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Rakshit Nadageri 210953202

Kinjal Gujral 210953186
Ishita Agrawal 210953094
Anvi Potnis 210953316
Table of Contents
1. Executive Summary
○ Overview of the Marketing Plan
2. Introduction
○ Mission Statement
○ Value Proposition
○ Brand Elements
■ Tag Line
■ Brand Values
3. Marketing Strategy
○ Overview
4. Market Analysis
○ Ideal User Persona
■ Demographics
■ Background
■ Goals and Challenges
■ Behaviour
■ Pain Points
■ Key Features Desired
5. Product Overview
○ Product Description
○ Key Ingredients and Benefits
○ Packaging and Aesthetics
○ Pricing Strategy
6. Distribution Strategy (Place)
○ Availability
○ Distribution Channels
7. Promotional Strategy
○ Advertising and Social Media
○ Influencer Partnerships
○ Community Engagement
○ Promotional Offers
8. Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning
○ Demographic Segmentation
○ Psychographic Segmentation
○ Behavioural Segmentation
○ Targeting Strategy
○ Positioning Statement
9. Competitive Analysis
○ Overview
○ Competitors
■ Mamaearth
■ WOW Skin Science
■ Biotique
10. Marketing Goals and KPIs
○ Goals
○ Key Performance Indicators
11. Implementation Plan
○ Marketing Initiatives
○ Budget Allocation
○ Steps in Marketing Planning
12. Conclusion
○ Summary and Future Outlook
Executive Summary
This marketing plan focuses on launching a sustainable and affordable
sunscreen product in Manipal, targeting primarily the student population. The
emphasis on sustainability and affordability caters to the growing
environmental consciousness and budget sensitivity among students. Our
plan outlines the strategies and actions to penetrate this niche market

Mission Statement

Mission statement: Empowering Indians to embrace the sun fearlessly, our

mission is to ensure everyone can enjoy their day under the sun's warmth,
protected and confident.

Value proposition: The value proposition of our organic sunscreen lies in its
harmonious blend of natural ingredients, providing effective protection against
harmful UV rays while nourishing and hydrating the skin. Crafted with care
and integrity, our sunscreen offers peace of mind, knowing that you're
safeguarding your skin without compromising on purity or environmental
impact. Embrace the sun confidently, knowing you're using a product that's as
gentle on your skin as it is on the planet.

Tag line: Nourish Your Glow, Shield Your Shine: Sun Care, Naturally Divine!

Brand Values:
1. Empowerment
2. Purity
3. Sustainability
Goals and Challenges
1. Shreya wants to protect her skin from sun damage while being outdoors for
adventure and commuting.
2. She seeks a sunscreen that is easy to apply and doesn't leave a sticky or
greasy feeling on her skin.
3.She is conscious of her budget as a college student and looks for affordable
skincare options.
1. Shreya is tech-savvy and often relies on online platforms and social media
for product recommendations.
2. She prefers convenience and simplicity when it comes to skincare routines,
opting for products that are easy to use and multifunctional.
3. Shreya is influenced by brand reputation and word-of-mouth
recommendations from friends and family.

Pain Points
1. Shreya finds it inconvenient to reapply sunscreen throughout the day,
especially when she's busy with classes or outdoor activities.
2. Shreya is conscious of the environmental impact of skincare products and
prefers options that are eco-friendly.

Key Features Desired

1. Lightweight and fast-absorbing formula for quick and easy application.
2. Long-lasting protection against both UVA and UVB rays.
3. Affordable price point that fits within his college student budget.
4. Portable packaging that can be easily carried in his backpack or pocket.
Demographic Segmentation: Segment the market based on demographics
such as age, occupation, and lifestyle. Target segments could include:
• Students: Both domestic and international students studying in Manipal.
• Local Residents: Including natives of Manipal of all age groups.
Psychographic Segmentation: Segment based on lifestyle and attitudes
towards skincare. This can include:
• Health-conscious individuals who prioritize natural and organic products.
• Active individuals who spend time outdoors and require sun protection.
Behavioural Segmentation: Segment based on buying behaviour and usage
patterns. This can include:
• Regular sunscreen users who understand the importance of sun
• Occasional users who may use sunscreen during outdoor activities or

Primary Target Market: Students in Manipal, including both domestic and
international students, will be the primary target market. This segment
represents a significant portion of the population in Manipal and has a high
need for skincare products due to their active lifestyles and exposure to the
Secondary Target Market: Local residents of Manipal, including natives of all
age groups, will be the secondary target market. While smaller in number
compared to students, this segment provides an opportunity to expand the
customer base beyond the student population.

For Students: Position the organic skincare product as a must-have for
students living an active lifestyle in Manipal. Emphasize its benefits of
providing effective sun protection while being gentle on the skin and
environment. Position the product as a companion for outdoor activities,
sports, and daily routines, helping students maintain healthy and radiant skin.
For Local Residents: Position the product as a premium organic skincare
solution suitable for individuals of all age groups in Manipal. Highlight its
natural ingredients, superior quality, and effectiveness in protecting against
the harsh tropical climate. Position the product as a trusted choice for families
and individuals looking for skincare products that prioritize safety, health, and

Competitor analysis
1. Mamaearth
Product: Mamaearth's sunscreen is a popular choice known for its organic and
natural ingredients, including turmeric and carrot seed oil.
Pricing: Their sunscreen typically ranges from ₹299 to ₹499 for a 100ml bottle,
making it a mid-range option in the market.
Strengths: Widely available online and in retail stores, dermatologist-tested,
and suitable for all skin types.
Weaknesses: May be considered relatively pricey compared to some other
2. WOW Skin Science
Product: WOW Skin Science offers an organic sunscreen enriched with shea
butter and raspberry extract, providing broad-spectrum protection.
Pricing: Their sunscreen is priced between ₹349 to ₹599 for a 100ml bottle,
positioning it as a mid to high-range option.
Strengths: Contains bioactive ingredients, paraben-free, and cruelty-free.
Weaknesses: Slightly higher pricing may deter price-sensitive consumers.

3. Biotique
Product: Biotique's sunscreen range includes organic formulations infused
with ingredients like aloe vera, sandalwood, and saffron.
Pricing: Biotique sunscreen prices typically range from ₹150 to ₹350 for a
100ml bottle, positioning it as an affordable option.
Strengths: Affordable pricing, widely available in retail stores and online
Weaknesses: Some users may find the texture slightly greasy or heavy on the

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

1. Monthly sales volume.
2. Website and social media traffic.
3. Customer acquisition cost.
4. Customer feedback and satisfaction rates.

Competitive Research and Situational Analysis

The sunscreen market in Manipal is currently dominated by a few major
brands that do not specifically cater to the environmental and budgetary
concerns of students. Our analysis indicates a significant opportunity for a
product that meets these needs, with potential competitive advantages in
sustainability and affordability.

Goal-Oriented Initiatives
To achieve our marketing goals, we will launch a series of initiatives including
campus ambassador programs, partnerships with local businesses, and social
media challenges to engage the student population and build brand loyalty.

Marketing Budget
The initial marketing budget is allocated across digital advertising, on-campus
events, and partnership development, prioritizing cost-effective tactics that
leverage the brand's unique selling propositions.

Steps in Marketing Planning

1. Market research to understand the student community's needs.
2. Development of the marketing mix tailored to the buyer personas.
3. Execution of the marketing strategy through selected channels.
4. Continuous monitoring and adjustment of the strategy based on
performance metrics.

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