100 ubuntu commands

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cd - # go to previous directory, home/ubuntu/

cal #calander
chage #change user password enquiry information
bc #command line calculator
df #disk format
pwd #present working directory
uname # It displays Linux system information
uname --help
uname -a # print all inforamtion
uname -o # operating system
mkdir zfh
la #show hidden as well as normal data
whatis # google of linux :)
whatis apt #command line interface
whatis sudo #execute command as other user
whatis ping #send ICMP requ to network host
who #who is loged on
free #display amount free and used memory
ls #listing

ping #
echo # used to print text
head # prints first 10 lines
sudo passwd #To change root password
whoami #tells which user log on into system
lscpu #this command dispalys all cpu architecture information, cpu
threads, sockets,cores and cpu conunts.
tail abc # display last 10 lines of abc file
env # To dispay all environmental variable
sudo hostname #used to view current host name and hostname
cksum <filename> # use to generate checksume value for the file or stream of data
thrown with command in linux terminal
hwclock --help # Used to set the clock date and time.
sudo lshw -> Detailed system information
rm <file Name> -> used to remove any file from working directory.
last -> list of last logged users
lsusb -> will show information of all usb buses connected to hardware and external
device connected
pstree -> It will show all currently running processes in tree format
dir -> Use to show all directory present in current working directoory
cat country.txt ->concanate and print files on screen.
sort county.txt -> to sort content of file in ascending order
tac country.txt ->concanate and print files on screen in reverse order

touch-> To create empty file

sort county.txt -> to sort content of file in ascending order
tac country.txt -> to sort content of file in descending order
ionice -> command will help you get or set I/O scheduling class and priority for
the perticular process.
sudo -> if you want to run any command as a root user or root permission then just
add sudo
dmidecode -t bios -> DMI table
expr 50 + 20 -> Used for quick calculations (give space)
expr --help
hostnamectl -> used to access system information
iptables -> It helps to manage incoming and outgoing traffic using
iptables --help
killall --help -> Kill all programs matching
netstat -tulpn --> used to monitor incoming and outgoing network
lsof --help ->
service -> will display results of system V init scripts in the terminal
vmstat --help -> Displays the system virtual memory use on terminal
mpstat -> Displays all the information about cpu utilization and
performance stat in terminal window.
usermod -> Used to modify content of already created users
uniq -> It is standard linux terminal command when thrown with file,
filters represented lines in the file.
wc xyz.txt -> displays line and word count of the file
ps -> show the snapshot of current process
ssh -> Used to securely connect host system
telnet -> used to connect another system as a user
nice -> If you want to change priority of running processes then used nice
nproc -> used to display number of processing unites
scp -> acronym for secure copy is linux command which can be used to
copy files
sleep -> will delay or pause execution of command for perticular ammount of
split -> use to breakdown large file into small files.
stat -> you can view status of file or entire filesystem using stat
lsblk -> reads the filesystem and displays the block information
hdparm -> you can handle hard disk and other disk devices
chrt --help -> used for manupulating
useradd -> login command help you to add user account into your system
userdel -> login command help you to delete any user account from
usermod -> login command help you to modify any user account from

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