ENGLISH GUIDE No. 3, 3rd. unit IV

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Instituto Normal para Varones de Oriente.

English Guide 3 - Unit IV
3rd. Grade sec. _____________
Value 25 points Qualification: __________________
Maricarmen Alarcón Rodriguez
Name: _______________________________________________Fecha de entrega: 10/octubre/22
Instrucciones generales: Lee y analiza los ejemplos. Trabajar en esta misma guía, si es necesario
agrega hojas adicionales y colóquele una grapa. Identificar la sección por favor.


Arise arose levantar
To be (am, is, are) was, were ser/estar
Bear bore soportar
Beat beat pegar
Become became hacerse
Begin began empezar
Bend bent doblar
Bet bet apostar
Bind bound unir
Bite bit morder
Bleed bled sangrar
Blow blew soplar
Bring brought traer
Build built construir
Burst burst estallar
Cast cast tirar
Catch caught coger
Choose chose escoger
Come came venir
Cost cost costar
Cut cut cortar
Deal dealt tratar
Dig dug cavar
Do did hacer
Draw drew dibujar
Drink drank beber
Drive drove conducir
Eat ate comer
Fall fell caer
Feed fed alimentar
Feel felt sentir
Fight fought pelear
Find found encontrar
Fly flew volar
Forget forgot olvidar
Forgive forgave perdonar
Freeze froze helar
Get got obtener
Give gave dar
Go went ir
Grow grew crecer
Hang hung colgar
Have/has had tener
Hear heard oir
Hide hid esconder
Hit hit golpear
Hold held sostener
Hurt hurt herir
Keep kept guardar
Know knew saber
Lead led guiar
Lay laid poner
Leave left salir
Lend lent prestar
Let let permitir
Lie lay mentir
Lose lost perder
Make made hacer
Mean meant significar
Meet met encontrar
Pay paid pagar
Quit quit dejar
Read read leer
Ride rode cabalgar
Ring rang sonar
Rise rose subir
Run ran correr
Say said decir
See saw ver
Shake shook sacudir
Sell sold vender
Send sent enviar
Set set poner
Shine shone brillar
Shoot shot gritar
Show showed mostrar
Shrink shrank encogerse
Shut shut cerrar
Sing sang cantar
Sink sank hundir
Sit sat sentarse
Sleep slept dormir
Smell smelt oler
Slide slid resbalar
Speak spoke hablar
Spend spent gastar
Split split hender
Spread spread difundir
Stand stood pararse
Steal stole robar
Stick stuck pegar
Strike struck golpear
Swear swore jurar
Sweep swept barrer
Swim swam nadar
Swing swung culumpiar
Take took tomar
Teach taught enseñar
Tear tore romper
Tell told decir
Think thought pensar
Throw threw tirar
Understand understood entender
Wear wore usar
Weep wept llorar
Win won ganar
Write wrote escribir

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