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<<VOIP CONFIG FILE>>Version:2.



WAN Subnet Mask :
WAN Gateway :
Default Protocol :2
Primary DNS :
Secondary DNS :
Enable DHCP :1
Use Vendor Class ID:0
Vendor Class ID :VOIP IP Phone
DHCP Auto DNS :1
DHCP Auto Time :0
Domain Name :
Host Name :VOIP
Enable PPPoE :0
Enable Port Mirror :0
RTP Initial Port :10000
RTP Port Quantity :200
SNTP Server :
Second SNTP Server :
Enable SNTP :1
Time Zone :20
Time Zone Name :CST_008
Enable DST :0
SNTP Timeout :3600
DST Min Offset :60
DST Start Mon :3
DST Start Week :5
DST Start Wday :0
DST Start Hour :2
DST Start Min :0
DST End Mon :10
DST End Week :5
DST End Wday :0
DST End Hour :2
DST End Min :0
Default UI :1
MTU Length :1500
Push XML IP :
Enable Call History:1
Active Uri IP :
Boot Completed Url :
Reg On Url :
Reg Off Url :
Reg Failed Url :
Offhook Url :
Onhook Uri :
Incmoing Call Url :
Outgoing Call Url :
Call Active Url :
Call Stop Url :
DND On Url :
DND Off Url :
Always FWD On Url :
Always FWD Off Url :
Busy FWD On Url :
Busy FWD Off Url :
No Ans FWD On Url :
No Ans FWD Off Url :
Transfer Url :
B Transfer Url :
A Transfer Url :
Hold Url :
Unhold Url :
Mute Url :
Unmute Url :
Missed call Url :
IP Change Url :
Idle to Busy Url :
Busy to Idle Url :


Dial by Pound :1
BTransfer by Pound :1
Onhook to BXfer :0
Onhook to AXfer :0
Memory Key to BXfer:0
Xfer On Conf Onhook:0
Dial Fixed Length :0
Fixed Length Nums :11
Dial by Timeout :1
Dial Timeout value :4
Dialpeer With Line :0
Port Sequence :0
Accept Any Call :0
Main Digit Prefix :
IP Dial Prefix :.
--Port Config-- :
P1 Enable DND :0
P1 DND Mode :0
P1 Mute Ringing :0
P1 CWaiting Tone :1
P1 Ban Dial Out :0
P1 Ban Empty CID :0
P1 Enable CLIP :1
P1 CallWaiting :1
P1 CallTransfer :1
P1 CallSemiXfer :1
P1 CallConference :1
P1 AutoAnswer :0
P1 No Answer Time :20
P1 Warm Line Time :0
P1 Port Ext Num :
P1 Hotline Num :
P1 SRV Record Num :
P1 Use SRV Record :0
P1 Auto PickupNext :0
P1 Busy No Line :0
P1 Auto Onhook :1
P1 Auto Onhook Time:3
P1 DND Code :1
P1 Busy Code :2
P1 Reject Code :3
P1 Enable Intercom :1
P1 Intercom Mute :0
P1 Intercom Tone :1
P1 Intercom Barge :1
P1 Use Auto Redial :0
P1 AutoRedial Delay:10
P1 AutoRedial Times:10
P1 Call Complete :0
P1 Hide DTMF Type :0
P1 Talk DTMF Tone :1
P1 Dial DTMF Tone :1
P1 Psw Dial Mode :0
P1 Psw Dial Length :0
P1 Psw Dial Prefix :
P1 Allow IP Call :1
P1 Update Dial Call:1
P1 Caller Display T:0
P1 Caller Name Type:0
P1 Call Record Type:0
--Digital List-- :
Item1 rule :[23456]xxxxxxx
Item2 rule :15[23456]xxxxxxx
Item3 rule :07xx
Item4 rule :1[01234]xx
Item5 rule :911
Item6 rule :0[23]xxxxxxxxx
Item7 rule :00[123456789]xxxxxxxxxxxx
Item8 rule :0[68]xxxxxxxxx
Item9 rule :2xx
Item10 rule :19
Default Ext line :0
Default Ans mode :0
Default Dial mode :0
Hold To Transfer :1


Signal Standard :11
Enable MWI Tone :1
Onhook Time :200
G729 Payload Len :1
G723 Bit Rate :1
G722 Timestamps :0
VAD :1
Ring Type :1
Dtmf Payload Type :101
RTP Probe :0
HD Voice :0
Sidetone GAIN :1
--Port Config-- :
P1 General Spk Vol :5
P1 General Mic Vol :3
P1 HandFree Vol :7
P1 RingTone Vol :5
P1 Voice Codec1 :PCMU/8000
P1 Voice Codec2 :PCMA/8000
P1 Voice Codec3 :G729/8000
P1 Voice Codec4 :
P1 Voice Codec5 :
P1 Voice Codec6 :
--Codec Config-- :
Codec1 Format :PCMA/8000;payload=8;
Codec2 Format :PCMU/8000;payload=0;
Codec3 Format :G722/8000;payload=9;
Codec4 Format :G723/8000;payload=4;bitrate=6.3;
Codec5 Format :G729/8000;payload=18;
Codec6 Format :G726-32/8000;payload=2;
Codec7 Format :telephone-event/8000;payload=101;
--Alert Info Ring--:
Alert1 Text :
Alert1 Ring Type :1
Alert2 Text :
Alert2 Ring Type :2
Alert3 Text :
Alert3 Ring Type :3
Alert4 Text :
Alert4 Ring Type :4
Alert5 Text :
Alert5 Ring Type :5
Alert6 Text :
Alert6 Ring Type :6
Alert7 Text :
Alert7 Ring Type :7
Alert8 Text :
Alert8 Ring Type :8
Alert9 Text :
Alert9 Ring Type :9
Alert10 Text :
Alert10 Ring Type :1


SIP Port :5060
STUN Server :
STUN Port :3478
STUN Refresh Time :50
SIP Wait Stun Time :800
Extern NAT Addrs :
Reg Fail Interval :30
SIP Pswd Encryption:0
Strict BranchPrefix:1
Video Mute Attr :0
Enable Group Backup:0
Enable RFC4475 :1
Strict UA Match :0
--SIP Line List-- :
SIP1 Phone Number :1152583024
SIP1 Display Name :1152583024
SIP1 Sip Name :
SIP1 Register Addr
SIP1 Register Port :5060
SIP1 Register User :1152583024
SIP1 Register Pswd :Sip05#..
SIP1 Register TTL :900
SIP1 Enable Reg :1
SIP1 Proxy Addr :
SIP1 Proxy Port :5060
SIP1 Proxy User :1152583024
SIP1 Proxy Pswd :******
SIP1 BakProxy Addr :
SIP1 BakProxy Port :5060
SIP1 Enable Failbac:0
SIP1 Signal Crypto :0
SIP1 SigCrypto Key :
SIP1 Media Crypto :0
SIP1 MedCrypto Key :
SIP1 SRTP Auth-Tag :0
SIP1 Local Domain
SIP1 Always FWD :0
SIP1 Busy FWD :0
SIP1 No Answer FWD :0
SIP1 Always FWD Num:
SIP1 Busy FWD Num :
SIP1 NoAnswer FWD N:
SIP1 FWD Timer :60
SIP1 Ring Type :0
SIP1 Hotline Num :
SIP1 Enable Hotline:0
SIP1 WarmLine Time :0
SIP1 Pickup Num :0
SIP1 Join Num :0
SIP1 NAT UDPUpdate :1
SIP1 UDPUpdate TTL :0
SIP1 Server Type :0
SIP1 User Agent :Voptech iuni-pub
SIP1 Keep AUTH :0
SIP1 Session Timer :0
SIP1 S.Timer Expire:0
SIP1 Enable GRUU :0
SIP1 DTMF Mode :3
SIP1 DTMF Info Mode:0
SIP1 NAT Type :0
SIP1 Enable Rport :0
SIP1 Subscribe :0
SIP1 Sub Expire :300
SIP1 Single Codec :1
SIP1 Strict Proxy :0
SIP1 Direct Contact:0
SIP1 History Info :0
SIP1 DNS Mode :0
SIP1 XFER Expire :0
SIP1 Ban Anonymous :0
SIP1 Dial Off Line :0
SIP1 Quota Name :0
SIP1 Presence Mode :0
SIP1 RFC Ver :1
SIP1 Signal Port :5060
SIP1 Transport :0
SIP1 Use SRV Mixer :0
SIP1 SRV Mixer Uri :
SIP1 Long Contact :0
SIP1 Auto TCP :0
SIP1 Uri Escaped :1
SIP1 Click to Talk :0
SIP1 MWI Num :
SIP1 CallPark Num :
SIP1 Retrieve Num :
SIP1 MSRPHelp Num :
SIP1 User Is Phone :1
SIP1 Auto Answer :0
SIP1 NoAnswerTime :60
SIP1 MissedCallLog :1
SIP1 SvcCode Mode :0
SIP1 DNDOn SvcCode :
SIP1 DNDOff SvcCode:
SIP1 CFUOn SvcCode :
SIP1 CFUOff SvcCode:
SIP1 CFBOn SvcCode :
SIP1 CFBOff SvcCode:
SIP1 CFNOn SvcCode :
SIP1 CFNOff SvcCode:
SIP1 ANCOn SvcCode :
SIP1 ANCOff SvcCode:
SIP1 VoiceCodecMap :G711A,G711U,G729
SIP1 BLFList Uri :
SIP1 BLF Server :
SIP1 Respond 182 :0
SIP1 Enable BLFList:0
SIP1 Caller Id Type:1
SIP1 Syn Clock Time:0
SIP1 Moh Server :
SIP1 Use VPN :1
SIP1 Enable DND :0
SIP1 Update Reg Exp:1
SIP1 Inactive Hold :0
SIP1 Enable SCA :0
SIP1 Sub CallPark :0
SIP1 Hoteling Event:0
SIP1 Sub CC Status :0
SIP1 Feature Sync :0
SIP1 Req With Port :0
SIP1 Use Tel Call :0
SIP2 Phone Number :#!USUARIO_SIP_2!#
SIP2 Display Name :#!USUARIO_SIP_2!#
SIP2 Sip Name :
SIP2 Register Addr
SIP2 Register Port :5060
SIP2 Register User :#!USUARIO_SIP_2!#
SIP2 Register Pswd :******
SIP2 Register TTL :900
SIP2 Enable Reg :0
SIP2 Proxy Addr :
SIP2 Proxy Port :5060
SIP2 Proxy User :#!USUARIO_SIP_2!#
SIP2 Proxy Pswd :******
SIP2 BakProxy Addr :
SIP2 BakProxy Port :5060
SIP2 Enable Failbac:0
SIP2 Signal Crypto :0
SIP2 SigCrypto Key :
SIP2 Media Crypto :0
SIP2 MedCrypto Key :
SIP2 SRTP Auth-Tag :0
SIP2 Local Domain
SIP2 Always FWD :0
SIP2 Busy FWD :0
SIP2 No Answer FWD :0
SIP2 Always FWD Num:
SIP2 Busy FWD Num :
SIP2 NoAnswer FWD N:
SIP2 FWD Timer :60
SIP2 Ring Type :0
SIP2 Hotline Num :
SIP2 Enable Hotline:0
SIP2 WarmLine Time :0
SIP2 Pickup Num :0
SIP2 Join Num :0
SIP2 NAT UDPUpdate :1
SIP2 UDPUpdate TTL :0
SIP2 Server Type :0
SIP2 User Agent :Voptech iuni-pub
SIP2 Keep AUTH :0
SIP2 Session Timer :0
SIP2 S.Timer Expire:0
SIP2 Enable GRUU :0
SIP2 DTMF Mode :1
SIP2 DTMF Info Mode:0
SIP2 NAT Type :0
SIP2 Enable Rport :0
SIP2 Subscribe :0
SIP2 Sub Expire :300
SIP2 Single Codec :1
SIP2 Strict Proxy :0
SIP2 Direct Contact:0
SIP2 History Info :0
SIP2 DNS Mode :0
SIP2 XFER Expire :0
SIP2 Ban Anonymous :0
SIP2 Dial Off Line :0
SIP2 Quota Name :0
SIP2 Presence Mode :0
SIP2 RFC Ver :1
SIP2 Signal Port :5060
SIP2 Transport :0
SIP2 Use SRV Mixer :0
SIP2 SRV Mixer Uri :
SIP2 Long Contact :0
SIP2 Auto TCP :0
SIP2 Uri Escaped :1
SIP2 Click to Talk :0
SIP2 MWI Num :
SIP2 CallPark Num :
SIP2 Retrieve Num :
SIP2 MSRPHelp Num :
SIP2 User Is Phone :1
SIP2 Auto Answer :0
SIP2 NoAnswerTime :60
SIP2 MissedCallLog :1
SIP2 SvcCode Mode :0
SIP2 DNDOn SvcCode :
SIP2 DNDOff SvcCode:
SIP2 CFUOn SvcCode :
SIP2 CFUOff SvcCode:
SIP2 CFBOn SvcCode :
SIP2 CFBOff SvcCode:
SIP2 CFNOn SvcCode :
SIP2 CFNOff SvcCode:
SIP2 ANCOn SvcCode :
SIP2 ANCOff SvcCode:
SIP2 VoiceCodecMap :
SIP2 BLFList Uri :
SIP2 BLF Server :
SIP2 Respond 182 :0
SIP2 Enable BLFList:0
SIP2 Caller Id Type:1
SIP2 Syn Clock Time:0
SIP2 Moh Server :
SIP2 Use VPN :1
SIP2 Enable DND :0
SIP2 Update Reg Exp:1
SIP2 Inactive Hold :0
SIP2 Enable SCA :0
SIP2 Sub CallPark :0
SIP2 Hoteling Event:0
SIP2 Sub CC Status :0
SIP2 Feature Sync :0
SIP2 Req With Port :0
SIP2 Use Tel Call :0


PPPoE User :user123
PPPoE Password :password
PPPoE Svc Name :ANY
PPPoE IP Address :


Telnet Port :23
Web Port :80
Web Server Type :0
Https Web Port :443
Remote Control :1
Enable MMI Filter :0
Telnet Prompt :
--MMI Account-- :
Account1 Name :admin
Account1 Password :1pl4nCu4tr0
Account1 Level :10


Enable VLAN :0
Enable diffServ :0
LLDP Transmit :0
LLDP Refresh Time :60
LLDP Learn Policy :0
Singalling DSCP :-1
Voice DSCP :184
VLAN ID :256
Signalling Priority:0
Voice Priority :0
VLAN Recv Check :1
Enable PVID :0
PVID Value :0
MGR Trace Level :0
SIP Trace Level :0
Trace File Info :0
Enable Watch Dog :1


Enable Syslog :0
Syslog address :
Syslog port :514


Enable In Access :0
Enable Out Access :0


Keypad Password :123
Time 12hours :0
MWI Number :*62
Display PhoneNum :0
Memory Key1 Value :F_MWI
Memory Key1 Type :3
Memory Key2 Value :
Memory Key2 Type :1
Memory Key3 Value :
Memory Key3 Type :0
Memory Key4 Value :
Memory Key4 Type :0
Missed Call Led :1
Voice Message Led :1
Enable Power LED :0
Enable Pre-Dial :0


Download Username :user
Download Password :pass
Download Server IP
Config File Name :voptech_profile.
Config File Key :
Common Cfg File Key:
Download Protocol :2
Download Mode :1
Download Interval :60
DHCP Option :0
PNP Enable :1
PNP Port :5060
PNP Transport :0
PNP Interval :1
Save Provision Info:0

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