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MYP unit planner

Teacher(s) Subject and Design: Product design


Unit title Welcome to Phnom Penh MYP year 5 Unit duration 39 hrs

Stage 1 – Establishing the purpose of the unit

Key concept Related concept(s) Context

Communication Perspective and function An inquiry into Identity

Statement of inquiry

Effective communication can be used to alter perceptions of an identity.

Inquiry questions

Factual – What does tourism mean for PP? Why do we use scale models?
Conceptual – What is needed in order to successfully promote something? How can I use a display booth to promote PP?
Debatable – How effectively can modelling represent reality?

MYP Unit planner review draft 19/11/2012

Summative assessment

Objectives: Outline of summative assessment task(s): Relationship between summative assessment task(s) and statement of inquiry:
A – D (all strands) Based on the Nat Geo survey of October 2008 The model must be representative of the full size display and so must be correctly
that ‘branded’ Phnom Penh ‘the second worst scaled. It must sell PP’s identity as an attractive tourist destination. When tested
city in the world to visit’ students will design a along with the Nat Geo article with people who know little/nothing about PP they
display to fill/fit in a 4m x 4m x 4m space that should be convinced that the headline (not the reason for the headline) is wrong.
would be used in local international airports to
promote Phnom Penh as a desirable tourist
destination. They will make a 1:10 scale model
of it. The scenario is set with the Cambodian
government as the client. Members of the
Ministry of Tourism will visit as part of the
evaluation process.

Approaches to learning (ATL)

The below ATL will be focused on throughout the project for improving student skills and learning as necessary and monitored for reporting (mid- and end-
semester reports):
Self-management (organisation and affective skills)
Communication (literacy)
Research (referencing)

Stage 2 –Planning for teaching and learning through inquiry

Content Learning process

Students will understand that: Learning experiences and teaching strategies

Whenever possible front loading of language to be carried out by ESL department and opportunities will
 the effective communication of Phnom Penh often be given in ESL class to work on descriptive writing skills for design folder work. ISPP rubric
as a desirable tourist destination requires an accompanies the MYP assessment criteria to help clarify the criteria. Task sheets also supplied breaking
efficient use of limited space to allow for user the project down into individual activities.
interaction, be attractive from a distance Inquiring and Analysing
while maintaining clarity close up, Discuss inquiry questions etc. to determine what needs researching. Students write their own research

MYP Unit planner review draft 19/11/2012

plan and submit for assessment to determine if they are able to achieve 7-8 band or not.
incorporate clear graphics/text/information
Supply task sheet highlighting what needs to be researched through the inquiry questions with specific
etc., and clearly show what is being
guidance/suggestions for appropriate topics within each topic of research. Rewrite research plan as
appropriate (students can now only achieve 5-6 band for the research plan).
 to alter the perception that Phnom Penh is Carry out initial research to help justify why a project of this kind is important based on the inquiry
the second worst city in the world to visit the questions:
fun and interesting aspects of the city that What does tourism mean for PP? Students research the positive and negative consequences tourists
remain need to be researched and included, bring to PP.
as necessary, in the promotion Why do we use scale models? Students research to understand that modelling saves resources etc.
 the function of the model is to represent what
the actual full size display would be like and Remainder of research based on the inquiry question:
also that modelling saves resources What is needed in order to successfully promote something? Students research/analyse attractions
 isometric sketching in and around PP, display booths and how other countries have promoted themselves. Summarize
 choosing appropriate materials for modelling results of research.
e.g. toilet roll tubes
Remaining design cycle requirements are left to individual students to achieve as per assessment criteria
and prior project experiences. Minimal teacher guidance provided plus notes on task sheet. Greater
teacher involvement needed during creation to suggest alternative approaches to those planned
(providing for a better overall student experience and finished product and conservation of materials!!).

Developing ideas
How can I use a display booth to promote PP?
Specifications written based on research and previous design experience. Testing methods developed
prior to beginning design ideas (with opportunities to resubmit testing multiple times before being formally
assessed/ used).

At least three different ideas checked against specifications and improved as necessary to meet
specifications. Improvements/variations made. Final design chosen, further improved and justified
against specifications.
Parts drawings for the model along with any special requirements for how parts of it should be made.

Creating the solution

Plan to make the model.
Make model.
Record creation notes against plan as necessary.
Present model through annotated photos.


MYP Unit planner review draft 19/11/2012

How effectively can modelling represent reality?
Improve testing methods based on previous feedback.
Carry out tests. Ministry of Tourism will also provide feedback on each model/display.
Evaluate model’s success.
Suggest improvements to model (in terms of quality of construction and how well it represents the full
size display) and the improvements that would be needed in the full size display for it to be as effective
as possible.
Discuss the likely impact of the student’s promotion if actually used and made into a full size display.
(Students need to be realistic about the effectiveness of what they actually designed).

Formative assessment
As per year 5 assessment criteria.
Students will receive verbal formative feedback as needed during research stage, written formative
feedback and preliminary achievement level upon submission of the whole of criterion A and final
summative feedback and achievement level upon resubmission of criterion A.
Students will receive verbal formative feedback as needed during criterion B and C with final summative
assessment upon completion of each criterion. Specifications will be formerly assessed along with
criterion A. Amendments to specifications will not be reassessed once designing begins but if
specifications are poor students will be encouraged to improve them. Planning will receive summative
assessment before students may begin creation.
Criterion D will receive verbal formative feedback as needed during evaluation, written formative
feedback and preliminary achievement level upon submission of the whole of criterion D and final
summative feedback and achievement level upon resubmission of criterion D. Testing methods will be
assessed along with criterion A once specifications have been developed. Students may resubmit as
needed until the evaluation of the product starts.
Students are expected to willingly discuss their progress with the teacher and resubmit work without
Students are expected to demonstrate a good understanding of the design cycle and ask appropriate
questions to further their understanding.
Suggested deadlines will be given for each stage of the design cycle but students are expected to
manage their own workload based on these.
Feedback/instruction to students will be tailored to individuals on an as needed basis.

MYP Unit planner review draft 19/11/2012


Research: Locally produced tourist guide pamphlets/magazines, interviews with tourists and travel agents, internet.
Workshop: wood and its derivatives, any appropriate materials students can find for creation e.g. toilet roll tubes.

Stage 3 – Reflecting and evaluating

Prior to teaching the unit During teaching After teaching the unit

This is a successful and challenging project for Visit from Ministry was far more meaningful this
students that has run for many years under year; they seemed to have much more of an idea
several different justifications. The current Nat Geo about effective promotion. They also want to work
survey being the most valid and is still relevant in with the airport authorities to have a display made
terms of designing to counter negative press. The of the students’ work.
Khmer students are always shocked by the
headline and I have found it motivates them in
ways I have not seen in other projects and also
makes them think twice about the ‘beautification’
going on in their capital city. Even though the Nat
Geo survey is now four years old the continuing
‘beautification’ of the city still threatens to impact
its future so the project still has much relevancy.

MYP Unit planner review draft 19/11/2012

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