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SFH Question bank for IA2

1. What is the recommended daily water intake?

a) 0.5 Litres b) 1 Litre c) 2 Litres d) 4 Litres

2 What constituent of food forms the bulk of what we eat everyday

a. Vitamins b. Minerals c. Macronutrients d. Micronutrient

3 What are the reasons for taking drugs?

a) To feel good b) To feel better c) To do better d) All of the above

4 Intellectual wellness includes

a) Eating balanced diet b) Drinking sufficient water c) Having good nutrition d) Mental exercise

5 Risk factors that increase a person’s illness or injury due to

a) Smoking b) Extreme physical activity c) Alcohol drinking d) All of the above

6 Symptoms of substance use disorder is

a. Impaired control b. Social Problems c. Risky use d. All of the above

7 A mentally sick person has

a) Tendency to perform all the daily chores by one self b) Tendency to get upset with change of routine

8 Communication is a part of ---------- skills

a) soft b) Hard c) Rough d) Short

9 Hyper obesity value in terms of BMI

a)>25 b)40 c. 60 d.57

10 How one can improve the communicate skills

a) Listen with willingness b) Respond appropriately c) Provide feedback d) All of the above

11 Potatoes, cereals, beans, pulses and oats are rich in ___________.

a) Proteins b) Vitamins c) Minerals d) Carbohydrates

13 Which of the following food and nutrients DO NOT helps to fight against diseases?

a) Fats b) Meat c) Fruits d) Sugars

14 Mental health is defined as

a. Absence of disease b. Absence of stress, depression c. Wight loss d. none of the above

15 What are the effects of eating disorder?

a. Dizziness b. Dehydration c. Wight loss d. all of the above

16 How many dimensions of health are there?

a.2 b. 3 c.5 d.10

17 Alcohol consumption has been linked to

a. Liver cirrhosis b. High blood pressure c. Stroke d. All of the above

18 What is the life span of Red blood Cells (RBC)?

a. 120 days b. 90 days c. 20 days d. 200 days

19 Risk factors that increases a person’s illness or injury due to

a. smoking b. Taking regular exercise c. Eating healthy food d. going to gym

20 Who proposed the bio psychosocial model?

a. Freud b. Sontag c. Engel d. none of these

21 In ______, blood glucose homeostasis ceases to function because the beta cells of the pancreatic islets
are destroyed.

a. type 1 diabetes b. type 2 diabetes c. gestational diabetes d. both (a) & (b)

22 Egg is a rich source of _________

a)Proteins b) Vitamins c)Minerals d)Fat

23 World health day is celebrated on

a..1st March b.7th April c. 6th October d. 10th May

24 Types of Addictive Behaviour

a) Video Gaming b) All of the above c) Alcoholism d) Drug Abuse

25 Benefits of practicing mindfulness

a. Self control b. Better memory c. Reduce anxiety & stress d. All of these

26 WBC is also called as

a. Erythrocytes b. Leukocytes c. Thrombocytes d. None of the above

27. The most significant and essential mineral required for our body
a. iron b. calcium c. cyanide d. Both A & b

28 . Which of the following food items provide dietary fibers?

a. Proteins b. vitamins c. Carbohydrates d. all of the above

29 . Wellness is ______
a. Positive approach b. negative approach c. positive and negative approach d. Social well
30 . Obesity & overweight can be due to
a. Eating plenty of dietary fibers b. Genetics, health conditions & medication
c. Eating low glycemic index food d. consuming less processed & sugary food

31. What are the effects of eating disorder?

a. Dizziness b. Dehydration c. Wight loss d. all of the above

32. Which of the following is an eating disorder?

a. High fever b. Diabetes c. Anorexia nervosa d. High blood pressure

33. How can one overcome obesity & overweight?

a. Do aerobic exercise b. Eat more amount of vegetables & fruits c. All of the above d. None
of the above

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