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In this era, the relentless pursuit of money and wealth echoes louder than ever,
weaving itself into the fabric of societal values. As fortunes amass, so does the abysm of
socioeconomic inequality, casting shadows over opportunities and widening the divide
between privilege and adversity. From a young individual's perspective, life may appear
full of opportunities, with equal standards, embodying the meaning of 'we reap what we
sow' and 'nothing is impossible', while starting our life course as young people we tend to
dream big ,reach for the stars ,defy others and embracing challenges in order to grow and
succeed in our goals. Nevertheless, various life occurrences have demonstrated the
opposite: hindering educational opportunities, limiting career prospects, perpetuating a
cycle of economic disadvantage, and imposing barriers on the new generation. These
challenges have been evident in many young lives.

While examining the impact of socioeconomic inequality on education, we delve into

various aspects. Firstly, every person at any age has the right to a great and quality
education to attain notable accomplishments in their life. Unfortunately, many suffer from
unequal access to advanced placement courses, specialized programs, and educational
opportunities, affecting a student's academic trajectory and skill development. For
instance, higher dropout rates and disparities in the quality of education have been
observed. In fact, in an interview with the president of the “Zokoura Foundation”, it was
mentioned that over 1.6 million Moroccan citizens had dropped out in 2021, a number
that may have undoubtedly increased by 2024.Furthermore, these young individuals often
belong to rural areas where poverty is highly neglected, and their equal rights are not
provided. This includes the lack of financial support or scholarships to make education
affordable for students from low-income families.

Turning our attention to another significant impact that may affect not only the younger
age group but also the societal flow, socioeconomic inequality negatively affects major
domains, because of unequal employment opportunities. Merely having the same degree
does not guarantee equal capabilities or deserving employment for two individuals. This
issue is currently being addressed in Morocco, commonly referred to as "getting employed
through connections with mayors” or as we Moroccans say ”bak sahbi”. Consequently,
young individuals who faced financial challenges during their educational journey often
endure degradation, stressful work ,discrimination, and limited possibilities for
advancement in their current workplace .
In other ways we often meet in our society different types of injustice toward the youth
were the origin's of one matters more than the brain package that one brings with him.

Now that we talked about work and education let's move to the well being and hapiness
of the youth wich is indeed the core , nowdays technology and social media has brought a
sort of new view of the world, frech and expensive ideas to the world were shared, from
educational help, treading, orientation, online schooling, huge development of skills to
advancement in all areas and aspects. Nonetheless, Socioeconomic inequality can
influence in several ways. Firstly, individuals with higher socioeconomic status often have
better access to technology, creating a digital divide. This gap in access can limit
opportunities for those with lower socioeconomic status to benefit from educational
resources, job opportunities, and various online services, this is clearly stated
worldwide ,For instance, data from organizations like the International
Telecommunication Union (ITU) show that in wealthier countries, there is higher internet
penetration, more extensive mobile phone usage, and increased access to computers. This
access contributes to disparities in educational opportunities, digital skills development,
and overall connectivity for young people in richer nations compared to those in
economically disadvantaged regions.

Lastly but not less important, in some cases impactive and degradatives effects are caused.
Not only life opportunities and one’s well comfort are being touched by, but also it is
causing irreversible actions wish the worst may be “suicide”, we as younger people and
especially in this sensible generation mere words can disastrously influence us mainly
when those words are concentered on our inherent background what we cannot change at
will. Consequently, our vision becomes blurred, leading us to make decisions for which we
are not accountable. Unfortunately, this is not only theoretical, as various pieces of
evidence have confirmed, indeed “World Health Organization” has shown that over
700,000 people take their own life each year for as WHO said “Money and mental health…
socioeconomic disvantages…low income…

To address these pressing challenges highlighted in this context it becomes imperative to

meet proactive solutions and tackle “socioeconomic inequality” taking on account various
domains. To start with, Enhancing access to quality education is crucial, this includes not
only the basic educational infrastructure, but also implementing new programs that
support low communities and giving the skills needed for economic success. Furthermore,
as mentioned this generation waves technology, consequently, it is needed to provide
widespread access to technology, including all sorts of digital devices and implementing
programs that provides digital skill , particularly in underserved communities from various
African countries .Moreover ,employment equality and anti-discrimination measures from
laws and policies should be included. Finally, Mentorship is essential since it can provide
support and valuable networking opportunities as well as prevent various difficult
In conclusion, the impact of socioeconomic inequality on youth is deep, affecting
occasions, and overall well-being. While efforts are being made to tackle these disparities
through various solutions, the depth of the problem persists unchangeable. Despite
initiatives targeting education, job opportunities, and economic empowerment, the root
causes of inequality remain unaddressed Just as access to resources, systemic biases, and
unequal starting points continue to hinder the youth’s journey towards a fair and
equitable future. To truly overcome socioeconomic inequality ’s enduring impact on the
younger generation, a comprehensive approach is imperative ,one that develves into
systematic issues and truly restructures societal foundation to make sure every young
person has a fair chance regardless of their background.

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