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TCVN TIEU CHUAN VIET NAM TCVN ISO 14001:2015 ISO 14001:2015 Xudt ban ln 3 HE THONG QUAN LY MOI TRUONG - CAC YEU CAU VA HUONG DAN SU’ DUNG Environmental management systems - Requirements with guidance for use HA NOI - 2015 TCVN ISO 14001:2015 Myc Iye Trang Loi gi6i thigu.... 14 Pham vi ap dung 2 Tai ligu vign dan. 3. Thuatngé va dinh nghia 3.1. Thuat ng@? ign quan d&n t8 chirc va sy lanh dao. 3.2 Thuat ng& lién quan dén hoach dinh 3.3 Thuat ng@rlién quan dén hi tre’ va thyre 3.4 Thudt ng@ lién quan dén d4nh gid két qua hoat dong va sw caitién. 4,2 Hidu v8 nhu cau va mong dgi ciia cdc bén quan tam. 4.3. X4c dinh pham vi cua hé th6ng quan ly méi truéng 44° Hé théng quan ly méi trvdng 5 Sy L&nh dao.. 5.1 Sy lanh dao va cam két 5.2. Chinh sch mdi trudng .. 5.3. Vai trd, trach nhiém va quyén han trong t8 chtrc. 6 Hoach dinh. 6.1 Hanh dng giai quyét cdc rui ro va oo hei 6.2. Myc tiéu méi tnréng va hoach dinh dat myc tiéu 7 H6 tro... 7.1 Ngudn ic. 7.2 Nang ive. 7.3 Nh&n thie. 7.4 Trao adi théng tin... 7.5. Théng tin dang van ban .. 8 Thychién - 8.1. Hoach dinh va kiém soat vige thy hie 8.2 Chudn bj sn sang va tng phé véi tinh huéng khdn cép 9 Banh gid két qua hoat déng.. 9.1. Theo déi, do luréng, phén tich va Ganh gid 9.2 Banh gid ngi bo. 9.3. Xem xét cla lénh dao 10 Caitién... 10.1 Khai quat. 10.2 Sy khong phi hyp va hanh dng khdc phuc.. 10.3 Cai tién lien tyc ... Phy Ic A (tham khdo) Huéng dan sir dung tiéu chuan nay... Phy luc B (tham khéo) Sy tong tg gitra TCVN ISO 14001:2015 va TCVN ISO 14001:2010. ‘Thur muc tai figu tham khdo. Bang tra thuat ng@ theo tiéng Viet 6 13, 14 4 14 16 19 a 23 23 24 24 25 25 2 26 27 a7 27 30 31 a Hu EBB LUATM@ITRUONGWN TCVN ISO 14001:2015 Contents Introductio 1 Scope 2 Normative references 3 Terms and definitions. 3.1 Terms related to organization and leadership. 3.2 Terms related to planning.. 3.3. Terms related to support and overation 3.4 Terms related to performance evaluation and improvement.. 4 Context of the organization.......... 4.1. Understanding the organization and its context 4.22 Understanding thee needs and expectations of interested parties.. 423 Determining the scope of the environmental management system.. 4.4 Environmental managenment system. 5 Leadership 5.1 Leadership and commitment 6.2 Environmental policy. 5.3 Organizational roles, responsibilities and authori 6 Planning. 6.1 Actions to address risks and opportunities... 6.2 Environmental objectives and planning to achieve them. 7 Support... 7A Resources, 7.2 Competence. 7.3 Awareness... 7.4 Communication 7.5 Documented information .. 8 Operation 8.1 Opereational planning and control. 8.2 Emergency preparedness and response... 9. Performance evaluation . 9.1. Monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation 9.2 Internal audit... 9.3. Managenment review. 10 Improvement. 10.1 General. 10.2 Noconformity and corrective action.. 10.3 Continual improvement. Annex A (informative) Guidance on the use of this International Standard Annex B (informative) Correspondence between ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 14001:2004 Bibliography .. Alphabetical index of terms .. BeeRH RE TCVN ISO 14001:2015 Loi néi dau TCVN ISO 14001:2015 thay thé TCVN ISO 14001:2010 (ISO 14001:2004); TCVN ISO 14001:2015 hoan toan trong dvong voi ISO 14001:2015; TCVN ISO 14001:2015 do Ban kf thudl tisu chu&in TCVNITC 207, Quan ly mdi tréng bién soan, Tang cye Tiéu chudn Bo lwéng Chat lung dé nghi, BG Khoa hgc va Céng nghé cing bé. LUATM@ITRUONGWN TCVN ISO 14001:2015 Loi gidi thigu 0.1 Khai quat Dat duge sy c4n bang gitra méi truéng xa hdi va inh té luén duge coi Ia can thiét d8 dap ung cac nhu cu cia hién tai ma khéng anh hudéng dén kha nang théa man cdc nhu cdu cita céc thé hé tuong lai. Myc tiéu phat trién bén ving 06 thé dat dugc bang cach c4n bang ba try cot cia tinh bén ving. Sy mong dgi cla x4 hdi adi voi phat trién ben ving, tinh minh bach va trach nhiém gidi trinh 6& tién trién cing voi php Iuat ngay cang nghiém: ngét, gia ting ap Iyc déi vei méi truréng do 6 nhiém, sir dung khong higu qua cdc ngudn yo, quan ly chat thai khéng dung cach, bién ddi khi hgu, suy thodi sinh hoc. cdc hé sinh thai va mat da dang Digu nay da khién cae t8 char phai chdpnhan ap dung cach tiép can 6 hé théng dé quan ly mai ‘trugng bang cach thyc hign hé théng quan ly mdi truéng véi myc tiéu déng g6p cho try ot méi trudng bén vieng. 0.2 Myc dich cia m§t hé théng quan ly méi trvgng Muc dich cia tigu chudn nay la dua ra cho céc t8 chic mot khu6n khd dé bao vé mdi trudng va ng phd voi cde diéu kién moi trudng bién déi cn bang véi cdc nhu cau vé kinh té - x4 hgi. Tigu chudin nay qui dinh cc yéu c&u cho phép mét td chirc dat duge cdc két qué dy kién dat ra d6i vei hé théng quan ly mdi truéng cua minh. Céch tiép cn ob hé théng dé quan ty moi trudng 6 thé cung eép cho c4p quan ly cao nhat c&c ‘thong tin dé xdy dyng thanh céng trong thoi gian dai va tao ra céc Iva chon d8 déng gop vao sy Introduction 0.1 Background Achieving a balance between the environment, society and the economy is considered essential to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs. Sustainable development as a goal is achieved by balancing the three pillars of sustainability. Societal expectations for —_sustainable development, transparency and accountability have evolved with increasingly _ stringent legislation, growing pressures on the environment from pollution, inefficient use of resources, improper waste management, climate change, degradation of and loss of biodiversity. ecosystems This has led organizations to adopt a systematic approach implementing management systems with the aim of contributing to the to environmental management by environmental environmental pillar of sustainability. 0.2 Aim of an environmental management system The purpose of this Intemational Standard is to provide organizations with a framework to protect the environment and respond to changing environmental conditions in balance with socio-economic needs. It specifies requirements that enable an organization to achieve the intended outcomes it sets for its environmental management system. A systematic approach to environmental management can provide top management with information to build success over the long term and create options for contributing to sustainable phat trién bén ving bang cach: — bao v mdi trréng nh’ ng’n ngira hoae giam ihe cdc tac d6ng xdu cho mal trong; = glam nhe nh@ng tac déng bat Ioi tiém an cua cdc didu kign méi truéng dai voi t& chiro; — hb tre td chirc trong vide thyc hién c&c nghta ‘vy tuan tha sy phi hop; = nang cao két qua thy hién méi truéng; = kiém soat hoc gay anh hudng Gén cach thie ma cac san pham va dich vy ola t6 chic hign dang duge thiét ké, san xudt, phan phdi, tiéu thy va xir ly b&ng c&ch 4p dung quan diém vong 4d d8 06 thé ngdin chain nhing tac é6ng méi truréng nay sinh do sy bat cn tai bat ky noi nao trong pham vi vong dei; = dat duge loi ich v8 tai chinh va hoat dong tee vige thy hign cdc gidi phap than thin véi méi trdng nhdm cling oS vj thé trén thi truéng ota td chore; — trao déi cdc théng tin vé mdi trvéng cho céc bén quan tam cé lién quan. Tiéu chudn nay, cling nhu cac tiéu chuan khde, khéng nham muc dich nang cao hoe thay déi cdc yéu cu phdp ly cila 18 chite. 0.3 Cac yéu t6 thanh céng Thanh céng eda hé théng quan ly mdi tru’ng phy thugc vao sy cam kat cila tt cd cdc cp va tlr cae. b6 phan chire nang olla tb chive, do [anh dao cao nhAt chi dao. TS chive 06 thé tan dyng céc co hoi 8 ngan chan hodc giam nhe tac déng xdu dén méi trudng va tang cuéng cdc tac ding méi trvdng cé loi, dc bist IA voi nhOng co hoi 66 ¥ nghfa chién Ivgc va canh tranh cla minh. Lanh a0 cao nhat c6 thé gidi quyét higu qua cac riii ro va og héi cla minh bang cach tich hyp quan ly TCVN ISO 14001:2015 development by: = protecting the environment by preventing or mitigating adverse environmental impacts; = mitigating the potential adverse effect of environmental conditions on the organization; — assisting the organization in the fulfilment of compliance obligations; — enhancing environmental performance; = controlling or influencing the way the corganization’s products and services are designed, manufactured, _—_ distributed, consumed and disposed by using a life cycle perspective that can prevent environmental impacts from being unintentionally shifted elsewhere within the life cycle; = achieving financial and operational benefits that = can from ‘environmentally sound result implementing that strengthen the organization's market position; altematives = communicating environmental information to relevant interested parties. This International Standard, like other Intemational Standards, is not intended to increase or change an organization's legal requirements. 0.3 Success factors The success of an environmental management system depends on commitment from all levels and functions of the organization, led by top management. Organizations can leverage opportunities to prevent or mitigate adverse environmental impacts and enhance beneficial environmental impacts, particularly those with strategic and competitive implications. Top management can effectively address its risks and by integrating opportunities environmental LUATM@ITRUONGWN TCVN ISO 14001:2015 ‘méi truéng vao cdc qué trinh hoat dng chil chét cia t6 chivc, dinh hung va ra quyét dinh vé chién luge, sép xép ching voi cdc uu tién hoat dong chit chét khac, va két hop quan ly méi trudng vao hé théng quan ly téng thé cla minh. Bang ching ca viée 4p dung thanh céng tisu chudn nay 6 thé sir dyng dé dam bao cho cac bén quan tam rang t8 chire dang thyc hin mét hé ‘théng quan ly méi truréng higu Ive. Tuy nhién, viéc chi ap dung tigu chudn nay sé khéng dam bao cac két qua mdi truéng 161 Leu. ‘Vige 4p dung tigu chudn nay 06 thé khdc nhau tir 18 chire nay so véi 6 chive kh&e do béi canh ctia timg t8 chére, Hal 18 chic 06 thé thye hién cdc hoat déng twong ty nhung cé thé ¢6 cae nghia vy tuan thi, cdc cam két khdc nhau trong chinh séch méi truéng, cdc cong ngh§ méi throng va cdc muc tiéu hogt dgng mdi truréng cla he, nhung cd hai 48u cd thé ph: hgp voi cdc yéu cau olla tiéu chudn nay, Mire dé chi tiét va phitc tap cla hé théng quan ly méi trudng s6 khde nhau tly thuge vao béi canh cla t6 chirc, pham vi cila hé théng quan ly mi truéng, cdc nghia vy tuan thd, va ban chdt cia cc hoat dong, céc san phdm va cdc dich vy cia 18 chive, bao gém ca cdc khia canh méi trong va cae tac déng méi tnréng kém theo cilia té chire a6. 0.4 M6 hinh Hoach dinh-Thye hign-Kiém tra- Hanh déng Co sé cho vige tiép can co ban mot hé théng quan ly mdi truéng dug thanh lap diva trén Khai nigm cla Mé hinh Hoach dinh-Thyc hign-Kiém tra-Hanh d6ng (PDCA). Mé hinh PDCA cung c4p_ mot qua trinh lap di lap lai cho cac t8 chive sir dung nham dat duge sy cai tién lién tye. C6 thd Ap dung mé hinh nay cho hé théng quan ly mdi management into the organization's business Processes, making, aligning them with other business and incorporating governance into its overall management system. Demonstration of successful implementation of strategic direction and decision Priorities, environmental this Intemational Standard can be used to assure interested parties that an effective environmental Management system is in place. Adoption of this international Standard, however, will not in itself guarantee optimal environmental outcomes. Application of this International Standard can differ from one organization to another due to the context of the organization. ‘Two organizations can carry out similar activities but can have different compliance obligations, commitments environmental technologies and environmental performance goals, yet both can conform to the requirements of this International Standard. in their environmental policy, The environmental management system will vary level of detail and complexity of the depending on the context of the organization, the scope of its environmental management system, its compliance obligations, and the nature of its activities, products and services, including its and associated environmental aspects environmental impacts. 0.4 Plan-Do-Check-Act model The basis for the approach underiying an environmental management system is founded on the concept of Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA). The PDCA model provides an iterative process used by improvement. It organizations to achieve continual be environmental management system and to each can applied to an truéng va cho tieng yéu té riéng cla nd. Co thé mé t& ng&n gon mé hinh nhu sau. — Hoach dinh: thiét lp céic myc tiéu méi trvéng va cac qué trinh can thiét dé dat duge cdc két qué phil hep véi chinh sdch méi trvéng cia t8 chirc. = Thye hin: thye hign céc qué trinh theo hoach dinh, - Kiém tra: theo doi va do luéng cc qué trinh dya trén chinh sch mdi trudng, bao gdm cd cdc cam két, c&c myc tidu v8 méi truréng va chuan myc hoat dong cia 18 chiro, va bao cdo cac két qua. — Hanh déng: thy hign céc hanh dng nhdm ci tién lién tye. 0.5 N6i dung ctia tiéu chudn nay Tiéu chuan nay phi hyp voi cac yéu cu cila ISO 6i voi céc teu chun v8 hé@ théng quan ly. NhG@ng yéu cau nay bao gém mot céu tric cdp cao, 06 phan dién dat chinh giéng nhau, véi cac thuat ng@ théng dung gan véi cde dinh nghia cét 161, durge thiét ké d8 dem Iai Igi ich cho ngudi st dung khi ap dung nhiéu tigu chudn vé hé théng quan iy. Tigu chun nay khéng bao gdm cae yéu cdu cy thé vé cae hé théng quan ly khdo, nhu hé théng chat Iuvgng, an toan va strc khde nghé nghiép, quan ly ning lugng hode tai chinh. Tuy nhién, tigu chudn nay cho phép té chire sty dung mot phuong phép tiép can phd bién va tu duy dva trén rdi ro dé tich hop hé théng quan ly mdi trudng olia td chive vao cde yéu cdu cla cdc hé théng quan ly khac. Tiéu chudn nay bao gdm cdc you cau sir dyng dé d4nh gid sy phd hyp. M6t t8 chic ¢é mong muén. céng bé sy phi hop voi tiéu chudn nay 06 thé TCVN ISO 14001:2015 of its individual elements. It can be briefly described as follows. - Plan: establish environmental objectives and processes necessary to deliver with the organization's environmental policy. — Do: implement the processes as planned. — Check: monitor and measure processes cluding its commitments, environmental objectives and against the environmental policy, operating criteria, and report the results. Act: take actions to continually improve. 0.5 Contents of this International Standard This International Standard conforms to ISO's requirements for management system standards, These requirements include a high level structure, identical core text, and common terms with core definitions, designed to _benefit implementing multiple [SO management system standards. users This Intemational Standard does not include requirements specific to other management systems, such as those for quality, occupational health and safety, management. However, this Intemational Standard energy or financial enables an organization to use: common approach and risk-based thinking to integrate its environmental management system with the requirements of other management systems. This International Standard contains the requirements used to assess conformity. An ‘organization that wishes to demonstrate conformity LUATM@ITRUONGWN TCVN ISO 14001:2015 thy hién bang cach: = thyc hign viée ty xdc dinh va ty céng bé, hoge — tim kiém xd¢ nhan sy phd hgp cla minh béi c&c bén cé lién quan voi té chive, nhu cdc khach hang, ho&e = tim kiém x4e nhan bang céch ty céng bd bdi mét td chirc bén ngoai, hoa — tim kiém sy cheng nh4n/ dang ky phi hep ve h@ théng quan ly mdi trudng ofa minh bdi mét td chirc bén ngoai. Phu luc A cung cdp cae théng tin gidi thich dé tranh hidu sai vé cdc yéu cau cila tiéu chudn nay. Phy lye 8 néu sy tuong Gng chung vé mat ky thuat gitra cdc phién ban truéc a6 cla tiéu chudn nay va phién ban nay. Huéng dan 4p dung aéi Véi hé théng quan ly méi treéng qui dinh trong TCVN ISO 14004, Trong tiéu chuan nay, tir: “phai” chi ra mét yéu cau; “can/nén” chi ra mot khuyén nghi; "aug phép” chi ra mot sy cho phép; “c6 thé” chi ra mOt kha nang hoac nang lye. ‘Théng tin néu trong “CHU THICH™ nhdm hé try sy hidu biét hoe sir dung tai ligu. "CHU THICH” si dung tai Diu 3 cung c4p thém théng tin bd ‘sung c&c di ligu vé thuat ng va cb thé od cdc quy dinh lién quan dén viéc sir dung thuat ngt. Cac thuat ng@ va dinh nghTa néu tai Diéu 3 duge sp xép theo thé? ty khai niém, voi sy sp xép theo bang cht? ci duge néu 6 cudi tiéu chudn nay. 10 with this International Standard can do so by: = making a self-determination and self- declaration, or — seeking confirmation of its conformance by parties having an interest in the organization, such as customers, or = seeking confirmation of its seff-declaration by a party external to the organization, or — seeking certification/registration of its environmental management system by an ‘extemal organizati ‘Annex A provides explanatory information to prevent misinterpretation of the requirements of this International Standard. Annex B shows broad technical correspondence between the previous edition of this Intemational Standard and this edition. Implementation guidance environmental management systems is included in ISO 14004. on In this International Standard, the following verbal forms are used: “shall” indicates a requirement; “should” indicates a recommendation; “may’ indicates a permission; “can’ indicates a possibility or a capability. Information marked as “NOTE” is intended to assist the understanding or use of the document. “Notes to entry’ used in Clause 3 provide additional information that supplements the terminological data and can contain provisions relating to the use of a term. The terms and definitions in Clause 3 are arranged in conceptual order, with an alphabetical index provided at the end of the document. TCVN ISO 14001:2015 Cc vén d8 ndibe Bi canh cla té chuc Nhu edu va mong di va bén ngoai ‘ea céc bén quan Am SS ‘Pham vi cua he théng quan ly moi trong x \ J ee Hinh 1 - Méi tweng quan PDCA va khudn khé cia tiéu chuan nay “ LUATM@ITRUONGWN TCVN ISO 14001:2015 sts Needs and Internal and Context of the organization expectations of external issues interested parties ~~ ‘Scope of the environmental management system pa Support and Operation ‘management system Figure 1 — Relationship between PDCA and the framework in this International Standard 12 TIEU CHUAN QUOC GIA * NATIONAL STANDARD TCVN ISO 14001:2015 Hé théng quan ly méi trvéng — Cac yéu cau va hung dan st dung Environmental guidance for use 4 Pham vi dp dung Tiéu chuan nay quy dinh céc yéu cau déi voi hé théng quan ly méi truéng, ma mét 1 chive 06 thé sir dung lam co s& d8 nang cao két qué hoat d6ng mdi trudng cia minh, Tiéu chuan nay nham sir dung cho mét t6 chire mong muén quan ly cac. trach nhiém vé méi truéng ctia minh mét céch o6 hé théng, déng gép cho try ct mai trvdng phat trign ban ving. Tiéu chuadn nay gidp té chic dat dugc cac két qua dy kién cilia hé théng quan ly méi truéng cia minh, trong d6 mang lai gia tri déi voi méi trvéng, chinh ban than cdc 18 chize va cdc bén quan tam Nhat quan véi chinh sach mdi trurdng cla t8 chive, cdc két qua dy kién cia mét hé théng quan ly mdi trueng bao gém: = nang cao két qué hoat dong mdi trréng; = hoan thanh cac nghia vy tuan thd; = dat duge céc mye tiéu moi trvéng. Tiéu chudn nay 6 thé dp dung duge cho moi td chize, khéng phan biét quy m6, loai hinh va ban cht, va van dyng vao cdc khia canh mdi truéng nay sinh ti cdc hoat déng, san phdm va dich vy do mét td chirc xac dinh minh c6 thé kiém soat hoae management systems — Requirements with 1 Scope This Standard specifies the requirements for an environmental management Intemational system that an organization can use to enhance its environmental performance. This _ Intemational Standard is intended for use by an organization seeking to manage its environmental responsibiliies in a systematic manner that contributes to the environmental pillar of sustainability. This Intemational Standard helps an organization achieve the intended outcomes of its environmental management system, which provide value for the environment, the organization itself and interested parties. Consistent with the organization's environmental policy, the intended outcomes of an environmental management system include: enhancement of environmental performance; fulfiment of compliance obligations; achievement of environmental objectives. This International Standard is applicable to any organization, regardless of size, type and nature, and applies to the environmental aspects of its acti s, products that the organization determines it can either control or and services 13 LUATM@ITRUONGWN TCVN ISO 14001:2015 gay anh hudng 06 can nh&e dén quan diém ve vong déi. Tiéu chudin nay khéng néu ra cdc chun myc cy thé v8 két qua hoat ééng mdi trréng, C6 th8 4p dung ton bd hodc ting phan tigu chuan nay dé cai tién mét cdch 06 hé théng cong tac quan ly méi truéng. Tuy nhién tuyén bé vé sy phd hep véi tigu chudin nay chl duge ch4p nhén khi t&t c& cae yéu cau clia tigu chudn nay dug dua vao hé théng quan ly méi trvémg cilia t8 chirc va duge thye hign day di ma khéng c6 ngoal | nao. 2 Tai ligu vién dan Khéng 6 tai liéu vién dan. 3. Thuat ngir va dinh nghia Trong tiéu chuan nay, ap dung céc thuat ngt va dinh nghia sau 3.4 Thuat ngi tanh dao 3.44 n quan dén té chirc' va sy H@ théng quan ly Tap hp cdc yéu 16 66 quan hé hode tong tac ‘v6i nhau trong mot (6 chee (3.1.4) d8 thiét lap cdc chinh s&ch va muc tiéu (3.2.5) va cée qué trinh (3.3.5) d& dat duoc cdc muc tiu 46. CHU THIGH 1; Mot he théng quan ly 6 thé 48 cap 6m mt inh vue riéng 18 ho&e nhém finh vye (vl du: quan Iy chét long, mai trrdng, an toan va sirc khde nighé nghigp, nang lugng, tai chinh.) CHU THICH 2: Cae yéu té ciia hé théng bao gim co cu, ede vai tro va trach nhigm, hoach dinh va hoat Gong, danh gid két qué hoat d6ng va su cai tién cia th choc. CHU THICH 3: Pham vi cla he théng quan ly co thd bao gém toan bd 1 chic, cdc chic nang oy thé va 14 influence considering a life cycle perspective. This International Standard does not state specific environmental performance criteria. This International Standard can be used in whole or in part to systematically Improve environmental Claims of conformity to. this Standard, not acceptable unless all its requirements are management. International however, are incorporated into an organization's environmental management system and fuffiled without exclusion. 2 Normative references ‘There are no normative references. 3 Terms and definitions For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply. 3.4 Terms related to organization and leadership 344 management system set of interrelated or interacting elements of an organization (3.1.4) to establish policies and objectives (3.2.5) and processes (3.3.5) to achieve those objectives Note 4 to entry: A management system can address a single discipline or several disciplines (e.g. quality, environment, occupational health and safety, energy, financial management). Note 2 to entry: The system elements include the organization's structure, roles and responsibilties, planning and operation, performance evaluation and improvement. Note 3 fo entry: The scope of a management system Can include the whole of the organization, specific and Gugc nhgn biét cia td chic, cc bd phan cy thé va Suge nhgn biét cita t8 chiro, hode mét hay nhiéu chérc nang xuyén xuét mgt nhém cdc 18 chire, 34.2 Hé théng quan ly mél trvéng Mét phan trong hé théng quan ly (3.1.1) duge sir dyng 48 quan ly c4c khla canh méi trxdng (3.2.2), thye hign day 60 nghfa vy tuan thd (3.2.8), va gidi quyét céc nui ro va co h6i (3.2.11). 34.3 Chinh séch méi trréng Y 46 va dinh hung cia t6 chic (3.1.4) lién quan én két qua hoat dong méi trréng (3.4.11), duoc lénh dao cao nhat (3.1.5) cia t8 chire cong bé mot c&ch chinh thie, 344 Té chire Ngudi ho&c nhém ngu@i vi chirc nding riéng cua minh 6 trach nhiém, quyén han va méi quan hé 8 dat duge cdc myc fiéu (3.2.5) cba minh, CHU THICH 1; Khéi nigm v8 t6 chic bao gdm, nhung kh6ng gidi hen & throng nhan doc quy&n, c6ng ty, tap. dean, hang, doanh nghiép, co quan quan Ij, hide héi, hGi tir thién hoc vién, hay mét phn hode két hyp cia cdc logi hinh nay, cho di 66 degre hep nhdt hay khong va la 18 chirc edng hay tu. 34.5 Lanh dao cao nhat Ngurdi ho&c nhém ngudi dinh hudéng va kiém soat mé6t 6 chic (3.1.4) & cap cao nhat. CHU THICH 1: Lanh dao cao nhdt a0 quyén iyc 48 thye thi thm quyén quan Iy va cung cp ngudn lye trong mot #8 chtre. CHU THICH 2: Trong trgng hop pham vi cla he LUATM TCVN ISO 14001:2015 identified functions of the organization, specific and identified sections of the organization, or one or more functions across a group organizations. 34.2 environmental management system part of the management system (3.1.1) used to manage environmental aspects (3.2.2), fulfil compliance obligations (3.2.9), and address risks and opportunities (3.2.11) 34.3 environmental policy intentions and direction of an organization (3.1.4) related to environmental performance (3.4.11), as formally expressed by its top management (3.1.5) 34.4 organization person or group of people that has its own functions with responsibilities, authorities and relationships to achieve its objectives (3.2.5) Note 1 to entry: The concept of organization includes, but is not limited to sole-trader, company. corporation, firm, enterprise, authority, partnership, charity or institution, or part or combination thereof, whether incorporated or not, public or private. 34.5 top management person or group of people who directs and controls an organization (3.14) at the highest level Note 1 to entry: Top management has the power to delegate authority and provide resources within the organization. Note 2 to entry: If the scope of the management 15 ITRUONG.VN TCVN ISO 14001:2015 théng quan If (3.1.1) chi lién quan dén mét b> phan ‘cia td chite, thi lanh dgo cao nhat la ngudi dinh hudng va kiém sodt bo phan nay cia td chirc. 34.6 Bén quan tam CA nhan hoae #8 chic (3.1.4) cd thé gay anh huang, chiu anh hudng hode ty nhan théy bj anh huéng béi mét quyét dinh hay hoat déng. VIDY: Khéch hang, e6ng dng, ngudi cung tng, nha quan ly, cdc t8 chifc phi chinh phil, céc nha dau ty va gua tao dng, CHU THICH 1: “ty nhén thy bj anh hudng" nghfa la 44 cdm nhgn duge anh hudng lién quan dén td chirc. 3.2. Thu&t ngiF lién quan dén hoach dinh 3.24 Méi trong Nhigng th bao quanh noi hoat dong cia mot 15 hire (3.1.4) bao gdm khéng khi, nuéec, dat, nguén tai nguyén thign nhién, hé thyc vat, hé dong vat, ‘con ngudi va cde méi quan hé qua lai ctla ching. CHU THICH 1: Nhting thér bao quanh 06 thé hibu rong ti pham vi cia mOt t8 chire dén hg théng quéc gia, khu ye va toan cau. CHU THICH 2: Nhing thir bao quanh o6 thé mé ta theo da dang sinh hoc, cac hé sinh thai, khi hau hoac cae dae diém khac, 3.22 Khia canh méi trong Yéu 6 cla cdc hoat déng hoa san phdm hoadc dich vy ciia #6 chére (3.1.4) tong tac hode c6 thé tuong tdo voi méi trréng (3.2.1). CHU THICH 1: Khia canh méi trang o6 thé gay ra mot hay nhidu téc déng mi trudng (3.2.4). Mot khla canh méi trrdng 06 ¥ nghia c6 hoge c6 thé c6 mét hay nhidu 16 system (3.1.1) covers only part of an organization, then top management refers to those who direct and ccontrol that part of the organization. 34.6 interested party person or organization (3.1.4) that can affect, be affected by, or perceive itself to be affected by a decision or activity EXAMPLE ‘suppliers, regulators, non-governmental organizations, investors and employees. Customers, communities, Note 1 to entry: To “perceive itself to be affected" means the perception has been made known to the organization. 3.2. Terms related to planning 3.24 environment surroundings in which an organization (3.1.4) operates, including air, water, land, natural resources, flora, humans and their interrelationships fauna, Note 1 to entry: Surroundings can extend from within an organization to the focal, regional and global system. Note 2 to entry: Surroundings can be described in terms of biodiversity, ecosystems, climate or other characteristics. 3.2.2 environmental aspect element of an organization's (3.1.4) activities or products or services that interacts or can interact with the environment (3.2.1) Note 1 to entry: An environmental aspect can cause (en) environmental impact(s) (3.2.4). A significant environmental aspect is one that has or can have one tae 6$ng méi traéng dang ké. CHU THICH 2: Khia canh méi trréng 6 ¥ nghTa phai duge chinh 18 chire xe dinh bang vige 4p dung mot hofec nhidu chudn myc. 3.2.3 Didu kién mai trerdng Trang thai hoge dac diém cla mj tring (3.2.1) duge xac inh tai mgt thei diém nao do. 324 Tac dong méi trrong Bat ky thay di nao cia méi tring (3.2.1), di o Igi hoc bat Igi, do mét phan hay toan bé cdc kha anh m6i trig (3.2.2) cia mot t6 chére (3.1.4) gay ra. 325 Muc tiéu Két qua cdn dat duge CHU THICH 4: MOt myc tiu 6 thé mang tinh chién luge, chién thugt hodc te nghiép. CHU THICH 2: Céc mye tiéu c6 thé lién quan dén nnhidu linh vye (nhur mye tidy v8 tai chinh, sirc khde va. ‘an ton, va mi tredng) va of thé 4p dyng tai céc cAp khaée nhau (nhu chién luge, toan bd 18 chiro, dy 4n, san pham, dich vy va qué trinh (3.3.5). CHU THICH 3: C6 thé dién dat myc tiéu theo cach khac, vi dy két qua diy kién, myc dich, mét chudn myc tac nghiép, nhur mot muc tiéu mb! trréng (3.2.6), ho%e sir dung cae tir khac dng nghia (vi dy nh muc dich, ich, hoe chi tieu).. 3.26 Muc tiéu méi trréng Muc tiéu (3.2.5) duge t6 chive (3.1.4) thiét lap nhat quan v6i chinh sch m6i tring (3.1.3) cia minh. TCVN ISO 14001:2015 ‘or more significant environmental impact(s). Note 2 to entry: Significant environmental aspects are determined by the organization applying one or more criteria. 3.2.3 environmental condition state or characteristic of the environment (3.2.1) as determined at a certain point in time 3.24 environmental impact change to the environment (3.2.1), whether adverse or beneficial, wholly or partially resulting from an organization's (3.1.4) environmental aspects (3.2.2) 325 objective result to be achieved Note 1 to entry: An objective can be strategic, tactical, ‘or operational, Note 2 to entry: Objectives can relate to different disciplines (such as financial, health and safety, and environmental goals) and can apply at different levels (such as strategic, organization-wide, project, product, service and process (3.3.5) Note 3 to entry: An objective can be expressed in other ways, e.g. as an intended outcome, a purpose, ‘an operational criterion, as an environmental objective (3.2.6), or by the use of other words with similar meaning (@.9. aim, goal, or target). 3.2.6 environmental objective objective (3.2.5) set by the organization (3.1.4) consistent with its environmental policy (3.1.3) 7 LUATM@ITRUONGWN TCVN ISO 14001:2015 3.27 Ngan ngira 6 nhiém ‘Sir dyng céc qué trinh (3.3.5), cac bién phép thye hanh, cdc ky thuat, vat ligu, céc sn pham, dich vu hoc nang Iwong d& trénh, giém hoac kiém soat (riéng r& hoc két hop) sy phét sinh, phat thai hoe xd thai cht 6 nhiém hodc bat ky loai chat thai nao nham gidm ic déng méi tring (3.2.4) bat Iai. CHU THICH 1: Ng&n ngira 6 nhiém c6 thé bao gim vie gidm hay loal bé nguén; céc thay d8i tir qua trinh, ‘sn phdm hoe dich vy; céch sir dung 6 higu qua céc ngudn Io; thay thé vat ligu va nang lurong; tai sd dung, phuc hti, tai ché, ci tao hode xt ly. 3.28 Yeu cau Nhu cu hoae mong dgi duge odng bé, ngam hidu chung hoac bat bude. CHU THICH 4: “Ngam hidu chung” nghfa la di voi td che (3.1.4) va ede bén quan tém (3.1.6) nhu cu hogs mong dgi duge coi 14 ngdm hibu mang tinh thong 18 hho§e thy hanh chung. CHU THICH 2: Mét yéu cu duge goi IA qui dinh néu yeu chu 6 durge cong bé, vi dy trong théng tin dang vin bén (3.3.2). CHO THICH 3: Néu khéng thugc yéu cdu phép luat, c4c yéu cu tré thanh bat bude chi khi t8 chiro quyét inh phai tuan thi ching. 3.2.9 Cac nghia vy tuan thi (thuat ngt khuyén dung) Cac yéu cdu vé phdp luat va cdc yéu cdu khdc (thugt ngt durge thira nhgn) Cac yéu cat (3.2.8) v8 php luat ma t8 chire phai phai tun theo va cdc yéu cdu khéc ma 18 choc (3.1.4) phai hoac ty chon 48 tuan thd. CHU THICH 1: Céc nghia vy tuan thi ¢6 lign quan dén 18 3.27 prevention of pollution use of processes (3.3.5), practices, techniques, materials, products, services or energy to avoid, reduce or control (separately or in combination) the creation, emission or discharge of any type of pollutant or waste, in order to reduce adverse environmental impacts (3.2.4) Note 1 to entry: Prevention of pollution can include source reduction or elimination; process, product or service changes; efficient use of resources; material and energy substitution; reuse; recovery, recycling, reclamation; or treatment. 3.28 requirement need or expectation that is stated, generally implied or obligatory Note 1 to entry: “Generally implied" means that itis custom or common practice for the organization (3.1.4) and interested parties (3.1.6) the need or expectation under consideration is implied. Note 2 to entry: A specified requirement is one that is stated, for example in documented information (3.3.2). Note 3 to entry: Requirements other than legal requirements become obligatory when the organization decides to comply with them. 329 compliance obligations (preferred term) tegal requirements and other (admitted term) requirements legal requirements (3.2.8) that an organization (3.1.4) has to comply with and other requirements that an ‘organization has to or chooses to comply with Note 1 to entry: Compliance obligations are related to hg théng quan iy moi trxtmg (3.1.2). CHU THICH 2: Cac nghia vy tuan thi 6 th phat sinh tw cdc yéu cau bat bude, nhu cac luat va cdc quy dinh hign hanh, hoge c&c cam Két ty nguyén, nhu cdc tiéu chudn cla t8 chirc va tidy chudn cbng nghigp, cac quan hé hyp ng, c&c quy pham thyc hanh va cdc thda thuan véi cac nhém cong ddng hoae cac té choc phi chinn phi. 3.2.10 Rijiro ‘Tac déng cia sy khong chdc chan. CHU THIGH 4: Tac dong la mét sai lech so vei dy kién —tich eye hode tiéu oye. CHU THICH 2: Sy khéng chdc chén [a tinh trang, du ‘chi la mt phan, thiéu hyt théng tin, lgn quan t6i vie hidu hog nhan tha vé mot sy kign, hé qua cla sy kign 06, hoge kha nang xay ra cla nd, CHU THIGH 3: Rai ro thuéing duoc dae trang bai sy dn chibu dén “sy kign” (dinh ngbia tal TCVN 9788:2013, va "hau qua" (dinh nghia tai TCVN 9788:2013, tidm dn, hodc sy két hgp gilra ching. CHU THICH 4: Rui ro thurdng thé hign theo cach két hop cdc hg qua oiia mét sy kign (bao gdm ca cdc thay 661 vé hoan canh) va “kha nang xy ra” (dinh nghifa tei ‘TCVN 9788:2013, kam theo cia sy 6, 3.244 Rai ro va co hoi Cac két qua bat I9i tiém An (mdi de doa) va cae két qua c6 Igi tiém an (co héi). 3.3 Thuat ngip lién quan dén hé tr va thye hign 334 Nang lc Kha nang 4p dung kién thc va ky nang 48 dat Guge cdc két qua dy kién. TCVN ISO 14001:2015 the environmental management system (3.1.2). Note 2 to entry: Compliance obi from mandatory requirements, such as applicable laws and regulations, or voluntary commitments, such as organizational and industry standards, contractual relationships, codes of practice and agreements with community groups or governmental organizations. tions can arise non- 3.2.10 tisk effect of uncertainty Note 1 to entry: An effect is @ deviation from the expected — positive or negative. Note 2 to entry: Uncertainty is the state, even partial, of deficiency of information related to, understanding or knowledge of, an event, its consequence, or likelihood, Note 3 to entry: Risk is often characterized by reference: {to potential “events* (as defined in ISO Guide 73:2009, and “consequences” (es defined In ISO Guide 73:2009,, or a combination of these. Note 4 to entry: Risk is often expressed in terms of a combination of the consequences of an event (including changes in circumstances) and the associated “likelihood” (as defined in ISO Guide 73:2008, of occurrence. 3241 risks and opportunities potential adverse effects (threats) and potential beneficial effects (opportunities) 3.3 Terms related to support and operation 3.34 competence ability to apply knowledge and skills to achieve intended results 19 LUATM@ITRUONGWN TCVN ISO 14001:2015. 3.3.2 ‘Théng tin dang van ban Théng tin va phurong tién chira dyng né dai hdi t6 chite (3.1.4) kiém soat va duy tt. CHU THICH 1: Thong tin dang van ban cé thé & bat ky inh dang va phwong tién truyén dat, va xuat phat tir bat kyngudn nao. CHU THICH 2: Thang tin dang van ban c6 thé a8 cap toi: — 6 théng quan fy méi trvéng (3.1.2), bac gdm ca cde qué trinh (8.3.5) lién quan; — thong tin do td chizc tao lap dé thyc hién (co thé coi acdc ta gu) — Bang cheng va cdc két qua dat duoc (c6 thé coi la cac hd se), 3.3.3 Vong doi san phdm Cae giai Gogn lién tiép va tién quan véi nau cla mét hé théng san pham (hoac dich vy), tir giai oan thu nhan nguyén ligu thé hode cé sn ti céc Aguén tai nguyén thién nhién dén giai doan thai bd cudi cing. CHU THICH 1: Cac giai doan cla vong doi bao gdm ‘thu nh@n nguyén ligu th6, thit 6, san xudt, van chuyén/giao nhén, sir dung, xi ly cudi vong 4d va thai bé cudi cing, INGUON: TCVN ISO 14044:2011, 3.1, 06 sta bi = cym tt "{hoge dich vu)" duge thém vao dinh nghla va CHU THICH 1]. 3.34 Thué ngoal (d6ng tir) ‘Sép xép 48 t6 chtéc (3.1.4) bén ngoai thc hién mot phan chire nang ho&c qué trinh (3.3.5) cba 18 chic, CHU THIGH 1: 78 chtre ben ngoai khong thuge pham vi ola hg théng quan iy (8.1.1), mac di chite nding ho&e qué 20 3.3.2 documented information information required to be controlled and maintained by an organization (3.1.4) and which it is contained Note 1 to entry: Documented information can be in any format and media, and from any source. Note 2 fo entry: Documented information can refer to: = the environmental management system (3.1.2) including related processes (3.3.5), information created in order for the organization to ‘operate (can be referred to 2s documentation); - evidence of results achieved (can be referred to as records), 3.3.3 life cycle consecutive and interlinked stages of a product {or service) system, from raw material acquisition or generation from natural resources to final disposal Note 1 to entry: The life cycle stages include acquisition ‘of raw materials, design, production, transportation! delivery, use, end-of-life treatment and final disposal. [SOURCE: ISO 14044:2006, 3.1, modified — The words “(or service)" have been added to the definition and Note 1 to entry has been added.) 3.3.4 ‘outsource (verb) make an afrangement where an extemal organization (3.1.4) performs part of organization's function or process (3.3.5) an Note 1 to entry: An extemal organization is outside the ‘scope of the management system (3.1.1), although the {inh durgc thu ngoai n&m trong pham vi cia hé théng. 3.3.5 Qua trinh Tap hop cc hoat dong 6 lién quan ho&c turong tac v6i nhau bién déi cdc du vao thanh cac dau ra. CHU THICH 1: MOt qua trinh 06 thé duge lap thanh vn ban hoic khéng. 3.4 Thuat ngir lién quan één danh gia két qua hoat dng va sy cai tién 341 Banh gid Qué trinh (3.3.5) cb hé théng, doc lap va dug lap thanh van ban dé thu duge bang ching danh gid va xem xét danh gia ching mt céch khach quan 8 xéc dinh mic 6 thy hign cdc chudn muc anh gid. CHU THICH 1: 78 che (3.1.4) ty thyc hign cuge danh gid, hoe thu’ bén ngoal thyc hign, CHU THICH 2: Mot cuge danh gid cé thé [a danh gia) két hop (cling lic d4nh gid hai hay nhidu Iinh vyc). CHU THICH 3: Tinh dc lap cb th8 duuge ching minh bang sy khéng chiu trach nhigm d6i vOi cdc hoat dong dang dugc danh gid hogc kh6ng thién vj va xung d6t vd Iyifch, CHU THICH 4: “Bang chieng danh gid” bao gdm 6 cdc hd so, c&e bao c&o thy 18 hode théng tin khdc lién quan dén céc chudn myc danh gia va 06 thé x4e minh duge; va “chudn myc danh gia” la tap hop céc chinh ‘sch, thit tye hoge cdc yéu edu (3.2.8) ding lam co so 48 déi chidu voi bang ching danh gid, nhu duge xc inh tai TCVN ISO 19011:2011, 3.3 va 3.2. 3.4.2 ‘Sy phi hgp Sy dap tng mot yéu edu (3.2.8) TCVN ISO 14001:2015 ‘outsourced function or process is within the scope, 33.5 process ‘set of interrelated or interacting activities which transforms inputs into outputs Note 1 to entry: A process can be documented or not. 3.4 Terms related to performance evaluation and improvement 3.4.1 audit ‘systematic, independent and documented process (3.3.5) for obtaining audit evidence and evaluating it objectively to determine the extent to which the audit criteria are fulfilled Nole 1 fo entry: An intemal auxit is conducted by the ‘organization (3.1.4) itself, oF by an external party on its behal Note 2 to entry: An audit can be a combined audit {combining two or more disciplines). Note 3 to entry: Independence can be demonstrated by the freedom from responsibilty for the activity being audited or freedom from bias and conflict of interest. Note 4 to entry: “Audit evidence” consists of records, statements of fact or other information which are relevant to the audit ofiteria and are verifiable; and “audit criteria” are the set of policies, procedures or requirements (32.8) Used as a reference against which audit evidence is compared, as defined in ISO 19011:2011, 3.3 and 32 respectively. 3.4.2 conformity fulfilment of a requirement (3.2.8) at ITRUONG.VN TCVN ISO 14001:2015 34.3 ‘Sy khéng phi hep ‘Sy khéng dap tng mat yéu cau (3.2.8) CHU THICH 1: Sy khOng pho hgp lién quan dén cdc yéu cau cla tiéu chudn nay va cdc yéu cdu cla hé théng quan iy m6i trudng (3.1.2} do mot 8 chic (3.1.4) thiét lap cho chinh minh. 3.44 Hanh déng khdc phuc Hanh dong loai bd nguyén nhan cla su khong phd hop (3.4.3) nham va ngan ngiva sy tal dién. CHU THICH 1: Cé thd cé nhidu nguy&n nhan d6i vei ‘mot su khdng phi hop. 345 Cai tién lién tuc Hoat dng lap lal 4& nang cao két qué hoat déng (3.4.10). CHU THICH 1: Nang cao két qua hoat dng lién quan én vige sir dung hé théng quan Iy mol trvong (3.1.2) him n&ng cao két qud hoat dong mél trvdng (3.4.11) hat quan voi chinh sich méi trving (3.1.3) cla i chite (3.1.4), CHU THICH 2: Hoat déng nay khéng can xay ra ddng thdi & tat c& cac khu vyo; hodic khng gién doan. 3.4.6 Higu tyre Mite &6 theo d6 cdc hoat déng da hoach dinh dugc thy hign va dat dug cdc két qua da hoach dinh. 3.47 Chi sé ‘Sy biéu thj bang mét dai lung do duge vd didu kign hoc tinh trang hoat dong, quan ly ho&e cac didu kign, [NGUON: ISO 14031:2013, 3.15] 22 3.4.3 nonconformity on fulfilment of a requirement (3.2.8) Nole 1 to entry: Nonconformity relates to requirements in this International Standard and additional environmental ‘management system (3.1.2) requirements that an ‘organization (3,1.4) establishes for itself 3.4.4 corrective action action to eliminate the cause of a nonconformity (8.4.3) and to prevent recurrence Note 4 to entry: There can be more than one cause for a nonconformity. 345 continual improvement recurring activity to enhance performance (3.4.10) Note 1 to entry: Enhancing performance relates to the use of the environmental management system (3.1.2) to enhance environmental performance (3.4.11) consistent with the organization's (3.1.4) environmental policy (3.1.3). Note 2 to entry: The activity need not take place in all areas simultaneously, or without interruption 3.4.6 effectiveness extent to which planned activities are realized and planned results achieved 347 indicator measurable representation of the condition or status of operations, management or conditions ISOURCE: ISO 14031:2013, 3.15] 3.48 ‘Theo dai (monitoring) 4c dinh tinh trang cla mat hé théng, mét qué trinh (3.3.5) ho&e mot hoat dong. CHU THICH 1: 88 xéc djnh tinh trang, G61 khi cn phai kiém tra, giam sat ho&e quan trée chat cha. 349 Bo long (measurement) Qué trinh (3.3.5) xéc dinh mot gia tri. 3.4.10 Két qua hoat d6ng Két qué c6 thé do durgc. CHO THICH 1: Két qua hoat dong o6 thé lién quan aén ‘cdc phat higndinh tung hog dinh tinh, CHU THICH 2; Két qua hoat dng ¢6 thé ign quan dén vibe quan IY céc hoat ding, c&e qué trinh (3.3.5), c&e san phdm (k& ca dich vu), c&c he théng hog cae 15 chic (3.1.4). 3.4.14 Két qua hoat déng mai truéng KEL qua hoat dong (3.4.10) lién quan dén vige quan ly cae khla canh méj tring (3.2.2). CHU THICH 1: Béi voi mot hé théng quan ly mor trong (3.1.2), c&c két qua c6 thé duge do theo chinh sdich méi inréng (3.1.3) cba 6 chute (3.1.4), c&e muc fiéu mbt trong (3.2.6) hode céc chudn myc khdc nho sir dung cdc ch! sé (3.4.7). 4° Béicanh ctia td chirc 4.1 Hidu va t8 chire va béi canh cila té chire TB chire phai x4c dinh céc van d8 bén ngoai va gi bG C6 lién quan én myc dich cia minh va cé TCVN ISO 14001:2015 3.4.8 monitoring determining the status of a system, a process (8.3.5) or an activity Note 1 to entry: To determine the status, there might be ‘need to check, supervise or critically observe, 349 measurement process (3.3.5) to determine a value 3.4.40 performance measurable result Note 1 to entry: Performance can relate either to quantitative or qualitative findings. Note 2 to entry: Performance can relate to the management of activities, processes (3.3.5), products {including services), systems or organizations (3.1.4). 3411 environmental performance performance (3.4.10) related to the management of environmental aspects (3.2.2) Note 1 to entry: For an environmental management system (3.1.2), results can be measured against the organization's (3.1.4) environmental policy (3.1.3), environmental objectives (3.2.6) or other criteria, using indicators (3.4.7). 4 Context of the organization 4.1 Understanding the organization and its context The organization shall determine external and internal issues that are relevant to its purpose and 23 LUATM@ITRUONGWN TCVN ISO 14001:2015 anh huéng dén kha nang dat dirge cdc két qua dy kién cia hé théng quan ly m6i trong cia to chtrc, Nh@ing van dé nay phai bao gdm cdc dibu kin méi treding chiu anh hurdng bei hog cb kha nang anh hudng dén td chore. 4.2 Hidu v8 nhu cau va mong doi cla céc bén quan tam Té chirc phai x4c dinh: a) cAc bén quan tam e6 lién quan dén hé théng quan ly méi trvéng; b) cc nhu cau va mong dgi 06 lién quan (nghTa la cdc yéu eu) cia cde bén quan tam; c&c nhu cau va mong dgi nao tré thanh cac ghia vy tuan thi, °) 43 Xac dinh pham vi cita hé théng quan ly méi trréng Té chire phai xAc dinh cac ranh giéi va kha nang Ap dyng cia hé théng quan ly méi truéng dé thiét fap pham vi cua minh. Khi xc dinh pham vi nay, t& cht phai cn nhdc: a) cde vin dé bén ngoai va néi bé dug 48 cap tai 4 b) cde nghia vy tuan thd durgc a cap tai 4.2; ©) c&c don vi, c&c bd phan chic nang va ranh gidi vat ly ctia minh; d) c&c hoat déng, san pham va dich vy oa minh; e) quyén han va kha nang thyc hién viée kiém soat va sy anh huéng. Khi d& xde inh due pham vi ép dung, thi moi hoat dong, san pham va dich vy cia td chire thudc: pham vi nay déu' phai dua vao trong hé théng quan ly méi trvdng. 24 that affect its ability to achieve the intended outcomes of its environmental management system. Such issues shall include environmental conditions being affected by or capable of affecting the organization. 4.2 Understanding the needs and expectations of interested parties, The organization shall determine: a) the interested parties that are relevant to the environmental management system; b) the relevant needs and expectations (i.e requirements) of these interested parties; ¢) which of these needs and expectations become its compliance obligations. 4.3 Determining the scope of environmental management system the The organization shall determine the boundaries applicability ofthe management system to establish its scope. and environmental When determining this scope, the organization shall consider: a) the external and intemal issues referred to in 4A; b) the compliance obligations referred to in 4.2; ¢) its organizational units, functions and physical boundari 9) its activities, products and services; e) its authority and ability to exercise control and influence. ‘Once the scope is defined, all activities, products and services of the organization within that scope need to be included management system. In the’ environmental Pham vi 4p dyng phai duge duy tri nhu thong tin dang vn ban va san 06 cho c&c bén quan tam. 4.4 H8 théng quan ly méi trong Dé dat dugc céc két qua dy kién, bao gdm nang cao két qua hoat d6ng mdi trudng, td chire pha thiét lap, thye hién, duy trl va cai tién lién tuc he théng quan ly méi trudng bao gdm cAc qua trinh can thiét va sy tuong tc cilia chting, phi: hyp voi cac yéu cau cia tiéu chudn nay. Té chive phai c&n nhac cdc tri thir thu duge tai 4.1 va 4.2 khi thiét lap va duy tri hg théng quan ly mdi trong. 5 Sy lanh dao 5.1 Sy lanh dao va cam két Lanh dao cao nh&t phai chizng 18 sy lanh dao va cam két 461 voi hé théng quan ly mdi truéng bang cach: 8) chiu tréich nhigm gidi trinh vé tinh higu lye cla hé théng quan ly méi trudng; b) bao dm rang chinh s4ch mdi truéng va cdc myc tiéu méi trréng duge thiét lap va tueng thich véi dinh huéng chién luge va béi canh cia td chiro; c) dam bao tich hyp cc yéu cau cila hé théng quan ly méi trrdng vao céc qué trinh hoat dong chit chdt cia td chire; d) dam bao tinh s&n cé c&c nguén lye cn thiét cho hé théng quan ly moi trang; @) trao di théng tin va tam quan trong cia quan ty mi trrdng cé higu Ive va cia vig phir hop vi cac yeu cau hé théng quén ly méi trong; TCVN ISO 14001:2015, The scope shall be maintained as documented information and be available to interested parties. 44 Environmental management system To achieve the intended outcomes, including enhancing its environmental performance, the organization shall establish, implement, maintain and continually improve management system, including the processes Needed and their interactions, in accordance with the requirements ofthis International Standard, an environmental ‘The organization shall consider the knowledge gained in 4.1 and 4.2 when establishing and maintaining the environmental management system. 5 Leadership 5.1 Leadership and commitment Top management shall demonstrate leadership and commitment with respect to the environmental management system by: a) taking accountability for the effectiveness of the environmental management system; b) ensuring that the environmental policy and environmental objectives are established and are compatible with the strategic direction and the context of the organization; 2 ensuring the integration of the environmental management system requirements into the organization's business processes; ensuring that the resources needed for the environmental management system are available; communicating the importance of effective environmental management and of conforming to the environmental management system requirements; e) 25 LUATM@ITRUONGWN TCVN ISO 14001:2015 f) dam bao hé théng quan ly mdi trong dat duge cac két qua dy kién; 9) dinh huéng va hé tro moi ngudi nh&m déng 96p vao tinh higu Ie olla hé théng quan ly mdi trudng; h) thie day cai fn fin tue; 1) 6 tre cde vai tro quan ly lién quan khac d8 thd hin tinh lanh dao ctia he ding nhw né da duge néu déivéi cdc khu vue thuée tréch nhiém ctia ho. . CHU THICH: *hogt déng chi chét" duge 48 cp trong fidu chudn nay 06 thd duge hidu mot céch rng rai theo ghia 1a nhing hoat dng mang tinh cét ISI cho cc Myc dich tn tai cia 18 chirc. 5.2, Chinh sach méi truéng Lanh dao cao nhét phai thiét lap, thye hign va duy trl chinh sch méi trréng, trong pham vi dé xac dinh cia hé théng quan ly mdi trvéng cia td chite: a) thich hop voi myc dich va béi canh cla tb chive, bao gim ban chét, quy mé va cdc tac ong méi trong tir cdc hoat dong, sin pham va dich vy cla t6 chirc; b) cung cp khu6n khd cho viée thiét lap cae myc tigu mai trvdng; c) bao gém cam két bao vé méi trrong, ké ca gan ngira 6 nhiém va (céc) cam két oy thé khéc lién quan dén béi canh ciia td chirc. CHU THICH: (Cac) cam két cy thé khac nhém bao ve mol trxdng 66 thé bao gdm sir dung ban vong ngudn tai nguyén, glam nhe va thich Gng bién di khi hau, va bao v da dang sinh hoc va cc hé sinh thai. d) bao gém cam két thyc hién day di nghia vu tun thé; 26 f) ensuring that the environmental management system achieves its intended outcomes; 9) directing and supporting persons to contribute to the effectiveness of the environmental management system; fh) promoting continual improvement; ) supporting other relevant management roles to demonstrate their leadership as it applies to their areas of responsibilty. NOTE Reference to “business” in this International Standard can be interpreted broadly to mean those activities that are core to the purposes of the organization's existence, 5.2 Environmental policy Top management shall establish, Implement and maintain an environmental policy that, within the defined scope of its environmental management system: @) is appropriate to the purpose and context of the organization, including the nature, scale and environmental impacts of its activities, products and services; b) provides a environmental objectives; framework for setting ©) includes a commitment to the protection of the environment, including prevention of pollution and other specific commitment(s) relevant to the context of the organization; NOTE Other specific commitment(s) to protect the environment can include sustainable resource use, climate change mitigation and adaptation, and protection of biodiversity and ecosystems. ) includes a commitment to fulfil its compliance obligations; ) bao gdm cam kat vé cai tién fién tuc hé théng quan ly méi truréng dé nang cao két qua hoat Ong mai trirdng. Chinh sch méi trvamg phai duge: = duy tr] nhw thong tin dang van ban; = trao di théng tin trong toan b6 t8 chire; = C6 sn cho cdc bén quan tam, 5.3. Vai tré, trach nhigm va quy&n han trong t6 chire Lanh dao cao nhat phai dam bdo rang cae trach nhigm va quyén han ai voi vj tri 6 lién quan duge phan cing va trao 48) trong toan bé t8 chive. Lanh dao cao nhat phai phan cdng trach nhiém va quyén han 8: a) dam bao hé théng quan ly méi trvéng pho hyp véi cdc yéu cau cita tiéu chudn nay; b) bao cao !nh dgo cao nhat vé két qué hoat d6ng cia hé théng quan ly méi tredng, bao gdm cd két qua hoat dong méi trudng. 6 Hoach dinh 6.1. Hanh dng glal quyét cac ri ro va co hol 6.4.1 Khai quat T chic phai thiét lap, thye hién va duy tri (cdc) qua trinh can thiét 4& dap tng cdc yéu cau tir 6.1.1 én 6. Khi hoach dinh vé hé théng quan ly méi trudng, t chtre phai cn nhc: a) cdc van a8 duge dé cap tal 4.1; b) céc yéu cau duge dé cap tal 4.2; ¢) pham vi hé théng quan ly méi trudng cia 18 TCVN ISO 14001:2015 e) includes a commitment to continual improvement of the environmental management system to enhance environmental performance. The environmental policy shall: — be maintained as documented information; — be communicated within the organization; — be available to interested parties. 5.3. Organizational roles, responsibilities and authorities Top management shall that the responsibilities and authorities for relevant roles are assigned and communicated within the ensure organization. Top management shall assign the responsibility and authority for: 1) ensuring that the environmental management system conforms to the requirements of this Intemational Standard; reporting on the performance of the environmental management system, including environmental performance, to top management. 6 Planning 6.1 Actions to address risks and opportunities 6.1.1 General The organization shall establish, implement and maintain the process(es) needed to meet the requirements in 6.1.1 to 6.4.4. When planning for the environmental management system, the organization shall consider: a) the issues referred to in 4.1; b) the requirements referred to in 4.2; ¢) the scope of its environmental management LUATM@ITRUONGWN TCVN ISO 14001:2015 chiro; va xc dinh cdc rai ro va co hi lién quan dén cdc khia canh mdi trvdng (xem 6.1.2), cde nghia vu tun thd (xem 6.1.3) va cdc van dé va yéu cdu khae duyc nhan biét tai 4.1 va 4.2 la nhéng van dB cAn gidi quyét a2: — dam bdo hé théng quan ly mdi trudng 6 thd dat duge céc két qua div kién; = ngain ngiva, hodic gidm cdc tac dng khéng mong muén, ké ca t&c dong tiém dn dén cdc digu kign méi tréng bén ngoai anh huéng én t8 cere; — dat duge sy cai tién lin tue. Trong pham vi cila hé théng quan ly méi trvdng, 16 chire phai x4 dinh cac tinh huéng khan cép tiém An, bao gdm nhOng trudng hop 6 thé co tac dong mai trong. Té chirc phai duy tri théng tin dang van ban vé: = ce ri ro va co h6i can duge giai quyét — (e4e) qua trinh can thiét trong 6.1.1 dén 6.1.4, & mirc 46 hop ly d8 05 sy tin cay rang c&c qua trinh 48 durgc thyrc hign nh 64 hoach éinh, 6.1.2 Khia canh mdi trvéng Trong pham vi 68 xc dinh cla hé théng quan ly mii trudng, té chive phai xac dinh cac khia canh méi truréng aiia cdc hoat dong, sn phdm va dich vy ma td chic c6 thé kiém soat va nhGng digu cé- thé anh huéng, va cdc téc 46ng mdi trurdng twong ting cia ching, o6 can nhde dén quan diém ving ei, Khi xe dinh cdc khia canh méi trvdng, t8 chiro phai tinh én: 28 system; and determine the risks and opportunities, related (see 6.1.2), compliance obligations (see 6.1.3) and other issues and requirements, identified in 4.1 and 4.2, that need to be addressed to: to its environmental aspects that management system can achieve its intended - give assurance the environmental ‘outcomes; — prevent or reduce undesired effects, including the potential for extemal conditions to affect the organization; ‘environmental — achieve continual improvement. Within the scope of the environmental management system, the organization shall determine potential ‘emergency situations, including those that can have ‘an environmental impact. The organization shall maintain documented information of its: = risks and opportunities that need to be addressed; = process(es) needed in 6.1.1 to 6.1.4, to the extent necessary to have confidence they are carried out as planned, 6.1.2 Environmental aspects Within the defined scope of the environmental the determine the environmental management system, organization shall aspects of its activities, products and services that it can control and those that it can influence, and their associated environmental impacts, considering a Iie cycle perspective. When determining environmental aspects, the ‘organization shall take into account: a) su thay d8i, bao gdm ca nhing sy phat trién 8 hogch dinh ho&e mdi, va céc hoat dong, ‘céc san pham va dich vy moi ho&e o6 sira a&i; b) cdc didu kién bat thudng va tinh hudng khan cAp of thé dig doan mét cach hep ly. 78 chive phail xéc dinh nhong khia canh méi tredng 6 hodc c6 thé od tac dong dang ké toi méi trong, nghia [a cdc khia canh méi trudmg 06 ¥ nghTa, bang ech sir dung cdc chuan myc 48 thiét ap. Té chire phai trao di vé cdc khia canh moi treng 6 ¥ nghia cia t6 chic gitra cc cp va bd phan chére ning khdc nhau, khi thich hop. Td chitc phai duy tri thong tin dang van ban vé: — khfa canh mi truéng va c4c tac dong mdi tnrdng tong eng; - cde chudn myc sir dung 48 xac dinh céc khia canh méi truéng cé y nghfa cla minh; = cc khia canh mdi truéng 06 y nghia. CHU THICH: Cac khia canh moi trudng 66 ¥ nghia co thé din dén rii ro hoa oo hgi lién quan dén céc tac dQng bat Igl cho mdi truéng (cc méi de dga) hoac cc hhoat dang co Igi cho méi trréng (céc co hGi), 6.1.3 Nghia vy tuan tha Té chire phai: a) xdc dinh va tiép can cae nghia vy tuan tha lién quan dén cdc khia canh mdi tueng cla 16 chic; TCVN ISO 14001:2015 a) change, including planned or new developments, and new or modified activities, products and services; b) abnormal conditions and _—_ reasonably foreseeable emergency situations. The organization shall determine those aspects that have or can have a significant environmental impact, i.e. significant environmental aspects, by using established criteria. ‘The organization shall communicate its significant environmental aspects among the various levels and functions of the organization, as appropriate. The organization shall maintain documented information of its: = environmental aspects and associated environmental impacts; — criteria used to determine its significant environmental aspects; ~ significant environmental aspects. NOTE Significant environmental aspects can result in risks and opportunities associated with either adverse environmental impacts {threats} or beneficial environmental impacts (opportunities). 6.1.3 Compliance obligations The organization shalt: a) determine and have a ccess to the compliance obligations related to its environmental aspects; b) xée dinh céch thie thyc hign céc nghla vy b) determine how these compliance obligations tuan thi nay di vai té chro; apply to the organization; ¢) 6 tinh dén cc nghia vy tudn thi nay khithiét ¢) take these compliance obligations into account lap, thyc hign, duy tri va oi tign Tién tye h@ when establishing. implementing. maintaining théng quan ly m6l trvéng cia t8 chive. and continually improving its environmental management system. 29 LUATMG@ITRUONGWN TCVN ISO 14001:2015 Té chire phai duy tri théng tin dang van ban vé cdc nghla vy tuan thi: cla minh. CHU THICH: Cc nghta vu tuan thi c6 thé dan dén cae Tui ro va co hGi déi véi t8 chive, 6.1.4 Hoach dinh hanh d6ng Té chire phai hoach dinh: a) thyc hign cdc hanh déng dé giai quyét: 1) cc khia canh mdi truéng 06 7 nghia; 2) ac nghia vy tuan thd; 3) cdc nui ro va co hoi duge nhén biét tai 6.1.1; b) phuong phdp dé: 1) tich hop va thyc hign cae hanh dng vao c4c qua trinh ola h@ théng quan ly méi tnrong (xem 6.2, Bidu 7, Didu 8 va 9.1), ho&e cac qua trinh hoat dng chi chét khéc; 2) danh gid tinh higu luc cla c4e hanh dong nay (xem 9.1). KKhi hoach dinh cdc hanh déng nay, t8 chire phai can nhc viée Iva chon cong nghé va cdc yéu cau ve hoat d6ng chil chét va tai chinh ca minh. 6.2 Myc tiéu méi truéng va hogch dinh dat myc tigu 6.2.1 Myc tiéu mdi trong Té chtre phai thiét l4p cdc myc tiéu mdi trueng & {ting cp va cae bd phan chic nang lin quan, co tinh én cc khia canh mdi truéng c6 ¥ nghia va cc nghia vu tuan thi lién quan va can nhac dén cc ri ro va co’ hi cla 8 chéro. Cac myc tiéu mai truréng phai: a) hat quén véi chinh s&ch moi trrdng; b) do long duge (néu cé tha); ¢) duge theo 30 maintain documented information of its compliance obligations. The organization shall NOTE Compliance obligations can result in risks and opportunities to the organization. 6.1.4 Planning action The organization shall plan: a) to take actions to address its: 4) significant environmental aspects; 2) compliance obligations; 3) _tisks and opportunities identified in 6.1.1; b) how to: 1) integrate and implement the actions into its environmental management system processes (see 6.2, Clause 7, Clause 8 and 9.1), or other business processes; 2) evaluate the effectiveness of these actions (see 9.1). When planning these actions, the organization shall consider its technological options and its financial, operational and business requirements. 6.2. Environmental objectives and planning to achieve them 6.2.1 Environmental objectives ‘The organization shall establish environmental objectives at relevant functions and levels, taking into account the organization's significant environmental aspects and associated compliance obligations, and considering its risks and opportunities. The environmental objectives shall be: a) consistent with the environmental policy; b) measurable (if practicable), c)_ monitored; d) dugc trao adi; ) duege o€p nhat khi thich hep. Té chire pha duy tri cdc théng tin dang van ban vé cdc myc tiéu mdi trvdng. 6.2.2 Hoach dinh hanh dong dé dat duoc céc myc tiéu mdi trvéng Khi hoach dinh céch thie d8 dat dugc cée myc tidu moi truéng, t8 chitc phai xdc dinh: a) nhing gi s8 dugc thyc hin; b) nhieng nguén luc gi dugc yéu cdu; ¢) ail ngudi chju trach nhiém; 4d) Kkhi nao muc tiéu duge hoan thanh; 8) cach thive 48 danh gid cdc két qua, bao gdm cd céc chi s6 dé theo déi tién trinh nhdm dat duge cdc myc tiéu mdi trudng 6 thé do ‘duge cla minh (xem 9.1.1). T@ chire phai cn nhac cach thire hanh dong dé dat duge cac myc tiéu v8 méi trréng Glia minh co thé tich hgp vao cdc qua trinh haat dng chit chét olla t8 chive, 7 Ho try 7.1 Nguén Ie T8 chire phai xac dinh va cung cép cdc ngudn Ive cdn thiét d6i vei viée thiét lap, thyc hién, duy tri va cai tién lién tuc hé théng quan ly méi trueng. TCVN ISO 14001:2015 4) communicated; ) updated as appropriate. The organization shall maintain documented information on the environmental objectives, 622 Planning environmental objectives actions to achieve When planning how to achieve its envii onmental objectives, the organization shall determine: a) what will be done; b)_ what resources will be require ©) who will be responsible; d) when it will be completed; e) how the results will be evaluated, including indicators for monitoring progress toward achievement of its measurable environmental objectives (see 9.1.1). The organization shall consider how actions to achieve its environmental objectives can be into integrated the organization's business processes, 7 Support 7A Resources ‘The organization shall determine and provide the resources needed for the establishment, implementation, and continual improvement of the environmental management system. maintenance 7.2. Nang lve 7.2 Competence Té chirc phai: ‘The organization shall: a) xéc dinh nang luc cdn thiét ciia (nhing) nguéi a) determine the necessary competence of lam vigc kiém soat olla tb chire cé anh person(s) doing work under its control that huéng én két qua hoat dong m6i trréng va kha. affects its environmental performance and its 31 LUATMG@ITRUONGWN TCVN ISO 14001:2015 nang Gap Ceng nghia vy tuan this ola minh; b) dam bao nhGng ngudi nay 06 di nang lye trén co sé giéo dyc, dao tao, hode kinh nghiém thich hgp; ©) xe dinh cde nhu edu dao tao tong tng voi cdc khia canh méi treeng va hé théng quan ly moi trun d) khi ¢6 thé 4p dung, thye hign cdc hanh déng 48 dat duge nang lye can thiét va danh gia hidu lye cla céc hanh dong 4a thyc hign. CHU THICH: Cac hanh déng 4p dung 06 thé bao gdm, Vi dy, do tao, ¢6 van, hoge phan céng Iai nhong ngudi ign dang lam vige; hoge thué hoe hyp ding vol ngudi 06 di nang lec. 8 chire phai tuu git thong tin dang van ban thich hgp lam bang chimg vé nang Ive. 7.3. Nhan thire T& chive phai dam bao nhting ngudi lam vide duéi su kiém soat cla minh nhan thie dvgc vé: a) chinh sch méi trrdng; b) céc khia canh moi truéng o6 y nghia va céc tac déng méi trudng thyc té hoc tiém an fién quan dén céng vige ciia ho; ©) déng g6p cla he vao tinh higu lye cia he théng quan ly méi truéng, bao gdm ca loi ich cla vigc nang cao két qua hoat déng méi tréng; ) nh hudng cla su khéng phi hyp v6i cdc yéu cdu hé théng quan ly méi truéng bao gém ca vige khéng dap tng nghfa vy tuan thé, cia tb chiro. 7.4 Trao d6i théng tin 7.41 Khai quat Té chive phai thiét lap, thyre hign va duy trl (cdc) 32 ability to fulfil its compliance obligations; b) ensure that these persons are competent on the basis of appropriate education, training or experience; ¢) determine training needs associated with its environmental aspects and its environmental management system; d) where applicable, take actions to acquire the necessary competence, and evaluate the effectiveness of the actions taken. NOTE Applicable actions can include, for example, the provision of training to, the mentoring of, or the re- assignment of currently employed persons; or the hiring or contracting of competent persons. The organization shall retain appropriate documented information as evidence of competence. 7.3. Awareness The organization shall ensure that persons doing ‘work under the organization's control are aware of: a) the environmental policy; b) the significant environmental aspects and elated actual or potential environmental Impacts associated with their work; ) their contribution to the effectiveness of the environmental management system, including or the benefits of enhanced environmental performance; 4) the implications of not conforming with the environmental management _system requirements, including not fuffiling the organization's compliance obligations. 7.4 Communication 7.4.4 General The organization shall establish, implement and qua trinh cn thiét cho vige trao ai thong tin néi bO va bén ngoai thich hop véi hg théng quan ly méi truréng, bas gdm: a) trao d&i théng tin gi; b) trao bi thong tin khi nao; ¢) trao d8i thing tin vai ai; d) trao ddi théng tin nhu thé nao. Khi thiét ap (cdc) qua trinh trao déi théng tin, t8 hire phai: tinh 66n cdc nghfa vy tuan thd cla minh; dam bao théng tin méi trang duge trao déi nhdt quan v6i théng tin phat sinh trong he théng quan by mdi trzdng va théng tin phai éng tin cay. TB chire phai dap ting céc trao 48i théng tin lign quan vé hé théng quan ly mdi tuéng cla minh. Té chire phai lwu git théng tin dang van ban lam bang chirng vé trao adi théng tin eta minh, khi thich hgp. 74.2. Trao adi thang tin ngi bé Té chive phai: a) trao déi théng tin ndi bd lién quan dén hé théng quan ly méi truéng gita cac cAp va cdc bé phan chirc nang khéc nhau, bao gdm ca nhing thay dBi cla hé théng quan ly moi trading, khi thich hgp; b) dam bao (céc) qué trinh trao Gi thang tin cho , phép (nhng) ngudi lam viée duéi su kiém sodt cia té chire 06 kha nang déng g6p nhdm i tién ign tue. 7.4.3, Trao adi théng tin voi bén ngoai Té chirc phai trao ddi véi bén ngoai cAc thang TCVN ISO 14001:2015. maintain the process(es) needed for internal and external communications the relevant to environmental management system, including: a) on what it will communicate; b) when to communicate; ¢) with whom to communicate; 4d) how to communicate. When establishing its communication process(es). the organization shall: take into account its compliance obligations; ensure that environmental _ information communicated is consistent with information generated within the management system, and is reliable, environmental ‘The organization shall respond to relevant communications on its. environmental management system. The organization shall retain documented information as evidence of its communications, as appropriate. 7.4.2. Internal communication The organization shall: ) intemally communicate information relevant to the environmental management system among the various levels and functions of the organization, induding changes to the environmental ‘management system, as appropriate; a) ensure its communication — process(es) enable(s) persons doing work under the organization's control to contribute to continual improvement. 7.4.3, External communication The organization shall extemally communicate 33 LUATM@ITRUONGWN TCVN ISO 14001:2015 tin lign quan dén hé théng quan ly mdi trudng, theo (c&c) quy trinh trao dai théng tin 44 thiét lap cia t& chire va theo yéu cdu nghfa vy tuan thi cda minh, 7.5 Théng tin dang van ban 7.54 Khai quat Hé théng quan ly méi truéng cia td chive phai bao gdm: a) th6ng tin dang van ban theo yéu cau cila tiéu chudn nay; b) théng tin dang van ban duge td chire xac dinh la can thiét 68 dam bdo tinh higu lye cla he théng quan ly méi truéng. (CHU THICH: Mac 66 théng tin dang van ban déi vai mot hé théng quan ly méi trudng ¢6 thé khéc nhau gidta cc 18 chire do: = quy me eda tb chite va logi hinh ca céc hoat ong, qua trinh, san phdm va dich vy oda t8 chee; — sy edn thiét d8 chéeng minh vigc thye hign day a6 céc ngha vy tuan tha — tinh phite tap ota cdc qua trinh va sy turong tac gita cdc qua trinh; ling lye cla nhéng ngudi lam vige duéi sy kiém soat ota tb cha. 7.5.2 Tao lap va cp nhgt Khi tao Ip va c€p nhat théng tin dang van ban, t& chit phai dam bao sy thich hgp cla vige: a) nhan biét va mé ta (vi dy: tiéu 62, théi gian, tac gid, hoge sé tham chiéu); b) dinh dang (vi dy: ngén ngG, phién ban phan. mam, 8 hoa) va phuong tign trao déi théng tin (vi dy: gidy, dién tir); c) xem xét va phé duyét sy phil hop va théa dang. 34 information relevant to. the _ environmental management system, as established by the organization's communication process(es) and as required by its compliance obligations. 7.5 Documented information 7.5.1 General The organization's environmental management system shall include: a) documented information required by this International Standard; b) documented information determined by the organization as being necessary for the effectiveness of the management system. environmental NOTE The extent of documented information for an environmental management system can differ from one organization to another due to: = the size of organization and its type of activities, processes, products and services; = the need to demonstrate fulfilment ‘compliance obligations; —_ the complexity of processes and their interactions; of its — the competence of persons doing work under the ‘organization's control, 7.5.2, Creating and updating When creating and updating documented information, the organization shall ensure appropriate: a) identification and aascription (e.g. a title, date, author, of reference number); b) format (e.g. language, software version, graphics) and media (e.g. paper, electronic); for ¢) review and approval suitability and adequacy. 7.5.3 Kiém soat thong tin dang van ban. Théng tin dang van ban theo yéu cdu cla hé théng quan ly méi trudng va cila tiéu chudn nay phai duge kiém sot 44 dam bao: a) s&n 06 va phi hyp cho viée sir dung ding noi va ding Ide; b) duge bdo vé mot cach tha dang (vi dy: dé tranh mAt tinh bao mat, st dung sai muc dich, hodic mat tinh toan ven). D4i voi viéc kiém soat théng tin dang van ban, td chirc phai gidi quyét cdc hoat dng sau day, khi 06 thé ap dung: — phn phdi, tiép cn, truy cap va str dyng; = lu tri va bao quan, bao gom ca gilr gin dé 66 thé dé dang xem duge; = _kidm sodt ofc thay &&i (vi dy: kiém sodt phién ban); — luu gidr va hay bd. Thong tin dang van ban cé ngudn géc bén ngoai ma td chire xc dinh la can thiét cho viée hoach Ginh va van hanh hé théng quan ty mai truéng phai duge nhan dang thich hep va duge kiém soat. CHU THICH: Tiép can cé thé hidu la mot quyét dinh va vigc chi cho phép xem cdc thing tin dang vn ban, hoge cho phép va dy quyén 48 xem va thay dai thong {in dang van ban, 8 Thyc hign 8.1 Hoach dinh va kiém soat vige thye hign T8 chic phai thiét lap, thyc hign, kiém soat va duy trl c&c qué trinh can thiét 48 dap tng cdc yeu cdu ila hé théng quan ly méi truéng va thyc hin c&c hanh dong duge nhan biét tai 6.1 va 6.2, bang c&ch: TCVN ISO 14001:2015 7.5.3. Control of documented information Documented information required by the environmental management system and by this Intemational Standard shall be controlled to ensure: 8) itis available and suitable for use, where and when it is needed; b) it is adequately protected (¢.9. from loss of confidentiality, improper use, or loss of integrity). For the control of documented information, the organization shall address the following activities as applicable: — distribution, access, retrival and use; - storage and _ preservation, preservation of legibility: including = control of changes (e.g. version control}; — retention and disposition. Documented information of extemal origin determined by the organization to be necessary for of the environmental management system shall be identified, as appropriate, and controlled NOTE Access can imply a decision regarding the permission to view the documented information only, or the permission and authority to view and change the documented information. the planning and operation 8 Operation 81 Operational planning and control The organization shall establish, control and maintain the processes needed to system requirements, and to implement the actions identified in 6.1 and 6.2, by: implement, meet environmental management 35 LUATM@ITRUONGWN

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