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Card product design

KIS International School Philip Toews, Nicholas Stonehouse, Adam Barnes

IB MYP Design (Grade 7) A


Card product design

Subject Year Start date Duration

Design Grade 7 Week 1, January 19 weeks 31 hours

Key and Related Concepts

Key Concepts

Key Concepts Definition

Communication is the exchange or transfer of signals, facts, ideas and symbols. It requires a sender, a
message and an intended receiver. Communication involves the activity of conveying information or meaning.
Communication Effective communication requires a common 'language' (which may be written, spoken or non-verbal).

Related Concept(s)

Form, Innovation


Conceptual Understanding

We can use materials to innovate form and aesthetics.

Global Context

Global Context Explorations to develop

Personal and cultural


Why are we engaged in this inquiry? Why are these concepts important? Why is it important for me to understand? Why do
people care about this topic?

Personal and cultural expression:

Design: Creative products designed for a purpose

Statement of Inquiry
We communicate perspectives of personal and cultural expression through collaboration.

KIS International School

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Card product design
Card product design
KIS International School Philip Toews, Nicholas Stonehouse, Adam Barnes

IB MYP Design (Grade 7) A

Inquiry Questions

Type Inquiry Questions Line of Inquiry

Factual How are board games designed? Game design

Conceptual What are game mechanics and Game design


Debatable Can board games be used to Game design

effectively teach people?


MYP subject group objective(s)

A: Inquiring and analysing

i. explain and justify the need for a solution to a problem

ii. construct a research plan, which states and prioritizes the primary and secondary research needed to develop a
solution to the problem

iii. analyse a group of similar products that inspire a solution to the problem

iv. develop a design brief, which presents the analysis of relevant research

B: Developing ideas

i. develop a design specification, which outlines the success criteria for the design of a solution based on the data

ii. present a range of feasible design ideas, which can be correctly interpreted by others

iii. present the chosen design and outline the reasons for its selection

iv. develop accurate planning drawings/diagrams and outline requirements for the creation of the chosen solution

C: Creating the solution

i. construct a logical plan, which outlines the efficient use of time and resources, sufficient for peers to be able to follow
to create the solution

ii. demonstrate excellent technical skills when making the solution

iii. follow the plan to create the solution, which functions as intended

iv. explain changes made to the chosen design and plan when making the solution

D: Evaluating

i. describe detailed and relevant testing methods, which generate accurate data, to measure the success of the solution

ii. explain the success of the solution against the design specification

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Card product design
Card product design
KIS International School Philip Toews, Nicholas Stonehouse, Adam Barnes

IB MYP Design (Grade 7) A

iii. describe how the solution could be improved

iv. describe the impact of the solution on the client/target audience

• Board game mechanics - How do games work? What are the mechanics that board game designers use?
• Book binding techniques - how are the physical boards for board games created?
• Vector Illustration - the pen tool, ellipses, rectangle, gradient tools.
• PDF file press prep - How to prepare vector files as press ready PDF files.
• Basic layout / vector illustration skills - Setting up documents for press-ready output
• Basic layout / vector illustration skills - Importing high quality scans
• Basic layout / vector illustration skills - Creating & editing shapes
• Basic layout / vector illustration skills - Adjusting stroke & fill
• Basic layout / vector illustration skills - Creating, locking, editing layers
• Basic layout / vector illustration skills - Blending modes
• Basic layout / vector illustration skills - Raster vs vector artwork for print output
• Basic layout / vector illustration skills - Adding texture to illustrations

ATL Skills

ATL skills

Learning Experiences:


In order for students to develop a design brief they will need to use appropriate forms of writing for different purposes and

The skill strategy that will be explicitly taught and practiced is the creation of a design brief that makes allowances for the grade
4 target audience of the board game being designed.


In order for students to develop design ideas they will need to create original works and ideas; use existing works and ideas in
new ways.

The skill strategy that will be explicitly taught and practiced is the use of mind-mapping, before-during-after and word
association exercises as creative preparation for the board game design process.


- I. Communication skills

Exchanging thoughts, messages and information effectively through interaction

Use appropriate forms of writing for different purposes and audiences


- IX. Creative thinking skills

Generating novel ideas and considering new perspectives

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Card product design
Card product design
KIS International School Philip Toews, Nicholas Stonehouse, Adam Barnes

IB MYP Design (Grade 7) A

Create original works and ideas; use existing works and ideas in new ways


Summative Assessment
JUN G7DES Card Product
10 Summative Summative Long Term Thursday at 8:40 AM

Welcome back after Sonkran

We will move into Criteria C and D continuing on the same padlet. As before Column A contains the lesson links
and timetable along with recordings of all lessons, Column 2 contains example slides and examples of whole class
presentations. Working from home you will need to find or purchase materials for your Card Designs.

Link to the online timetable and links to all online classrooms.

Click on the link above to watch the live or recorded lesson, use your camera and microphone if you wish. Lessons
will start promptly and include important information about tasks that need to be completed and recorded in your Art
and Design Slides in Managebac

Let me know by email before the class if you are unable to attend, attendance will be recorded. If you miss more than
two classes without letting me know I will record your absence in the day book. Email me with any questions about
the slides and activities.

Padlet Links (Student collaborative and team work, Creative evidence Slides and presentations and resources)

7A Design -

7B Design -

7C Design -

Photo Gallery Links (Photos of work in progress)

7A Design Figurines -

7A Design Card Product -

7B Design Figurines -

7B Design Card Product -

7C Design Figurines -

7C Design Card Product -

Goal - to open the unit slides, access the unit padlet, to begin to identify and explain the need for 'Card Products'

KIS International School

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Card product design
Card product design
KIS International School Philip Toews, Nicholas Stonehouse, Adam Barnes

IB MYP Design (Grade 7) A

To read through the Unit Details and consider the Unit Inquiry Question.

Open the Slides linked to this task and read through the introduction slides

Role - You are a product designer working in the field of Card products, your challenge is to design a new and
innovative card product

Audience - You will identify an audience and market for your products from a range of customers and markets.

Situation - Using materials available to you you will create a prototype

Purpose - You will build a design brief and specification for your product

Criteria for Success - you will use your specifications to develop criteria for success.

The aim of the first lesson is to check access t all resources and create an initial statement (Three paragraphs ) about
the reasons for the need of the product and why it is worthwhile to create a product like this. The opening paragraphs
should be shared on the class padlet before being entered into your managebac copy of the unit slides.

JUN G7DES Card Product

10 Summative Summative Long Term Thursday at 8:40 AM

Welcome back after Sonkran

Lesson details for 19th April are on the padlet in the first column

We will move into Criteria C and D continuing on the same padlet. As before Column A contains the lesson links
and timetable along with recordings of all lessons, Column 2 contains example slides and examples of whole class
presentations. Working from home you will need to find or purchase materials for your Card Designs.

Link to the online timetable and links to all online classrooms.

Click on the link above to watch the live or recorded lesson, use your camera and microphone if you wish. Lessons
will start promptly and include important information about tasks that need to be completed and recorded in your Art
and Design Slides in Managebac

Let me know by email before the class if you are unable to attend, attendance will be recorded. If you miss more than
two classes without letting me know I will record your absence in the day book. Email me with any questions about
the slides and activities.

Padlet Links (Student collaborative and team work, Creative evidence Slides and presentations and resources)

7A Design -

7B Design -

7C Design -

Photo Gallery Links (Photos of work in progress)

7A Design Figurines -

7A Design Card Product -

KIS International School

Page 5 of 11
Card product design
Card product design
KIS International School Philip Toews, Nicholas Stonehouse, Adam Barnes

IB MYP Design (Grade 7) A

7B Design Figurines -

7B Design Card Product -

7C Design Figurines -

7C Design Card Product -

Goal - to open the unit slides, access the unit padlet, to begin to identify and explain the need for 'Card Products'

To read through the Unit Details and consider the Unit Inquiry Question.

Open the Slides linked to this task and read through the introduction slides

Role - You are a product designer working in the field of Card products, your challenge is to design a new and
innovative card product

Audience - You will identify an audience and market for your products from a range of customers and markets.

Situation - Using materials available to you you will create a prototype

Purpose - You will build a design brief and specification for your product

Criteria for Success - you will use your specifications to develop criteria for success.

The aim of the first lesson is to check access t all resources and create an initial statement (Three paragraphs ) about
the reasons for the need of the product and why it is worthwhile to create a product like this. The opening paragraphs
should be shared on the class padlet before being entered into your managebac copy of the unit slides.

JUN G7DES Card Product

10 Summative Summative Long Term Thursday at 8:40 AM

This is a link to the ongoing lesson summary, use the padlet for all updated resources and documents.

Welcome back after Sonkran

We will move into Criteria C and D continuing on the same padlet. As before Column A contains the lesson links
and timetable along with recordings of all lessons, Column 2 contains example slides and examples of whole class
presentations. Working from home you will need to find or purchase materials for your Card Designs.

Link to the online timetable and links to all online classrooms.

Click on the link above to watch the live or recorded lesson, use your camera and microphone if you wish. Lessons
will start promptly and include important information about tasks that need to be completed and recorded in your Art
and Design Slides in Managebac

Let me know by email before the class if you are unable to attend, attendance will be recorded. If you miss more than
two classes without letting me know I will record your absence in the day book. Email me with any questions about
the slides and activities.

KIS International School

Page 6 of 11
Card product design
Card product design
KIS International School Philip Toews, Nicholas Stonehouse, Adam Barnes

IB MYP Design (Grade 7) A

Padlet Links (Student collaborative and team work, Creative evidence Slides and presentations and resources)

7A Design -

7B Design -

7C Design -

Photo Gallery Links (Photos of work in progress)

7A Design Figurines -

7A Design Card Product -

7B Design Figurines -

7B Design Card Product -

7C Design Figurines -

7C Design Card Product -

Goal - to open the unit slides, access the unit padlet, to begin to identify and explain the need for 'Card Products'

To read through the Unit Details and consider the Unit Inquiry Question.

Open the Slides linked to this task and read through the introduction slides

Role - You are a product designer working in the field of Card products, your challenge is to design a new and
innovative card product

Audience - You will identify an audience and market for your products from a range of customers and markets.

Situation - Using materials available to you you will create a prototype

Purpose - You will build a design brief and specification for your product

Criteria for Success - you will use your specifications to develop criteria for success.

The aim of the first lesson is to check access t all resources and create an initial statement (Three paragraphs ) about
the reasons for the need of the product and why it is worthwhile to create a product like this. The opening paragraphs
should be shared on the class padlet before being entered into your managebac copy of the unit slides.

MYP Assessment Criteria

6/8 A: Inquiring and analysing 6/8 B: Developing ideas

6/8 C: Creating the solution 6/8 D: Evaluating

KIS International School

Page 7 of 11
Card product design
Card product design
KIS International School Philip Toews, Nicholas Stonehouse, Adam Barnes

IB MYP Design (Grade 7) A

Learning Experiences

Learning Experiences and Teaching Strategies

Learning experiences:

Students create simple board games based on transdisciplinary unit themes from PYP. Games are tested by PYP students.

The summative project for this unit is a board game prototype including the following elements:

• Game board
• Instruction sheet
• Game pieces (low res placeholders) & cards

Students will be provided with a unit task sheet which outlines in detail how they need to respond to each of the criteria and
sub-criteria. The unit has 1 summative task revolving around the creation of a board game of their own design. Prototypes will
be developed which will be used for evaluative feedback from peers, members of the target audience for the product as well as
available experts. The target audience for the products will be grade 4 students at KIS who will provide feedback which will be
used to improve the products.

Formative tasks with associated feedback will be provided throughout the design cycle. The formative tasks are directly related
to the 4 stages of the design cycle with feedback provided at each stage. As the unit progresses the students complete the
successive components of the project which will be included as part of the summative task at the end of the term. Each of the
4 stages of the design cycle has a corresponding section of a Google Doc which is completed as evidence of completion of
that formative task. Thus, as the term progresses, students complete more and more of what will eventually be submitted as the
summative project for the unit.

Inquiry & Analysis

Developing Ideas
Creating the Solution


Skills and knowledge pre-assessment is an integral part of the design cycle. Before we embark on solving design problems
we must "identify and prioritize research". This key objective in the design cycle framework corresponds directly to "pre-
assessment". Specific classroom activities can be found on Google classroom which are described in the unit task sheet
attached to this unit. All tasks and documentation related to this objective therefore fulfill the requirement to document how pre-
assessment is conducted for this unit.

Formative & Summative Assessment

All design process documentation is tracked in the unit response sheet. The work in the unit response sheet is formatively
assessed throughout the semester until it is submitted as summative work. Formative feedback is recorded as comments from
faculty peers and self. The unit response sheet with the formative feedback stays in Google classroom. At the end of the project
the fully completed (and revised based on feedback) document is saved as a PDF and attached to the summative task in
Managebac. See the example here:

Board game design unit response sheet with formative feedback

Learning activities

Design units share common stages of the design process. The stages follow that design cycle and have associated learning
activities with deliverables and/or documentation. For example, product research will be documented while product creation

KIS International School

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Card product design
Card product design
KIS International School Philip Toews, Nicholas Stonehouse, Adam Barnes

IB MYP Design (Grade 7) A

will have a physical, deliverable outcome. Task instructions are documented in two places: the unit task sheet for the unit and
in the individual tasks on Google Classroom. Documentation of the design process and student design thinking is done in the
unit response sheet for each unit. The unit response sheet is a combination of individual team member’s contributions. The
unit response sheets also records formative feedback from peers, the instructor and individual students. Formative activities are
done in support of the design process documentation which is recorded in the unit response sheet. Outcomes and evidence
from formative activities are added to the unit response sheets whenever possible. For example, a mind map resulting from a
brainstorming activity would be photographed or scanned and inserted into the developing ideas section of the unit response

Board Game Design summative project

Problem definition

Every unit needs a problem that can be solved through design. At the beginning of a unit a problem is explored, researched
and documented. The solution to this problem drives the design purpose. The problem is typically defined through instructor
led group discussion. In this unit this is accomplished in the unit response sheet associated with this unit (Board Game Design
summative project).

Creative preparation

Also known as ideation. This is the creative kickoff for coming up with design ideas.

Working together on documents

Product research

Designers look at the work of other designers to get inspiration and to see how they have solved the problems at hand. Designers
get ideas for technique, process, aesthetics, skills, presentation and more from learning from other designers. We stand on the
shoulders of giants. In this unit this is accomplished in the unit response sheet associated with this unit (Board Game Design
summative project).

A field trip and game design workshop to a board game cafe provided an authentic product and technique research opportunity.

How are board games designed? What are the elements of a board game that need to be created?

I see I think I Wonder

Design Sketching

Sketching is iterative. It is done in three increasingly refined stages:

20+ thumbnails (30-60 seconds each).

1-2 rough sketches (15-30 minutes each). These are annotated for things like materials choices, technical skills required,
questions that need answering, color choices and so on.
1 detailed drawing (60-90 minutes). This drawing is annotated with more precision (eg. amounts, dimensions,
measurements, etc.).

In this unit this is accomplished in the unit response sheet associated with this unit (Board Game Design summative project).

Skills acquisition

All projects require a certain amount of technical skill. There are 2 types of skills:

Design skills which are typically software based (eg. Inkscape, TinkerCAD).
Fabrication skills (making a printed box or 3d printed object)

In this unit skills acquisition in graphic design is accomplished through a series of software demonstrations, self-directed
learning and shared response learning.

KIS International School

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Card product design
Card product design
KIS International School Philip Toews, Nicholas Stonehouse, Adam Barnes

IB MYP Design (Grade 7) A

We communicate perspectives on issues through graphic and user experience design.

Bezier Curves... your vector design friend

Flipping the classroom: Inkscape and Gimp - Vector and Raster Tools

Inkscape for inquiry -

Color schemes -

Making cards or tiles for your game? -

How to prepare your Inkscape files for printing -

Box Artwork and design

Product creation

Product creation is skills application with purpose. As products are created learners document their process and identify gaps in
their skills that need to be researched. As students acquire new skills they apply them during the design process. This is typically
individual work which is documented in the unit response sheet associated with this unit (Board Game Design summative

Box Artwork and design

Product critique

Partner, peer, group and instructor feedback which must be applied to improve work in production. Feedback is documented in
the unit response sheet associated with this unit (Board Game Design summative project).

Product testing

Products are tested by the intended target audience. Results of the tests are recorded and evaluated. Results of product testing
are recorded & reflected upon in the unit response sheet associated with this unit (Board Game Design summative project).


The final activity for a unit is a reflective summary of the design thinking and processes used during the unit. This is recorded in
the student learning portfolios. Reflection about process is also done throughout the unit in the unit response sheet associated
with each unit.

Learning Portfolio Entry


Students will work independently using various tools at their own pace, thus differentiation is a priori.

Stream & Resources


Philip Toews
Posted website on Aug 19, 2018 at 10:01 AM

Board Game Design - Unit Task Sheet

KIS International School

Page 10 of 11
Card product design
Card product design
KIS International School Philip Toews, Nicholas Stonehouse, Adam Barnes

IB MYP Design (Grade 7) A

Philip Toews
Posted website on Aug 13, 2018 at 3:30 PM

G7 Google Classroom site

Philip Toews
Posted video on Sep 27, 2017 at 8:47 AM

Creating A BOARD GAME (Time Lapse)

Philip Toews
Posted website on Sep 27, 2017 at 8:46 AM

Board Game Mechanic Glossary - Boardgamizer

Philip Toews
Posted website on Sep 27, 2017 at 8:45 AM

Affinity Designer Tutorials on Vimeo

Philip Toews
Posted 1 file on Sep 12, 2017 at 9:20 AM

Unit task sheet for outside examiners unable to access Google docs
Document is static and uploaded for outside examiners unable to access Google docs

400 KB PDF Document

Philip Toews
Posted 1 file on Aug 8, 2017 at 4:40 PM

250 Bytes File

KIS International School

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Card product design

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