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Ladies and gentlemen....

Please pay attention as soon as the graduation and farewell

ceremony for MAN 2 Bone students for the 2023/2024 academic year begins.

Head of the Office of the Ministry of Religion of Bone Regency, Supervisor of the Ministry
of Religion of Bone Regency, Head of the Madrasah, Mr/Mrs Deputy Head of MAN 2
Bone, Chairman of the MAN 2 Bone Committee entered the room....

The audience is asked to stand... (greeted by Shalawat Badar)

The audience sit down again

The audience. Let's watch together the Dance Performance by the La Tenriruwa Man 2 Bone Art

Assalamu Alaikum Wr. Wb.

The graduation and farewell event for MAN 2 Bone students for the 2023/2024 academic year,
Sunday, May 12 2024, was opened by inviting the audience and attendees to start the event by
reading Basmalah together. Bismillaahirrahmanirrahim...

• Reading of the holy Qur'an by Hilyah Risalatul Qurani and Saritilawah by Nur Assyifa
You are kindly invited

• Singing the songs Indonesia Raya and Mars MAN 2 Bone. Attendees are asked to stand

(after it finishes)

The audience sit down again.

Announcement of Exam Results by the Chair of the Exam Committee to Mrs. Darlina,
S.Pd, You are kindly invited

(Students who have been named as winners of ranks I, II, and III for each program are invited to
take their place)

The Head of MAN 2 Bone is respectfully invited to present the award.

Thank you and please come back to your sit.

(After the announcement of the General Champion)

To .......... .......... are invited to take their place accompanied by their parents.

The Head of the Ministry of Religion Bone Regency, is respectfully invited to hand over awards
to students who have won General Champion.
Thank you and please come back to your sit.

•Crossing Procession

Respectfully, Mr. Deputy Head of Student MAN 2 Bone, is invited to read out the list names of
students who have passed.

Sir, You're kindly invited

Inauguration Procession of Students who are declared to have passed

Students who are declared to have passed are asked to stand up

Respectfully, the head of Man 2 Bone is invited to inaugurate the students who have passed.

• Alumni Pledge

Representatives are welcome to take their place. The audience is asked to stand.

(after the pledge group leaves the room)

The audience sit down again

• Messages and impressions

The first message and impression from graduating students was represented by Wafifah
Itsni Pratiwi

The second message and impression by .............

• Welcome speech

First speech by the Chairman of the MAN 2 Bone Committee. Sir, you are kindly invited

Second speech by the Head Master of MAN 2 Bone. Sir, you are kindly invited

Third speech by The Head of the Office of the Ministry Religion of Bone Regency
Sir, you are kindly invited.

Reading the names of outstanding students in non-academic fields

Sir, you are kindly invited

We ask for the willingness of the Head Master of MAN 2 Bone to

handing over awards
Thank you and please come back to your sit.

• Madrasah Hymns and Terima Kasihku

• Reading prayer by the Head of the District KUA Tanete Riattang

Sir, you are kindly invited

Next event, Entertainment

The knot of love

Ladies and gentlemen. That's the whole series of events. Thank you for your presence and
attention, ladies and gentlemen. Sorry for any mistakes. To ALLAH let us surrender everything.

WABILLAAHI taufik wasaa'adah

Wassalamu Alaikum Wr. WB.

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