Everyday Objects

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Everyday Objects

KIS International School Philip Toews, Alison Ya-Wen (Alison) Yang, Nicholas Stonehouse

IB MYP Design (Grade 6) A


Everyday Objects

Subject Year Start date Duration

Design Grade 6 Week 1, January 18 weeks 30 hours

The students will design and make something to develop the aspect of a cell phone. This will be 3D printed, The item may help
develop either the function or aesthetic of a phone. Such items could be phone accessories, dangles, stands, grips etc.

Key and Related Concepts

Key Concepts

Concepts Definition

Development is the act or process of growth, progress or evolution, sometimes through iterative

Related Concept(s)

Form, Function


Conceptual Understanding

We can develop 3D objects that contribute to our everyday lives through their form and function.

Global Context

Global Context Explorations to develop


Scientific and
technical innovation

Why are we engaged in this inquiry? Why are these concepts important? Why is it important for me to understand? Why do
people care about this topic?

Personal and cultural expression:

Design: Students will utilise their virtual 3D design skills to build their ultimate room, keeping in mind that they will have to shop

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Everyday Objects
Everyday Objects
KIS International School Philip Toews, Alison Ya-Wen (Alison) Yang, Nicholas Stonehouse

IB MYP Design (Grade 6) A

for all of the materials to build it.

Statement of Inquiry
3D objects can contribute to our everyday lives through their form and function.

Inquiry Questions

Type Inquiry Questions

Factual How can we create or modify useable objects? What is the difference between digital and
analogue design?

Conceptual How is good design used to improve our quality of life?

Debatable Can a design ever be perfect, or can it always be improved?


MYP subject group objective(s)

A: Inquiring and analysing

i. explain and justify the need for a solution to a problem

ii. state and prioritize the main points of research needed to develop a solution to the problem

iii. describe the main features of an existing product that inspires a solution to the problem

iv. present the main findings of relevant research

B: Developing ideas

i. develop a list of success criteria for the solution

ii. present feasible design ideas, which can be correctly interpreted by others

iii. present the chosen design

iv. create a planning drawing/diagram, which outlines the main details for making the chosen solution

C: Creating the solution

i. outline a plan, which considers the use of resources and time, sufficient for peers to be able to follow to create the

ii. demonstrate excellent technical skills when making the solution

iii. follow the plan to create the solution, which functions as intended

iv. list the changes made to the chosen design and plan when making the solution

D: Evaluating

i. outline simple, relevant testing methods, which generate data, to measure the success of the solution

KIS International School

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Everyday Objects
Everyday Objects
KIS International School Philip Toews, Alison Ya-Wen (Alison) Yang, Nicholas Stonehouse

IB MYP Design (Grade 6) A

ii. outline the success of the solution against the design specification

iii. outline how the solution could be improved

iv. outline the impact of the solution on the client/target audience

• Following the design cycle, students will use TinkerCAD to develop 3D models which will then be printed on the 3D printer.
The objects will be usable in daily life.
• Basic 3d modeling - workspace familiarity with TinkerCAD
• Basic 3d modeling - Orbit, zoom, pan
• Basic 3d modeling - Copy, paste, duplicate with changes
• Basic 3d modeling - Creating holes, grouping objects
• Basic 3d modeling - Primitives
• Basic 3d modeling - Freeform objects
• Basic 3d modeling - Exporting to STL
• Basic 3d modeling - Importing STLs & converting to solids

ATL Skills

ATL skills

Learning Experiences:


In order for students to justify changes to a design they will need to give and receive meaningful feedback.

The skill strategy that will be explicitly taught and practiced is in class peer feedback in the form of structured critique.


In order for students to be reflective they will need to identify strengths and weaknesses of personal learning strategies (self-

The skill strategy that will be explicitly taught and practiced is the documentation of self assessment within the unit response


Students will be learning how to use the various tools in Sketchup to create a dream room. Their rooms will be original and will
utilise existing drawings in new and innovative ways. The tools they use will also be used in creative ways, as they can merge
two 3D objects together, they can manipulate the scale of an object, and they will be able to change the orientation of their room
(they have been told that gravity does not operate normally in this environment to inspire them to be even more creative with
their developing skills).


- I. Communication skills

Exchanging thoughts, messages and information effectively through interaction

Give and receive meaningful feedback

KIS International School

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Everyday Objects
Everyday Objects
KIS International School Philip Toews, Alison Ya-Wen (Alison) Yang, Nicholas Stonehouse

IB MYP Design (Grade 6) A


- V. Reflection skills

(Re-)considering the process of learning; choosing and using ATL skills

Identify strengths and weaknesses of personal learning strategies (self-assessment)


Summative Assessment

The students will design and make something to develop the aspect of a cell phone. This will be 3D printed,

The item may help develop either the function or aesthetic of a phone. Such items could be phone accessories, dangles, stands,
grips etc.

They may make this for a customer such as a family member, or with a user in mind.

In order to do this they must directly consider the form and size of the phone they are improving.

They will also produce supporting documentation covering the process of the design cycle.

10 Summative Summative Long Term Thursday at 9:15 AM

Welcome back after Songkran - We will be starting on Criteria C Planning and Making our product, We will start
from the beginning to remake our product. Our first task will be to break down the design of our product into the
smaller parts that make up the product. We will also need to think about the packaging and the development of the
roduct into a range. Most good products can be developed to build a family or group of similar products.

Link to the online timetable and links to all online classrooms. https://docs.google.com/spread...

Click on the link above to watch the live or recorded lesson, use your camera and microphone if you wish. Lessons
will start promptly and include important information about tasks that need to be completed and recorded in your Art
and Design Slides in Managebac

Let me know by email before the class if you are unable to attend, attendance will be recorded. If you miss more than
two classes without letting me know I will record your absence in the day book. Email me with any questions about
the slides and activities.

Class Padlets for collaborative and Team work, Slides, Presentations and Resources

G6A Design Semester 2 Everyday objects -


G6B Design Semester 2 Everyday objects -


KIS International School

Page 4 of 12
Everyday Objects
Everyday Objects
KIS International School Philip Toews, Alison Ya-Wen (Alison) Yang, Nicholas Stonehouse

IB MYP Design (Grade 6) A

G6C Design Semester 2 Everyday objects -


Photo Galleries

6A Design -


6B Design -


6C Design -


Goal - to open the unit slides, access the unit padlet, to begin to identify and explain the need for 'The redesign of an
everyday object'

To read through the Unit Details and consider the Unit Inquiry Question.

Open the Slides linked to this task and read through the introduction slides

Role - You are a product designer working in the field of Product Design, your challenge is to design a new and
innovative everyday object

Audience - You will identify an audience and market for your products from a range of customers and markets.

Situation - Using materials and software available to you you will create a prototype

Purpose - You will build a design brief and specification for your product

Criteria for Success - you will use your specifications to develop criteria for success.

The aim of the first lesson is to check access t all resources and create an initial statement (Three paragraphs ) about
the reasons for the need of the product and why it is worthwhile to create a product like this. The opening paragraphs
should be shared on the class padlet before being entered into your managebac copy of the unit slides.

10 Summative Summative Long Term Thursday at 9:15 AM

Welcome back after Songkran - We will be starting on Criteria C Planning and Making our product, We will start
from the beginning to remake our product. Our first task will be to break down the design of our product into the
smaller parts that make up the product. We will also need to think about the packaging and the development of the
roduct into a range. Most good products can be developed to build a family or group of similar products.

Link to the online timetable and links to all online classrooms. https://docs.google.com/spread...

Click on the link above to watch the live or recorded lesson, use your camera and microphone if you wish. Lessons
will start promptly and include important information about tasks that need to be completed and recorded in your Art

KIS International School

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Everyday Objects
Everyday Objects
KIS International School Philip Toews, Alison Ya-Wen (Alison) Yang, Nicholas Stonehouse

IB MYP Design (Grade 6) A

and Design Slides in Managebac

Let me know by email before the class if you are unable to attend, attendance will be recorded. If you miss more than
two classes without letting me know I will record your absence in the day book. Email me with any questions about
the slides and activities.

Class Padlets for collaborative and Team work, Slides, Presentations and Resources

G6A Design Semester 2 Everyday objects -


G6B Design Semester 2 Everyday objects -


G6C Design Semester 2 Everyday objects -


Photo Galleries

6A Design -


6B Design -


6C Design -


Goal - to open the unit slides, access the unit padlet, to begin to identify and explain the need for 'The redesign of an
everyday object'

To read through the Unit Details and consider the Unit Inquiry Question.

Open the Slides linked to this task and read through the introduction slides

Role - You are a product designer working in the field of Product Design, your challenge is to design a new and
innovative everyday object

Audience - You will identify an audience and market for your products from a range of customers and markets.

Situation - Using materials and software available to you you will create a prototype

Purpose - You will build a design brief and specification for your product

Criteria for Success - you will use your specifications to develop criteria for success.

The aim of the first lesson is to check access t all resources and create an initial statement (Three paragraphs ) about

KIS International School

Page 6 of 12
Everyday Objects
Everyday Objects
KIS International School Philip Toews, Alison Ya-Wen (Alison) Yang, Nicholas Stonehouse

IB MYP Design (Grade 6) A

the reasons for the need of the product and why it is worthwhile to create a product like this. The opening paragraphs
should be shared on the class padlet before being entered into your managebac copy of the unit slides.

10 Summative Summative Long Term Thursday at 9:15 AM

Welcome back after Songkran - We will be starting on Criteria C Planning and Making our product, We will start
from the beginning to remake our product. Our first task will be to break down the design of our product into the
smaller parts that make up the product. We will also need to think about the packaging and the development of the
roduct into a range. Most good products can be developed to build a family or group of similar products.

Link to the online timetable and links to all online classrooms. https://docs.google.com/spread...

Click on the link above to watch the live or recorded lesson, use your camera and microphone if you wish. Lessons
will start promptly and include important information about tasks that need to be completed and recorded in your Art
and Design Slides in Managebac

Let me know by email before the class if you are unable to attend, attendance will be recorded. If you miss more than
two classes without letting me know I will record your absence in the day book. Email me with any questions about
the slides and activities.

Class Padlets for collaborative and Team work, Slides, Presentations and Resources

G6A Design Semester 2 Everyday objects -


G6B Design Semester 2 Everyday objects -


G6C Design Semester 2 Everyday objects -


Photo Galleries

6A Design -


6B Design -


6C Design -


KIS International School

Page 7 of 12
Everyday Objects
Everyday Objects
KIS International School Philip Toews, Alison Ya-Wen (Alison) Yang, Nicholas Stonehouse

IB MYP Design (Grade 6) A

Goal - to open the unit slides, access the unit padlet, to begin to identify and explain the need for 'The redesign of an
everyday object'

To read through the Unit Details and consider the Unit Inquiry Question.

Open the Slides linked to this task and read through the introduction slides

Role - You are a product designer working in the field of Product Design, your challenge is to design a new and
innovative everyday object

Audience - You will identify an audience and market for your products from a range of customers and markets.

Situation - Using materials and software available to you you will create a prototype

Purpose - You will build a design brief and specification for your product

Criteria for Success - you will use your specifications to develop criteria for success.

The aim of the first lesson is to check access t all resources and create an initial statement (Three paragraphs ) about
the reasons for the need of the product and why it is worthwhile to create a product like this. The opening paragraphs
should be shared on the class padlet before being entered into your managebac copy of the unit slides.

MYP Assessment Criteria

6/8 A: Inquiring and analysing 6/8 B: Developing ideas

6/8 C: Creating the solution 6/8 D: Evaluating

Learning Experiences

Prior Learning Experiences


Coming from primary school the children have experience of making things, tactile learning experiences, poster and model
making, and some research for their grade 5 exhibition. They have a very low awareness of command terms and design

Learning Experiences and Teaching Strategies

Learning experiences:


1. Introduction to objects that make our life more useful and 3D printing slideshow, including class discussions about function,
materials and benefits of 3d printing.

2. Experimentation with finding class members everyday needs (I need something to hold my pencils), and producing a solution
for them using junk modelling - which is then tested and reviewed by customer. To learn about the importance of user and

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Everyday Objects
Everyday Objects
KIS International School Philip Toews, Alison Ya-Wen (Alison) Yang, Nicholas Stonehouse

IB MYP Design (Grade 6) A


3. Criteria A - research. Complete managebac template.

4. Criteria B - Ideas. Complete managebac template.

5. Criteria C - manufacture. Complete managebac template.

6. Criteria D - evaluation. Complete managebac template.


The students are expected to fulfill quite a long process of documentation from the beginning of the unit. This documentation
takes up the majority of the unit and in some ways becomes detracted from idea development and tactile experiences. Coming
from primary the students have little understanding of the design process because of zero interaction with it. It may make sense
to make this process more interactive, and more visual, whilst letting the students see each element as part of the 'whole'.

It would make sense to provide a series of mini design challenges to integrate and introduce the students into the design
cycle, design process and language. This may help them recognize the links to any design activities they did in primary.

The students do not have much experience in 'real usable' research, and so emphasis should be put on the use of research and
how to analyze. With sentence starters.

The students enjoy using tinkercad and are excited with the 3d printer. It may make sense to provide opportunity to experiment
with cardboard models first to introduce prototyping and testing methods, as currently testing can only be done once the objects
are printed and there is no time to print again.

Teaching strategies:



More visual ques need to be provided as the vocabulary is quite extensive. These key terms need to be broken down and
experienced to be understood. The unit needs more tactile learning experiences, as mentioned before, as well as more visual
and holistic forms of documentation.

KIS International School

Page 9 of 12
Everyday Objects
Everyday Objects
KIS International School Philip Toews, Alison Ya-Wen (Alison) Yang, Nicholas Stonehouse

IB MYP Design (Grade 6) A

Stream & Resources


Adam Barnes
Posted task on Jan 4, 2021 at 9:27 AM

10 Summative Summative Long Term Thursday at 9:15 AM

Welcome back after Songkran - We will be starting on Criteria C Planning and Making our product, We will start
from the beginning to remake our product. Our first task will be to break down the design of our product into the smaller
parts that make up the product. We will also need to think about the packaging and the development of the roduct into
a range. Most good products can be developed to build a family or group of similar products.

Link to the online timetable and links to all online classrooms. https://docs.google.com/spread...

Click on the link above to watch the live or recorded lesson, use your camera and microphone if you wish. Lessons will
start promptly and include important information about tasks that need to be completed and recorded in your Art and
Design Slides in Managebac

Let me know by email before the class if you are unable to attend, attendance will be recorded. If you miss more than
two classes without letting me know I will record your absence in the day book. Email me with any questions about the
slides and activities.

Class Padlets for collaborative and Team work, Slides, Presentations and Resources

G6A Design Semester 2 Everyday objects -


G6B Design Semester 2 Everyday objects -


G6C Design Semester 2 Everyday objects -


Photo Galleries

6A Design -


6B Design -


6C Design -

KIS International School

Page 10 of 12
Everyday Objects
Everyday Objects
KIS International School Philip Toews, Alison Ya-Wen (Alison) Yang, Nicholas Stonehouse

IB MYP Design (Grade 6) A


Goal - to open the unit slides, access the unit padlet, to begin to identify and explain the need for 'The redesign of an
everyday object'

To read through the Unit Details and consider the Unit Inquiry Question.

Open the Slides linked to this task and read through the introduction slides

Role - You are a product designer working in the field of Product Design, your challenge is to design a new and
innovative everyday object

Audience - You will identify an audience and market for your products from a range of customers and markets.

Situation - Using materials and software available to you you will create a prototype

Purpose - You will build a design brief and specification for your product

Criteria for Success - you will use your specifications to develop criteria for success.

The aim of the first lesson is to check access t all resources and create an initial statement (Three paragraphs ) about
the reasons for the need of the product and why it is worthwhile to create a product like this. The opening paragraphs
should be shared on the class padlet before being entered into your managebac copy of the unit slides.


Nicholas Stonehouse
Posted website on Jun 17, 2020 at 2:02 PM

criteria ABCD template


Philip Toews
Posted video on Sep 27, 2017 at 8:38 AM

How to take a screenshot on a PC


Philip Toews
Posted video on Sep 27, 2017 at 8:37 AM

How to take a screenshot on a Mac


KIS International School

Page 11 of 12
Everyday Objects
Everyday Objects
KIS International School Philip Toews, Alison Ya-Wen (Alison) Yang, Nicholas Stonehouse

IB MYP Design (Grade 6) A

Philip Toews
Posted website on Sep 27, 2017 at 8:36 AM



Philip Toews
Posted 1 file on Sep 12, 2017 at 9:17 AM

Unit task sheet for outside examiners unable to access Google docs
Static version of unit task sheet for outside examiners unable to access Google docs

400 KB PDF Document

Philip Toews
Posted 1 file on Aug 8, 2017 at 3:35 PM

250 Bytes File

KIS International School

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Everyday Objects

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