Creative Activity

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creative, kapasitas , inovatif

Belum ada system

Competitor worldwide
High pressure dan
Jumlah Pengumpulan load kerja fluktuatif Target market dinamis
Tugas fluktuatif

Monitoring Bekerja di unit dan Principal/stakeholder

performa kurang team creative dinamis
Waktu Pengumpulan
Tugas fluktuatif LACK OF TEAM
Perlu training
Creatifitas & thought softskill, maturity
process kurang Beberapa anggota
Konflik manajemen tidak punya tools
Pola pikir instant

Komunikasi kurang terbuka Jadwal memproses

Kurang waktu
& motivation sample diecut mock up
Produktivitas kurang tergantung load unit

Etos kerja
Poor sense of belonging
Learning Outcome Expected Outcome
Same understanding about Creative
Menjelaskan segala sesuatu tentang creative team. Visi dan misi, Apa itu team creative, value
team. Peran dan tanggung jawab
yang akan menjadi acuan dalam team. Struktur dan tugas masing-masing individu

Berlatih untuk meningkatkan fleksibilitas. Peserta dapat menyadari perubahan dan

peningkatan cara berpikir yang out of the box pada tugas sehari-hari
Peningkatan pemikiran fleksibel

Creative activity: Dictionary story; The incomplete figure test

Mengembangkan sisi kreatif peserta, memungkinkan peserta melihat objek, ide, dan masalah
dengan thought process. Ini sangat bermanfaat saat mencari solusi baru untuk tantangan
yang mungkin dan sedang dihadapi Pembentukkan Thought process yang

Creative activity: All about you; billboard, mood board

Mengasah kreativitas dengan membantu individu dan seluruh anggota kelompok

meningkatkan keterampilan kerja tim seperti komunikasi, pemecahan masalah, dan team
synchronization Peningkatan kerja tim

Creative activity: Icon, I can

Incomplete figure test
 The incomplete figure test is a drawing exercise. You use a small, simple scribble, like a half-circle or loop, to create a full drawing. To do this in a
group, several people use the same scribble to work from, and then they compare the drawings. Seeing how others interpret the same small design
can expand your creative thinking and give you new ideas.
 Duration : 60 minutes

2. Dictionary story
 Select a word at random from the dictionary. Use the word you chose, the word above it and the word below it to create a short story. Finding a way
to create an interesting, cohesive story from seemingly random elements can improve your ability to make connections and combine ideas that don't
necessarily relate.
 Duration : 60 minutes
3. Favorite Color Kiss and tell
 Choose your favorite color, and present about those color. What scenery, object, or vibe that can be translated upon your color selection. Literally
you can give additional information or your personal preferences, history of those color.
 Duration : 60 minutes

4. All about you

 Randomly choose 1 object and you have to make a presentation about this object. Presentation consist of what is the product, its SWOT analysis and
your work to give it some elevation. Give some new idea and alternative of usage to help your end customer in fun and creative manner. It can be
new design. Adding some illustration of usage.
 Duration : 120 minutes
5. Icon, I can
 According to the selection of category, participant will be divided by 3 group, and each person will choose one category of icon. Each person have to
doodle an icon and will be continued with the other member to create final character that can be used as new icon. In the end, all member will votes
the best final icon.
 Duration : 120 minutes

6. Billboard and the mood

 Choose 1 movie, watch the synopsis or movie trailer, and make a mood board inspired by the movie. Song, color, texture, scene, object, cast, tagline,
favorite line, are the example of element that you can put on the mood board.
 Duration : 120 minutes

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