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Welcome unit (ia 10 Grammar 10 Vocabulary 2 Reading 4 Writing 5 Listening 16 Exam practice: First 7 (eR es 18 Grammar 8 Vocabulary 20 Reading 2 Wing 23 Lstening 24 Exam practice: First 25 Consolidation 1 & 2 %6 UNIT 3 The next generation 28 Grammar 2B Vocabulary 30 Reading 32 Writing 3 Listening 4 Exam practice: First 35 (ize eee 36 Grammar 36 Vocabulary 38 Reading 40 Writing 4 Listening a Exam practice: First a Consolidation 3 8 4 44 Cee a Grammar 46 Vocabulary 8 Reading 50 Writing 5 Listening 52 Exam practice: First 53 ives a Grammar 54 Vocabulary 56 Reading 58 Woatting 59 Listening 60 Exam practice: First 6 Consolidation 5 & 6 a CONTENT Wee gi Grammar “ Vocabulary 66 Reading ey Writing 8 Listening 70 Exam practice: First n inn 72 Grammar n Vocabulary a Reading % Writing 7 Listening 7 Exam practice: First 79 Consolidation 7 & 8 80 Cite A Grammar a2 Vocabulary a4 Reading 86 ‘writing 7 Listening 88 Exam practice: First 89 ee cue 90 Grammar 90 Vocabulary 2 Reading 4 Writing % Listening 96 Exam practice: First 7 ‘Consolidation 9 & 10 8 Coe ee 100 Grammar 100 Vocabulary 102 Reading 104 Writing 105 Listening 106 Exam practice: First 107 Cine es 108 Grammar 108 Vocabulary 110 Reading m2 Writing 13 Listening 4 Exam practice: First 15 ‘Consolidation 11 & 12 16 Pronunciation page 118 Grammar reference page 122 Irregular verb list page 128 WELCOME A WHAT A STORY! Descriptive verbs 1 Choose the correct options to complete the sentences. 1. Thehurricane demolished | fled / raged everything inits path 2. Theprisoner struck / smashed I dived under the water to escape the bullets 3. The family smashed / fled / struck from their burning home 4. Asshe started to fll managed to grab / rage scream her by the arm, 5 Thefire demolished f raged / dived through the trees, 6 The people screamed / grabbed I demolished in terror asthe wave came towards them. 7 The robbers smashed / flew / screamed down a wall to break into the bank. 8 The carwas grabbed / dived [struck by the falling tree. Phrasal verbs 1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the list. end | sort | stand | take look | break | give | carry 4 Ithink | might —__ for body and mind. 2. He studied medicine at university so Im not sure howhe upas an accountant. 3 Canyou believe it? Our car miles from home. 4 Tknow | should Lup eating so much chocolate but I think Id find it too dificult. Up yoga. It’s really good down five 5 They ‘on eating their picnic even though it started to rain 6 When have a problem my mum always helps me itout 7 tmreally forward to the summer holidays. I need a rest. 8 Billreally ‘out in the class photo because he's sotall Elements of a story 1 Match the words with the definitions. 1 hero Oo 2 plot 2 dialogue 4 characters 5 ending 6 opening 7 villain 8 setting a thepeople in the story b abad man or woman «how the story starts 4 how the story finishes theman or woman in the story we identify with the place where the story happens fg what the people in the story say h thestoryline ‘Complete the text with the missing words. So what do you need to write a successful story? Well to start with you need a good’ withouta great story you've got no chance. Of course: any good story needs a selection of different 2___at for the reader to identify with anda tohate, And to help bring all these people alive youll need to have good a between them. What they say and how they ay tis soimportant, Then you'll need a for your story. Where and when does the action happen? Isit the modern day, in the past or evenin the future? So now you've got all that, it's time to start writing. The? is essential Youll need to get your reader's attention from the very beginning. And once you've got their attention hopefully they'll read right through so you'll need to give them a good ® 00, to make sure they won't feel they've wasted their time. And that'sall you need. That and a lot of luck. Talking about past routines Listen and put the pictures in order. Complete the sentences so they are true for you. 1. When | was really young my mum/dad would 2 Myfirst teacher at school used to 3, When | was upset l used to 4. When it was my birthday, my parents would 5 During the schoo! holidays | would SUMMING UP Put the dialogue in order. ANA Well, for example, he'd tell a story about how a fre was raging through our house and how we needed to smash down the door. And he'd do all the actions. 1] ANA My dad usedito tell me really great stories when Iwas @ kid ANA Yes itis, really miss is stores ‘ANA _ Really dramatic and exciting stories, and he would pretend they were happening tous. ANA. He-was. used to really look forward to his stories. But he gave up telling them as Igot older. JAKE That's shame, JAKE What kind of stories? JAKE He sounds lke a really fun dad. JAKE What do you mean? WELCOME B AN UNCERTAIN FUTURE Future plans 1 Match the sentence halves. Idor't leave Youlllneed to geta Many young people are waiting longer to start Before | start my career Id love to travel Id lke to make enough money so can My parents would love me to settle a family these days. the world for a year ors. retire beforem 60. down but 'm not ready yet school for another two years. really good degree if you want to work for them. Life plans 1. Put the events in the order that they happened. So! retuned home and started doinga degree. ‘So| decided to travel the world for a while until {made up my mind ‘When | was in Asia | suddenly realised what career I wanted to do ~ teaching We started a family after had been teaching for afew years. T] When I eft schoo! | wasn't too sure what wanted to do. Next year I'm going to retire. can'thelp ‘wondering how ital passed so quickly ‘After the birth of my second son, | got promoted. 'm nowa head teacher. Inmy final year of university | met the love of, my life and we settled down, Future continuous 1. Complete the sentences using the future continuous form of the verb in brackets. Two months from now ... \ cona sunny beach in Greece. ie) 1 ‘exams anymore, (not do) ' delicious food every night. (eat) \ every morning at 6am! (not get up) 1 ina 5-star hotel, (stay) 61 the bus to school every ‘morning, (not take) | can't wait for the summer holidays! Being emphatic: so and such 2 Complete the second diary entry with extreme adjectives. 1 Choose the correct option. 4 1 This exercise isso such dificult 2 Mr Peters i s0 such a good teacher. ‘Lat prety good. cant realy copia Wein tig use wth 3. That was so/ sucha bad game of football parent oh eae Lote te ee eto Sabi lee far ineresting an realy ery ig most days. Me Henderson 4 lasso /such late for school today. ny Science teacher realy fy He mates me laugh and its 5 She gave me so/ such a great present. days fin nh esos. In spre tne go go-katg Kea 6 Andrew iss0/ such good at chess ret eerorne eetes ei eciacel 7 [feel so/ such tired today. but the size n't important: It says Most Improved Driver ont 8 Wehad so/ such a good holiday. so happy with it np swe my mans so ken on my hy. Shes scared have an accent eller rot to wory and that 2 Complete the sentences with so or such. Then Reagribeaneru crs match the sentences to the photos. 1 Its___asmart dog, O 2 Theyre__attalented family. és pretty {cari conplsh atl hein a 3 Ireallyam __ tired. 2 house wth my wand children We get onvet 4 Ws windy today. Aloft te | He mj ts and realy exjoy fi n ing most dys. y bos real * He makes 5 Theyre —— a bad tea me laugh andi tna finhangng out wh him. ma racing 6 Thiscakeis delicious. aevenifearaaty3 TpareLleatrepoyary week tas butte size rt portant says ‘World Champion itso fm sth nt sre sry miso Ken on myjob Shes ® Move an ‘accident te her, Lit time youstopped worrying?” SUMMING UP 1 Complete the dialogue with the words in the list. ‘There are four extra words. amazing | settle | terrible | promote degree | enormous | so | such retire | career | travel | huge KATIE Sowhat are your plans for the weekend, Conner? CONNER Well my dad's going to” from work next week so we're having an 2 party for him on Saturday I mean i's going to be really big! KATIE Buthe’s young! Extreme adjectives CONNER know, and the crazy thing is that the company offeredto* him too. 1 Complete with the missing adjectives. KATIE Sowhat made him decide to leave? © That film wasn't bad, twas terrible! CONNER Well the money he got was 5 1 dont find Maths interesting find tf ' butit was’ astresfuljob. 2. That joke wasn't funny. It wash 1 KATIE Yes,money isnt everything 3 Thewatets not cold, K€ 1 CONNER Now he's got plans to” the 4 No, they werent cared, They were t ! word wath Mom . seared KATIE Butwhat about you? 5 Their house isn't big. it'se. L CONNER Well, Ihope they‘re going to wait until 'm 6 That dog ist small I's t__! atuniversty doing a& But the 7 Itisn'thot today e's b \ mood Dads in cant be too sure! C HOW PEOPLE BEHAVE Personality 1 Complete the descriptions with adjectives. 1. He only thinks about himself and what’s good for him. He's really s 2. Shee always say please’ or ‘thank you! She's very p 3. Youdlidn't need to buy me a present. That was very of you 4 He never panics. He'sa very ¢ person. 5. She's very She always seems to have so much energy. 6 Hes very quiet, not because he's unfriendly he's Justabits 7 HeSsveryg with both his money and, more importantly his time. 8 Heleftwithout saying goodbye! which | thought wasa bite Using should Write a reply. Use should or shouldn't. 0 ‘Tmreally tired today! You should have gone to bed earlier. 1 ‘It’s Luis's birthday tomorrow: 2 ‘Icantt believe it. We've missed the bus? 3. ‘My tooth isreally hurting” 4 'Mia’s realy upset with me’ 5 'Imbored’ ‘Complete the dialogue with should f shouldn't have and the correct form of the verbs in the list. stay | getup | bring | put | set TEACHER Have you done your homework, Esie? ELSIE Umm, [have but Ileftitarhome. TEACHER Butitwas for today. You! it with you, ELSIE I know. m sorry but Iwas in such a hurry Heftiton the kitchen table. TEACHER You? earlier. Then you ‘wouldn't have been in sucha hurry. ELSIE Iknow. |? my alarm clock but orgot. And I ny book irs my bag the night before. And 5 up so late last night. WELCOME Career paths 1. Use the clues to complete the crossword and find the mystery profession. T a f E ig - M moik They take all the eubbish from the roads 2 My brother builds bridges and tunnels. 3. She tries to help people who find themselves in trouble with the police. 4. She looksaftera 4-year-old and two 6-year olds 5 Myauntworks in a really busy hospital inthe 6 middle of London. He gets us to and from school. 2. Choose the correct option. 2 7 My auntisa receptionist at the clinic. She works in finance I healthcare. My whole family werk in public service / management. Dad's nurse, Mum's a teacher and my unele isa policeman, Ie like to work in ow { education, maybe asa professor ata university if youwant to getinto medical school you!l need the right qualifications / salary. There are more than 500 employees {employers working atthe factory They're one of the biggest employees employers in the region with more than 2,000 people working for them. My mums in education f finance, She's an accountantat the hospital Iknovrhe's in law healthcare. He'sasolcitey, I think Decisions 1 Match the sentence halves. whow en Come on, Alice. Make up Can you be quiet? find itlificul to make Itsan important decision. Inced to think long, Don't worry. You can always change It's been ten minutes already. Have you come and hard about it. your mind later if you want to. your mind, Do youwanta sandwich or not? toadecision yet? decision when people are talking Permission 1. Choose the correct option. 1 Do your parents allow {let make you do whatever you want? 2. 'mnotallowed {let} made to gooutona school night 3° My parents let make fallow me do my homework before I can play on the tablet. 4 Our teacher makes | lets allows us put up our hand if we want to ask a question. 5 Mymumwor't allow [let make me come to your party 6 Are we really allowed / let made to goin that abandoned house? 2. Complete the sentences with the missing words. 1 Areyou to stay up late? 2 Does your teacher _you use phones inclass? 3 Doyourparents ___ youdo your homework before you can watch TV? 4 Ate you todo any housework by your parents? 5 Do your parents weekends? you to get up late at the 6 Doyourteachers __ you eatin class? 3 Write youranswers to the questions in Exercise 2. SUMMING UP 1 Put the dialogue in order. JIM Thope you'te right. Anyway, I'm allowed touse their family car. JIM Have you heard the news? I've pot a summer job. [7] sim imactually quite scared, | don'treally have much experience with kids (J sim don't think 'mallowed to use it when limnotworking [J JIM Childminding for children from the same family every day. LUCY Wow. You're very brave. Lucy Youlllbe fine. You! That's all kids want. [1] wey You never know. You should ask them. A friend with a car! This is going to be a good summer. LUCY Cool! Where are you going to take me? LUCY Congratulations. What sit? kind and lively D NEW THINGS Reporting verbs 1. Match each verb witha sentence. invite recommend refuse explain 1 agree demand persuade encourage 1 Toget tothe station, you need to take the number 3 bus. No Bella, I won't take you to the party. Iwantyou to get out of my house, Ben. Now! Would you like to goto the cinema, Jenny? ‘Come on, jim. Come to the party with me. ‘You will? Great! 6 You should enter the talent show. You're brilliant at singing, Lucy 7 Read this book, Matt. You'll love it. 8 OK, Simon. I'll talk to your dad and see if | can change his mine 2. Report the sentences in Exercise 1. He explained how to get to the station by bus, She He She He: She: He She: mn wean 3 Complete with the reporting verbs in Exercise 1. There are three you won't use. Icaritbelieve Ive! todo parachute jump with Tim, How did that happen? Ital started when he 2 tome about this childrer's charity thathe is involved with. | saidit sounded interesting and he 3 me along to one of their meetings. So Lent to see what itsall about. | didr'tknow they \were organising sponsored parachute jump. They asked me to get involved and of course 14 I mean, Im not mad. But they kept on trying to 5 me todo itand in the end I gave in and said ‘yes. And nowr leant get out oft. Negative adjectives 1. Rewrite the sentences using a negative adjective. 0 I'mnothappy. Le wthappy. 1 W’snot true 2. It'snota formal party. 3 Theyre not patient. 4 That wasrit responsible of you. 5 Buyit It’snot expensive. 6 Theyre not polite children 7 | don't think that’s possible. Changes 1. Match the sentence halves. 1 If youre bored, why don't you take The children are all doing Ifchildren form If he doesn't change his Why'sit so dificult to break lim not going to make In finding French toohard. I might give 8 Sometimes struggle any resolutions this new year b_ uphavinglessons € tounderstand maths. Itcan be so hare 4 bad habits? good habits when they're young, they'll never forget them, f upanew hobby? 1B ways, he's going to get into trouble one day. really well at their new school. WELCOME Regrets: I wish ... I fonly ... 1 For each situation write two regrets: one about the present and one about the past. 0 Icaritafferd to buy my mum birthday present. Iwish (had more money. if only thadn't spent all my money on clothes. 1 Sara refuses to speak to me, 2 msotired | want to go to bed but fm stuck here in my Science lesson, 3 Allthe popular boys are in the schoo! football team. 4 Imbored, SUMMING UP 1 Complete the dialogue with the words/phrases in the list. There are four extra words/phrases. encourage | struggle | wasn't | unhappy amnot | impossible | take up | gave up demand | impolite | hadn'tgivenitup | refuse MARTHA What's up, Ben? You leok a bit BEN I'm OK. fm just boredl. ve got nothing to do. MARTHA Why don'tyou? anew hobby? That wil ill your ti BEN Like what? MARTHA Guitar lessons. You've always wanted to play the guitar better. BEN That's true. wish |? when | was a teenager. Id be really good now. MARTHA Well it's not too late to start again BEN Ihis Its for someone my age to start learningan instrument MARTHA What! Youre 231 BEN Hnow but leeally $ with learning new things. Iwish 18 that way but lam. MARTHA OK then —be bored. BEN What! That'snot very nice. MARTHA Well Im trying to? you but you® to listen I give up. BEN Vim sorry, Martha, m justjoking. And, youre right —it's never too late to start something new. In Fact, think | might just do that. Do you know any good teachers? MARTHA That's more like it In fact clo... My brother! He's great 19 / RUT GRAMMAR £3 deh Complete the text wth the correct form of Verb patterns: to + infinitive the verbs in brackets. or gerund EST 1% Write the verbs in the correct columns according to what they are followed by (to + infinitive or gerund). ‘keep | suggest | manage | promise | ask decide | detest | don't mind | miss | want an'tstand | enjoy | offer | choose fo+infinitive | gerund 5 Lenjoy? (climb) mountains, so last year, beep 5 Idecided?___ (limb) Ben Nevisin Scotland | witha friend, We planned? _____ (go) to Scotland in August, and we arranged 4 (tay) witha friend in Fort William for a few days. We started our climb at six am, and we: hoped * (get back) down the mountain by two pm. The weather was good owe managed (feach) the summit in two hours. 7 2. ek Circle the correct form ofthe verbs to Rent lt iaamnh Tome ns connplete the rinr-dalepies yeautiful view from the summit. The next day, we felt like ®__ (limb) Ben Newis again. 1 JANE Did Simon manage fo finish fishing = his essay lastnight? 4. took Find five mistakes in the dialogue and HARRY Yes,sohe's promised coming /tocome -— correct them. climbing with us this weekend. i KATE I can't believe it, | managed climbing Devil's JANE Fantastic. My dad's offered to gives > Rock this weekend, giving us alift to the climbing club. © MATT. Did you? That's great. 2 KATE I suggested to take/ taking a picnic but: KATE I've watched you climb it a couple of times but they don't want fo carry! cortying it, | never imagined to climb it myself 'm hoping SAM — [don't mind to carry / carrying it i doing more climbing next weekend. llearnt 3 ELIF Now | live in the city, I miss to go i descending the rock face using the rope. That _going for long walks in the countryside, ‘was scary! What did you do at the weekend? JO Realy? [can't stand to walk / walking in. MATT-_Lwanted coming dimbing with you and the the countryside i ‘others but | had some homework to do. te very good at the volin! : 4 ANNA NOUV ery BOSH SHINE voir | 5 tobe Complete the sentences so that they are true ZOE —_No,|'m not. I really enjoy t play J playing and I keep to practise | feryou, procising but Im not getting any 1 Lenjoy better. 2 Istarted ANNA Ask Tom to help/ helping you. He's 2 lériemind a brillant musician, ifs 5 STEVE You'll never guess what? Tim came 4 thate climbing wath us. 5 Irefuse ELLIE But Tim detests to cmb climbing! 6 love Verbs + gerund and to + infinitive with different meanings ok ‘Match the sentences with their meanings. 1 2 3 4 5 ‘ 7 I stopped to lookat the view. | stopped looking at the view. He remembers buying a newspaper. Remember to buy a newspaper, Tom, He tried learning Chinese. He tried to learn Chinese Hinever forget reading that article inthe newspaper. forgot to read that article in the newspaper. Halways remember that article | readin the newspaper He knows he bought a newspaper I didn't remember to read thatartide in the newspaper, He wasn'table to learn Chinese Iida look at the view any more. Don't forget to buy a newspaper I stopped so I could look at the view. His goal was toimpressis clients by speaking Chinese 7 ek Complete the mini-dialogues with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 1A I forgot Cell) you We're going to London this weekend B Lucky you! 2A. Did Helena finish her essay? 8 No she did't She tried (finish it last night but she couldn 3A Iregret (ot leave) earlier on Saturday 8 Yes, yourmissed the boat race 4A Doyyoustll play the piano? 8 No, [stopped (play) when Iwas nine 5 A Doyou remember Alend) me JK Rowling's latest book? B Yes, Ido. You havent given it hack yet 6 A. Youleftyour guitar at Karen's house. Her mum rang me this morning Yes, [knows | stopped {pickit up) on the way home ustnow. HLESURVIVAL 8 kk Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the list. cat | listen | tell | watch 1 Iwas revising for the History exam and then I stopped to-some music: 2. Ilistenedl to the first three songs and then I stopped 3 lremember that film last year 4 Remember that film tonight I's really good. 5 ve tried more vegetables but | don't like them. 6 Iiried less but stil clic lose any weight. 7 regret you that there aren't any moee tickets for the concert. 8 lrogret fmima about the trip last weekencl 9. kkk Now write a true sentence for each of the situations. Think of . 1. something you regret doing or saying. 2. something you remember doing or saying when you were in primary school. something youve tried doing, something youve stopped doing, something you forgot to do recently GET IT RIGHT! © to or gerund after certain verbs Learners often omit fo or the gerund after certain verbs. Y We decided to go out fora meal. 1X We decided-go out fora meal. Correct the errors in the sentences. 1 Jenny couldn't afford do the survival course. He started feel a bit awkward as no one was talking to him. 3. Ethan suggested have an early night before the exam. 4 Inever promised help you with your homework! 5 Do they practise to sing every evening? 6 Wevanted leave right away but we couldn't. VOCABULARY crawl descend climb stagger wander Verbs of movement hop leap tiptoe’ rush i i swing 3 i Adjectives to describe uncomfortable feelings i i purled ashamed : is stuck uilty e 3 desperate awkward i right? fight away i Right Cright > Too right Allright right up to Key words in context commercially dont think your product will be commercially successful. You wor't have very many sales extreme ‘The weather conditions were extreme. It as very unusual to see sucha snowstorm. knot He tied a knot at the end of the rope. risky [twas risky to climb down the rock face withouta safety rope but they had to do'it. shelter Iwas snowing hard. We had to bulda shelter to protect us from the snow and the cold slip I slipped on the ice and fell over backwards stunt That was a dangerous stunt. He jumped over three buses on a motorbike thrilled {vas thrilled when | won the race, My mum and dad were very happy too. ultimate mbing Ben Nevis was the ultimate challenge for Jake. He had trained for months Verbs of movement ETS) 1 & Find ten verbs of movement. OoOcLIMBTTTHP DSSAYNIECAH NWCATBPLETR EIWRRKTLAGE CNSEALOPWLG SGMEEWESOEG EHRUSHLINHA DWANDERTDET BREATHLEGRS 2% Complete the text about the race with the past tense of the verbs of movement in Exercise 1. There are two you won't use. Jake © crawled through the tunnel on his hands and knees. Then he held onto the rope and! across the river He? very quietly past the house on the other sie of the river. Then he quickly 3 Up the mountain thick fog, he slowly 4 clown the other side of the mountain, After = tha he ® across the lat ground. He was ina hurry to finish now. Then suekenly he Fell and hurt his leftleg, sohe® ‘onbis right leg tothe finish line. Everybody cheered. He” through the crowds of people and he shook hands with all his fans. Adjectives to describe uncomfortable feelings ETS 3. tok Read the situations. How would you feel? Choose one of the adjectives. 1 You don't know the answer to the next question ‘on the exam paper. You can't do the next question until youve completed this one. You are stuck/ puzzled. 2. Lastnight you ate your brother's chocolate bar. He doesnitknow yet You feel guilty / desperate. 3. Youareata party. Everybody knows each other but you don't know anybody. You feel awkward { puzzled. 4 Youputyour house keys on the desk. Now they aren't there. You are ashamed / puzzle. 5. You shouted at one of your friends yesterday. You feel ashamed / guilty of yourself. & Youare locked ina roomina caste. You have no phone and there isno food. Nobody knows you are there. You feel desperate / stuck. HLESURVIVAL 4 tok Write a new situation for each feeling. 1 (purled) 2 (tuck) 3 esperate) 4 (shamed) 5 uilty) & (ewhward) WordWise mam right E 5 Yk Complete the mini-dialogues with the phrases inthe lis. : Fight | right away | Too right rightup'o | Allright | Right 1A Karer‘sjust emailed me about the concert on Saturday. Do we want tickets? B Ofcourse we do. A Illemail her back then, | 2. A. Didyou guess who the thief was? : 8 No Ididnitknow the end of the book 3. A Didyou remember to buy the tickets? BI didn'tbuy themin the end, They were £50a ticket. That's too expensive A I don't want to pay that much fora ticket either, 4A Sorry Il ustanswer the phone. B Goahead, Bote} A. Sorry about that: It was james. What were we taking about? 5 A Canlcome with youand Sam to the : match on Saturcay? Yes, of course. Youre setting off early, 2 Yes, we'te leaving at @ o'clock. Can | borrow your ruler? But dont forget to e>o>re give me itback. READING 1 [UUUUNEELEANINGIINSS Answer these questions, Then check your answers on page 13 in the Student's Book. 1. Why did Simon and Joe decide to take the 4 more dangerous route down the Siula Grande? 5 2. Why did the trip take longer than they had expected? 3. What did Joe break? ‘Why did Simon decide to leave his friend Joe? How long did it take Joe to descend the rest of the mountain? 6 Who saved Joe's life? 2. Read the article quickly and answer the questions. 1 Which body partsneed tobe very strongtofreeclimb? 2 ‘Whats the importance of these numbers: 914, 1and 27? A Story of Teamwork and pee eiien Ce ec eae) een Peed CN neuer first free climbers to climb the Peek d rock formation in California. 3 Read the article again and mark the sentences Fre climbers dont we pes en thoy mb. They onl use the hands and feet. However, ‘hey do have topes to old hem ithe lCapitan is 914m high. Thats almost 100m higher than the word's tallest tung, ‘he Buy fa tov in Dub, whi is 163 floors high, The clmb tok Caldel and Jorgen 19s They at, crank and sept in sal fents hanging fo te ook aoe They yen read bocks there! They need cfon on special hanging stows. Every fo days, a frond on the ground climbed up on arape and brought them new supplies of food and water So haw do you cb a smooth rack {o02? A lotof it eles on the stength of your fngetps. The climbers needed to stop and rest some days so that fingertips could heal, To make ter cuts heel quicker they used supegive and tape Unite expeditions ofa hundred years go, poop tour th word could watch ovary ‘moment of tis climb ast happened. nthe breaks, the climbers updated th socal media accounts and spoke to journalists onthe phone A photographer and good end, lo hanging off the wal, captured every move on fim and pla the photos on istagram for poop allaround the werd to see. ‘Inspational — "What a emarkable achievement! 'm aved ~"favesome! Amazing! And a true friendship! — What bravery and courage! These ar jst Somme ofthe comments people tweeted es they watched the amazing limb, Alto he cimbing was at ight and they chase to climb in the mi of wink. Why was that? Wel, ngertips sweat less in cooler temperatures and te rubber on shoes can rip better. They bogan thor climb on the 27th December 2014 and they planned to ve onthe wall unl they reached the top. Thay promised not to etun to the ground during ther li Caldwell was the stronger and more experienced climber, and e was avays ahead of Jonasson, For ten days, Jorgeson continued to fal uring his cy climbs. He kre that he was delaying his end. But tis climb was about toaryrork and friendship. "More than anybing, | want to gt to the top together, Sail Caldell on day 13, He coulchtimagine finishing without his ron Fialy on day 19 the ‘hg climbers made ito the tp. 7 Thetwoclimbers decided not to descend to T (true) or F (false). 1 Caldwelland Jorgeson were the fist free dimbers to manage to climb the wall 2 ELCapitan is in a national park in New Mexico. the ground until they had successfully reached the top of the Dawn Wall 8 Caldwell wanted to finish the climb before his friend, Jorgeson. 3. ElCapitan isa few metres shorter than the ‘world’s tallest building 4 People all around the world were able to see pictures of the cimb on social media, 4 Many people tweeted as they watched the amazing climb. What comment would you make? dee ace acd) ipthongs: alternative spellings Goto page 118, i) 5 Theclimbers’ shoes grip better in warmer temperatures. 6 They started to climb the Dawn Wall in January 2015, DEVELOPING WRITING A travel advertisement: review for an adventure holiday 1. Read Miriam's review. What do you notice about the style of writing? a Itis formal b Itisinformal. 2. What does Miriam use in her review? She uses some questions. b Sheusesvery long sentences. [| My Climb to Confidence What's 4,167 metres high, in Morocco and a challenge to climb? Mount Toubkal of course! Mount Toubkal is North Africa's highest mountain. And guess what? I managed to climb it this autumn. Yes, Tactually climbed to the summit of a mountain. ‘The climb was a fantastic experience. The trekking was tough though, especially on the final day. We walked for twelve hours, and on ‘the other three days we walked for eight or nine hours. I was exhausted when we finally reached ‘the camp each evening. It was a four-day trek and we spent three icy cold nights camping. I went with my mum and dad and my older brother, who's nineteen. The climb was challenging for all of us. Each day, we stopped to have a picnic lunch, and the views were spectacular. I really regret not taking a camera. The rest of the holiday was fun too, but the climb up Mount Toubkal was the highlight for me. I think the whole trip was character building and I definitely feel more confident now I've done it. Any tips? Yes. Remember to take a hat. The sun is fierce. Don't forget to take a water bottle with you and some water purification tablets. Prepare for a challenging walk. | CHECKLIST oA 1 SURVIVAL Answer the questions. 1. How does Miriam describe Mount Toubkal? 2. How did Miriam feel when she reached the camp. each evening? 3 Who did Miriam gowith? 4 How did Miriam feel after the trip? 5 What tips does Miriam give? Read the review again and find the adjectives. What do they describe? Write the nouns! pronouns. Then lookin a thesaurus and find another adjective you could use instead. My new choice Adjective | Noun of adjective 1 tough | trekking 2. exhausted 2 icy cold 4 challenging 5. spectacular 6 fierce Write a review for an adventure holiday. It can be for a holiday you have been on or amade up holiday. Write 200-250 words. Use informal language Include interesting adjectives Use verbs of movement indude an introductory paragraph, main tbody, conclusion and travel tips 16 LISTENING [COMES Read the sentences below. Then listen and write the numbers of the dialogues, 1, 2or, Jin the boxes. 1 Theyarein the middle of a challenge. One cof them wants to give up, 2 They have climbed a high mountain and they want a new challenge. 3 They watch a video about people running, climbing, jumping and swinging over walls, and buildings. DIALOGUE 1 Complete these parts of the dialogues with the phrases in thelist. Of course you can | that's too easy | Ibet you | I think you're probably right | ll never manage to Ibetyou | Ichallenge you | No problem 1. SAMMY Wow! Dic you see that? car'tdo that JAMES can SAMMY Allright tojump ‘onto the kitchen table. JAMES But SAMMY Yes, easy and safe, You need proper training todo Parkour 2 CHRIS You goon ahead, Susie. crawl through that tunnel SUSIE 1 Chris. Come on, Keep going, Youre doing really wel I bet you can craw! through that tunnel faster than | can 3 JAKE Itwas.achallenge but "m glad I've done it LOUISE Same here. What's our next challenge? I bet we can climb Mount Everest ‘one cay. JAKE It wonttbe fora few years though. | don't think we're ready for that yet. Louise We need abit more practice before we take on that challenge, Now, where were we? know. You were showing me how to do that knot. 2 LIME Listen again and complete the sentences with one word. 1 2 3 Sammy wants James to come and watch a Parkour started in Chris eat continue because he car‘t crawl through the ‘The weather's very bad. It's just started to Jake enjoys going tothe climbing club because everyone isvery The climb up Ben Nevis was for ake. PHRASES FOR FLUENCY 1 ‘Match the two halves of the phrases. 1 Same a ashout 2 Something b what? 3 Giveme © deal 4 Youknow d- were we? 5 Where O here 6 Isa f orother Complete the dialogues with phrases from Exercise 1. 1 ‘A Come along to the indoor climbing club and Ilteach you. fm a trainer there When do I start? Dinners not ready yet OK. whenit’s ready. Rob's going on an adventure holiday this September I’sa trek across the desert in Jordan. B_ Iknow. I thoughthe was crazy at first. But Now | think Iwant to go with him tsa real challenge. A. Sorry about that, Matt. had toanswer a call Now, B_ Youwere just showing me the route for Saturday's trek. A Ah yes A. I'm sorry |haver'tealled you this week. Ive hack alotof things to do, 8 lve been really busy with the band, ‘A. Have you seen Kate recently? B_ No. She's at football taining or tennis club or >pere CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH: First Reading and Use of English Part 4 1. For questions 1-5, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given, Here is an example (0). Example, 3. Icanttafford to buy this laptop. 0 Imoved here five years ago. ENOUGH FOR 1 ‘money to buy this, | ‘ve lived here for five years. laptop. 1 Iwould rather not see that film. 4 She wasnt able to complete her homework lastnight. PREFER MANAGE 1 that film, She her homework 2. Iwon't leave him there alone, last night REFUSE 5. Iremember my first swimming lesson, 1__there alone. FORGET 1 first swimming lesson, Exam guide: key word transformation In this part of the exam, there are six questions. Each has a complete sentence and a second gapped sentence. You must complete the second sentence with two to five words so that it means the same as the first sentence. There isa key word which you must include. ‘© Remember contractions count as two words. © You should always give every question a try I's possible to get a point for one correct word, Train yourself to think of different ways of saying things. 2. For questions 1-6, complete the second sentence so that it hasa similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given. Here is an example (0). Example: 3. I couldn't ee the play lastnight © Mymum didnt let me go to the cinema lat night ABLETO ALLOW 1____ the play last nigh. My mum. didn’t allow me to goto the 4 Nobody has managed to climb that rock face yet. cinema lastnight. SUCCEEDED 1 It’sbeen months since Iast went swimming, Nobody that rock BEEN face yet 1 several months. 5. I stopped so I could buy anewspaper. 2. We haven't got enough time to go and see the To art exhibition. 1 a newspaper. TOO & Idlike to have a bath. ies and see the art FEEL exhibition. ; sua 7 18 GRAMMAR Relative clauses (review) EETEEREH 1% Complete the gaps with who, which or that and put D (defining) or ND (non-defining). © People whe move toa big city can find it hard to meet people. D 1. Mysister jane, lives in New ‘York, has made a lot of friends there 2 Thecafé, ‘opened near the which to refer to a whole clause EXSY) 3k ‘Write sentences from the prompts, using which. ©. Some people listen /tovery loud music can damage / their ears Some people listen to very loud music, which can damage their ears. 1 My father / walks / to work / is / good / for his health University, isa good place to meet people. 3 Paul, has just moved in next ‘door to me, has four sisters. 4. It’s not always easy to meet people 2. My grandfather / has /three large dogs / means /he / gets plenty of exercise lke the same thingsas you. 5 Ofthe si lats, the one Sally shares with four friends is the smallest. 2 do Find and correct the mistakes in each sentence. © Imyery proud of my mother who works for local charity -L'm very proud of my mother, who works for valocal charity, 1. Thisisa photograph who | took in Italy 2. Theboy which bought my bike lives in this street, 3. My mother who is a doctor often has to work at weekends 4. I've got anew phone who i far better than my old one. 5. The player, who scored the winning goal inthe 2014 World Cup final, was Mario Gotze. 6 Idon't really like people, who talk alot 3. Some blind people /have / guide dogs gives / them more independence 4. My sister spends /hours / working /on the computer / sometimes / gives [her /a headache ek Find pairs of ideas. Then write sentences using which. Make any other necessary changes. bus to school -cost £2.50 [ike / watch films at home friend / going Ilive in Colombia mother's car f stolen last week famous band / play in our town next week bbe /big change in ifestyle betveryexpersmeferme not happen I very often mean I take bus to work be / cheaper / go! cinema The bus to school costs £2.50, which is very “expensive forme. Omitting relative pronouns and reduced relative clauses EEE 5% Complete the gaps with that / which / who or ~if the pronoun is not necessary. 1. Patrick paid back the money he cowed me last week. 2 Iknowalotof people have eaten at that restaurant 3. Thereare a few things want to keep with me 4. Thisis the book ‘Mimi gave me for my birthday. 5 These aren't the photos vere in the newspaper. 6 I'mthe sort of person likes to spend time alone, 6 ek Complete the dialogue with who I which | that or ~if the pronoun is not necessary. JANET Greg, you've moved allot. What are the things" you think are important about moving? GREG Yes, well, think the thing ? is most important isto be optimistic about the move. Of course there are things 3 youl miss, but think ofall the ‘exciting things there will be. New places, new people! JANET. But what about my friends? This is the only place 4 Ive ever lived int GREG Youcankeep in touch with the people : are your most important friends. And you can visit -youre going {olive in Ireland, right? Not on the moon! JANET | know, but you need to take a train and then the fetry,& makesit complicated and expensive. And what if I don't make new friends? GREG Look, don't worry! You're an outgoing person? makes fiends quickly = youll ke OK. But you know, one thing * Ulike to do before I move ismakea scrapbook? will remind me of the place and the people. | put photos, names, birthdays and email addresses init," helps me to keep in touch with the friends Imad JANET That's great idea! Thanks, Greg. GOING PLACES 7 tek Join the sentences to make one sentence. © Catarinais an talian student. She is studying English in London. Catarina is an Italian student studying English in London, 1 Walter fell and hurt himself. He was p inting a wall 2. We gave allft to two students. They were trying to get toLondon. 3. Imeta French guy on the train. He was going to the same place as me. 4. Ascientst accidentally discovered Post lt notes. He vas trying to invent a strong glue. 5 The crew of the ship found a man, He was hiding in the lifeboat GET IT RIGHT! @ which and who Acommon error for learners is to use which instead of who or vice versa in relative clauses. 7 Irnet some friendly people whe become friends of mine. FX Imet some friendly people which became friends of mine ‘Complete the sentences with which or who. 1. Please let me know the conference. 2. Most ofthe immigrants found work 3. Themotorists dive more slowly. isthe most direct way to moved to the village use this road are Kindly asked to 4. There are alotof people moving to this area, ‘means there willbe fewer parking places. 5 Samba ayear outin aly isa beautiful country & Lucy tumed out tobe someone youcan rely on. 7 The Aborigines, have been living there for 40,000 years, have few possessions. & Theboat the refugees were sailing on arrived safelyin the port VOCABULARY audience residents immigrants refugees Motorists bring about hang out with putup with Key words in context abroad I don't ive in my own country anymore ~ live abroad. compassion She'shad a very bed tne recertly— weneed to show her sorne compassion courage I've never sung in front of ether people — I dorit have the courage desperately They've gotno moneyatall-they/re desperately poor homesickness A/ter Ivo months away from here, my homesickness started f0 get better lnvaluable | would never have succeeded without your help — twas Invaluable. mayor In oureity, we choose a new mayer every four years overall ‘We had a few days of ran, but mostly twas sunry, so everall the summer's been good. praise He told the truth and people praised him fer his honesty. renovate My house i ald now, so im gong to renovate i. severe Sometimes the temperature is 25° — the winter can be realy severe shortage Ithasntrained for soc months, so naw weve gota water shortage Groups of people EERIE 1 ee Complete the crossword. The factory is the town’ biggest 2. t's really big company -there are more than a thousand ... there. 3. You cant drive here ~ this is... 4 Big. noisy lorries use this street, and some .. are unhappy about it 5 t’sa huge city ~there are about twelve milion ... here 6 Theres large population of North African inour town, 7 The plane was carrying 90 passengers and seven ... members, 8 The accident was caused bya driving too fast zone, who was 9 There are more than 30 teachers on the... of the school 40 Alot of people in the and started to leave, 11 She escaped from her country and now she's a 12 She'san important... and hopes to become the leader of her party soon, Phrasal verb stress Goto page 118. ca didn't lke the film, 2 2 GOING PLACES 4k Which people might say these things? (There may be more than one possibilty.) 1 Opists — theyre terrible, I can't stand them. The boss is OK but she wakes ss work really hard to! 3 Ipronise that we will make this country beter isn’ alionys easy to make a new startin another country. 5 Speakup! We can’ thear you here at the back. 6 Wereally ove living here — it's great Phrasal verbs (1) EETSREEX 3 4 Circle the correct options. 1 thought the exam would be dificult, butt turned out / brought about to be easy. 2. He'shorrible why do you hang out with /run into him? 3 The neighbours are so noisy ~ I can't go through I putup with itany more, 4 We complained so much that we brought about / picked up some changes. 5. don't really speak Japanese ~| just picked up / ‘putup with some phrases, 6 Isrtit funny when you run into / hang out with someone you haven't seen for ages? 7 worked really hard on Monday —I was turned out wom out, 8 Don'tworry it's just a bad time mm wearing out / {going through, 4% Complete each sentence with one or two words. 1. Yesterday Iran mother's 2. They walk so quickly that they wearme —__t 3. Everyone said it was going to rain, but it turned to bea lovely day. 4 mgoing to hang imy friends this an old friend of my afternoon. 5. Benice to her—she's going abadtime right now. 6 He'snever had French lessons ~he just picked it inFrance. 7 We hope these changes will bring some better results 8 You're horrible! | don't know why I put you! 21 2 READING 1. [UUIGCLSTENIENISE Match the phrases from columns A, B and C. Then check your answers in the text on page 21 of the Student's Book. A B c 1. Many young people started an organisation tohouse the refugees. 2. Domenico Lucano went and visited Riace because there weren't enough jobs. 3) Lucano had to work called Cita Futura 4 Therefugees saw some people on the beach to get ideas for their towns and cites. 5 Lucano used empty buildings who had escaped their own country. 6 Themalerefugees Which meant that 50 they could be rented to tourists. 7 Thereare morechildren, left Riace to earnttheir food and accommodation. 8. Other politicians renovated houses the school could reopen. 2 Read the blog. How does the writer usually feel about getting lost? How did she feel at the end of this story? Most of us lke to know where we are and As the sun began to come up, Dad {began to forget that we were lost, where we'e going. Itcan feel strange to started taking photographs and Ijust_ and just started watching and taking belost- sometimes very uncomfortable, looked around. Every time he walked of, in everything that was happening around to. The words ‘being lst’ make us think followed him, down small streets and _-me, We stopped and had a sandich of a dark wood, ora dark city street: over tle bridges. {or breakfast - Dae's tebe allan threatening and seary. But that’s not ter about an hour and a hal, tured toa lust enough for ustn get what we always te case. him. ‘Dad lashed, ‘where are we?" wanted, even in a place away fom the When Iwas about twelve, we were on He looked at me and said, "You know, ‘tourist rack holiday in Venice. My dad's a realy keen ‘Ihave no idea’ limmediately felt abit Finally after about four hous of photographer and he said that he was seared, but Dad jst smiled and laughed. wandering around, Dad said “Hey! This going to getup the folowing morning at ‘We're lst” he sald tod him to get fs ourstreet!” And we were back. Mum. 5 o'clock and go outto take photos as out Ns map or phone, He looked atime. was inthe breakfast room ofthe hotel the sun came up. Mum wasn't interested, "Map? Phone? | only brought the camera. when we came in. Were have you but I said Fd go with him. (OF couse, that Come on, let's get more ost!’ And ie bee” she asked, anxious. ‘We got was only because he promised could laughed again. lost said wth a huge grin have the biggest ever bow of alan ice Hs Jaughter relaxed me and made me These days me have so many things cream Idi Why else would I get up at fee safe. We started to walk again. ‘to stop us from getting lost - maps, 5 in the morning?!) People were appearing on the strets GPS, apps on aur phones, and so on. So at amwe left the hotel and started shops and cafés began to open, and But Dad showed me that being last walkng, There was almost no one inthe asthe sun came up the natrow steets _can sometimes simaly be something stoets, whichis pretty rare inVenice. started to fllwith light, to Dad's delight. 10 enoy. Read the blog again. Mark the sentences T (true), F (false) or DS (doesn't say). 1. When people think of being lost, they sometimes feel scared. 2. The writer's father isa professional photographer. 3. The streets in Venice are often empty. 4 The writer's father never took his phone with him when he took photographs. The writer's father spoke good Italian. They had breakfast in a place where tourists often went ‘The writer's mother was worried about them, OO000 Oo ‘The writer now gets lost quite often, in order to have adventures, 4 Write a short paragraph (50-80 words) to say how you feel about getting lost. Give an example of a time it happened to you. |2 GOING PLACES DEVELOPING WRITING Writing a letter to a friend 1 Read Marcos's letter to Jodi 1 Whereis he? 2 What difficulties does he talk about? Hii Jodie, How’ everything with you in England? "sorry | haven't written before but there's jast been so much to do since ___ Left azil to come here. ‘And naw here | ayn in Vancouver, oh my year exchange! You know that tm staying with a family here, right? They're the Johnsons, who live in an area called Oakridge: irs a fow kilometres from the city centre but there are buses and a train, so “easy to get there. The Johnsons are very {friendly and theyve helped me settle in, They havent got any kidts but 've made some friends my ‘age round here. ani go to the Language course three mornings a week and tve got friends there too. Tatking of language well, that’s beer the tricky thing, especially listening, People don't talk like in the books at school! | mea, ‘Ho problem when line talking to one person. but in a big group. it ean. be hare to follow the conversation, Still, it's getting easier! Otherwise, ‘all good. | thought-a lot of things would be very different here, but they arent. One thing, though, is you have to remember to Leave a tip im restaurants, “Not Like in Brazil, where the tip’s always added to the bill, And when you buy something, you have to remember that they add tay at the check-out sa you always pay more than what’ on the label! OK, "got to go. Write andl tell me how you are Marcos 2 Imeach of the underlined parts of the letter, Marcos left something out before the underlined word(s). Match these phrases to the underlined parts 1-6. a there's b tim c its a its © Ive f its Writing tip 4 Imagine that you are doing an exchange programme in an English-speaking country. © We often leave certain words out in informal Write a letter to a friend about your experience. speaking and writing (its called elips. Ibis Write 200-250 words. usually the subject and the auxiliary verb that Include. are left out, for example: a Wich eEEERET Did you have a nice weekend? becomes Have a nice weekend? (leaving out the subject ‘you! and the auxiliary did’) who you are staying with what difficulties you've had with language any cultural differences you've had to adjust to 3. What could be left out from these sentences? Rewrite the sentences. i a a © Its good to see you CHECKLIST Good to sce you. | Use a style of an informal letter | Use at least two examples of ellipsis | M 2 ‘Arayou Kavingsa good ame? | Menon ange a tia ewes ite 200-250 words —_——______#———_ 3. Doyou see what | mean? 1. There are no worries, we can do this easly. | B 24 LISTENING 1 E-DEE Listen to two conversations. Complete each sentence with between 1 and 3 words. CONVERSATION 1 1 jillhas wona ‘a magazine. 2 Theprizeisa day trip to South Africa 3 Shewon't have to onthe ti 4 Maxwants to know how many people isfor. CONVERSATION 2 5 Monika and Graham are looking at comic books 6 Monikas grandfather collects 7. He started his collection when he was asa young man. 8 the money in his collections old 2 CBIR Listen again. Complete these parts of the conversations with 1 or 2 words. CONVERSATION 1 JILL Wellin? slentered it.Ikind of thought | knew lots of the answers, most of them in fact. And so thought ‘OK, why not?" MAX And ..? Hold on, you're not telling me JILL Yes. Iwon! I heard today. The magazine phoned me up and told me I'd won. MAX That's? !Wow. Well done. So— you've got a free trip to South Africa? JILL That's right. can? it myself CONVERSATION 2 GRAHAM Do you collect anything, Monika? MONIKA No but my grandfather's got ‘S collection of money from all over the world. | think he's got coins and notes from * a hundred different countries GRAHAM That's collection! DIALOGUE 1 Put the dialogues in order. ‘A Goon- surprise me. 1] & [hear you're going to Scotland for the weekend, ‘A Thats incredible, B Well, gota return ticket for £57.50. B know. 'samazing, isn't it? | could hardly believe it myself. 8 Yes, by rain. bought a really cheap ticket online lastnight. Youll never believe what | paid. A Pretty interesting, | thought. You know, they move around with camels, and they can travel upto sixty kilometres a day, ‘A Did yousee the documentary las night about the Tuareg? A I know. Andin that kind of heat. It's almost unbelievable. B No, missed it. Was t any good? B im not sure 'd want to do it, | have to say. 8 Wow. That's quitea distance. ‘A In Alaska. Andit’s winter there. He wrote me an email -he said that sometimes, i's -25 degrees. ‘A My friend Pete's gone travelling around the world, ‘A know. How do people survive in ‘temperatures lke that? B Really? | knew it got cold there, but not that cold! 8 ve gota better question. Why on earth did Pete choose to go somewhere so cold? B_Ohyright. Sowhere is he now? Write two dialogues of six lines each. Choose from these situations. Look back at Exercise 1 tohelp you. 1. Two friends are talking. One of them watched a football match. A player scored five goals 2. Two friends are talking. One of them did an online quiz and got 49150. 3. Two friends are talking. One of them has a new friend who is 2.12 metres tal. 4 Twofriends are talking, One of them is saving to buy a musical instrument. I's very expensive. CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH: First Writing part 2: an article 1 Read Manuela’ article and answer the questions. 1 Does she do everything thatthe task asks her to do? Exam guide: writing an article In part 2 of the writing exam you are 2 Find and circle: asked to write a text from a choice of. adjectives that she uses text types in about 140-190 words. This, b three ‘questions’ that she uses will sometimes be an article, for example, fora school magazine or ateen website. Remember that the articles for a magazine ‘The best place I've ever ‘or website —it'sfor entertainment, rather Visited? It has fo be Disney than for information, So, try to make your World, in Florida, We live ‘writing lively and interesting, Ways you can in Mexico City and a trip to do this indude: the USA hed always been © using direct rhetorical) questions mmy dream. On my eleventh © using ots of adjectives and adverbs birthday, my parents gave © not making the sentences too long and me a white envelope instead complicated cof the usvel present. And can you guess what it was? OF course ~ our plane tickets to spend six nights in Disney World. | was just so excited! Remember that in the actual exam your works assessed on its © content (have you done what youre asked to do?) We flew about five weeks later. can still remember so fe lenevcce (eyeureenmnan woes ular ‘many things about that fantastic tip. We stayed in & and speling generally good evenifthere resort in the Epcot Centre, and every day we went to are some mistakes?) 00 something different. | guess my real favourite was the Wild Alice Trek - three hours of walking and seeing wild animals ~ it was incredible, And then there were the rides, of course —we all got in a raft one afternoon and did some whitewater rafiing, thal was scary but fun, we got drenched! So we had five days of fun, sun, great food, ice cream, rides ~ what's not to lie? Lean hardly wait to go back! ‘© organisation (does your writing follow a clear, logical pattern?) ‘© communication (is your writing in an appropriate style — not too formal or informal) ‘Manuela wrote an article after she saw this task: THE BEST PLACE’VE EVER VISITED What's the best place you've ever visited? ‘When did you go? Who with? ‘What did you like so much about it? Write and tel us. Write about 140-190 words, . 2. Look at the underlined phrases in the article. They are. phrases that you could use in this kind of article writing. Can you find at least one other phrase you think you could use? 3. Write an article of your own. You can choose the task that Manuela did, or the one below. OMADIC PEOPLE I'D LIKE TO KHOW ‘Thote are many nomadic people in the world — ‘@9. the Inuit and the Tuareg. IF you could meet and spend some time with nomadic tbe, waich one would It be and why? Well publish the best articles on our website! And there are prizes for the winnerst Write and tellus. Write about 140-190 words. Well publish the best articles on our website! [Andi there are prizes for the winners Pry 26 CONSOLIDATION LISTENING 1 EXDIBI Listen to Amelia talking about her year in Indonesia. Put the things below in the ‘order she mentions them. There are two she doesn’t mention. the food the language her school ] transport the weather ] the people 2 CDI Listen again and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). 1. Amelia's dad was only going to spend half year there. 2. The weather was always hot and dry. 3 Amelia's lost contact with most of her Indonesian friends, 4. She used to buy nasi goreng froma shop. 5 Amelia describes a bejak journey as being abit dangerous but excting too GRAMMAR 3 Choose the correct option. 1. don't mind to help helping you with your homework. 2. But, Dad, you promised to take / taking me to the cinema tonight! 3. eel lke to eat / eating some chocolate. | don't suppose you've pot any? 4 Can | suggest to take f taking a break and finishing this later? Ireally regret to tel/ telling Paul all those things bumped into Joshua on the high street and we stopped to have J having a chat. orgot to post / posting this letter again I don't remember to invite inviting lan to my party. Why's he here? Join the sentences to make one sentence. 1. My sister spends all day on her phone. | find this very annoying. 2. My favourite town is Brighton. Ison the south coast 3. I watched the film lastnight. | thought itwas rally boring 4 My best friends Al. He was born on the same day asme, VOCABULARY 5 Match the sentence halves. 1 don't know how you put up. 2 I'mashamed of what I said and 3. Housework really wears me 4 mabit stuckand OC 5 wasn't in Spain long and | only picked CJ 6 [felt a bit awkward and CL] 7. Itwasa terrible thing to go & I cantell that he's guilty O out and makes me feel tired, b through and she doesn't like talking about it didn't know what to say. by the look on his face. could use some help. with al his terrible jokes, I want to say sorry. upa few words of the language. Complete each word. 1 Wehad toc con our hands and knees. 2 Ther are really unhappy about the plans to open anew nightclub in the area 3 Thee made sure all the passengers were safely off the ship before they lef. 4 Theyw. around the city for hours. They had no idea where they were going. Shet uietly up the stairs. 6 Thea_____ hated his performance and he was booed off stage ‘The company has more than 1,000 e He grabbed the rope and s across the river, DIALOGUE 7 Complete the dialogue with the phrases in the list. There are two you won't use. Isa deal Of course ean | Ibet you can't | Give me a shout You know what? Same here You'll never manage to do it DAN You can't go for more than an hour without checking your phone. ANA! DAN Noyou can't | mean we've only been in the restaurant 20 minutes and you've already checked it twice. ANA. Well, 'm expecting an important message. DAN Really?? I don't think you could survive without your phone. Not even for five minutes. In fact, ? spend READING 8 Read the article and answer the questions. ‘You would expect extreme sportspeople to be equipped with survival techniques. A mountaineer needs tobe ready fora rapid ‘escentin bad weather and a deep-sea diver needs to know what ‘do should they ever come face to face with a great white shark, for example. Even more everyday sportspeople need to know a few basic procedures and more than one football layer’ life has been saved by the actions ofa quick thinking team mate, But if there's ‘one spot you would expect tobe prety safe, then t's got, Apart from a few sand bunkers and maybe a pond or two, galf courses are hardly the most dangerous of places. Indeed, golf courses are atten set in some of the mast beautitl countryside tere i, What Could possibly go wrong ther? Infact the any people who might be in danger are the spectators who run the sk of ago all landing on ther head from time to time. ‘Swedish golfer Daniela Holmaulst might have a thing or two to say about this, She was in Australia playing in @ tournament when she felt anasy bite on her lower leg. When she loked she saw a smal black spder on her ankle. She immediately brushed it away but the pain was geting stronger and stronger. She quickly called for help and was tld that she had been bitten by aback widow spider, 1. What dangers might a mountaineer or a deep-sea diver encounter? 2. What dangers might agolfer encounter? 3. What danger did Daniela Holmqyist encounter? 4 How did she react at first? 5 What did she do to survive the danger? & What did she do once the danger was over? UNITS 1&2 That's too easy the rest of the meal without your phone, ANA Don'tbe silly. 4 DAN. Isit? OK, if you don't look at your phone until we finish eating ll pay for dinner. ANAS -Ihope youve gotalotof ‘money with you. : DAN. Ihaver‘t but thats no problem. : ANA OKilet's see. lone of the most polsonous creatures inthe world, Infact, one bite can kill an adult in less than an hour, The local people were very concemed and immediately called for medical help, But Daniela knew she could not afford to wait fort She knew she had to do something there and then as her leg had already started to swell From aut of her pocket she pulled a tee, the plastic object that ‘a golfer uses ta place the ballon atthe start ofeach hole. Using the sharp end ofthe tee, she made 2 hole in her leg and squeezed the poison out from inside, It came flowing out ina clea liquid Despite the pain she kept applying pressure unt al the fluid had been removed. Doctors were soan on the scene and helped bandage Daniela up. You might have thought that after a brush \with death like this, you would want 1 go home and rest for ‘2 while. Not Daniela: instead of taking anytime off to recover, Daniela insisted on finishing the remaining 14 holes to complete her game. WRITING 9 Think of a dangerous situation and write a paragraph about how you ‘would respond. Write about 180 words. Include: © what the situation was © whatyou did © howyou felt afterwards 7 28 THE NEXT GENERATION GRAMMAR Quantifiers 1% Putthe sentences in order (1-4) according ‘toamount, 1 being the most. 1 ‘She's got loads of cousins 7 ‘She's got a few cousins. She's got several cousins. ‘She's got hardly any cousins. woe A small number of the children at our schoo! 20 onto university. b None of the children at our school go on touniversity «¢ Allofthe children at our school go on touniversity d_ The vast majority of children at our school go ontouniversity. ‘Mum hardlly spends any time at home. 4% Circle the correct option. 1. My cousin's crazy about cars. He's got loads of! hardly any fa few books on them. 2. There's no need to hurry, We've got several / plenty / the vast majority of time. 3. Hardly any {Several / Good deal of the public trust politicians. 4 Let Phil pay. He's got mast loads / all of money. 5 The vast majonty f good deal mos of children at our school speak two languages. & AIl/A few | Several of my cousins went to university, 50 of course, Mum and Dad expect me to go too. 40% Choose quantifiers and complete the sentences so they are true for you. 1 [spend mytime 2 my friends 3 the teachers at my school 4 the children at my school 5 [spend ‘my money 6 Hind the subjects at school ‘Mum spends plenty of time at home. ‘Mum doesrit spend much tine at home, 4 Mum spends all her time at home. 4k Complete the text with the words in thelist. leads | number | plenty | most | majority deal | few | almost | hardly | all of | several ove the street where we live. There are ®_leads_ cof houses and the vast ! have families living inthe, That means there are always? of dhldren to play with. There are ? kids from my dass at school and * us love football so 5 days youll find us playing football in the park atthe end of the street. The park is preat and I spend. 4 all of my time there. OF course, there area small” ‘of mean kids who hang out there but ‘they don't usually bother us. At the other end ofthe road there are a® shops where Ispend.a good ® cof my pocket money on sweets. By Friday evening Ive got any pocket money left so and such (review) ETS 5 ek Rewrite the sentences using the word(s) in brackets. © This is sucha difficult question. (so) This question is so difficult, 1. It'ssuch a hot day today. 60) 2. My uncle's so rich. uch man) 3. Dawn's got so many problems. (uch fa lot of) 4 late somuch. such) de4-% Write continuations for the sentences in Exercise 5. 0 This question is so difficult that I’ve no idea what the answer is, too and (not) enough EEETEH 7 4% Complete the sentence for each picture. Use too or (not) enough, Sometimes there is more ‘than one possible answer. cinema © Sony, youre not old 1 Forget exiough, / youtre too a, 2 Iean'tdoit, 3. Doyou know what your problem is? do and did for emphasis EDRTSES 8 % Match the sentences. Let's come back later Lucy did go to your party I did enjoy that meal Paul did seem a litle strange. I do wish you'd turn down your music. Jen looks great in that dress. | do really ke you. Is there anything wrong with him? Fm trying to study. Green does suither, She was wearing a red dress — remember? But not enough to be your girlfriend, sorry But think | ate too much, 3) THE NEXT GENERATION 9 kk Rewrite the sentences adding dofdoes or did to make them more emphatic. Make any ‘other necessary changes. © Soyou like my present! | thought you didn't Soyou do like ray present! | thought you didn't, 1 You know Alan, You met him at Steve's party, remember? 2 We spend allot of our time talking about the same things Is getting a bit boring, 3. My dad embarrasses me sometimes but | guess ll dads do. 4. [don't know what May said but lenjoyed your party. 5 Miss Holloway’s great but she talks alot. & tvehardly got any money eft, We bought a lot of things today, 7° Imiss my mum when she travels abroad for work GET ITRIGHT! @& soand such £ Learners often confuse so and such, ¥ We had no idea that we were going to become such goed friends X We had!no idea that we were going to become se _good friends + Luke's parents arent sostric. EX Luke's parents arent such strict. Find four mistakes in the text. Correct them. Bringing up children is notan easy job and some parents can be such strict that their children sometimes rebel. There is soa lot of advice out there about raising children thatits not always easy to make the right decisions. Amy Chua's book was such interesting I read ittwice and it contained so many useful pleces of advice. Childhood is soa significant time in your Ife and i's so important to get things right. 29 VOCABULARY MACccMiris Costumes and uniforms shield sword leather jacket mask football for your belt for your one el wit sex sunglasses ee Bea . head helmet apron ceria strict childhood grow up — ging up clo well als children bring 4 do your best ae soft Key words in context collection My brother's got a huge eolleetion of football shirts, doorstep _Donitsandthereon the deorstep. Come in fancy-dress Have you decided what costume to wear to the faney-dress party? farewell Its always sad to say farewell to colleagues who you've worked with for a number of years. genius Theyte a family of geniuses. Theyreall so intelligent. ‘ordinary im just an ordinary kid like everyone else. parenting Good parenting sa real sil provocative That was provocative thing to say Are you locking foran argument? Costumes and uniforms EEE 1 * 1 pw 4 mehtle 2 tleb 5 words 3. sesnuslags 6 smak 3. THE NEXT GENERATION Unscramble the words to make costumes and uniforms. Then match the words with the pictures. 7 delish 8 pace 9 napor a a) 2 4% Complete the story with words from Exercise 1. ‘Aninvitation to a fancy dress party. Cool! What was I going to wear? | thought about going asa chef but Dad's was fithy and I didnt have time towash it, What about a knight? I could usea stick as a? and a dustbin id asa? but what about a* towear on my head? No, a knight was too difficult. Then | thought about goingas a superhero,a to cover my face,abig around my waist and a 2 ‘over the top. Not bad but then Ihad a brillant idea . Larrived at Mike's house and knocked on the door. | was a rockstar and | looked cool! Dark ® hiding my eyes, a” (of long black hair on iy head and my dad's leather jacket Mike opened the door dressed in a suit and tie. Tina, his girlfriend was stood beside him in a beautiful dress He looked at me and laughed. ‘When I said dress fancy, meant dress smart’ he laughed, It was too late now. |had to go in. Bringing up children EES 3 e h 1 Match the phrases and the definitions. dowell strict do your best bring up soft childhood grow up get ahead in life oO totry yourhardest to raise (children) to describe a parent who doesn't impose alot of rules on their children tobe successful to getolder to describe a parent who imposes alt of rules on their children to make good progress at school, n your job, etc. the period of your lfe until the age of 18 Yok Circle the correct option. All parents want to help their children _get ahead in life grow up. Itdoesn't matter if you win or lose, as long as you do well do your best. \had a really happy childhood / bring up, it was difficult for my dad growing / bringing up three children on his own, She did / made realy well in her final exam, They can do whatever they want. Their parents ate really soft / strc. My litle cousin is growing I bringing up really quickly, My parents are so soft / strict. hey don't let me do anything. 31 READING 1. (UUIGEUETENIDISIIESS Correct the mistakes in these sentences. Then check your answers on Page 31 of the Student's Book. How to survive . .. embarrassing parents Don't got me wrong I love my parents to bits. | know they love me too and would do anything to help me but sometimes they can be wall... really embarrassing. Dad wanting ta pick me up from school, Mum getting over excited when she watches me playing football for the school team. And | know i's not just me. My friends all moan about theirs from time to time. Ie seems a few cruel Parents deliberately want to see their kids suffer, but others are just trying to be cool and fi in with our friends, Either way, they can make life pretty tricky for us ac cimes. There's not really much we can do about, or is there? | Here are afew tips I've come up with to make life just a 1. Dale stood at the garden gate to wave Rain off 2. Dale wore fancy dress to wave Rain offto school con his first day at high school. 3. Rain saw that his dad was an ‘American football player as he was climbing conto the bus. 32 4. Dale waved Rain off only when the weather was good. 5 Dale gota lot of his costumes from a fancy-dress shop. & Rochelle Price took short videos of her husband to put on their website 7 Rain never really appreciated what his dad did 8 Dale's looking forward to waving at the bus when school starts after the summer holidays, had with your parents and how you solved it. lite easler forall of us. a Write a list ofall the things you find embarrassing and ‘then put them in order. Is the fact that your dad sings along to the radio when your friends are over for dinner worse than the fact that he always calls your best friend by the wrong name? By deciding which ones are worse means you'll be free to focus your energy where you need it most B When you've decided which issues you want to talk about, keep a diary ofall the times your mum or dad do the things that embarrass you most. When, where and how you felt make a note of all these things. They'll help you put your case across. c When you've got enough evidence, i's time fora little face-to-face chat. Use your notes to help you. The chances are that even if your parents are conscious of doing these things, they probably don realise how embarrassing they 2. Read the magazine article. Who isit written by? __are: Keep calm, Let them know how you feel and why. Let them have thelr say - they'l probably want to defend A Apiarent with a difficult teen at home themselves, Of course, you'll also have to be prepared 8 Ayoung person with a dificult problem 16 Iter to som of the thing at theyre nocio heen © Someone who understands typical teenage issues con about your behaviour Is part ofthe deal, Maybe you can both agr to think more carefull about some of 3. Match the titles with the paragraphs. There anaes " are two extra titles. 5 1 Tryand be more understanding Hope seston ana be ving toe 3 Dertpstlonnpedt: lopefully your parents wil Isten and be wiling to change a Ps their ways, especially if you say you're happy to change 3 Collect the evidence too. Of course, sometimes they might not. When this 4 They don't even know why they do it happens then the best advice | can offer is to ignore it 5 Choose the behaviour you find most and get on with your life. If you do this, things will be embarrassing a lot easier. Remember that they once had their own 6 Havea family meeting embarrassing parents, nd the chances are mary of us will be embarrassing parents ourselves one day. Maybe we 4 Writea short text describing a problem you aBaareteee Kesar 3. THE NEXT GENERATION DEVELOPING WRITING An essay about the role of grandparents 1 Read the essay and answer the questions. 1. Why does the writer think grandparents are more active in their grandchildren’ lives these days? 2 Why can this be a good thing? 3. What should parents be careful about? Grandparents can play an important part in children’s lives. Do you agree? Because ofthe high costs of professional cid care, more and But parents shouldnt abuse his situation. Parents should ‘more parents in the UK are relying on thelr own mothers and ‘abways be the most important infiuence in any child's fe. 3 fathers to look after ther children so that they can go backto They need to be there and make the important decisions rather $ work Tis means tat these grandparents ae gt to spend than rj upon thrown mites an aero dosoforttem. 3 farmore tie wit teirgrandohitren than their own parents To sum up, children who grow up having a close relationship i, buts this alvays a good thing? with ther grandparents are very ky indeed. However, their (Of cours, grandparents can be @ wonderful inivence in a parents must be careful not to forget ther responsibilty for childs life, No one, except for thelr own parents, can love them _theirchlds upbringing and happiness. ‘more and the children will generally be well cared for. The time ‘and attention thatthe child receives will ep them grow up seourely, knowing that they are special Tis relationship often continues in later years and many teenagers have a close bond with their grandparents, knowing that they can tum to them with problems they won't always want to share with their parents. 2 Complete these sentences from the essay with the missing words. Then check in the text. What effect do these words have on the sentences? 1. This means that these grandparents are getting tospend__more time with their ‘grandchildren than their own parents dic 2 1 grandparents can be a wonderful influence in a child’ life ee 3 Parents should _be the most important influence in any chil’ life. a Makenotesté antrer the questions; 4 Tosum up, children who grow up having a close 1. What isthe role of grandparents in your society? relationship with their grandparents are very lucky 2 Whatis good about the situation? 3. Isthere anything to be careful about? 4 What are your thoughts? 3. Use the missing words from Exercise 2 to make these sentences more emphatic. Sometimes 5. Use your notes to write an answer to the essay there is more than one possibility. question in about 200 words. “CHECKLIST 2 It'smore difficult to spend all day looking after |= wena are 1. You must think of the child’s safety. Include an attention-grabbing introduction ‘Organise your ideas in a logical sequence 3 Grandparents love their grandchildren very much. Wid ne eats o onrlinclaraueve | — Read trou esayto check formes} 4. Grandparents want to help their own children. [ies — 3B 34 LISTENING 1. EDIE Listen and write the name of the embarrassed daughter (Jen, Sue or Dawn) under the picture of the dad. DIALOGUE 1. Put the dialogue in order. 2 DIDI Listen again and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). 1 2 Jen never needs a lift from her dad, Jer’s mum is sympathetic to her daughter's complaint Sue thinks her dad’ hairstyles old-fashioned ‘Sue's mum is sympathetic to her daughter's complaint. Dawn's taste in music has changed. Dawn's mums sympathetic to her daughter's complaint. 3. XDI Make the sentences more emphatic by rewriting them with do, so or suchin the correct form, Listen again and check. 1 Dad knows how to embarrass me. ‘Wee your parents, Jen, we care about you. It'san inappropriate hairstyle for a man of his age. Dad's embarrassing liked it when | was about eight. DAD Wellit’s our house and we like to keep it just alittle bit tidy Its your bedroom. t's such @ mess, Again, Because maybe when | go to check your room in half an hour it will be perfect. Very funny, Paul. Now I did say that if your room was a mess, | wouldn't give you your packet money this month, DAD You do know how to annoy your mum, Paul I can but maybe | won't need to. It willbe, Dad. Thanks for the second chance. PAUL PAUL Well it’s my bedroom so I don't see what the problem is. Why not? Abit tidy? This house is so tidy we could invite the Queen round for dinner. What have | done now? PAUL PAUL PAUL PAUL Noway, Dad, you cant do that. need the money. 2 Use the words in brackets to change the sentences and make them more emphatic. MUM — Why didn't you clean your room? JAY But cleaned it, Mum. (did) MUM Really? Last time looked it was a mess. (such) 2 JAY When was that? MUM. Fiveminutes ago! JAY Well go and have a look now. It’s tidy. You wor't believe it. (50) MUM — Andifllook under the bed? JAY Mum, you know how to be annoying, don't you? Just give me five more minutes then, Write a short dialogue (6-10 lines) between a parent and child, Use at least two examples of ‘emphatic language. Lect Use ho) ‘Adding emphasis Go to page 118. AMBRIDGE ENGLISH: First Listening part 3 1. DEED You will hear five short extracts in which people are talking about family holidays. For questions 1-5, choose from the list (A-H) what each speaker says about them. Use the letters only once. There are three extra letters which you do not need to use. ‘They're never as good as | hope they will be a Speaker 1 B They're usualy very stressful. peer Everyone does what they want todo. pester) D My parents worrytoomuchaboutshowingus SPA good time. E Wtsagood time to reconnect with everyone. Speaker s F Mum and Dad can never realy relaxon them, G Wenever goto places that want to go to. H.Ithinkve outgrown them. Exam guide: multiple matching In this part of the exam you need to match speakers to a sentence describing part of what they are talking about. ‘© You hear five people talking about the same subject they are not connected to each other. You hear ‘each extract twice, © Onthe exam paper there are eight comments. Your job is to match one to each of the speakers, There are three comments you wor't use. ‘© Before you listen, read through the comments to prepare yourself for the sorts of things you will hear. © Youll need to listen out for attitudes, opinions, purpose feelings, main points and details. ‘© Listen to each speaker carefully. You will sometimes hear things that are intended to distract you from the correct answer, so avoid making quick decisions. ‘© Use your second listening to confirm answers you have already chosen and answer those questions you werent able tothe first time round. 2 EDEN You will hear five short extracts in which people are answering the question, ‘What is the most important role of a parent?’ For questions 1-5, choose from the list (A-H) what each speaker says about it. Use the letters only once. There are three extra letters which you do not need to use. e ‘A. Parents need to ensure that they supply their Speaker 1 children with the fundamental requirements pais Speaker 2 Parents have to expect they will have dificult ‘times with their teenage children, Spmlera! Speaker 4 © Parents need to teach their children values Speaker 5 Survival skills are the most important thing a parent can pass on to their child E Parents can never be really good friends with their children, F Themost important part of being a parent comes naturally Gs very dificult to choose which role is most essential H_ Parents need to take more responsibilty 35 36 THINKING OUTSIDE THE BOX GRAMMAR be / get used to (doing) vs. used to (do) 1% Complete with the correct form of the verb given (infinitive or -ing form). 1 That fastfood place used to my favourite French restaurant. (be) 2. When frst lived in a flat | couldn't get used to our neighbour's music. (hear) 3 My mother has finally got used to the Internet on her phone. (have) 4 Pedro comes from Brazil, so he isn't used to British food. (eat) 5 Sheila used to jeans all the ‘time when she was a student. (wear) 6 Wellive near the palace and we're very used to members ofthe royal family going past. (See) 7 Iwonder if il ever get used to in such a beautiful place, (live) 8 When we arrived in London, we weren't used to ino much traffic. (drive) 4% Circle the correct option. When I was young | used to got used to play ‘outside with my friends, My mum used was used to me going out toride my bike with them. Sometimes Iwas out for hours, but she 2used tof got used to that, too. We often rode on mud tracks that ‘used fo were used to be used bby motorcyclists, and they were often wet and slippery so used to got used to faling of my bike alot. And so my mum ‘used to / was used to seeing me covered with mud and bruises Now I used to amused to driving safely in my carand staying clean! | dont think | could Sbe sed to get used to riding a bike again now. 4% Complete the sentences with the correct form of be or get. 1 Julais Mexican so she used to hot weather. 2. My uncle's working in Berlin, so he had to Used to different food. 3. Itnever takes me long to inanother country. 4. My father lived in Italy for years, but he never used to driving on the right. 5. My grandmother used to living in her small lat now, and she's very happy. 6 Bernard grew up in Norway. As a child he: used to skiing to school used to being 7 like warm weather. | could never used tovery cold winters. 8 Peoplein some parts of japan —_____used to experiencing earthquakes ~ they happen quite often 9 Onholiday, went tothe beach every day. That's something | could easily used to! Jeok Complete the statements, Make them true for you. 1. When Iwas younger | used to 2. When started schoo! it wasn't easy to get used to 3. Nowlamused to 4 My best friend was used to before I met himiher 5 My parents have never got used to

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