Plum Insurance (1)

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Plummeting the cancellation and no show rate

Presented By:
Gayathri Suhas
Yash Jain Teardown
Executive Summary
Our pathway towards tackling the problem of cancellation and no-show

The company faces a challenge where 5% of scheduled consultations in a month result in

patients failing to show up, while 14% of consultations are explicitly cancelled by patients.
How can they bring down the no-show rate to 1% and the cancellation rate to 5%.

What is the ideal user persona?

What are their pain points and expectations?

Question What are the key reasons for cancellation and no-show rate?

Plum Score Time Tracker Info. & Filters Reminder Strategy Easy Rescheduling

A score based on Real-time tracker Introducing filters Integrating Google Strategic placement
past consultation and call duration along with stating Calendar while of rescheduling
Solution record and estimator doctor's experience introducing new option.
restricting features features

4% 9% 11 43%
Impact Reduction in Reduction in Months of Increase in
No-Shows Cancellation Implementation Responsible Usage

Analysis Recommendation Implementation 01

Users of teleconsultation services prefer regular reminders from the application with
minimal wait-time and a certain degree of trust with the doctor.

User Persona

Description Description Description

Gen Z and Millennials Working Professionals Parents of Employees
Age - 18-35 Age - 22-50 Age - 40-60
Value: Ease of Use Value: Time over Money Value: Trust Factor

Pain Point Pain Point Pain Point

Wants the app to minimize Wants quick consultation without Wants a certain degree of
Convenient Consumer efforts and personalize use Busy Bee any unprecedented delay Skeptical Senior trust with the doctor

Reminders Wait-Time Distrust

55% 53% 61%

Users prefer regular reminders from Physicians have waiting time more Patients do not agree to the diagnosis
the app to entice usage than the average frustration level by a doctor through teleconsultation

Analysis Recommendation Implementation 02

Finding the right doctor, along with reminders, waiting -time and rescheduling are the key
pain points in the customer journey

Customer Journey

Stages Joining App Finding Your Doctor Reminder Consultation Post-Consultation Experience

Logging into Choosing Doctor's Applying Selecting the Receiving Waiting Live Follow-Up Rescheduling
the App Specialty Filters Doctor Reminders Window Consultation Calls Appointment

Annoyed with the Lack of crucial Lack of trust due to Unusual delay in Smooth experience Follow-Up Barrier to
Clear demarcation of appointments when
present signup factors to make insufficient starting the with video and consultations rescheduling in terms
various specialties they do not check
Experience system the decisoin information
phone consulation voice call improve satisfaction of opening app

Seamless Additional Including patients Better way of A timely update Providing options Follow-Up calls Reschedule option
MECE bifurcation
process with served, rating with the same available with
Expectation Google sign in
of all specialties filters to find the
and other details
sending on any and every for mode of
every reminder
best doctor reminders delay conusltation doctor for
support consultation

Analysis Recommendation Implementation 03

5 of the 6 major problems faced by users with respect to teleconsultation remain
unaddressed by the present product of Plum

Primary Survey - 88 Respondents What does the ideal customer value in teleconsultation?

Why do you feel patients cancel their teleconsultation appointments?

Timely Consultation

01 The patients are primarily Gen Z and
millenials, and due to their fast
moving lives prefer instant
Lack of Trust consulation without delay
Need to be Addressed
Certain Degree of Trust

Technical Issues

They prefer consultation from an

No Penalty experienced doctor in order to
develop certain degree of trust.
Slipped off the

Ease of Use / Convenience

Privacy Concerns
All the important features should
Uncomfortable on
be easily accessible to the user in
Video Call
order to entice them to use it
Inefficient demand- Addressed by Voice
supply mapping Call Feature
Multiple bookings and Regular Reminders

then cancellations
The user expects the app to
Time Taking Procedure
regularly remind them of the
appointment so that they do not
0 10 20 30 40 50 miss it.

Based on the primary research, 5 of the 6 major obstacles faced by the end
consumer remains unaddressed by the present product of the brand.

Analysis Recommendation Implementation 04

The brand faces key challenge in instilling user discpline given the services are free along
with the problems in user journey which are catered by our proposed solutions

Which solution initiatives to pursue? The E-CARE Solution

Easy Rescheduling
Making rescheduling the go-to-option for

all no-shows by strategic placement in

notifications and reminders.
Plum Score Time Tracker
Recorded Video Continuous Time Tracker
Incentivize Reminder Real-time tracker and call duration
estimator along with regular updates from
Attendance Filters Strategy


Aggregate Plum Score

Introducing plum score based on user's
consultation track record and providing
exclusive access to features
Cancellation Window
Break for
Reminder Strategy
Doctor : Patient Integration with Google Calendar,
Patient Education Automated Call along with "Remind Your

Loved One" option.

Effective Filters and Information

Introducing rating mechanism and
Low High displaying patients consulted with doctor's
Feasiblity profile and introducing additional filters.

Analysis Recommendation Implementation 05

1 2 3 4 5
Plum Score Time Tracker Information & Filters Reminder Strategy Easy Rescheduling

Increased Better Wait-Time increased Reminders That Frictionless User

Responsible Usage Estimation Customer Trust Actually Remind Experience

The E-CARE Solution

1 2 3 4 5
Plum Score Time Tracker Information & Filters Reminder Strategy Easy Rescheduling

Increased Better Wait-Time increased Reminders That Frictionless User

Responsible Usage Estimation Customer Trust Actually Remind Experience

Plum Score: Increased Responsible Usage

Introducing Plum Score, a performance tracker incentivizing responsible usage while
restricting access to exclusive features based on the score

The Plum Score

The absence of monetary transaction between the end user and the
North Star Metric
company makes it difficult to inculcate the discipline on the users end.

Per User Frequency of "Access Restricted"

Making Users More Responsible Pop-Up
Target: Week-on-week decline in the rate
Plum Score A score for each user based on 4 parameters

No-shows Cancellations
Delays in joining the call Rating given by the doctor Audience Segment

Exclusivity Based on the score users are provided exclusive access to more number of consultations,
more follow -up messages etc., incentivizing them to act more responsibly

Convenient Consumer Busy Bee Skeptical Senior

For Consumers For Company

Pain-points solved Pain-points solved
Profile Page Icon on Home Page
Lack of incentives to avoid no-shows and casual cancellations Casual bookings and cancellations due to lack of penalization

Value created Value created "Access Restricted" Pop-Up

Exclusive access to feature for proper conduct User discipline and reduced cancellation and no-show rates

Analysis Recommendation Implementation 06

The Plum Score
Hi, Gayathri

Doctor, I am still running high

PLUM SCORE fever, what should I do?

Monitoring your performance to

provide the best experience 50+ patients from OYO 90+ patients from OYO

You can increase the dose

Click on your profile to from 10mg to 20mg, and let OOPS!
me know if still the fever
check score and continues. To book 3+ consultations in
understand the restrictions a week maintain a plum
Limit Exhausted
score > 15

OOPS! 45+ patients from OYO 75+ patients from OYO

To avail 10+ follow-up

13 | VERY POOR messages maintain a
plum score > 40

What went wrong?

Understand 2 Cancellations 15+ patients from OYO 10+ patients from OYO

what went 1 No Show Restricting access to certain features

wrong resulting based on the score and mentioning the
in a low score 12 Delays minimum score required to access it

Analysis Recommendation Implementation 07

1 2 3 4 5
Plum Score Time Tracker Information & Filters Reminder Strategy Easy Rescheduling

Increased Better Wait-Time increased Reminders That Frictionless User

Responsible Usage Estimation Customer Trust Actually Remind Experience

Time Tracker: Better Wait-Time Estimation

Keeping the users in loop by providing real-time update about any and every delay to
reduce apprehensions and subsequent cancellations

Time Tracker 86% patients say that if they were told in advance about a
long wait time that they would feel less frustrated.

24% users cancel on commitments over uncertainty as it happens to be one

North Star Metric
of the six core human needs

Cancellation Rate after Joining the Chat

Increasing Transparency with respect to Time
Target: Declining rate of cancellation

Average Call Duration Based on doctor's past consultations, the AI provides the user with average
call duration statistics in order to reduce uncertainty of time commitment
Audience Segment
Real-Time Update Patients receive real-time update as to how long the previous consultation
has been going on and based on average duration, what to expect

Update about Delay Doctors receive a pop-up to mandatorily update patients about whether
they will be on time or if there is any delay.
Convenient Consumer Busy Bee

For Consumers For Company

Pain-points solved Pain-points solved

Uncertainty due to uniformed delays in appointments Cancellation due to ambiguity because of delays Pop-Up Message in
Doctor's Interface
Value created Value created

Users are updated in real time and informed of any delay Reduced cancellation rate due to more transparency

Analysis Recommendation Implementation 08

Time Tracker

Hola Gayathri
Dr. Sumana's average call duration is
7 min 43s

Previous consultation started 6 min 12s

Hola Gayathri ago. The doctor will join you soon.

Dr. Sumana's average call duration is

7 min 43s Hey Gayathri,

Previous consultation started 6 min 12s I will join in 2 minutes,

ago. The doctor will join you soon.
Hi Doc, update your next patient
apologies for the delay

+2 Mins
On Custom

The patient is instantly notified of

the option selected by doctor and
Alert pops up on the doctor's reduces ambiguity
On joining the chat patient is interface to update the next
provided real-time call duration patient about any delay, if at all.

Analysis Recommendation Implementation 09

1 2 3 4 5
Plum Score Time Tracker Information & Filters Reminder Strategy Easy Rescheduling

Increased Better Wait-Time increased Reminders That Frictionless User

Responsible Usage Estimation Customer Trust Actually Remind Experience

Information and Filters: Increased Customer Trust

Increasing transparency by providing in-depth information about the doctor's experience
along with key social validation factors while introducing effective filters

Building Trust

Patients doubt the credibility of doctors in teleconsultation and was the

North Star Metric
third major reason of cancellation in our primary survey

% of Users Using the New Range of Filters

Building Trust through Information and Filters
Target: Increase in filter adoption rate

Information Increasing transparency by mentioning crucial information

Number of patients consulted in employees organization to develop personal connection

Ratings based on past consultation track record Audience Segment
Years of Experience

Patients can filter out doctors based on proximity to their residence for any offline follow-up, Parents of Employees
# of patients consulted in their organization, and ratings Age - 40-60
Value: Trust Factor
Skeptical Senior

For Consumers For Company

Pain-points solved Pain-points solved

Lack of trust and credibility Cancellation due to lack of trust and apprehensions Mobile Heatmap Filter Option
Value created Value created

Transparency builds a foundation of trust Reduction in cancellations and better user experience

Analysis Recommendation Implementation 10

Building Trust
Introducing a New Range of Filters
to Build User Trust

50+ patients from OYO 90+ patients from OYO

Introducing Doctor
Rating System based on Filters
previous consultations. Proximity of doctor can be
selected in terms of distance
Male Female
from the patients location

Disclosing years of 50+ patients from OYO 90+ patients from OYO Languages
45+ patients from OYO 75+ patients from OYO

experience to develop trust Hindi English Gujarati

500 m 100 km+

Rating Minimum rating of the doctor

Mentioning the number of
patients treated so far can be selected
45+ patients from OYO 75+ patients from OYO 15+ patients from OYO 10+ patients from OYO

Patients Consulted
0 2000+

Mentioning the number of

patients from the user's
company to build trust and 15+ patients from OYO 10+ patients from OYO

personal connection Minimum # of patients consulted

can be set using the slider

Information Centric Approach to Instill Trust

Analysis Recommendation Implementation 11

1 2 3 4 5
Plum Score Time Tracker Information & Filters Reminder Strategy Easy Rescheduling

Increased Better Wait-Time increased Reminders That Frictionless User

Responsible Usage Estimation Customer Trust Actually Remind Experience

Reminder Strategy: Reminders That Actually Remind

Personalizing the reminder experience to enhance user response through Google Calendar
integration, 'Remind Your Loved One' and Automated Call features.

Personalized Reminders

Patients tend to miss the SMS and WhatsApp reminders due to extreme
North Star Metric
busyness or simply overlooking it with other messages

Opt-out Rate
Tackling problem on 3 fronts
Target: Decline in Opt-out rate

Google Calendar Appointment is automatically added to the patient's Google calendar

and full-screen reminder makes it impossible to ignore.

Remind Your Loved One "Remind your loved one" feature where a loved is sent a reminder and can Audience Segment
then call and remind greatly lowers the chance of missing the appointment

Automated Call Automated call reminders make it more difficult to miss in comparison to a
text message reminder.

Busy Bee Skeptical Senior

For Consumers For Company

Pain-points solved Pain-points solved

Forgot about appointments due to fast-paced life No-shows due to appointment slipping of the user's mind Booking Page

Value created Value created Automated Call

Effective reminders making it impossible to miss appointment Reduced no-show rates due to more effective reminders

Analysis Recommendation Implementation 12

Personalized Reminders Plum Consultation

Hola Yash
Appointment Booked
Gayathri has an appointment at 9:30 A.M.
For her speedy recovery, kindly remind her to join
on time.
436 Happy Patients

12 Years of Experience

Remind Your Loved One

Automatically adding appointments
to Google Calendar and the full screen
Positive inclusion in the "Remind Your Loved Added to Google Calendar
notification makes missing the
One" feature where the patient is by default
reminder impossible
selecting the option of sending a reminder to
a family member or friend who can remind
them of the appointment.
Automated call reminder to
minimize any possibility of
forgetting about the appointment

Analysis Recommendation Implementation 13

1 2 3 4 5
Plum Score Time Tracker Information & Filters Reminder Strategy Easy Rescheduling

Increased Better Wait-Time increased Reminders That Frictionless User

Responsible Usage Estimation Customer Trust Actually Remind Experience

Easy Rescheduling: Frictionless User Experience

Easy rescheduling alternatives so that the busy bee audience segment can reschedule on
the go without encountering the friction of alternating between apps.

Making Rescheduling Easy 66% adults believe that the most important thing a company
can do is value their time during a service interaction.

Sudden change in work-schedule and emergency makes it difficult for

North Star Metric
patient to reschedule their appointment due to friction in opening app

CTR of Reschedule Option

Tackling problem on 3 fronts
Target: Increase in the CTR

Configurable notifications: The patient receives a notification that will include an option to
reschedule the appointment reducing friction to open the app

Rescheduling on call: User receives an automated reminder call where he can reschedule the Audience Segment
appointment by pressing 1 and selecting free slot by relevant keys

Reminder messages: Reminders on SMS and WhatsApp include an option to reschedule Working Professionals
automatically opening the rescehudle screen Age - 22-50
Value: Time over Money
Busy Bee

For Consumers For Company

Pain-points solved Pain-points solved
Notification Text Reminders
Change in work schedule makes rescheduling difficult No-shows due to emergency and work-schedule changes

Value created Value created Automated Call

Easy and organized rescheduling process Reduced no-show rates

Analysis Recommendation Implementation 14

Making Rescheduling Easy

Hey Gayathri,

Your appointment with Dr. Mehta is

about to start in the next 10 minutes.

We wish you a speedy recovery.

Join The Call


Hey Gayathri,
You have your appointment starting in 10 minuts


Reschedule through automated call


Making rescheduling super easy by providing RESCHEDULE Receive automated call

the option in reminders sent through
Press 1 to reschedule appointment
Notification Congratulations Gayathri
1-step rescheduling
Your appointment with Dr. Mehta has process without Select date and time
SMS been successfully rescheduled.
opening the app
WhatsApp Message

Analysis Recommendation Implementation 15

Based on the R.I.C.E. framework, Time Tracker would be launched first, followed by Plum
Score, Reminder Strategy, Information and Filters and finally Easy Rescheduling

R.I.C.E. Prioritization Method

Reach Impact Confidence Effort

Priority Feature R.I.C.E. Score
+ Positive Factor + Positive Factor + Positive Factor - Negative Factor

1 Time Tracker 90 15,300

1 2 3 4 5 85 % 1 2 3 4 5

2 Plum Score 95
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
90 %

3 Strategy
85 10,200
1 2 3 4 5 90 % 1 2 3 4 5

Information &
4 70 8,400
Filters 1 2 3 4 5 80 % 1 2 3 4 5

5 Rescheduling
80 6,000
1 2 3 4 5 75 % 1 2 3 4 5

Analysis Recommendation Implementation 16

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