RPG Quest 2 - Beholder Cult

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The heroes learn that Leo’s pirate crew escaped the prison.

Rumor has it they had outside


When they meet with Dragos, he hints that he was behind it. He tells them that as long as they
work for him, should they die, regardless of the circumstances, those they care about will be
looked after.

The heroes are sent to take out a beholder cult.

The Cult has a Beholder Remnant, which is a bit like the ghost of a beholder. They are engaged
in a ritual to give the beholder a physical form.

Previous Items:

Large Crystal Eye: If uncracked, can be used to Scry. One use.

Small Green Eye Gem: Must be placed in your eye socket.

In Session 2, the party enters the Inner Sanctum. They battle the cult, and learn about the
ritual. What they discover is that their location is but one of eleven separate cells, one for each
eye of the beholder. The key to the ritual is the middle cell, representing its central eye. Taking
out a small eye simply delays the ritual. The only way to end it for good is to go to the middle
cell, where the Beholder Remnant dwells.

The Chasm Room: The door on top of the tower leads to a massive chamber split by a
chasm. Rickety rope bridges span the gap. The room is lit by braziers with strange green re.
Four containers oat in the air above the chasm. They are made of a translucent material that
seems to ow between being almost clear and having a brilliant iridescence. Tiny beholders are
within each container; they don’t seem to be moving.
The Chasm is an illusion; there is actually a oor. The cultists will seem to walk on air to get to
the containers. They reach their hands inside, gaining access to the Void magic. A character
can attempt to do the same (Ethereal knowledge - failure makes the e ect random and could
damage the character).
One of the Cultists is less fanatical, and will surrender and give the PCs some information.

There are two exits from the room: a door in the oor and stairs that seem to go up, down, and
sideways all at once. The stairs lead to the ritual chamber, while the door leads to the lab. The
cultist tells the PCs that the ritual is underway. The lab will have useful items, but the delay
might prove costly.

The Lab

The Ritual Room: The stairs end abruptly at a shimmering wall. There are words written in a
strange language, but if you look at them the letters twist and writhe into a form you can read.
If you can read multiple languages they shift between all of them. “The True Form of Divinity is
Eleven. The Ten and The One. Within is Six of Ten: Telekinesis.”

Passing through the wall takes the PCs to another massive room. The oor is nely polished
green stone. In the center is a raised platform, 15 feet high, made of an iridescent material like
mother-of-pearl. Atop the platform is an altar, where a priest stands reading from a book in a
resonant voice. Nine winding stairs lead o the platform to smaller platforms that oat
impossibly in the air, at heights ranging from 30 to 50 feet above the oor below. Mini
beholders oat in the air, and cultists scurry about purposefully.
The room is enchanted with a Telekinesis e ect. At the start of a player’s turn, they must make
an Intelligence saving throw. On a failure, they lose their rst action and are sent in a random
direction (could take them up). On a success, they gain a ight speed and telekinesis. Molly
has advantage on this saving throw, and gains enhanced use. However, if he uses it fully he
also charges the ritual.
The book is encoded. If the PCs take it back, they (or Dragos) will be able to eventually reveal
its secrets, which includes the locations of the other cells.

Magic Items
Ghost Form: Two potions; the vials feel empty but you can see a thick mist inside. Drinking the
potion causes you to partially enter the Ethereal Plane. You can move through solid objects,
though you take Force damage if you end your turn there. You can also y at half speed,
though you can’t end your turn in the air. You take half damage from all attacks, but your own
attacks also deal half damage.
Spending power points when you drink the potion extends the duration. If you spend at least 4,
you fully enter the Ethereal Plane.

Mind Reading: A circlet that grants advantage on saving throws against Telepathic attacks and
resistance to Psychic damage. By spending a power point while interacting with someone, you
can attempt to read their mind. Make an attack vs Intelligence. On a hit, you can read their
surface thoughts, making it impossible for them to lie. On a crit, they are unaware of this e ect.
On a critical miss, you take psychic damage (not resisted) from the feedback.

Beholder Amulet: An amulet made of a strange dark metal, cool to the touch. It is in the shape
of a circle with ten small stalks extending from it. A di erent color gem caps each stalk. The
main part of the amulet is made to look like a closed eye.
As an Attack Action, the user can spend a power point to activate the amulet. Roll 1d10 to
determine the e ect.
Random Ray
1. Charm - Target creature is charmed on a successful attack vs Intellect.
2. Paralysis - Target creature is paralyzed on a successful attack vs Strength.
3. Fear - Target creature is frightened on a successful attack vs Intellect.
4. Slow - Target creature is slowed on a successful attack vs Strength
5. Enervation - Target creature is weakened on a successful attack vs Strength
6. Telekinesis - Target creature is moved up to 30 feet on a successful attack vs Strength
7. Sleep - Target creature is put to sleep on a successful attack vs Intellect.
8. Petri cation - Target creature is petri ed on a successful attack vs Strength.
9. Disintegration - Target creature takes 2d10 force damage on a successful attack vs
10. Death - Target creature takes 2d10 necrotic damage on a successful attack vs Strength.
Spending additional power points enhances the e ect (multiple rays or more damage or longer

Antimagic: Powdered Beholder Eye; 3 uses. Sprinkling the powder will act as a Dispel Magic
e ect.

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