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Tube Well Dingi

Annual Term Exam (2023-24)

Objective Part Subjective Part Total Marks

Time Allowed:
(Marks. 37) (Marks. 13) 50
2 Hours Obt. Obt. Obt.

Student Name: Father Name:

Class: 4 th
Paper: English A Time for Objective Part: 1 Hour

(Objective Part)
Q1: Choose the correct option and fill the blank spaces. ( /8)

1) Reference Unit (Against all Odds) , Hiba Rehmani is ________________ engineer.

a) rocket b) civil

2) Ruth Pfau died in _______________.

a) 2018 b) 2017
3) Vaccination saves _______________.

a) lives b) death

4) Full form of ain’t is _______________.

a) are not b) am not

5) The word “hastily” means _______________.

a) slowly b) quickly
6) In the past , there was no cure for _______________.
a) Leprosy b) Fever
7) The man is sitting _______________ a chair.
a) in b) on
8) “MA” is the abbreviation of _____________________________.
a) Master of Arts b) Master of Athlete
Class: 4th Paper: English A (Obj) Page: 02

Q2: Mark the statement True or False. ( /2.5)

1. The Gulf was ended by February 1991. ( )

2. Hibah was born in Kuwait. ( )

3. Dec. is the abbreviation of December. ( )

4. Biology is the study of Earth. ( )

5. We take lunch at night. ( )

Q3. Write the Meanings of the following Words. ( /5)

Words Meanings Words Meanings

Yawn Hush

Passion Gruel


Q4. Make Sentences of (any 5) of the following words. ( /5)

(Crowd , Market , Gazed , Cheered , Gentle , Stamp , Harm , Envelope)

Words Sentences

Annual Term Exam (2023-24)

Class: 4th Paper: English A (Obj) Page: 03

Q5. The letters in the word below are jumbled. Write anagrams. ( /2)

Jumbled Words Anagrams Jumbled Words Anagrams

kerab htous

rwad atnip


Q6. Translate into Urdu. ( /5)

A man and his wife lived together in a small village near Hyderabad. One day ,
the lady told her husband that she was going to Hyderabad to do some shopping.
There are many big shops in Hyderabad, and the lady liked shopping there.





Q7. Which of the following sentences are facts and which are opinions? ( /2)

1. Germany and Pakistan are countries. ______________________

2. People should help each other. ______________________

3. There are floods in Pakistan in 2010. ______________________

4. Germany is a beautiful country. ______________________

Annual Term Exams 2023-24

Class: 4th Paper: English A (Obj) Page: 04

Q8. Put these words in correct order to make a sentence. ( /2)

1. sitting / man / on / is / a / the / chair


2. is / eating / he / a / yellow / banana


3. money / Salim / is / saving / his / all


4. the / market / am / I / going / to


Q9. Dictation. ( /3) Reading ( /2.5)






Annual Term Exams 2023-24

Annual Term Exam 2023-24
Total Marks: 50 Class: 4th Paper: English A Total Time: 2Hours
Time: 1 Hour (Subjective Part) Marks: (13)

Q1: Answer (any five) of the following Questions. (5×2=10)

1. In Poem “Limericks” , What happened to the old man’s boat?
2. What sort of noise does thunder make?
3. What was the first postage stamp called?
4. Where and what is Toronto?
5. When did Ruth Pfau become citizen of Pakistan?
6. What is leprosy and how can it be treated?
7. In poem “Limericks” , What did the lady of Russia do?

Q2. Read the Paragraph and answer the following Questions. (03)

Uncle Mike was an old friend of Asim’s father. He often came to see the family

on Sunday and it was usually at breakfast time because he loved puris too. He

thought that Asim’s mother was the best cook in the world.

1. Who was Uncle Mike?

2. When did Uncle Mike come to see Asim’s family?
3. Who love puris?

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