycle accounting within the comfort and familiarity
of a
spreadsheet for General Ledger and Oracle Assets
ADK ~ Additional Decryption Key ~ Key to be able to decrypt data even if the
key owner is unwilling to provide the private key
ADL ~ Advanced Distributed Learning ~ A set of standards designed to facilitate the
sharing of learning objects across different learning management systems.
ADM ~ Agile development management ~ Agile development management
ADM ~ Application Development Manager� ~ Oracle Siebel�s product that reduce the
deployment efort and application downtime and to increase the application
ADMD ~ Administration Management Domain or Administrative Management Domain ~
A public e-mail message service that uses the X.400 protocol.
ADMF ~ Asynchronous Data Mover Facility ~ A IBM mainframe feature designed to
enhance system performance in data moves between central and expanded storage.
admin ~ ADMINISTRATOR ~ the account name used by the system administrator under
Windows NT and its successors
ADN ~ Advanced Digital Network ~ ADN refers to a 56Kbps leased-line.
ADN ~ application delivery networking ~ ADN is an approach and a suite of
that comprises application security, application acceleration and network
ADO ~ ActiveX Data Objects ~ A high-level data access object model introduced by
Microsoft in 1996.
ADP ~ Accidental Damage Protection ~ A hardware support agreement covering physical
damage to aproduct caused by or resulting from a fortuitous incident. Accidents
include liquid spills, drop impact, electrical surges, and accidental breakage.
ADPCM ~ adaptive differential pulse code modulation ~ A speech-coding method that
calculates the difference between two consecutive speech samples in standard pulse
modulation (PCM) coded telecommunications voice signals.
ADS ~ Active Directory Service ~ Windows 2000 network objects database that stores
each specific network item in a central database and that may be replicated
ADS ~ Asynchrous Data Switching ~ A PBX system that supports asynchronous data.
ADSI ~ Active Directory Services Interface ~ A Microsoft Active Directory feature
enables Windows 2000 applications to interact with other directory services without
need to know the details of the underlying protocols.
ADSI ~ Analog Display Services Interface ~ Protocol that simplifies use of advanced
features by displaying text messages, generated by a remote computer or central
switch, on a user�s telephone display or television set.
ADSL ~ Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line ~ A digital local loop using copper
and providing greater bandwidth in one direction than the other.
ADSL ~ asymmetric digital subscriber line ~ A method of connecting a computer to
internet over a standard voice phone line using ethernet� office networking
Most� broadbandconnections work this way. Asymmetric because it is faster from
internet to PC than the other way.
ADSL ~ Asymmetric digital subscriber line ~ Telecom - ITU-T G.992.5 Annex M, for
ADSM ~ ADSTAR Distributed Storage Manager ~ An IBM product which provides
services for backing up, archiving and restoring data files by allowing a central
workstation to act as a server for networked workstations and personal computers.
ADSR ~ Attack, Decay, Sustain, Release ~ the four parameters in a basic
While Sustain is a level control, the Attack, Decay and Release are time and
ratiodependant parameters. When a key is pressed, the Attack determines the ratio
with which
it reaches a top level and the begins to fall at the ratio of the Decay parameter
down to the
level set by the Sustain value.
ADSTAR ~ Automated Document Storage and Retrieval ~ IBM�s name for its storage
products business in the 1990s.
ADT ~ Abstract Data Type ~ a class of data structures described by means of a set
operations rather than by physical representation, such as a class in object-
ADT ~ admission, discharge and transfer ~ A category of hospital software. An ADT
system records admissions to, discharges from and transfers within a hospital, and
maintains the hospital census.
ADT ~ application deployment template ~ A combination of the logical deployment
template and the network topology template that describes the deployment of
modules on servers and clusters.
ADTG ~ Advanced Data Table Gram ~ Microsoft Proprietary binary format for storing
database data
ADUC ~ Active Directory Users and Computers ~ A snap-in in the Microsoft
Management Console (MMC)
Adwords ~ Adwords ~ an advertising service by Google for businesses wanting to
ads on Google and its advertising network. The AdWords program enables businesses
set a budget for advertising and only pay when people click the ads.
AEC ~ Architecture, Engineering, Construction ~ A computer graphics market
specialized applications that facilitate efficient planning, design, drafting, and
Aero ~ Aero ~ The new user interface for Windows Vista, except for the Start and
Basic editions.
AES ~ Advanced Encryption Standard ~ A competition is currently underway to define
public 256-bit symmetric encryption algorithm that will replace DES (Data
AES ~ Advanced Encryption Standard ~ Security - U.S. FIPS PUB 197
AF ~ Assured Forwarding ~ Using AF, a provider may offer different levels of
service for
IP packets received from a customer domain. Each AF class is allocated a specified
amount of buffer space and bandwidth
AF ~ audio frequency ~ a frequency within the range of human hearing, 20 to 20,000
AFAICS, AFAIK, AFAIR ~ As Far As I Can See/Know/Recall ~ Internet slang.
AFC ~ antiferromagnetically coupled ~ A type of storage media that uses an advanced
magnetic coating expected to dramatically increase HDD capacity. IBM shipped the
AVC-based storage products in 2001.
AFI ~ Authority and Format Identifier ~ This identifier is part of the network
address header.
AFIS ~ Automated Fingerprint Identification System ~ a biometric ID methodology
uses digital imaging technology to obtain, store, and analyze fingerprint data. The
was originally used by the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in criminal
AFK ~ Away From Keyboard ~ An example of Internet shorthand used in chat rooms,
EMail, and instant messages.
AFL ~ Academic Free License ~ permissive free software license written in 2002 by
Lawrence E. Rosen
AFM ~ Atomic Force Microscope ~ a powerful tool to manipulate matters at the
nanoscale. It is today used for imaging a wide range of surfaces such as glass,
ceramics, polymers and biological samples. AFM finds increasing application in
nanotechnology and biophysics.
AFP ~ Advanced Function Printing ~ An IBM all-points-addressable enterprisewide
AFP ~ Apple Filing Protocol ~ A client/server protocol used by Apple file service
to share
files and network services. AFP uses TCP/IP and other protocols to support
communication between computers on a network.
AGC ~ Automatic Gain Control ~ Most often used in audio circuits; an electronic
which automatically increases the volume when someone is speaking quietly and drops
the volume when someone is speaking loudly, to keep the transmitted signal
AGP ~ Accelerated Graphics Port ~ An Intel technology for desktop systems. It
system performance by offloading graphic requirements from the system bus to a bus
dedicated to video processing.
AHCI ~ Advanced Host Controller Interface ~ an interface specification that allows
storage driver to enable advanced SATA features such as Native Command Queuing and
hot plug.
AHP ~ analytical hierarchy process ~ A process that uses hierarchical decomposition
deal with complex information in multicriterion decision making, such as
technology vendor and product evaluation.
AI ~ Action Indicator ~ AI is an ISDN term
AI ~ Adobe Illustrator ~ AI is a draw program for Macintosh and Windows. It is
especially useful for technical drawing.
AI ~ artificial intelligence ~ AI is the use of computers to simulate human
Artificial intelligence is concerned with building computer programs that can solve
problems creatively
AIA ~ Application Integration Architecture ~ Application Integration Architecture
AID ~ attention identifier ~ A character in a data stream that is sent to the host
when a display station user presses an AID key. Typical AID keys are function keys
or the
Clear, Enter, Page Up, Page Down, Help, Print, and Home keys.
AIM ~ AOL Instant Messenger ~ an application that allows computer users to
with friends while online
AIN ~ Advanced Intelligent Network ~ Introduced by AT&T Network Systems in 1991,
AIN enables service providers to define, test and introduce new multimedia
personal-communication and cell-routing services.
AIO ~ all in one ~ These are printers that are a combination of various devices in
machine, including printer, scanner, fax machine and copier.
AIOD ~ Automatic Identified Outward Dialing ~ An option on a PBX that specifies the
extension number instead of the PBX number on outward calls. Used for internal
AIP ~ Advanced Inspection and� Prevention ~ Cisco ASA add-in modules
AIR ~ Additive Increase Rate ~ An ABR service parameter, AIR controls the rate at
which the cell transmission rate increases. It is signaled as AIRF, where AIRF =
air interface ~ air interface ~ a cellular industry term. It refers to the system
that ensures
compatibility between subscriber terminal equipment (i.e. cell phones and PDAs) and
stations. It involves the specification of channel frequencies and widths,
air PBX ~ air PBX ~ an IP-PBX system in which traditional PBX desk phones are
replaced by cell phones. The implementation can be via WLAN or cellular. Devices
software telephone (�softphone�) technology can use all functions provided by the
AIT ~ Advanced Intelligent Tape ~ An eight-millimeter helical-scan tape drive
and manufactured by Sony. Sony has differentiated its AIT drive from other 8-
tape drives with a unique media feature on the tape cartridge called memory in
AIUI ~ As I Understand It ~ Internet slang.
AIX ~ Advanced Interactive Executive ~ AIX is an operating system developed by IBM
and is in fact Unix-based.
Ajax ~ Asynchronous JavaScript and XML ~ A way of including content in a� web
page� in which� javascript� code in the web page fetches some data from a server
displays it without re-fetching the entire surrounding page at the same time (hence
AJP ~ Apache JServ Protocol ~ Binary, packet-oriented protocol bridging the web
with the servlet container. The web server attempts to maintain persistent TCP
to the servlet container, and to reuse a connection for multiple request/response
AL PA ~ Arbitrated Loop Physical Address ~ In Fibre Channel transmissions, an 8-bit
value used to identify a participating device in an arbitrated loop.
ALET ~ access list entry token ~ A token that serves as an index into an access
ALG ~ Application Layer Gateway ~ Used in conjuction with� NAT� to allow IP
address translation
ALGOL ~ ALGOrithmic Language ~ a pair of programming languages that had a strong
impact on programming language design.
ALI ~ Application layer interface ~ The ALI forms the interface for the application
in the OSI reference model. It provides a clearly defined separation of
communication and
ALM ~ Application Life Cycle Management ~ the facility for common process workflow
and consolidation of planning, management, measurement and reporting of work item
activities in the development process.
ALM ~ Asset Lifecycle Management ~ Asset Lifecycle Management
ALM ~ Asynchronous Line Multiplexer ~ A device that connects multiple terminals or
other serial interface devices to Sun network file servers or workstations. Also
known as
�multiple terminal interface.�
ALP ~ Application Layer Program / Protocol ~ A program or network protocol at the
Application Layer
ALSA ~ Advanced Linux Sound Architecture ~ Linux kernel component intended to
replace the original Open Sound System for providing drivers for sound cards.
ALT ~ alternative ~ Used in an HTML tag for the benefit of people using
browsers, or for people using a browser with graphics turned off.
ALT ~ ~ A top-level category of �alternative� USENET newsgroups.
ALT ~ ~ The Alt key on the keyboard of PC compatibles, typically used in
with other keys.
ALU ~ Alcatel-Lucent ~ A leader in fixed, mobile and converged broadband
IP and optics� technologies, applications and services
ALU ~ arithmetic logic unit ~ A CPU�s core element, which carries out arithmetic
always-on ~ always-on ~ An internet connection which remains on 24/7 such as ADSL
cable, rather than only connecting on demand like a dialup.
AM ~ Amplitude Modulation ~ A particular technology, most commonly used in radio
broadcasting, where blending a modulated signal into a carrier wave by varying the
amplitude of the carrier creates the final transmit frequency.
AMA ~ automatic message accounting ~ A function that automatically documents
data related to subscriber-dialed long-distance calls.
Amanda ~ (formerly) Advanced Maryland Automatic Network Disk Archiver ~ an open
source computer archiving tool that is able to back up data residing on multiple
on a network.
AMD ~ Active Matrix Display ~ LCD technology, used for computer screens, in which
there is a transistor for each pixel, which prevents losing image quality between
AMD ~ Advanced Microchip Devices ~ A semiconductor manufacturer and is a major
competitor of Intel. They manufacture the Athlon, Duron, and K6 CPU chips.�
AMD ~ architected model-driven ~ SOA� tools that automate models and rules
AME ~ Advanced Metal Evaporated ~ A media formulation manufactured by Sony for
use in its consumer and computer product lines.
ami ~ Analyze, Metricate, Improve ~ A method for software project management and
process improvement.
AMI ~ advanced metering� ~ utility-focused applications
AMI ~ infrastructure ~ Line coding format used on T1 facilities that transmits ones
alternate positive and negative pulses.
AMI ~ Alternate Mark Inversion ~ The programming interface provided by WebSphere
MQ that defines a high level interface to message queuing services.
AMI ~ Application Messaging Interface ~
AML ~ Anti-Money-Laundering ~ Verify the identity of any person seeking to open an
account, determine the source and destination of their funding, and check the
opener�s name against any government-provided lists of known or suspected
terrorists or
terrorist organizations.
AML ~ Astronomical Markup Language ~ A standardized format for exchange of
metadata related to astronomy. This language will enhance the ability of
astronomers to
retrieve scientific data, and make it possible for humans and intelligent agents to
use the
same information.
AMMA ~ Advanced Memory Management Architecture ~ Strategies for providing
sufficient memory to all the processes in a computer system, performed by the
management unit.
AMP ~ ampere (A) ~ a measurement of electrical current. One coulomb flowing per
AMP ~ amplifier ~ a term used for devices that increase output of sound or
voltage or current.
AMP ~ Asymmetric Multi-Processing ~ an option built into many current operating
systems to share CPU functions between two mirrored servers.
AMPS ~ Advanced Mobile Phone System ~ The original standard specification for
systems. Used primarily in North America, Latin America, Australia and parts of
and Asia.
AMR ~ Audio Modem Riser ~ an Intel specification that defines a new architecture
the design of motherboards.
AMR ~ Automatic meter reading ~ the technology of automatically collecting
consumption, diagnostic, and status data from water meter or energy metering
(water, gas, electric) and transferring that data to a central database for
troubleshooting, and analyzing.
AMRF ~ Action Message Retention Facility ~ A z/OS facility that, when active,
all action messages except those specified by the installation.
AMS ~ access method services ~ A multifunction utility named IDCAMS that is used to
manage catalogs, devices, and both VSAM and non-VSAM data sets.
AMS ~ Analog/Mixed-Signal ~ Analog/Mixed-Signal
AMS ~ Application Management Services ~ Application Management Services
AMT ~ Active Management Technology ~ Allows the IT team to better discover, heal,
and protect their networked computing assets
AMT ~ address mapping table ~ A table that provides a current mapping of node
addresses to hardware addresses.
AMTA ~ American Mobile Telecommunications Association ~ AMTA represents and
promotes the interest of specialized wireless communications, meeting the
informational and regulatory needs of licensees and related businesses. See them at
ANDF ~ Architecture-Neutral Distribution Format ~ an emerging OSF standard for
software distribution. Programs are compiled into ANDF before distribution, and
executables are produced from it for the local target system.
Android ~ Android ~ Linux based operating system that is backed by Google and the
other members of the Open Handset Alliance.
ANI ~ Automatic Number Identification ~ The number associated with the telephone
station from which switched calls are originated or terminated.
Anon FTP ~ Anonymous FTP ~ A method for downloading and uploading files using
FTP protocol without having a username or a password.� In place of a username, word
�anonymous� is used, and in place of a password, email address is usually used.
Anonymous ~ Anonymous ~ With no traceability; unable to ascertain the actual
of the claimed identity; very likely to imply naming that is intentionally opaque.
Anonymous ~ ~ Anonymous FTP: Service supported by many Internet hosts. Typically,
allows user to download documents, files, programs, and other publicly accessible
using FTP.
ANOVA ~ analysis of variance ~ A form of statistical analysis.
ANR ~ automatic network routing ~ In High-Performance Routing (HPR), a highly
efficient routing protocol that minimizes cycles and storage requirements for
network layer packets through intermediate nodes on the route.
ANSI ~ American National Standards Institute ~ the main industrial standardization
organization in the United States. There are official ANSI standards in almost all
industries, and many of them have to do with computers.
ANSI ~ American National Standards Institute ~ Organization - ANSI
antenna ~ antenna ~ A metallic device used to transmit and receive electromagnetic
waves. An antenna can be a passive or active device.
ANX ~ Automotive Network Exchange ~ Established by the Automotive Industry Action
Group to offer extranet-based applications to suppliers of Chrysler, Ford and
AOA ~ angle of arrival ~ Based on triangulation, a method of processing cellular
signals, AOA allows the physical position of switched-on wireless devices to be
AOCE ~ Apple Open Collaboration Environment ~ Macintosh System 7 extensions that
make it possible to share e-mail, directory, and other services in a multiplatform
AoE ~ Ata Over Ethernet ~ Network protocol designed for simple, high-performance
access of SATA storage devices over Ethernet networks. It gives the possibility to
SANs with low-cost, standard technologies
AOF ~ Advanced Open File ~ Backup exec option backs up open files during a backup
AOF ~ application object file ~ An ASCII text file that contains the names of the
description file and the component description files, which together describe the
management characteristics of an application.
AOL ~ America Online ~ AOL is founded in 1985, America Online, based in Dulles,
Virginia, was once the world�s leader in interactive services, We brands, Internet
technologies, and e-commerce services.�
AOL ~ Application Object Library ~ AOL stand for Application Object Library
AOR ~ Address of Record ~ An SIP term, an AOR provides a single public address for
telecommunications. The AOR can be mapped across multiple devices and media types.
AP ~ access point ~ a hardware device or a computer�s software that acts as a
communication hub for users of a wireless device to connect to a wired LAN. APs are
important for providing heightened wireless security and for extending the physical
of service a wireless user has access to.
APA ~ all-points addressable ~ Able to address, reference, and position text,
overlays, and
images at any defined position or picture element (pel) on the printable area of
the paper.
APaaS ~ application platform as a� service ~ application platform as a service
APACS ~ Association for Payment Clearing Services ~ The organization that manages
U.K. payment systems.
APaRT ~ automated packet recognition/translation ~ Technology that allows a server
be attached to CDDI or FDDI without requiring the reconfiguration of applications
network protocols.
APC ~ asynchronous procedure call ~ A kernel-defined control object which
represents a
procedure that is called asynchronously within a particular thread context.
APC ~ American Power Conversion ~ American Power Conversion
APC ~ Antenna Phase Center ~ A theoretical point in the guidance receiver for which
position is derived.
APDU ~ application-layer protocol data unit ~ In OSI, a protocol data unit in the
application layer.
APF ~ Automated Purposing Framework ~ Collection of scripts and utilities that
you to consistently and reliably prepare computer hardware (BIOS, mass storage) and
install the Windows operating system and layered products on one or more build
API ~ Application Programming Interface ~ An interface to a computer operating
or software program that gives other programs access to functions similar to those
to users through a graphical user interface.
API ~ Advanced Photonix, Inc ~ a leading supplier of opto-electronic solutions and
Terahertz sensors and instrumentation to a global OEM �
APM ~ Active policy management ~ analyzes unstructured content in documents and
emails, and applies the appropriate rules for access, life cycle management and
APM ~ Advanced Power Management ~ A feature from Intel and Microsoft for
batterypowered computers, which powers-down or the display when the computer has
inactive for a certain length of time in order to conserve power.
APM ~ application performance management ~ application performance management
APML ~ Attention Profiling Markup Language ~ used to consolidate and aggregate
individual users� ranked interests
APNIC ~ Asia Pacific Network Information Center ~ Nonprofit Internet registry
organization for the Asia Pacific region. The other Internet registries are
currently IANA,
RIPE NCC, and InterNIC.
APO ~ Advanced Planner and Optimizer ~ A supply-chain-planning suite from SAP.
APOP ~ Authenticated Post Office Protocol ~ similar to the POP protocol except that
APOP enables your password to be encrypted while being transmitted over the
APOT ~ Alternate (Additional) Point of Termination ~ form identifies specific
terminations at the ICDF frame where the CLEC �UNE termination cables� are
These terminations are used for the purpose of ordering UNEs, Ancillary Services,
Finished Services.
app ~ application ~ a computer program that performs useful work not related to the
computer itself. Examples include WORD PROCESSORs, PRESENTATION GRAPHICS
APPC ~ Advanced Program-to-Program Communication ~ The programming interface to
LU 6.2, IBM�s protocol for peer-to-peer program communication under SNA.
applet ~ applet ~ This a Java program that can be embedded in a Web page. The
difference between a standard Java application and a Java applet is that an applet
access system resources on the local computer.
APPN ~ Advanced Peer to Peer Networking ~ IBM data communications support that
routes data between Advanced Peer-to-Peer Communication (APPC) systems to enable
users anywhere on the network to have direct communication with each other.
APR ~ Apache Portable Runtime ~ Its mission is to provide a free library of C data
structures and routines, forming a system portability layer to as many operating
systems as
possible, including Unices, MS Win32, BeOS and OS/2
APS ~ advanced planning and scheduling ~ A subcomponent of supply chain planning
(SCP) that focuses on manufacturing planning and scheduling.
APS ~ Automatic Protection Switching ~ A mean for automatically detecting and
signalling a transmission link failure
APWG ~ Anti-Phishing Working Group ~ an international membership organization that
seeks to eliminate fraud based on attacks from phishing and e-mail spoofing. These
attacks hurt legitimate businesses as the attackers fraudulently use the identity
of an
established organization in their attack.
AQCB ~ Automated Quote Contract Billing ~ System used to price non-tariffed
and services.
AR ~ Access Rate ~ The data rate of the user access channel. The rate (maximum) at
which access devices can offer data to the frame relay network
AR ~ Augmented reality ~ a technology that superimposes graphics, audio and other
virtual enhancements over a live view of the real world. It is this �real world�
AR ~ ~ differentiates AR from virtual reality.
ARA ~ Apple Remote Access ~ Communication software designed to offer remote access
to an AppleTalk-compatible network via an ARA server.
ARAD ~ architected rapid application development ~ SOA� tools that automate models
and rules
ARAG ~ AntiReflection AntiGlare ~ There are add-on screens for monitors that
screen glare and protect the user’s eyes.
ARC ~ Ames Research Center ~ NASA facility is charged with the mission of assisting
with better life quality on earth, human exploration, space travel and the search
for life on
other planets.
ARC ~ Archive ~ Archive
archive ~ archive ~ Data that is important information, stored for a long period of
time in
some recording media such as magnetic tapes, storage arrays or other non-active
ARCNET ~ Attached Resource Computer NETwork ~ a LAN protocol, similar in purpose
to Ethernet or Token Ring.
ARD ~ Automatic Ring Down ~ Private line connecting a station instrument in one
location with a station instrument in another location. When station one is off
hook, station
two rings. Also called �hot line�.
ARIA ~ Accessible Rich Internet Applications ~ ARIA, also WAI-ARIA, defines a way
make Web content and Web applications more accessible to people
ARIN ~ American Registry for Internet Numbers ~ the Internet registry service for
and South America, as well the Carribean and sub-Saharan Africa.
ARL ~ ABLE Rule Language ~ A rule-based programming language that is used to
express business logic outside of program logic. ARL provides tight integration
with Java
objects, and the tooling provided with ABLE is based on the Eclipse platform.
ARM ~ Advanced RISC Machines ~ a RISC processor find most of their use on handheld
machines and PDAs. Currently owned by Intel, and currently produced by both the
above and Digital/Compaq.
ARM ~ Asynchronous Response Mode ~ Asynchronous Response Mode
ARM ~ Active Registry Monitor ~ Active Registry Monitor
ARP ~ Address Resolution Protocol ~ A method for finding a host�s Ethernet address
from its Internet address. It works like this: The sender broadcasts an ARP packet
containing the Internet address of another host and waits for it to send back its
ARP ~ Address Resolution Protocol ~ Link layer - RFC 1122
ARPANET ~ Advance Research Projects Agency Network ~ A packet-switched network
developed in the early 1970s. The “father�? of today’s Internet. ARPANET was
decommissioned in June 1990.
ARQ ~ automatic repeat request ~ A modem status signal indicated by a light on the
modem; in cases of transmissions errors, the ARQ is a request to the sender to
ARS ~ Action Request System ~ call tracking and resolution software provided by BMC
ARS ~ automatic route selection ~ Device (or software) which chooses the lowest
route for long-distance calls over specific lines or services, including WATS,
specialized non-Bell common carriers or direct distance dialing (DDD).
ART ~ Additional Reference Transmission ~ ART is carrier term
ARTS ~ Association for Retail Technology Standards ~ Data Model standard
ARu ~ audio response unit ~ Output device which provides a spoken response to
inquiries from a telephone or other device. The response is usually assembled by a
computer from a prerecorded vocabulary of words.�
AS ~ Activesync ~ AS is Microsoft software
AS / ASN ~ autonomous system (number) ~ A number assigned to a local network,
registered into the carrier�s routing community and placed under the umbrella of an
administrative domain called an autonomous system
AS/400 ~ Application System/400 ~ A midrange computer system introduced by IBM in
1988 as a replacement for its System/36 and System/38 product families.
AS2 ~ Applicability Statement 2 ~ a specification for EDI between businesses using
Internet�s Web page protocol, HTTP. The specification is an extension of the
version, Applicability Statement 1 (AS1).
ASA ~ average speed of answer ~ A standard quantitative method for measuring the
at which call center calls are answered.
ASBR ~ Autonomous System Boundary Router ~ ASBRs run both OSPF and another
routing protocol, such as RIP. ASBRs must reside in a nonstub OSPF area.
ASC ~ Abstract Syntax Checker ~ In OSI, a utility program for OSI Communications
Subsystem that processes user-specified ASN.1 statements
ASCII ~ American Standard Code for Information Interchange ~ pronounced as-kee,
standard way of encoding characters into digital codes. An ASCII file is taken to
mean a
text file containing unformatted text that is, characters but not information about
sizes and so on.
ASCL ~ Asianet Satellite Communications Limited ~ dataline, broadband internet,
leading ISP in kerala.
ASE ~ Adaptive Server Enterprise ~ relational database management system product of
Sybase Corporation, is a direct descendant of Sybase SQL Server.
ASE ~ application service element ~ A set of functions in the application layer of
OSI that
provides a capability for the interworking of application entities for a specific
purpose on
a single application association.
ASF ~ Advanced Streaming Format ~ set of standards from Microsoft that is utilized
WMP7 technology.
ASF ~ Automatic Sheet Feeder ~ The technology dictates the different ways printers
paper. Dot matrix printers usually run on a continuous Web of paper while laser
printers or
ink jet type printers are generally single sheet. They are also often referred to
as page
ASIC ~ Application-Specific Integrated Circuit ~ A chip with custom-built hardware
circuits for a particular set of functions. ASICs are commonly used in networking
to maximize performance and provide integration of multiple functions into a single
ASIF ~ access security information field ~ In SNA, a field within Function
Header Type 5 (FMH-5), which is used to convey security information.
ASIS ~ access security information subfield ~ In SNA, a subfield within Function
Management Header Type 5 (FMH-5), which is used to convey security information.
ASK ~ Anomalous State of Knowledge ~ ASK is a programming term
ASLR ~ Address Space Layout Randomization ~ a process which entails arranging the
positions of major data areas randomly in virtual address space. Microsoft�s
Vista and Windows Server 2008 have ASLR enabled by default
ASLS ~ Analog Single Line Station ~ a telephony term. An extension port on a
PABX/KSU that will allow a standard household type phone to interface with the
ASM ~ Auto-sequencing memory ~ Anti machine data memory including data counters to
be programmed by flowware to generate the data streams at run time.
ASM ~ Automatic Storage Management ~ Oracle 10g database feature that provides the
database administrator with a simple storage management interface that is
across all server and storage platforms
ASML ~ originally ASM Lithography (ASM for Advanced Semiconductor Materials) ~
largest supplier in the world of photolithography systems for the semiconductor
founded in 1984 as a joint venture between the Dutch companies Advanced
Semiconductor Materials International (ASMI) and Philips.
ASN ~ Abstract Syntax Notation ~ The International Organization for
OSI language for describing abstract syntax.
ASN.1 ~ Abstract Syntax Notation One ~ In OSI, a notation for defining data
and data types. The notation is defined in international standards ISO 8824/ITU
X.208 and
ISO 8825/ITU X.209.
ASO ~ Address Supporting Organization ~ ICANN� Supporting Organization
responsible for reviewing and developing recommendations on� IP address� policy
ASO ~ ~
ASP ~ Abstract Service Primitive ~ Implementation-independent description of
interaction between service-user and service-provider at particular service
boundary, as
defined by� OSI.
ASP ~ Active Server Pages ~ a Microsoft technology, allows programmers to develop
custom code that works with Microsoft�s� IIS.
ASP ~ Application Server Process ~ Application Server Process
ASP ~ Application Service Provider ~ Sometimes refered to as an �app-on-tap,� this
is a
third-party company that distributes software-based services from a central
location to
customers in other locations.
ASP ~ Aspect Oriented Programming ~ Aspect Oriented Programming
ASP ~ Average Selling Price ~ This term is used in the microchip manufacturing
Companies like AMD and Intel strive for high ASPs. The ASP is an indication not
only of
direct profits, but how well a company is keeping up with the technology curve.
ASPI ~ Advanced SCSI Programming Interface ~ An interface from Adaptec that allows
application programs to access SCSI hardware. See SCSI.
ASPX ~ Active Server Pages eXtended ~ Dynamic web pages engine for the Microsoft
.NET framework
ASQ ~ Automated Software Quality ~
ASQ ~ ~ The use of software tools, such as automated testing tools, to improve
ASQ ~ ~
ASR ~ Access Service Request ~ Access Service Request
ASR ~ Automatic Speech Recognition ~ Automatic Speech Recognition
ASR ~ Automated System Recovery ~ Automated System Recovery
ASR ~ Automatic Send and Receive ~ Any one of several devices designed to transmit
and receive data unattended, in contrast with RO, �receive only� devices.
ASR ~ automatic speech recognition ~ Another name for speech recognition
ASR ~ Automated system recovery ~ One of several backup mechanisms on Windows
XP. ASR is intended to be taken infrequently, whenever there are changes in the
ASV ~ Approved Scanning Vendor ~ Company approved by the PCI SSC to conduct
external vulnerability scanning services.
AT ~ Advanced Technology ~ the class of IBM PCs originally introduced in 1984 using
the 80286 microprocessor and a 16-bit bus
AT&T ~ American Telephone And Telegraph ~ The USA�s major common carrier for
long distance telephone lines.
ATA ~ Actual Time of Arrival ~ Actual Time of Arrival
ATA ~ Advanced Technology Attachment ~ An integrated bus usually used between host
processors and disk drives. Used interchangeably with IDE.
ATA ~ Analog Telephone Adaptor ~ connects the conventional telephone to the
converts the analog voice signals into IP packets, delivers dial tone and manages
the call
ATAG ~ Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines ~ W3C recommendation that explains
how to develop authoring tools that make it easier to produce accessible Web pages
conform to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG)
ATAPI ~ AT Attachment Packet Interface ~ A hardware and software specification that
documents the interface between a host computer and CD-ROM drives using the ATA
ATB ~ All the Best ~ Internet slang.
ATB ~ all trunks busy ~ A single tone interrupted at a 120 impulses per minute
(ipm) rate
to indicate all lines or trunks in a routing group are busy.�
ATCA ~ Advanced Telecom Computing Architecture ~ ATCA provides the
telecommunications industry with an opportunity to adopt a standard architecture
for a
broad spectrum of products, including wireless access, wireless core networks, and
Multimedia Subsystem IMS network elements.
ATG ~ advanced technology group ~ A group charged with researching, tracking and
evaluating emerging technologies for an enterprise, and with prototyping and
advanced-technology projects prior to deployment.
ATG ~ Art Technology Group ~ A developer of online customer relationship management
applications, headquartered in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
ATI ~ Allied Telesyn International ~ Networking hardware manufacturer
ATL ~ Active Template Library ~ A group of routines provided by Microsoft that can
used to help more easily create ASP, ActiveX, and COM objects in C++.
ATL ~ automated tape library ~ A system used for high-capacity, tape-based data
ATLs typically have dozens of drives and can accommodate hundreds tape cartridges.
ATLAS ~ Authorization Token Layer Acquisition Service ~ Describes the service
to acquire authorization tokens to access a target system using the CSIv2 protocol.
design defines a single interface with which a client acquires an authorization
ATM ~ Adobe Type Manager ~ a software program or system extension manufactured by
Adobe Systems that is used to enhance the display of screen fonts on computer
ATM ~ asynchronous transfer mode ~ a transfer mode for switching and transmission
efficiently and flexibly organizes information into cells. It is asynchronous in
the sense
that the recurrence of cells depends on the required or instantaneous bit rate.
ATM ~ automated teller machine ~ A public banking machine that customers can access
by inserting or swiping a magnetic card and entering a password.
ATM ~ At the moment ~ Internet slang.
ATM ~ Asynchronous Transfer Mode ~ Telecom - ATM cell description
ATO ~ assemble to order ~ A strategy allowing a product or service to be made to
the custom requirements of a specific order, where a large number of such
products can be assembled in various forms from common components.
Atom ~ Any Transport over MPLS ~ a technology developed by Cisco for transporting
Layer 2 packets over an IP/MPLS backbone.
Atom ~ Atom ~ Atom is the name of an XML-based Web content and metadata
syndication format, and an application-level protocol for publishing and editing
resources belonging to periodically updated Web sites.
atom ~ atom ~ Atom is an alternate XML format for easily sharing content, much like
RSS Really Simple Syndication (format). Blogs on for
publish Atom feeds.
ATP ~ AppleTalk Transaction Protocol ~ In AppleTalk networks, a protocol that
client/server request and response functions for hosts accessing the ZIP for zone
ATP ~ available to promise ~ The uncommitted portion of a company�s inventory or
planned production. This figure is frequently calculated from the master production
schedule and is maintained as a tool for order promising.
ATPCO ~ Airline Tariff Publishing Company ~ The central database where airlines
and publish their fares
ATRAC ~ Adaptive TRansform Acoustic Coding ~ Audio compression algorithm,
introduced by Sony for its Mini Disk, which relies on the masking of low-amplitude
frequency components by temporaly adjacent high-amplitude components
ATRN ~ Authenticated Turn ~ Authenticated Turn
ATS ~ Abstract Test Suite ~ Abstract Test Suite
ATS ~ Applications Technology Satellite ~ Applications Technology Satellite
ATS ~ Air to Surface ~ Air to Surface
ATSC ~ Advanced Television Systems Committee ~ an international, non-profit
organization developing voluntary standards for digital television.
ATTIS ~ AT&T Information Systems ~ A division of AT&T Technologies that supplies
and manufactures CPE.
ATU-C / ATU-R ~ ADSL Transmission Unit, Central or Remote ~ Device at end of
ADSL line that stands between line and first item of equipment in subscriber
premises or
telephone switch. May be integrated within access node.
ATUL ~ ADSL Termination Unit Remote ~ ATUR is the ADSL modem or PC card that
physically terminates an ADSL connection at the end user’s location.
ATVEF ~ Advanced TV Enhancement Forum ~ A standard for creating enhanced,
interactive television content and for delivering that content to a range of
television, settop, and PC-based receivers (
ATX ~ Advanced Technology eXtended ~ A particular set of characteristics defining a
generic type of motherboard, power supply and chassis combination. The definition
from Intel, along with a consortium of hardware and software makers to define the
of the design.
AUDIT ~ AUtomated Data Input Terminal ~ AUtomated Data Input Terminal
AUI ~ Attachment Unit Interface ~ a device that contains a 15-bit pin, or socket,
and is
used to connect a NIC with a standard Ethernet cable.
AUIML ~ Abstract User Interface Markup Language ~ An XML implementation that
provides a platform and technology-neutral method of representing windows, wizards,
property sheets, and other user interface elements.
AUP ~ acceptable use policy ~ a policy that a user must agree to follow in order to
provided with access to a network or to the Internet.
AUTOEXEC ~ Automatic Execution ~ When a program is executed on it�s own.
AUTONEG ~ Autonegotiation ~ a feature that determines link options and optimal
settings for a given Ethernet connection. When AUTONEG is enabled, a network
card or a switch port can determine the capabilities of the device at the far end
of the link
and select the best mode of operation.
Autonomous Vehicles ~ Autonomous Vehicles ~ can drive itself from a starting point
to a
predetermined destination in �autopilot� mode using various in-vehicle technologies
sensors, including GPS navigation technology
AUV ~ Autonomous Underwater Vehicle ~ a robotic device driven through water by a
propulsion system. AUVs are self-sufficient vehicles carrying their own energy
The control of the vehicle is done using an onboard computer thus eliminating the
need of
operators located elsewhere.
AUX ~ auxiliary device ~ A peripheral device that may perform a useful function but
not necessary for the operation of the computer. Examples are printers, scanners,
AV ~ Anti Virus ~ Anti Virus software
AV ~ Audio Video or Visual ~ pertaining to the recording and reproduction of sounds
avatar ~ avatar ~ A graphical icon that represents a real person in a cyberspace
When you enter the system, you can choose from a number of fanciful avatars.
Sophisticated 3D avatars even change shape depending on what they are doing
avatar ~ ~ A common name for the superuser account on UNIX systems. The other
common name is root.
AVD ~ alternate voice data ~ A single transmission facility which can be used for
voice or data.�
AVED ~ AntiVirus Emergency Discussion list ~ A mailing list for professional
researchers allowing them to alert other researchers to emerging or ongoing
�crisis� or
�emergency� virus events.
AVG ~ AVG ~ AVG is a family of anti-virus and Internet security software for the
Microsoft Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, and FreeBSD computing platforms, developed by
AVG Technologies.
AVI ~ Audio/Video Interleaved ~ AVI is the most common format for audio/video data
the personal computer.
AVK ~ Application Verification Kit ~ Tool intended to help developers test their
applications for correct use of J2EE APIs and portability across J2EE compatible
application servers, and to help developers avoid inadvertently writing non-
portable code
AVS ~ Application Visualisation System ~ a portable modular UNIX-based graphics
package supported by a consortium of vendors including Convex, DEC, IBM, HP, SET
Technologies, Stardent and WaveTracer.
AVST ~ Applied Voice & Speech Technologies Inc. ~ software company in the
telecommunication industry
AVVID ~ Architecture for Voice, Video and Integrated Data ~ An architectural
for integrating enterprise voice, video and data traffic over IP-based networks,
by Cisco Systems in 1999.
AWD ~ Access Workflow Designer ~ Organize and track information
AWE ~ Advanced WavEffects ~ A series of sound cards from Creative Labs that
the Sound Blaster AWE 32, the Sound Blaster AWE64, and the AWE64 Gold.
AWS ~ Advanced Wireless Services ~ Amazon Web Services (AWS) delivers a set of
services that together form a reliable, scalable, and inexpensive computing
platform “in
the cloud�?.�
AWS ~ Amazon Web Services ~ a collection of remote computing services
AWS ~ Autonomous Web Services ~ a next generation Web Services based on business
process model harmonization among independent systems
AWT ~ Abstract Window Toolkit ~ In Java programming, a collection of GUI
components that were implemented using native-platform versions of the components.
These components provide that subset of functionality which is common to all
system environments.
AZERTY ~ AZERTY ~ The standard French language keyboard layout. Term comes
from the first six letters below the row of numbers.

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