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 Business studies XI

 Paper
 Marks 80

Q1. _________involbes moment of goods from one place to another. (1)

Q2. Name the commercial activity that remove the hindrance of knowledge. (1)

Q3. Conversion of cotton into cloth is an example of ________ industry. (1)

Q4. Which of the following cannot be classified as an auxiliary trade?

a. Mining
b. Insurance
c. Warehousing
d. Transport

Q5. Name the form of business organisation in which the members are
jointly and individually liable for payment of firm's debts. (1)
Q6. In Joint Hindu family business __________has unlimited liability.
Q7. A proposed name of company is considered undesirable if
a. It is identical with the name
b. It resembles closely with of an existing company the name of an
existing company.
c. It is an embling of government
d. In case of any of the dog of India United nation etc.
Q8. Name the Co-operative society set up to make residential
accommodation available to its member at lower cost. (1)
Q9. Government company is any company in which the paid up capital
held by the government is not less than. (1)
a. 49%. B. 51 %. C. 50%. D. 25%
Q10. This unit student of PSEs implies. (1)
a. Sale of equity shares to public
b. Investing in new areas
c. Buying shares of PSEs
d. Closing down private sector/public operations.
Q11 . In whose name the shares of government company are
purchased? (1)
Q12. What is that enterprise called in which a project or services is
financed and operated through a partnership of Government and
private enterprises? (1)
Q13. It is a type of saving bank account in which excess of particular
limit gets automatically transfer to fix deposit account. (1)
a. Current deposit account
b. Recurring deposit account
c. Multiple option deposit account
d. None of the above.
Q14.ccountndertaker fire insurance policy for rupees 8 lakh. After 2
months due to fire it encode a loss of 5 lakh. How much amount will the
company get as compensation. (1)
Q15. Which of the following do not come under e – Banking ?
a. ATM
b. Debit card
c. ATM
d. Overdraft
Q16. Which of the following is not a function of insurance? (1)
a. Risk sharing
b. Assist in capital formation
c. Landing of funds
d. None of the above
Q 17. Use of ATM to withdrawal money is an example of: (1)
a. B2B commerce
b. B2C commerce
c. C2C commerce
d. C2B commerce
Q18. name the services in which a form gets its task done by another
firm. (1)
Q19. By what Name digitalisation of business is known? (1)
Q20. Give two benefits of e business over traditional business. (1)
Q21. Unique enterprises is dealing in auto spare parts. With the
expansion of business the enterprise on that the decisions are delayed
and level of coordination is coming down. The CEO of the company
called for meeting of all the managers. Ayush a newly appointed
manager suggested that company should have its own internet so that
all the employees can interact and pass important information to each
other through internet. Even short meeting of different departments
can be conducted through video conferencing to take fast action. The
CEO like to the idea and installed and internet connection for
connecting all the employees on line.
Which type of e-commerce is suggested by Mr Ayush? Explain. (3)
Q22. Effective emits lot of smoking pollutants while manufacturing
sugar. It is over looking the impact of its activities on the environment
and is engaged in profit maximization.
i. Which objective is not being who built by the mamanufacturers?
ii. Which type of industry will you classify sugar manufacturing?
Explain. (3)
Q 23.what do you understand by statutory corporation? Give three
examples of it. (3)
Q24. What do you mean by outsourcing? Explain BPO and KPO. (3)
Q25. Write notes on RTGS and NEFT. (3)
Q26. “Business processing outsourcing is an another trend that is
radically reshaping business world in India.” in the light of the above
statement, explain any four benefits of business process outsourcing.
Q27. What is e-banking? Explain the benefits of e-banking to
customers and banks. (4)
Q28.Name (i) the form of public enterprise which requires a special act
of the Parliament and (ii) the type of joint stock company in which
government holds 51% or more of the equity Capital. Also distinguish
between them on any three basis.(4)
Q29(.a.) Identify the types of partner highlighted in the following
a. This partner does not take part in the day today activities of the
b. He gives an impression of his being partner to others by his words
or conduct.
c. He allows the use of his Goodwill to benefit the firm and can be
represented as partner.
d. He is represented as a partner and inspite of knowing this, he does
not deny such impression.
e. His association with the firm is not disclosed to the general public.
f. This partner takes active part in carrying out business of the firm.
(b) A
,B and
C are partners dealing in the sale of sports equipment. A, without
the knowledge of B and C, is also running the business of supplying
sports equipment to a few sports clubs. He is earning good amount
of profit from this business but didn’t inform A and B about this.
Was A correct in doing so? Indicate a value which he did not follow.
Q30. Distinguish between business and profession on the basis of
following: (5)
(i) Qualification (ii) Mode of establishment (iii) Return (iv) Risk
(v) Code of conduct.
Q31. What are multimulti-national companies? What are the
merits and harmful effects of multinational companies for the first
Q32. What is Memorandum of Association? Briefly explain its
clauses. (6)
Q33. What is e business?Discuss the limitations of electronic mode
of doing business. Are these limitations severe enough to restrict
it’s scope? Give reasons for your answer. (6)
Q34. Explain the fundamental principles of insurance. Also, state
the important functions of insurance.(6)

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