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DP Design Content Topics SL 3 - 1 - 5 | HL: 7 - 9

KIS International School Philip Toews

IB DP Design Technology (Grade 11)


DP Design Content Topics SL 3 - 1 - 5 | HL: 7 - 9

Subject Year Start date Duration

Design Technology Grade 11 Week 3, August 18 weeks 50 hours

Course Part

The DP Design content topics are delivered in a regular pattern: 1. Topic notes must be prepared before the beginning of the
lecture class for each topic. 2. A content lecture and associated question & answer session 3. A topic test for each topic


Formative assessment

SEP Topic 3 notes

11 HL SL Formative Homework Friday at 7:40 AM

Prepare your topic notes for Topic 3 - Modelling

Use a combination of the Cornell method and SketchNoting for best results.

Your notes will be checked at the beginning of class.

SEP Topic 3 test

22 HL SL Formative Test Tuesday at 1:00 PM

OCT Notes for topic 1

14 HL SL Formative Homework Wednesday at 7:30 AM

Notes for topic 1 including a few sketches and summary notes

OCT Notes for topic 7

14 HL Formative Homework Wednesday at 7:30 AM

Notes for topic 7 including a few sketches and summary notes.

DEC Topic 1 test

2 HL SL Formative Test Wednesday at 3:00 PM

Use your notes, the course web site, the Diploma Design Technology web site and the text book to prepare your
notes. Text book content will be on the associated topic tests so be sure to read and take notes from the text. Please
include diagrams in addition to bullet form summary notes.

DEC Topic 7 Test

4 HL Formative Test Friday at 7:40 AM

Use your notes, the course web site, the Diploma Design Technology web site and the text book to prepare your
notes. Text book content will be on the associated topic tests so be sure to read and take notes from the text. Please
include diagrams in addition to bullet form summary notes.

KIS International School

Page 1 of 7
DP Design Content Topics SL 3 - 1 - 5 | HL: 7 - 9
DP Design Content Topics SL 3 - 1 - 5 | HL: 7 - 9
KIS International School Philip Toews

IB DP Design Technology (Grade 11)

DEC Topic 5 notes

11 HL SL Formative Homework Friday at 7:40 AM

Please take notes with diagrams and summary bullets for this topic.

JAN G11 Design Lesson 1

7 HL SL Formative Homework Thursday at 3:00 PM

For all Remote learning lessons - At the start of ALL lessons students enter an online lesson Google
Meeting. You can find the link to our online lessons as well as links for team meetings in this document.

Objectives for this lesson

Learn how to join the Google meeting for the lesson & how to use Google Meet.
Understand the upcoming tasks for your IA.

Join the meeting using the link above

JAN Topic 2 notes

19 HL SL Formative Homework Tuesday at 3:00 PM

Please scan/photograph your notes and submit them as a PDF here.

JAN Topic 8 Notes

19 HL Formative Homework Tuesday at 3:00 PM

Please submit your topic 8 notes here as a PDF.

MAR Topic 4 notes

10 HL SL Formative Homework Wednesday at 7:40 AM

Please complete your notes for checking. Please include diagrams for processes.

Please submit your topic 8 notes here as a PDF.

MAR Topic 10 notes

10 HL Formative Homework Wednesday at 7:40 AM

Please complete your notes for checking. Please include diagrams for processes.

Please submit your topic 8 notes here as a PDF.

MAR Topic 5 Test

16 HL SL Formative Test Tuesday at 3:00 PM

Test on Topic 5

MAR Topic 9 Test

16 HL Formative Test Tuesday at 3:00 PM

Test on Topic 9

APR Topic 4 test

27 HL SL Formative Test Tuesday at 3:00 PM

Online test for all content covered in topic 4

KIS International School

Page 2 of 7
DP Design Content Topics SL 3 - 1 - 5 | HL: 7 - 9
DP Design Content Topics SL 3 - 1 - 5 | HL: 7 - 9
KIS International School Philip Toews

IB DP Design Technology (Grade 11)

MAY Topic 10 test

7 HL Formative Test Friday at 3:00 PM

Topic 10 test

MAY Topic 6 Notes

5 HL SL Formative Homework Wednesday at 1:55 PM

Prepare your notes for topic 6. Be ready to show them on screen.

Summative assessment
DEC Topic 9 Notes
11 HL Summative Homework Friday at 7:40 AM

Please take notes with diagrams and summary bullets for this topic.

FEB Topic 2 Test

24 HL SL Summative Test Wednesday at 3:00 PM

Topic 2 Test

MAR Topic 8 Test

2 HL Summative Test Tuesday at 3:00 PM

Topic 8 Test

Stream & Resources


Philip Toews
Posted task on Sep 3, 2020 at 1:05 PM

SEP Topic 3 notes

11 HL SL Formative Homework Friday at 7:40 AM

Prepare your topic notes for Topic 3 - Modelling

Use a combination of the Cornell method and SketchNoting for best results.

Your notes will be checked at the beginning of class.

Philip Toews
Posted website on Sep 3, 2020 at 1:06 PM

Note-able note taking slide deck

KIS International School

Page 3 of 7
DP Design Content Topics SL 3 - 1 - 5 | HL: 7 - 9
DP Design Content Topics SL 3 - 1 - 5 | HL: 7 - 9
KIS International School Philip Toews

IB DP Design Technology (Grade 11)

Philip Toews
Posted website on Sep 3, 2020 at 1:06 PM

DP Design web site

Philip Toews
Posted website on Sep 3, 2020 at 1:07 PM

DP Design 2020-2021 Google Classroom site

Philip Toews
Posted website on Sep 3, 2020 at 1:15 PM

Diploma Design Technology Presentation site

We will use this web site as the focus of our topic lectures. Use it to prepare for the lectures and to help prepare your
topic notes.

Philip Toews
Posted task on Sep 11, 2020 at 9:33 AM

SEP Topic 3 test

22 HL SL Formative Test Tuesday at 1:00 PM

Philip Toews
Posted task on Oct 6, 2020 at 7:31 AM

OCT Notes for topic 1

14 HL SL Formative Homework Wednesday at 7:30 AM

Notes for topic 1 including a few sketches and summary notes

Philip Toews
Posted task on Oct 6, 2020 at 7:32 AM

OCT Notes for topic 7

14 HL Formative Homework Wednesday at 7:30 AM

Notes for topic 7 including a few sketches and summary notes.

Philip Toews
Posted task on Nov 27, 2020 at 7:40 AM

DEC Topic 1 test

2 HL SL Formative Test Wednesday at 3:00 PM

Use your notes, the course web site, the Diploma Design Technology web site and the text book to prepare your notes.

KIS International School

Page 4 of 7
DP Design Content Topics SL 3 - 1 - 5 | HL: 7 - 9
DP Design Content Topics SL 3 - 1 - 5 | HL: 7 - 9
KIS International School Philip Toews

IB DP Design Technology (Grade 11)

Text book content will be on the associated topic tests so be sure to read and take notes from the text. Please include
diagrams in addition to bullet form summary notes.

Philip Toews
Posted task on Nov 27, 2020 at 7:42 AM

DEC Topic 7 Test

4 HL Formative Test Friday at 7:40 AM

Use your notes, the course web site, the Diploma Design Technology web site and the text book to prepare your notes.
Text book content will be on the associated topic tests so be sure to read and take notes from the text. Please include
diagrams in addition to bullet form summary notes.

Philip Toews
Posted task on Nov 27, 2020 at 7:44 AM

DEC Topic 5 notes

11 HL SL Formative Homework Friday at 7:40 AM

Please take notes with diagrams and summary bullets for this topic.

Philip Toews
Posted task on Nov 27, 2020 at 7:45 AM

DEC Topic 9 Notes

11 HL Summative Homework Friday at 7:40 AM

Please take notes with diagrams and summary bullets for this topic.

Philip Toews
Posted task on Jan 6, 2021 at 2:28 PM

JAN G11 Design Lesson 1

7 HL SL Formative Homework Thursday at 3:00 PM

For all Remote learning lessons - At the start of ALL lessons students enter an online lesson Google
Meeting. You can find the link to our online lessons as well as links for team meetings in this document.

Objectives for this lesson

Learn how to join the Google meeting for the lesson & how to use Google Meet.
Understand the upcoming tasks for your IA.

Join the meeting using the link above

Philip Toews
Posted task on Jan 15, 2021 at 10:38 AM

JAN Topic 2 notes

19 HL SL Formative Homework Tuesday at 3:00 PM

KIS International School

Page 5 of 7
DP Design Content Topics SL 3 - 1 - 5 | HL: 7 - 9
DP Design Content Topics SL 3 - 1 - 5 | HL: 7 - 9
KIS International School Philip Toews

IB DP Design Technology (Grade 11)

Please scan/photograph your notes and submit them as a PDF here.

Philip Toews
Posted task on Jan 15, 2021 at 10:40 AM

JAN Topic 8 Notes

19 HL Formative Homework Tuesday at 3:00 PM

Please submit your topic 8 notes here as a PDF.

Philip Toews
Posted task on Feb 18, 2021 at 2:03 PM

FEB Topic 2 Test

24 HL SL Summative Test Wednesday at 3:00 PM

Topic 2 Test

Philip Toews
Posted task on Feb 18, 2021 at 2:03 PM

MAR Topic 8 Test

2 HL Summative Test Tuesday at 3:00 PM

Topic 8 Test

Philip Toews
Posted task on Feb 23, 2021 at 3:00 PM

MAR Topic 4 notes

10 HL SL Formative Homework Wednesday at 7:40 AM

Please complete your notes for checking. Please include diagrams for processes.

Please submit your topic 8 notes here as a PDF.

Philip Toews
Posted task on Feb 23, 2021 at 3:03 PM

MAR Topic 10 notes

10 HL Formative Homework Wednesday at 7:40 AM

Please complete your notes for checking. Please include diagrams for processes.

Please submit your topic 8 notes here as a PDF.

KIS International School

Page 6 of 7
DP Design Content Topics SL 3 - 1 - 5 | HL: 7 - 9
DP Design Content Topics SL 3 - 1 - 5 | HL: 7 - 9
KIS International School Philip Toews

IB DP Design Technology (Grade 11)


Philip Toews
Posted website on Sep 3, 2020 at 1:15 PM

Diploma Design Technology Presentation site

We will use this web site as the focus of our topic lectures. Use it to prepare for the lectures and to help prepare your topic

Philip Toews
Posted website on Sep 3, 2020 at 1:07 PM

DP Design 2020-2021 Google Classroom site

Philip Toews
Posted website on Sep 3, 2020 at 1:06 PM

DP Design web site

Philip Toews
Posted website on Sep 3, 2020 at 1:06 PM

Note-able note taking slide deck

KIS International School

Page 7 of 7
DP Design Content Topics SL 3 - 1 - 5 | HL: 7 - 9

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