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Collectible Figurine Design

KIS International School Nicholas Stonehouse, Adam Barnes

IB MYP Design (Grade 7) A


Collectible Figurine Design

Subject Year Start date Duration

Design Grade 7 Week 2, August 19 weeks 31 hours

Key and Related Concepts

Key Concepts

Concepts Definition

Communities are groups that exist in proximity defined by space, time or relationship. Communities include,
for example, groups of people sharing particular characteristics, beliefs or values as well as groups of
Communities interdependent organisms living together in a specific habitat.

Related Concept(s)

Form, Perspective


Conceptual Understanding

Designers use innovation and available resources to create systems of interdependent components.

Global Context

Global Context Explorations to develop

Ritual and play, Creation

Personal and cultural


Statement of Inquiry
People collect things as a form of pleasure and personal or community identification.

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Collectible Figurine Design
Collectible Figurine Design
KIS International School Nicholas Stonehouse, Adam Barnes

IB MYP Design (Grade 7) A

Inquiry Questions

Type Inquiry Questions

Factual How do we make figurines?

Conceptual Why do people collect figurines? Why do we identify with objects?

Debatable Can collectible figurines give people pleasure? Can they be part of your identity? Can this make
a community of collectors?


MYP subject group objective(s)

A: Inquiring and analysing

i. explain and justify the need for a solution to a problem

ii. construct a research plan, which states and prioritizes the primary and secondary research needed to develop a
solution to the problem

iii. analyse a group of similar products that inspire a solution to the problem

iv. develop a design brief, which presents the analysis of relevant research

B: Developing ideas

i. develop a design specification, which outlines the success criteria for the design of a solution based on the data

ii. present a range of feasible design ideas, which can be correctly interpreted by others

iii. present the chosen design and outline the reasons for its selection

iv. develop accurate planning drawings/diagrams and outline requirements for the creation of the chosen solution

C: Creating the solution

i. construct a logical plan, which outlines the efficient use of time and resources, sufficient for peers to be able to follow
to create the solution

ii. demonstrate excellent technical skills when making the solution

iii. follow the plan to create the solution, which functions as intended

iv. explain changes made to the chosen design and plan when making the solution

D: Evaluating

i. describe detailed and relevant testing methods, which generate accurate data, to measure the success of the solution

ii. explain the success of the solution against the design specification

iii. describe how the solution could be improved

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Collectible Figurine Design
Collectible Figurine Design
KIS International School Nicholas Stonehouse, Adam Barnes

IB MYP Design (Grade 7) A

iv. describe the impact of the solution on the client/target audience

• Basic 3d modeling - workspace familiarity with TinkerCAD
• Basic 3d modeling - Orbit, zoom, pan
• Basic 3d modeling - Copy, paste, duplicate with changes
• Basic 3d modeling - Creating holes, grouping objects
• Basic 3d modeling - Primitives
• Basic 3d modeling - Freeform objects
• Basic 3d modeling - Exporting to STL
• Basic 3d modeling - Importing STLs & converting to solids
• Priming & Sanding
• Box & package layout

ATL Skills

ATL skills

Learning Experiences 2020

Students work individually through the design cycle.

Establishing the need for a design and a user profile. They develop effective writing skills constructing a three paragraph
statement. Describing the context, Describing the Problem, Identifying a personal response to the problem, what can I bring to
the design situation that will offer solutions to the problem?

Creating a research plan based on identifying the parameters of the problem and locating sources where solutions may be found.

Identifying suitable examples from the given information in the presentation and further afield

Using information from the analysis of examples to construct a design brief that focuses on the feasibility and parameters of a
proposed solution

Developing a Design Specification that allows for a range of solutions to be developed that focus on aesthetic decisions and
address the needs of the user.

Proposing a range of solutions, testing them against the set criteria expressed in the specification and user profile, choosing one
and justifying the choice

Creating a plan to develop and refine the choice through drawing and modeling.

Making and documenting modifications to the design

Showing skill and dexterity in realising a prototype of the chosen solution, made to be tested against a number of criteria laid

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Collectible Figurine Design
Collectible Figurine Design
KIS International School Nicholas Stonehouse, Adam Barnes

IB MYP Design (Grade 7) A

out in the specifications.

Learning Experiences:


In order for students to effectively record their team design process they need to help other team members to succeed.

The skill strategy that will be explicitly taught and practiced is the creation of shared team design process documentation.
Students work together and help each other succeed through peer editing and feedback.


In order for students to design products they need to create their own designs by imitating the work of others.

The skill strategy that will be explicitly taught and practiced is researching and analyzing existing products. Students research
and document best practice examples of the designs that solve the problems posed in this unit.


- II. Collaboration skills

Working effectively with others

Help others to succeed


- V. Reflection skills

(Re-)considering the process of learning; choosing and using ATL skills

Focus on the process of creating by imitating the work of others


Formative Assessment

30 Formative Classwork Wednesday at 1:45 PM

8 Formative Classwork Thursday at 1:45 PM

25 Formative Classwork Friday at 1:45 PM

Summative Assessment

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Collectible Figurine Design
Collectible Figurine Design
KIS International School Nicholas Stonehouse, Adam Barnes

IB MYP Design (Grade 7) A

18 Summative Summative Long Term Friday at 10:20 AM

The task extends across the four parts of the Design Cycle A: Research B Development C Planning and Creating D
Evaluating. Each of the objectives is part of a long Summative assessment and is graded.

Students use the google slides given to each of them through Managebac to record evidence for assessment. There
are formative tasks linked to each part of the longer Summative assessment, we evidence these using a project
padlet, they can access this through this task in resources.

7A -

7B -

7C -

Figurine Assessment Road Map

Follow these guidelines in your team to create your team doc
17 Summative Summative Long Term Thursday at 10:20 AM

The task extends across the four parts of the Design Cycle A: Research B Development C Planning and Creating D
Evaluating. Each of the objectives is part of a long Summative assessment and is graded.

Students use the google slides given to each of them through Managebac to record evidence for assessment. There
are formative tasks linked to each part of the longer Summative assessment, we evidence these using a project
padlet, they can access this through this task in resources.

7A -

7B -

7C -

Figurine Assessment Road Map

Follow these guidelines in your team to create your team doc
17 Summative Summative Long Term Thursday at 10:20 AM

The task extends across the four parts of the Design Cycle A: Research B Development C Planning and Creating D
Evaluating. Each of the objectives is part of a long Summative assessment and is graded.

Students use the google slides given to each of them through Managebac to record evidence for assessment. There
are formative tasks linked to each part of the longer Summative assessment, we evidence these using a project
padlet, they can access this through this task in resources.

7A -

7B -

KIS International School

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Collectible Figurine Design
Collectible Figurine Design
KIS International School Nicholas Stonehouse, Adam Barnes

IB MYP Design (Grade 7) A

7C -

Figurine Assessment Road Map

Follow these guidelines in your team to create your team doc

MYP Assessment Criteria

6/8 A: Inquiring and analysing 6/8 B: Developing ideas

6/8 C: Creating the solution 6/8 D: Evaluating

Learning Experiences

Learning Experiences and Teaching Strategies

Learning Experiences 2020:

Students have extended the skills used in this unit through the use of Tinkercad and Sculpt GL to develop their designs, they
are also modeling in resin to explore balance, scale and weight factors.

Students worked in teams prior to making their final choice of design in Crit B they used feedback from the team SWOT analysis
to modify their final designs and develop their justification for their final choice.

Students added a Gantt Chart to their time line for the planning of the crit C refinements and design making stage.

Learning experiences:


1. Introduction to collectible figurines slideshow, including class discussions about figurine function, materials and manufacture

2. Experimentation with different modelling techniques using tools, modelling clay and examples to replicate.

3. Criteria A - research. Complete managebac template.

4. Criteria B - Ideas. Complete managebac template.

5. Criteria C - manufacture. Complete managebac template.

6. Criteria D - evaluation. Complete managebac template.

In depth

Students will be provided with a unit task sheet which outlines in detail how they need to respond to each of the criteria and
sub-criteria. The unit has 1 summative task revolving around the creation of a set of figurines of their own design. Prototypes will
be developed which will be used for evaluative feedback from peers, members of the target audience for the product as well as
available experts.

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Collectible Figurine Design
Collectible Figurine Design
KIS International School Nicholas Stonehouse, Adam Barnes

IB MYP Design (Grade 7) A

Formative tasks with associated feedback will be provided throughout the design cycle. The formative tasks are directly related
to the 4 stages of the design cycle with feedback provided at each stage. As the unit progresses the students complete the
successive components of the project which will be included as part of the summative task at the end of the term. Each of the
4 stages of the design cycle has a corresponding section of a Google Doc which is completed as evidence of completion of
that formative task. Thus, as the term progresses, students complete more and more of what will eventually be submitted as the
summative project for the unit.

Inquiry & Analysis

Developing Ideas
Creating the Solution

Learning activities

Design units share common stages of the design process. The stages follow that design cycle and have associated learning
activities with deliverables and/or documentation. For example, product research will be documented while product creation
will have a physical, deliverable outcome. Task instructions are documented in two places: the unit task sheet for the unit and
in the individual tasks on Google Classroom. Documentation of the design process and student design thinking is done in the
unit response sheet for each unit. The unit response sheet is a combination of individual team member’s contributions. The
unit response sheets also records formative feedback from peers, the instructor and individual students. Formative activities are
done in support of the design process documentation which is recorded in the unit response sheet. Outcomes and evidence
from formative activities are added to the unit response sheets whenever possible. For example, a mind map resulting from a
brainstorming activity would be photographed or scanned and inserted into the developing ideas section of the unit response

Problem definition

Every unit needs a problem that can be solved through design. At the beginning of a unit a problem is explored, researched
and documented. The solution to this problem drives the design purpose. The problem is typically defined through instructor led
group discussion. In this unit this is accomplished in the unit response sheet associated with this unit .

Creative preparation

Also known as ideation. This is the creative kickoff for coming up with design ideas.

Product research

Designers look at the work of other designers to get inspiration and to see how they have solved the problems at hand. Designers
get ideas for technique, process, aesthetics, skills, presentation and more from learning from other designers. We stand on the
shoulders of giants. In this unit this is accomplished in the unit response sheet associated with this unit.

Design Sketching

Sketching is iterative. It is done in three increasingly refined stages:

20+ thumbnails (30-60 seconds each).

1-2 rough sketches (15-30 minutes each). These are annotated for things like materials choices, technical skills required,
questions that need answering, color choices and so on.
1 detailed drawing (60-90 minutes). This drawing is annotated with more precision (eg. amounts, dimensions,
measurements, etc.).

In this unit this is accomplished in the unit response sheet associated with this unit.

Skills acquisition

All projects require a certain amount of technical skill. There are 2 types of skills:

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Collectible Figurine Design
Collectible Figurine Design
KIS International School Nicholas Stonehouse, Adam Barnes

IB MYP Design (Grade 7) A

Design skills which are often software based (eg. Affinity Designer, Fusion 360).
Fabrication skills (assembly and finishing of prototype)

In this unit skills acquisition in 3D modeling is accomplished through a combination of demonstrations, mini-workshops and
self-directed learning about Inkscape. In addition to this, there are tasks on Google Classroom.

Product creation

Product creation is skills application with purpose. As products are created learners document their process and identify gaps in
their skills that need to be researched. As students acquire new skills they apply them during the design process. This is typically
individual work which is documented in the unit response sheet associated with this unit.

Product critique

Partner, peer, group and instructor feedback which must be applied to improve work in production. Feedback is documented in
the unit response sheet associated with this unit.

Product testing

Products are tested by the intended target audience. Results of the tests are recorded and evaluated. Results of product testing
are recorded & reflected upon in the unit response sheet associated with this unit.


The final activity for a unit is a reflective summary of the design thinking and processes used during the unit. This is recorded in
the student learning portfolios. Reflection about process is also done throughout the unit in the unit response sheet associated
with each unit.


General Reflections

Prior to studying the unit

Adam Barnes Oct 28, 2020 at 3:20 PM

This is the second time teaching this unit. I have refined it to include a modeling stage as there was insufficient time to 3D
print last time. The prints will be set to print at the end of the unit over the holiday. Modeling in plastscene and Fimo will
allow all student to create a prototype that can be photographed and evaluated. The unit offers students the opportunity to
create a personalized figurine aimed at the figurine market. Students develop skills in in research and analysis and follow on
with a range of drawing a modeling techniques to realize and develop a range of ideas moving toward a final design created
using tinkered and sculpt GL. Students learn haw to use both programs and how to import and export between the two.
Tinkercan offers more formal geometric modeling with dimensioning ScluptGL offers mesh modeling. Together they allow
students to develop effective models that are close to their ideas. Some texturing is possible and coloring after the model
is printed. The Unit builds on CAD experiences from G6. Students work in teams at different stages to test ideas and gather

During the unit

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Collectible Figurine Design
Collectible Figurine Design
KIS International School Nicholas Stonehouse, Adam Barnes

IB MYP Design (Grade 7) A

Adam Barnes Oct 28, 2020 at 3:25 PM

Students use the resources available on their laptops with some use of resins and drawing materials to develop their
designs. The ideas come mainly from gaming and literary sources with some film characters, it can be difficult to focus
students on designing for a wider market that doesn't included them. Students have a personal experience with figurine
collecting and work in teams during the earlier stages to develop ideas and understand specifications related to figurines.
There are a range of abilities in the group and lots of learning from each other about drawing and modeling skills. The unit is
long and drags at points but students mostly kept up and were graded quite highly.

Adam Barnes Nov 10, 2020 at 8:07 AM

Students completed a team SWOT analysis prior to presenting their final choice of design and before the process of
development and refinement of the design in Crit C. Students were able to use the feedback of others and their personal
summary of feedback to inform their planning timeline and give content for their Gantt Charts. Students focused on
weaknesses and threats to their design to create a list of needed developments. They created a resin model to explore
the balance and scale of their designs prior to making changes to their CAD model. Students designs are becoming more
refined with some students developing their designs to become better balanced and more slender and tactile. Students are
also adding to the range of accessories and modules. Most students are developing a standard core design with a range of
parts to extend the range of the design.

Stream & Resources


Adam Barnes
Posted task on Aug 14, 2020 at 10:28 AM

18 Summative Summative Long Term Friday at 10:20 AM

The task extends across the four parts of the Design Cycle A: Research B Development C Planning and Creating D
Evaluating. Each of the objectives is part of a long Summative assessment and is graded.

Students use the google slides given to each of them through Managebac to record evidence for assessment. There
are formative tasks linked to each part of the longer Summative assessment, we evidence these using a project padlet,
they can access this through this task in resources.

7A -

7B -

7C -

Figurine Assessment Road Map

KIS International School

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Collectible Figurine Design
Collectible Figurine Design
KIS International School Nicholas Stonehouse, Adam Barnes

IB MYP Design (Grade 7) A

Follow these guidelines in your team to create your team doc

Adam Barnes
Posted task on Sep 11, 2020 at 1:50 PM

30 Formative Classwork Wednesday at 1:45 PM


Philip Toews
Posted 1 file on Jan 8, 2018 at 2:28 PM

200 KB PDF Document

Philip Toews
Posted 1 file on Jan 8, 2018 at 2:27 PM

Figurine & Box design unit task sheet

200 KB PDF Document

Philip Toews
Posted video on Sep 27, 2017 at 8:57 AM

How To Make a 2 Piece Silicone Rubber Mold

Philip Toews
Posted website on Sep 27, 2017 at 8:54 AM


Philip Toews
Posted website on Sep 27, 2017 at 8:53 AM

Affinity Designer Tutorials on Vimeo

KIS International School

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Collectible Figurine Design
Collectible Figurine Design
KIS International School Nicholas Stonehouse, Adam Barnes

IB MYP Design (Grade 7) A

Philip Toews
Posted website on Sep 27, 2017 at 8:53 AM - The super fast color schemes generator

KIS International School

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Collectible Figurine Design

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