Children 6 to 11

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CHILDREN AGES 6 TO 11 WEIGHT AND STRUCTURAL BODY DIMENSIONS DESCRIPTION “To date, very litle anthropometric data have been availabe to the designer with regard to functional body measurements of infants and children. Such information is vital tothe proper design of juvenile fur- riture and preschool, school, and other intrior environments for use by children. What makes the need for such data even more critical is that the element of safety as well as comfort is at stake. There is & ‘strong relationship between improperly designed furniture and acci- dental death and injury to children. Cases of strangulation and neck impingement in cribs and high chairs, for example, are not uncom= mon. Table 7 provides some anthropometric data in the form of body ‘measurements of children from 6 to 11 years of age in the United ‘Sates from 1963 to 1965. Although the measurements are structural rather than functional, they should be useful to the designer, (The ‘measurements were converted from centimeters to inches, which ‘explains why there are some discrepancies within the tables.) Proper allowances for clothing and shoes should be added to all data, For addtional anthropometric data conceming infants and children, & 1978 study prepared by Snyder, Spencer, Owings, and Schneider, all ofthe University of Michigan, for the Society of Automotive En” gineers, entiled Anthropometry of U.S. Infants and Chiloren, is highly recommended. SOURCE Robert M. Malina, Peter V. V. Hamill, and Stanley Lemeshow, Na- tionay Health Exemination Survey: Selected Body Measurements of Children 6-11 Years, 1963-1965 (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Govern- ‘ment Printing Office, Vital and Health Stalistics Series 11, no, 123, DHEW publication no. (HSM) 73-1605. B WEIGHT 5 Taig Gna Pande ad Roa Bilge do and buucad Bacree eT Tee sees | SE) BR] es oes, evel oval eval Sa] bs SOS] aT pa] aT S| ber he] Fe ss Gimis| torso] ms_us|_uz_ms| ss no] too no] os Se} as] esa] eas] ee] eee 20) SO) Sias| ts snr] ste c5| soo oer| ear ooo] ree see] eran (Q) Gias| ss re| oo s| os _n9| soe ma] ora _ma|_ csr ae 5) Girus| ns ue] ner) ee ms] oe a) ca aus a 73 ome ‘ “lature of Children In inches and Centimeters . Sex, and Selected Percentiles evears | TYears | B Yeas | ovears | j0vears) 17 Yeas inom |_inem| in em| inom] in _em| _in_eom BOVS| aor wo ae a ese 3] ae 9 cimus| os inr| sar srr| tn to] we] ou tel no QMO) rus sol ss wor] stows] oro va] sor melee td SOS ass ra] ees ar] se] as ene ae (5) Sris| os vas] oe rs] as tos] se von] ne ver] cae_ saa EXO) ciaus| tes to] ser reo] suo wou] sso aes] oes to] seo wr BB | ee epee Gris| us es] wrt vor] mu taee| sts pne| costa] e3_ Gorse ise] ea] es es] ae ee] ea () Seuss soa] wes ts| cto cat] woo wre] so eo] 2078 SES Sts] or ay Ginus| se wea] ue a7) aoe sar] anaes) sro sa9s| saa asa) = siTmna EIGHT ‘Siting Height Erect of Age, Boe and Selected Percents Svea] Yess] Sveus | oveas [ jowea | 1 Was] BOYS] wa wa] ma rv] m2 vi] woz Wes] wes Tes] 17 waa Gints| 21a 1a] 2a 703| 901 rea] us_7on| 20 eaal BOVS| ae ea] za mas] mee 732] 297 755[ aoa 77a] sia_7a5] cinus| zr ero| _27_m0a| m5 _re| aus _753| ms 776|_szo_ava JO) BOYS| 262 es| 270 sar] a1 m3/ 20 va6[ m8 7s2 mS 775] 2) O ‘ Gins| ss ose| on oz] 27a _ro7| 8979s] asa _750| 10707] BOYS] ser] mea ars] ara a] aay ria] mee rar] ar Toa Girus| 2 sr] 2 ee2| 270 ea6| 279 _708| aus] 9001 BOYS] a7 eee] ase tsi] ass 7a] 272 wa] mo r10| ass Tea Gins| as eer] a2 eur] m2 ses] 270 ca7|_ 19 ror| aon _ aa BOYS] eri ar] 250 eas] a5 ess] 53668) era ee0) ar —Tia| cirs| zr oor] sea] ssa _ ots] 263 oar] arr _oas| maz _nial BOYS] m7 ena) ma ea) 50 ws] ase curs] 1 sea) as ov] ma so1| 250 ELBOW-TO- ELBOW BREADTH Elbow-to-Elbow Breadth of Ghilaren In Inches and Gentimeters by Age, Sex, and Selected Percentiles thas | Tees | aves | ewes | own | ve SOS |e |e ae te a a] ae a] a Gms] we se| vss] meine] ne ve] eo] wo am QO) Sis | e_ ms] ya] ns ar| ess] ose e_oe Gris| se aa| sr_ms|or_sr| we_me| we mr| nse CS Ss} Sy ae ae Sas (OE a Sos] sas] ems] or] ea 8 Geos ts ns] ena] te] on me] os ma] te oes Dear] Tan Bove Hse ee] aes a] tT] a (Q) Sis] ta ns] se ee] aes] oe s]_ or als Sore} ar| tsar] ae] eos] a] a Gris] se omeL oe wr] vo wer| or mea] tw ma] oy T ‘THIGH ‘CLEARANCE Saien nes need Percent cers | ewan] owas] jy BOYS] a wa| ae | ees] as] eer] Gmus| tse] ta_wea| or sao| oa waa oa] an_te QO) crus] 2a] is sto tet] te alt else Bas{ seep ats] ee] to BS) Grus| se wo] ss tos| te na] oe val toa] sao CO) Sias| see] ase asa] te tor] te ars S)Girus| 33 se{ as tof ar _ta| ao ou] _r_ wal azo Sore] ae eT eas] ea] se Seve] aye aa] as esa] oa eet el hal al a) se) iC) KNEE HEIGHT Knee Helght of Children in inches and Gentimeters———SSSCSCS~*S by Age, Sex, and Selected Percentiles eee, ee] ces] os] ea] eas TH POPLITEAL HEIGHT opie! Reight of Ghiaran in inches and Cantintars by\Age, Sex,and Selected Percentiles ‘veers | 7 Years] 8 Years | ovears | 10 Years] 11 Voars BUTTOCK. POPLITEAL, LENGTH Buttock Popiteal Length of Children In Inches and Centimeters by Age, Sex, and Selected Percentiles veers | zeae | eves | ovens | fovea inom | inom] in om| in em | _in_om. BOYS] wr wa] wa ua] ee a2] v7 wo 7 Gints| 2 me | 19 wa] wa a1] ws a2 wr BOYS] 141 sar] 150 seo] 15@ 401] 168 «27 us JQ cel ls ts le S| a BOYS] iss sar] v1 a7] 4a ave] 15798 wo t cirus| iss sa | ws _ses| 2 wo] 92 a2] v2 as BOYS| ize sia] waa see] ver ase] 150 on2| 156 o97 SO) ans| as os] se as| zi] as Sal a BOYS| 120 a4] we wal vas oa[ 1a 63] eo o78 2 ciris| 2 si1| sso sea | ion ser | ue ara] sa a0 BOYS| is 2a] a a2) mo as| a7 a7] a a2 O) cms] nr ar ts sa] os Ss] ose tes ana BOYS| 113 aee| 20 a4] a7 maa] 194 a4] 109 953 Gis | 22a] zo 00] 22 er] sss 3] 41 a5 @ BUTTOCK KNEE LENGTH Bullock-Knes Lengih of Children in Inches and Centimeters ‘and Selected Percentiles Tears | 8 Years | oVvearms | 10 Vea] 11 Years BOYS) ea ne] ve us] wa ws] Ws as] ov so] ant aa cins| ies si9| ss aa| var ers | 199 sos] m7 s2r| 220 80) BOYS| ie soe] 71 aa] 79 asa] tao ara] 97 soy] s07 ab cits | io a2 | is _aas| wo see] t9¢ wea] m2 _sre| 218s BOYS] isa ser] ea aie] we aa] wa sea] 190 sea] Tassos cirus| ise se | ws sa] vs us| 16 oa] es aos| m5 821 O S) Os ee Spe sp spe apes By > airs| ws se se wr] er _es| me u7| tes _aa| ses 5 BOYS] 1 as7] go aes} ee woz] Testis] a wz] a Gis| v2 oer | vo oe2| 50 _os| rea ee] rs_u7| we wa BOYS] waa ase] ase] ee a7] 88 eT] eas] aT BOYS | 12a ara] aa a7] iar sar] tea a7] ta? san] Tee 23] qinis| 7 _m2| as x2] us ars] 2 sus] so aos] 297)

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