Common Wastewater Treatment System

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System Description - Common Wastewater

Treatment System
589.750/541.220 (net) MW on Gas/Fuel Oil
PROJECT: Combined Cycle Power Plant;
Meghnaghat; Bangladesh




Sent to Owner for Customer Approval

Revision History
Rev. Revision Date Created by Checked by Approved by Brief Description
A 2019-08-24 Tongxiaofan zhanglan liangxiaoye For approval
B 2019-08-29 Tongxiaofan zhanglan liangxiaoye For approval
C 2019-09-26 Tongxiaofan zhanglan liangxiaoye For approval
D 2019-10-16 Tongxiaofan zhanglan liangxiaoye For approval
E 2019-10-18 Tongxiaofan zhanglan liangxiaoye For approval
F 2020-03-13 Tongxiaofan zhanglan liangxiaoye For approval
G 2020-08-03 Tongxiaofan zhanglan liangxiaoye For approval
H 2020-09-10 Tongxiaofan zhanglan liangxiaoye For approval
I 2020-09-18 Tongxiaofan zhanglan liangxiaoye For approval
J 2021-02-05 Tongxiaofan zhanglan liangxiaoye For approval
K 2021-02-09 Tongxiaofan zhanglan liangxiaoye For approval
Description Current Revision
Rev: K
Cross checked
Department Name Date Signature

Replaces Derived From Project Document Code

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- hydraulic and Tongxiaofan Zhanglan liangxiaoye A4
chemical specility Zengshangjiang

Document Type Document Status

GE POWER DM Electronically Released
Gas Power
Systems Document Title Identification number
System Description - Common Waste Water 33-F10581C-H-07
Major System Rev. Date Lang. Sheet
Subcontractor J 2021-02-09 en 1/17
Table of Contents

1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................ 3
2. SYSTEM FUNCTION ..................................................................................................................... 3
2.1. Common Wastewater Treatment System Function .........................................................................3
2.2. CMB (Central Monitoring Basin) Function .....................................................................................3
2.3. Other Effluent.....................................................................................................................................3
3. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION............................................................................................................... 4
3.1. Reference Document .........................................................................................................................4
3.2. Major Equipment ...............................................................................................................................4
3.3. Backwash waste water from DM Plant ............................................................................................5
3.4. Backwash waste water from Side Stream System ...........................................................................5
3.5. Oily Waste water................................................................................................................................6
3.6. Control Monitoring Basin (CMB) ....................................................................................................7
3.7. Plant commission waste ....................................................................................................................7
3.8. CMB Discharge Effluent Quality .....................................................................................................7
4. DESIGN CRITERIA ........................................................................................................................ 8
4.1. Common Wastewater ........................................................................................................................8
4.2. Discharge Effluent from CMB..........................................................................................................9
4.3. Capacity Selection .............................................................................................................................9
4.4. Major equipment specifications ......................................................................................................10
5. OPERATION AND CONTROL .................................................................................................. 13
5.1. Backwash waste water.....................................................................................................................14
5.2. Oily Wastewater...............................................................................................................................15
5.3. CMB Discharge ..............................................................................................................................16
6. LAYOUT CRITERIA .................................................................................................................... 17
7. SYSTEM INTERFACES............................................................................................................... 17
7.1. Backwash Waste Water Sump I......................................................................................................17
7.2. Backwash Waste Water Sump II ....................................................................................................17
7.3. Common Oily Waste Water Pond ..................................................................................................17
7.4. CMB .................................................................................................................................................18
7.5. Others ...............................................................................................................................................18
8. MAJOR INSTRUMENTATION ................................................................................................. 18

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This chapter gives in brief the function, description, design criteria, operation and control,
layout criteria, system interface and major instrumentation of Common Waste Water Treatment for
the proposed power plant.

2.1. Common Wastewater Treatment System Function
Common Waste Water Treatment System may be used to deal with the following wastewater:
1) Backwash waste water from DM Plant to recycle
2) Backwash Water from Side Stream System;
3) Sludge Thickener Overflow
4) Sludge Dewatering Water
5) Oily waste water from power plant area.
2.2. CMB (Central Monitoring Basin) Function

A CMB is provided with total combined capacity of 1800 m3 in two compartments. Cooling
Tower Blowdown, Treated Sewage, Neutralized water from DM Plant and treated process waste
shall be collected to CMB for mixing, storing, monitoring pH, Turbidity, Conductivity, Temperature
and calculating the flux, finally discharge from the plant as per statutory requirement.

However, the non-contaminated waste water shall be discharged to outfall through storm water
2.3. Other Effluent
1) Chemical Waste Water Included in Neutralized water will be discharged into CMB.
2) GT Wash Water will be collected in tank/pit and thereafter needs to be disposed off outside
3) Boiler Chemical Cleaning Waste will be disposed off outside plant.
4) The false start drain form GT will be led to a false start drain tank and then transferred to an
oil purifier equipment. The recovered oil from oil purifier will be pumped to a terminal point
leading towards Tank 6 & Tank 7 in tank farm area. The separated water from the oil purifier will
be sent to common oily waste water pond.

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3.1. Reference Document
1) Water quality for all stages refer to QME/10/E/003b-011/GS/001 Plant Water Chemistry.
2) Drawing refer to QME/00/K/GMA-----EN/FD/001- P&ID – Common Waste Water System.
3) Piping and valve material refer to QME/00/K/011b---001/GS/002 Piping material
classifications - Pipe Class Manual.
4) Water Balance Diagram refer to QME/00/K/003b---009/BE/001.
5) General Arrangement: Common Waste Water Area refer to QME/00/K/UGS-----
AD/GA/001(will be provided in detail design)
6) Overall plant operating description refer to QME/00/E/001b---000/DM/001
7) Instrument List refer to QME/00/K/G-----ED05/LI/001
8) WTP Alarm List refer to QME/00/K/G-----ED10/IO/011
9) WTP I/O List including set point refers to QME/00/K/G-----ED10/IO/001
10 ) CT blow-down refer to QME/00/K/PA---EN/FD/002 P&ID - Main and Secondary
Cooling Water System and QME/00/K/PA----EN/DM/001 System Description - Main and Auxiliary
Cooling Water System
11) Sewage treated refer P&ID - Sewage treatment system (QME/00/K/GMA---ED30/FD/001)
12) P&ID - Fuel Oil Supply System refer to QME/00/K/EG-----EN/FD/001
13) Control logic (QME/00/E/CB---EN80/DO/011)
3.2. Major Equipment
00GND21BB001 One (1) 100% Backwash Waste Water Sump I for DM Plant
00GND11BB001 One (1) 100% Backwash Waste Water Sump II for Side Stream System
00GND21~2AP001 Two (2) 100% Backwash Waste Water Transfer Pump I for DM Plant
00GND11~2AP001 Two (2) 100% Backwash Waste Water Transfer Pump II for Side Stream
00GND31BB001 One (1) 100% Reaction Tank
00GND32BB001 One (1) 100% Flocculation Tank
00GND33BB001 One (1) 100% Inclined Plate Clarifier
00GND41BB001 One (1) 100% Final pH Correction Pit with agitator
00GND41BB002 One (1) 100% Treated Water Transfer Pond
00GND41~2AP001 Two (2) 100% Treated Water Transfer Pump
00GNS11~2AP001 Two (2) 100% Clarifier Sludge Transfer Pump

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00GNQ11~6AP001 Six (6) Alkali Metering Pump to support DM water plant Neutralizing
Water Pond, Reaction Tank, Final pH Correction Pit.
00GNQ30AP001 One (1) 100% Coagulation Drum Pump
00GNQ21~6AP001 Six (6) Acid Metering Pump to support DM water plant Neutralizing
Water Pond, Reaction Tank, Final pH Correction Pit.
00GNQ31~2BB001 Two (2) Coagulation Solution Tank
00GNQ41~4AP001 Four (4) Coagulation Metering Pump to support Flocculation Tank and
00GNQ51BB001 One (1) 100% Coagulation Aid Preparation & Solution Tank
00GNQ61~4AP001 Four (4) Coagulation Aid Metering Pump to support Flocculation Tank
and DAF
00GND51BB001~2 Two (2)50% Central Monitoring Basin
00GND51~3AP001 Three (3) 50% CMB Discharge Pump
00GND61BB001 One (1) 100% Common Oily Waste Water Pond
00GND61~2AP001 Two (2) 100% Common Oily Waste Water Pump
00GND71BB001 One (1) 100% Dissolved Air Flotation
00GND81AP001 One (1) 100% Dissolved Air Pump
00GND81AN001 One (1) 100% Air Compressor
00GND81BB001 One (1) 100% Dissolved Air Tank
00GND91~2AN001 Two (2)100% Roots Blower
00GND81BB002 One (1) 100% Air Storage Tank
00GND81AC001 One (1) 100% Air Control Panel
00GND71BB002 One (1) 100% Oil Collector
00GND51~2AT001 Two (2)100% Hoist
3.3. Backwash waste water from DM Plant
This part of waste is regular, which mainly comes from MMF (00GBB11~3AT001) and ACF
(00GBB21~3AT001) backwash drainages from DM Plant. Major contamination is suspended
substances. The filters drainages access to Backwash Waste Water Sump I (00GND21BB001) by
drainage ditch. The waste shall be first stirred by means of Roots Blower (00GND91~2AN001) for
the purpose of equalizing and then shall be directly transfer to Stilling Chamber for recycling.
3.4. Backwash waste water from Side Stream System
This part of waste is mainly from filters backwash drainages from Side Stream System. Major
contamination is suspended substances and the TDS of the effluent may about 3 times than the raw

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water. The filters backwash drainages are transferred to Backwash waste water Sump II
(00GND11BB001). The waste shall be first stirred by means of Roots blower (00GND91~2AN001)
for the purpose of equalizing and then shall be subject to the following treatment:
Backwash waste water from Side Stream System→ Backwash waste water Sump II
(00GND11BB001) →Backwash waste water Transfer Pump II (00GND11~2AP001)→ Reaction
Tank (00GND31BB001)→ Flocculation Tank (00GND32BB001)→Inclined Plate Clarifier
(00GND33BB001)→ Final pH Correction Pit (00GND41BB001)→ Treated water Transfer Pond
(00GND41BB002) → Treated Water Transfer Pump (00GND41~2AP001) → CMB
(00GND51BB001~2) → CMB Discharge Pump (00GND51~3AP001) →Outfall/ Gardening/
Recycling to CMB
Alkali/Acid is dosed to correct the pH of Backwash waste water in proper pH range,
Coagulation is dosed into Reaction Tank (00GND31BB001) and Coagulation Aid is dose into
Flocculation Tank (00GND32BB001) to promote TDS flocculation.
3.5. Chemical Waste Water
This part of waste is mainly from Alkali Storage Tank drainage, Acid Storage Tank drainage,
regeneration drainage of Cation Bed/Anion Bed& Mixed bed from DM Plant. The chemical waste
water are transferred to Neutralizing Water Pond (00GCR11~2BB001). The waste water shall be
discharged into CMB (00GND51BB001~2) after adjusted in proper pH then shall be subject to the
following treatment:
Chemical Waste Water from DM Plant→ Neutralizing Water Pond (00GCR11~2BB001)
→Neutralizing Water Pump (00GCR11~2AP001~2) →CMB (00GND51BB001~2) → CMB
Discharge Pump (00GND51~3AP001) →Outfall/Gardening
3.6. Oily Waste water
The main oily waste water is collected from GT Hall and ST Hall etc. Oily waste water is
collected through the floor drains indoor and then routed to Common Oily Waste Water Pond
(00GND61BB001) by gravity through outdoor waste water pipeline. Oily Waste Water from
Accidental oil Pit is transferred to Common Oily Waste Water Pond (00GND61BB001) by
pressurized. From common oily wastewater pond oily wastewater will be sent to Dissolved Air
Flotation (DAF, 00GND71BB001) system for oily waste separation. The recovered oil will be
collected in oil tank (0.5m3) in ~7days and forwarded by truck to Fuel oil storage area of M2 and
shall be handled by owner.
Main process flow for treatment of oily wastewater is as follows:

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Oily wastewater from power plant area→ Common Oily Waste Water Pond (00GND61BB001)
→ Common Oily Waste Water Pump (00GND61~2AP001) → Dissolved Air Flotation
(00GND71BB001) → Final pH Correction Pit (00GND41BB001)→ Treated Water Transfer
Pond(00GND41BB002)→ Treated Water Transfer Pump (00GND41~2AP001) → CMB
(00GND51BB001~2) → CMB Discharge Pump (00GND51~3AP001)→Outfall/Gardening
Coagulation and Coagulation Aid is dose into DAF (00GND71BB001) to promote fine-grained
suspended particle flocculation.
3.7. Control Monitoring Basin (CMB)
A CMB (00GND51BB001~2) is provided with total combined capacity of 1800 m3 in two
compartments. Cooling Tower Blowdown, Treated Sewage, Neutralized water from DM Plant and
treated process waste shall be collected to CMB (00GND51BB001~2) for mixing, storing,
monitoring pH, Turbidity, Conductivity, Temperature and calculating the flux, finally discharge
from the plant.
Only qualified effluent could be discharged to the CMB (00GND51BB001~2). Online pH
(00GND51CQ003), Conductivity (00GND50CQ001), Turbidity (00GND50CQ002), and Flow with
flow totalizer (00GND50CF001) will be provided. If one of the monitor data is out of the limitation,
the pneumatic valve to Outfall will be shut down and the pneumatic valve of recirculation line to
CMB (00GND51BB001~2) will be open automatically.
3.8. Plant commission waste
Plant commission waste such as HRSG Cleaning, Chemical gas turbine flushing, Hydro-test,
etc, as organized for commission purpose, shall be stored in temporary facility and shall be disposed
outside plant.
3.9. CMB Discharge Effluent Quality

CMB Discharge Effluent Quality meets the indicators shown in Table 3.8 as per statutory

Table 3.8 CMB Discharge Effluent Quality

Item designed outlet continuity industry wastewater Limit
effluent quality Under normal operating
PH 6-9 6-9
DO 4.5-8.0 mg/l 4.5-8.0 mg/l
BOD 50 mg/l 50 mg/l

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COD ~29.2mg/l 200 mg/l or less

TSS ~41.7mg/l 50mg/l

AS ≤0.5 mg/l 0.5 mg/l
Oil and Grease ≤10 mg/l 10 mg/l
Residual Chlorine 0.2 mg/l 0.2 mg/l
(24 hours average)
TDS ~597mg/l 2100 mg/l or Less
Cr (total) ≤0.5 mg/l 0.5 mg/l
Cu ≤0.5 mg/l 0.5 mg/l
Fe ≤1.0 mg/l 1.0 mg/l
Hg ≤0.005 mg/l 0.005 mg/l
Zn ≤1.0 mg/l 1.0 mg/l
Cd ≤0.1 mg/l 0.1 mg/l
Pb ≤0.5 mg/l 0.5 mg/l

4.1. Common Wastewater
Estimated quantity of Common Wastewater refer to Table 4.1

Table 4.1 Estimated Quantity of Common Wastewater

Estimated Sets Remarks

No. Common Wastewater Mode
Q’ty (Working)
Backwash waste water from DM
Plant to recycle

2 Once per day

1) MMF backwash waste water Intermittent ~36m3/time

~108 2 Once per month

2) ACF backwash waste water Intermittent
m3/time reused
Common Waste water to be
5 Once per day,
SSF backwash waste water
1) Intermittent ~50 m3/ time duration of
from Side Stream System backwash operation
is about 8min

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~64.8 m3/ 1 Once per day
2) Sludge thickener water Intermittent
Sludge dewatering water 1 Once per day
50.4 m3/
3) from Water Supply and Intermittent
Treatment System
Oily waste water to be treated
3 from Water Supply and
Treatment System
Oily wastewater from plant 1 Periodical, max
1) Intermittent ~1.6 m3/h
area 38.4m3 per day
4.2. Discharge Effluent from CMB
Estimated quantity of discharge effluent refer to Table 4.2

Table 4.2 Estimated Quantity of Discharge Effluent

Estimated Remarks
No. Discharge Water

Maximum, under fuel gas

1 Cooling Tower Blowdown 208.5m3/h
condition at 32℃ ambient

2 Treated Sewage ~1.6m3/h

3 Neutralized water from DM Plant ~0.6 m3/h

Include backwash waste water

4 Treated process waste ~15.8 m3/h from SSF. Which considered as
part of CT blowdown.

Estimated Mixed Effluent in CMB ~226.5 m3/h

4.3. Capacity Selection

4.3.1 Common Waste Water System Output Selection
Total common waste water to be treated for Side Stream System, Sludge thickener water and
Sludge dewatering water from Water Supply and Treatment System is about 365m3/day, treated
within 8 hours, choose the Clarifier system output as 50 m3/h.
1×100 m3 Common Oily Wastewater Pond, treated within 8 hours, choose the DAF system
output as12.5 m3/h.

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144 m3 MMF and ACF backwash waste water, treated within 8 hours, choose the Backwash
Waste Water Transfer Pump I output as 20 m3/h.
The Estimated Mixed Effluent quantity in CMB is 226.5m3/h, hence the CMB Discharge Pump
capacity is selected as 250m3/h.
4.3.2 Ponds Capacity Selection

Ponds capacity is calculated in Table4.3.

Table4.3 Ponds capacity
No. Ponds Waste Water Source Waste Water Ponds Remark
Quantity(Max) capacity
1 Backwash Waste MMF and ACF 144m /once 250m3 MMF backwash
Water Sump I backwash waste Once per day, ACF
water backwash Once per
2 Backwash Waste SSF backwash waste 165.2m3/once 500m3 Standing time: ~3h
Water Sump II water from Side
Stream System
Sludge thickener
Sludge dewatering
3 Final pH Treated waste water 50m3/h 25m3 Standing time:
Correction Pit 30min
4 Treated Water Treated waste water 50m3/h 85m3 Standing time: 1.5h
Transfer Pond
5 CMB Estimated Mixed 431.8m3/h 1800m3 Standing time: ~4h
6 Common Oily Oily wastewater 38.4 m3/once 100m3 Standing time: ~2.6h
Wastewater Pond from plant area
4.4. Major equipment specifications

1) Reaction Tank
Spec. Reaction Tank

Equipment shape Vertical cylindrical container

Capacity (m /h) 50
Working pressure (MPa) Atmospheric pressure

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Design Temperature (℃) 50
retention time (min) 5~30
Material MSRL
2) Flocculation Tank
Spec. Flocculation Tank

Equipment shape Vertical cylindrical container

Capacity(m3/h) 50
Working pressure (MPa) Atmospheric pressure
Design Temperature (℃) 50
retention time (min) 20~30
Material MSRL
3) Inclined Plate Clarifier
Inclined Plate Clarifier

Equipment shape Stereoscopic square, cone bottom

Capacity (m3/h) 50
Working pressure (MPa) Atmospheric pressure

Design Temperature (℃) 50

Upflow velocity (m/h) 3

Surface load (m3/m2·h) 3~7

Dip angle (°) 60

Material Carbon Steel with solvent free epoxy coating

4) Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF)


Equipment shape Vertical cylindrical container

Capacity(m3/h) 50
Working pressure (MPa) Atmospheric pressure

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Design Temperature (℃) 50

Upflow velocity of contact room(mm/s) 10~20

retention time of contact room(min) 2

Downflow velocity of separation chamber(mm/s) 1.5~2.5

Material SS304

5) Pumps & Air Compressor

No. Name Specification Q’ty

1 Backwash Waste Water Transfer Pump I Q=20m3/h p=~0.20MPa 2

2 Backwash Waste Water Transfer Pump II Q=50m3/h p=~0.30MPa 2

Q=50m3/h p=~0.20MPa
3 Treated Water Transfer Pump 2
Wet Contact: 316
Q=10m3/h p=0.30MPa
4 Clarifier Sludge Transfer Pump 2
Wet Contact: 316

5 Common Oily Wastewater Pump Q=50m3/h p=0.20MPa 2

Q=250m3/h p=0.20MPa
6 CMB Discharge Pump 3
Wet Contact: 316

7 Air Compressor Q=0.4m3/min p=0.7~0.9MPa 1

8 Dissolved Air Pump Q=20m3/h p=0.65MPa 1

9 Roots Blower Q=13.3Nm3/min, p=60kPa 2

10 Dissolved Air Tank Q=20m3/h SS304 1

11 Air Storage Tank V=0.6m3 P=1.1MPa Carbon Steel 1

12 Oil Collector V=0.5m3 PE 1

6) Dosing Devices
No. Name Specification Q’ty
Q=2.2L/h p=~0.50MPa Wet
1 Acid Metering Pump(I) 2
Contact: PVC
Q=0.5L/h p=~0.50MPa Wet
2 Acid Metering Pump(II) 2
Contact: PVC

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No. Name Specification Q’ty
Q=0.5L/h p=~0.50MPa Wet
3 Acid Metering Pump(III) 2
Contact: PVC
Q=2.2L/h p=~0.50MPa Wet
4 Alkali Metering Pump(I) 2
Contact: PVC
Q=0.5L/h p=~0.50MPa Wet
5 Alkali Metering Pump(II) 2
Contact: PVC
Q=0.5L/h p=~0.50MPa Wet
6 Alkali Metering Pump(III) 2
Contact: PVC
7 Coagulant Solution Tank V=1.5m3, MSRL 2
Q=65 L/h p=~0.50MPa Wet
8 Coagulant Metering Pump(I) 2
Contact: PVC
Q=15L/h p=~0.50MPa Wet
9 Coagulant Metering Pump(II) 2
Contact: PVC
Coagulant Aid Preparation& Solution
10 V=0.5m3, MSRL 1
Q=65 L/h p=~0.50MPa Wet
11 Coagulant Aid Metering Pump(I) 2
Contact: PVC
Q=65 L/h p=~0.50MPa Wet
12 Coagulant Aid Metering Pump(II) 2
Contact: PVC

7) Ponds
No. Name Specification Q’ty Remark
1 Backwash Waste Water Sump I V=250m3 1

2 Backwash Waste Water Sump II V=500m3 1 Concrete

3 Common Oily Waste Water Pond V=100m3 1

4 Final pH Correction Pit V=25m3 1

Concrete, with solvent free
5 Treated Water Transfer Pond V=75m3 1 epoxy coating

6 CMB(with two compartments) V=1800m3 1


Common Waste Treatment System can be monitored and controlled in common WTP control
system, taking the equipment into service and initiation of sludge discharge of the Clarifier and
DAF can be started by operator through the workstations.

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Redundant Modbus TCP/IP communication and hardwired link will be considered between
WTP PLC and MarkVIe DCS to ensure the package monitoring, supervisory and operating
functions (PLC ON/OFF/Disturbed) will be realized both in Chemical electronic room and Central
control room.
All kinds pumps are provided considering redundancy, redundant pump could be changeover
to operation automatically. All wastewater transfer pumps will start when the corresponding
pond/sump liquid level is high, and will stop when the liquid level is low. And automatic
mechanical (interlocked by outlet pressure/flow) and electrical changeover (interlocked when
Electrical fault happen from MCC) to be considered for each pump groups, level transmitter service
for each sump/pond and pressure/flow transmitter service for each kind of Pump are shown as
following table.
Discharge Pressure
Sump/pond Pumps Level transmitter transmitter/flow
Backwash Waste Water Backwash Waste Water Transfer Pump I
00GND12CL001 00GND20CP001
Sump I 00GND21AP001 and 00GND22AP001
Backwash Waste Water Backwash Waste Water Transfer Pump II
00GND11CL001 00GND31CF001
Transfer Sump II 00GND11AP001and 00GND12AP001
Common Oily Waste Common Oily Wastewater Pump
00GND61CL001 00GND71CF001
Water Pond 00GND61AP001and 00GND62AP001
Treated Water Transfer Treated Water Transfer Pump
00GND41CL001 00GND40CP001
Pond 00GND41AP001 and 00GND42AP001

CMB(with two CMB Discharge Pump 00GND51CL001

compartments) 00GND51~3AP001

5.1. Backwash waste water

After backwash waste water from Side Stream System, Sludge Thickener overflow and Sludge
Dewatering water from Water Supply and Treatment System is discharged to Backwash Waste
Water Sump II (00GND11BB001), Roots Blower (00GND91~2AN001) can be interlocked with
Transfer Pump Operation in auto.
Acid-Alkali blender (00GND31AM001) is installed at inlet pipe of Reaction Tank
(00GND31BB001), pH Analyzer (00GND31CQ001) is proposition to adjust dosing amount of
acid/alkali if pH is out of range.

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There is coagulant dosing point in the tank too. There is coagulant aid dosing point in the
Flocculation Tank (00GND32BB001). There is an agitator for mixture of wastewater and chemicals
in Reaction Tank (00GND31BB001) and Flocculation Tank (00GND32BB001).
The effluent from Flocculation Tank (00GND32BB001) flows into Inclined Plate Clarifier
(00GND33BB001), inclined plate installed inside the Inclined Plate Clarifier (00GND33BB001) for
increasing the subsidence area of suspended solid and reducing the hydraulic radius, slowing water
turbulence, so as to improve precipitation effect.
Sludge of Inclined Plate Clarifier (00GND33BB001) will be discharged periodically. Sludge
drain Valve (00GND33AA003) and Flushing Valve (00GND33AA002 and 00GND33AA004) are
installed at sludge outlet pipe. The sludge from Inclined Plate Clarifier (00GND33BB001) will be
discharged to Sludge Basin of Water Supply and Treatment Plant by Clarifier Sludge Pump
(00GNS11~2AP001). Flushing frequency can be adjusted as per the actual operation situation.

5.1.1. Dosing metering pumps

All of the dosing metering pumps are provided with VFD, their dosage are based on the
System design flow, and can be adjusted with remote stroke frequency by WTP PLC.
The Coagulation and Coagulation Aid metering pumps will continuously in operation when
WWTP system is on;
The Acid and Alkali metering pumps will be energized by the PH Analyzer in Reaction Tank
(00GND33CQ001) and Final PH Correction pond (00GND41CQ001).
5.2. Oily Wastewater
Oily waste water is collected to Common Oily Waste Water Pond (00GND61BB001) and then
transfer by pumps (00GND61~2AP001) to the DAF (Dissolved Air Flotation) System for oily waste
DAF System consists of Dissolved Air Pump (00GND81AP001), Air Compressor
(00GND81AN001), Dissolved Air Tank (00GND81BB001) and Dissolved Air Flotation
(00GND71BB001). The working principle is that under a certain conditions, large amount of air is
dissolved in the water by air compressor and reaches the state of super saturation. Then the gas
release device will reduced the internal pressure rapidly and accelerate the generation of bubbles. In
the contact room of Dissolved Air Flotation (00GND71BB001), air escapes from the water in the
form of micro bubbles, and the bubbles adhere to the impurity floc, causing the floc bubble to be
lighter than the water, and thus floats the flocs to the water by buoyancy, and the solid and liquid
separation can be obtained. At the top of the DAF, special mud slag collecting trough and slag
scraper are set up, and the floating mud slag is scraped into the sludge through a slag scraper, and

CHINA ENERGY ENGINEERING GROUP ZHEJIANG Identification number Rev. Date Lang. Sheet
ELECTRIC POWER DESIGN INSTITUTE CO.,LTD. 33-F10581C-H-07 K 2021-02-09 en 15 / 19
the sludge will be directly discharged to Sludge Basin located in Water Supply and Treatment Plant
by gravity. The clear water will be transferred to the Final pH Correction Pit ((00GND41BB001)) to
adjust pH (00GND41CQ001).
Online Oil Content Meter (00GND71CQ001) is set at outlet of DAF, if the effluent oil content
is less than the 10mg/L the treated Oily Wastewater will be flow to Final pH Correction Pit, if the
effluent oil content is more than the 10mg/L the treated Oily Wastewater will be back to Common
Oily Wastewater Pond for next cycle.
Magnetic flow meter (00GND40CF001) and online Turbidity Meter (00GND40CQ001) are
provided at Treated Water Transfer Pump (00GND41AP001~2) discharge header. When the
effluent turbidity is less than 50NTU (adjust as per actual operation situation) the treated water will
be pumped to CMB. If the effluent turbidity is more than 50NTU (adjust as per actual operation)
they shall be return to Backwash Waste Water Sump II (00GND11BB001) for treatment again.
5.3. CMB Discharge

A CMB is provided with total combined capacity of 1800 m3 in two chambers. Cooling Tower
Blowdown, Treated Sewage, treat Neutralized water from DM Plant and treated process waste shall
be collected to CMB for mixing, storing, monitoring pH, Turbidity, Conductivity, Temperature and
calculating the flux. The Conductivity of Neutralized water is out of discharge limits after treated,
however the Neutralized water quantity is only 0.03% of the Mixed Effluent in CMB. The pH,
Turbidity, Conductivity, Temperature of Mixed Effluent in CMB are qualified after mixing, then
Mixed Effluent in CMB will be finally discharged from the plant.
Online pH (00GND50CQ003), Conductivity (00GND50CQ001), Turbidity (00GND50CQ002),
Temperature meter (00GND50CT001), Flow meter with flow totalizer (00GND50CF001), Residual
Chlorine (00GND50CQ004) will be provided. If the residual chlorine is out of the limitation, the
pneumatic valve (00GND50AA002) to Outfall will be shut down and the pneumatic valve
(00GND50AA005) of recirculation line to CMB will be open automatically. If one of the monitor
data except temperature and residual chlorine is out of the limitation, the pneumatic valve
(00GND50AA002) to Outfall will be shut down and the pneumatic valve (00GND50AA001) of
recirculation line to Backwash Wastewater Sump II (00GND11BB001) will be open automatically.
Then the CMB inlet water pumps will shut down automatically, operator shall check the all kinds of
inlet water quality and CMB water quality accordingly. For example, if pH/ Conductivity are out of
limitation, Neutralizing System may be in problem, if Turbidity is out of limitation, Cooling Water
System blow down may be in problem, and maybe just the online meters are in malfunction, etc.
Operator could check these systems accordingly, furthermore, the water in CMB might be

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ELECTRIC POWER DESIGN INSTITUTE CO.,LTD. 33-F10581C-H-07 K 2021-02-09 en 16 / 19
discharged to outfall directly in most cases if the malfunction is fixed or shut down. There are two
kinds operation type of the two CMB chambers: 1) one working one standby, 2) two chambers work
together, when working together two chambers maintain at medium-low water level. The two
operation type of CMB will guarantee normal operation the system. When the CMB inlet water is
shut down, the water in the CMB can be discharged from one chamber into another, then 500m3 of
the water in the CMB might be discharged to the Backwash Wastewater Sump II (00GND11BB001)
once to be treated according to the system mentioned in Clause No 3.4, and the above process repeat
2-3times, all the unqualified water could be treated.

Considering the effluent differential discharge temperature shall no more than 3 deg C of the
river as per contract. The quench water is provided in CMB during some hot days. The provision of
effluent recirculation to CMB while the temperature is over the 3 deg C of the river shall be taken.
The outlet water of CMB is only recirculated to the CMB itself in case of temperature exceeds the
alloable limit and the quench water shall supply to CMB based on interlock operations (regulating
Based on the complex condition of the CMB discharging malfunction, the CMB shall be
operated below medium water level.
6.1 For the purpose of space control Backwash waste water Sumps are arranged at DM Plant
6.2 All chemical dosing system used for wastewater treatment system such as acid, alkali,
flocculant and coagulation aid are arranged together at DM Plant for space control.
6.3 All elevation shall be as per system hydraulic requirement.
6.4 Common Waste water System and Oily Wastewater system are arranged at Common
Wastewater Area.

7.1. Backwash Waste Water Sump I
(1)Backwash waste water from DM plant
7.2. Backwash Waste Water Sump II
(1) Backwash water from Side Stream System.
(2) Sludge Thickener overflow from Water Supply and Treatment System.
(3) Sludge Dewatering water from Water Supply and Treatment System.
7.3. Common Oily Waste Water Pond
(1) Oil waste water from Power Plant Area.

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ELECTRIC POWER DESIGN INSTITUTE CO.,LTD. 33-F10581C-H-07 K 2021-02-09 en 17 / 19
7.4. CMB
(1) Cooling Tower Blow down from the CW/ACW discharge head pipe.
(2) Neutralized waste water from DM Plant.
(3) Treated Sewage from Sewage Treatment Plant.
(4) CMB effluent to Outfall.
(5) CMB effluent for gardening.
7.5. Others
(1) Sludge of Inclined Plate Clarifier to Sludge Basin in Water Supply and Treatment System.
(2) Sludge of DAF to Sludge Basin in Water Supply and Treatment System.
(3) Acid/alkali from acid and alkali storage tanks of DM Plant.
(4) Acid/alkali of Acid/Alkali Metering Pump to Neutralizing Water Pond of DM Plant
(5) Instrument compressed air from DM Plant.
(6) Service Air from Roots Blower of DM Plant.
(7) Service / Potable Water from Water Supply and Treatment Plant.

Pressure transmitter (00GND20CP001, 00GND50CP001) at Backwash Waste Water Transfer
Pump outlet header and CMB Discharge Pump outlet header.
Pressure transmitter (00GND90CP001) at Roots Blowers outlet header
Level transmitter (00GND11CL001, 00GND12CL001, 00GND41CL001, 00GND51CL001,
00GND51CL002, 00GND61CL001) for each sump/pit/basin.
Level transmitter (00GNQ31CL001,00GNQ32CL001) for each Coagulation Solution Tank.
Level transmitter (00GNQ51CL001) for Coagulation Aid Preparation & Solution Tank.
Level transmitter (00GNQ51CL002) for Coagulation Aid Storage Box.
Magnetic Flow transmitter (00GND31CF001, 00GND40CF001, 00GND71CF001) at Reaction
Tank inlet, Treated Water Transfer Pump outlet header Common Oily Waste water Pump outlet
Flow transmitter with flow totalizer (00GND50CF001) at CMB Discharge Pump outlet header.
Online pH Analyzer (00GND31CQ001, 00GND33CQ001, 00GND41CQ001,
00GND50CQ003) at Reaction Tank, at Clarifier outlet, at Final pH Correction Pit and CMB
Discharge Pump outlet header.
Online Turbidity Analyzer (00GND40CQ001, 00GND50CQ002) at Treated Water Transfer
Pump outlet header and CMB Discharge Pump outlet header.

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Online Conductivity Analyzer (00GND50CQ001) at CMB Discharge Pump outlet header.
Online Residual Chlorine (00GND50CQ004) at CMB Discharge Pump outlet header.
Online Oil Content Analyzer (00GND71CQ001) at DAF outlet.
Flow Transmitter (00GND81CF001) with flow totalizer at Dissolved Air Pump outlet.
Notes: Field Instrumentation is provided in the system, for details refer P&ID / Instrument List.

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