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Prehistory Stonehenge One of the most famous and mysterious

archaeological sites in the world, built on
Salisbury Plain
The Celts Considered to be the native inhabitants
living in the British Isles
The Celts were the first inhabitants living in
the British Isles
2. the roman The Roman Long occupation but leaving little behind;
period(43- colonial control rather than large scale-
410) settlement
Despite their long occupation of the Brirain,
…. leaving little behind
Hadrian's Wall Built by the Romans in the second century
in order to protect their territory from
attacks by the Scots and the Picts
3. the The Anglo-Saxon Great effect on the countryside; new farming
Germanic methods; and self-sufficient villages forming
invasions the basis of English society
The biggest wave of Germanic invasion……
Vikings Seafaring north Germanic people who
raided, traded, explored, and settled in wide
areas of Europe and the North Atlantic
islands from the late 8th to the mid-11th
Danish Slight cultural differences; similarities made
political unification easier
4. the The Norman Small-scale invasion but much influence;
medieval beginning of the English class system
The Norman invasion brought Britain into
the mainstream of Western European
1485) culture
Norman soldiers were given ownership of
land and the people living on it
Robin Hood A legendary folk hero, stealing from the rich
and giving to the poor
5. 16th King henry III Parliament = It has two Houses: House of
centuries Commons +House of Lords
The frist King henry III opened Parliament
The word “Parliament” was firsr used in
England in the …..
Queen Elizabeth The virgin queen
6. 17th The Civil War 1642 A contest between The Cavaliers and The
centuries Roundheads
The great fire 1666 This incident destroys most of old London
The glorious The Glorious Revolution is the sequence of
revolution 1688 events that led to the deposition of James II
and VII in November 1688.
7. 18 th Queen Victoria This Queen became a popular symbol of
centuries Britain's success in the world
8. 19 th British Empire The empire on which the sun never sets
9. 20th and Elizabeth II (the This event took in 1953 and Elizabeth II, aged
21st coronation) 25 ascended the thrones
centuries Queen Elizabeth II came to the throne when
she was 25
Common wealth An intergovernmental organisation of 53
member states that were mostly territories
of the former British Empire

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