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Learning Organizing design in the school Page 1 of 2


Schools can organize the study of design in the MYP as:

• as a distinct digital and/or product design course

• as a series of distinct digital and/or product design courses

• as a single course which combines digital and product design.

Below are examples of how schools might structure their courses. In whichever way a school chooses to organize
the design course (s), the “Requirements” stated in the guide are applicable.
Consider the strengths and limitations of each type of course and the questions below.
Type of course Description Strengths
Digital design Courses use the design cycle to solve Great extension of
Students don’t create
courses problems through the use of a learning in digital
in 3D.
computer system. The study of digital literacy well above the
design equips students to create normal integrated Limited outcomes
computer-generated digital model.
products/solutions to solve a problem Expensive
Often easer to staff.
and meet a perceived need. Two- Can be perceived as IT
dimensional (2D) tangible solutions Feeds well in upper
created using computer-aided school computing
manufacturing techniques are typically subjects
the result of a digital design course.
Distinct digital design courses include
web design, interactive media design,
programming and control, and so on.
Product design Courses use the design cycle to solve Engages all learners
Can be still perceived
courses problems through the use of tools, and learning styles.
as vocational and
materials and systems. The study of
Holistic and inter therefore lacking rigor
product design equips students to
disciplinary in its very
manipulate a variety of materials to Expensive and difficult
create tangible products/solutions to to staff
solve a problem and meet a need. Engages higher order
Three-dimensional (3D) tangible thinking.
solutions made using computer-aided
manufacturing techniques are typically Develops critical and
the result of a product design course. creative thinking skills.
Distinct product design courses include Provides life skills both
food product design, fashion design, academic and practical
electronic product design, engineering
design, and so on. Strong upper school
and tertiary pathways
A combined digital Courses use the design cycle and All of the above…
As above …
and product combine the knowledge, skills,
Best of both worlds if
design course techniques and materials of both digital Requires a serious
properly staffed and
and product design to develop commitment both
products/solutions that solve a problem financial and
and meet a need. Combined courses philosophical form
include robotics, graphic product admin. RARE!
design, interface design, and so on.
Fostering interdisciplinary teaching and
learning in MYP schools guide (July
2014) provides information on
developing interdisciplinary units.

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Learning Organizing design in the school Page 2 of 2

How does the way your course is structured impact on learning?

….staffing… rooming….resources….progressive and creative curriculum….relevant and contextual for
students….all objectives process at the centre….rigorus…

What are the common features of any successful design course?

_The design cycle! Knowledge and the skills of problem solving, project management, critical and
creative thinking. Inter disciplinary, holistic, students centred, challenging, rigours and fun. All students
can enjoy success.

What is the key to inspire student learning in design?

__________SEE ABOVE_______________________________________________________________

MYP Next Chapter- Subject-group UPDATE © International Baccalaureate Organization 2013

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