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The delegation Representes by

Of Chile Doménica Arcos

The Economic and Social Council on the topic Ensuring a Sustainable Use of the Oceans
In an increasingly interconnected world populations are confronted with a shared urgency: the
challenges associated with the unsustainable use of the oceans, ranging from pollution to overfishing.
The issue of ensuring a sustainable use of the oceans emerges as a critical concern that demands
immediate attention from the international community.
Chile, as a member committed to the principles of sustainability and conservation,
acknowledges the vital importance of the oceans in preserving the global environmental balance and
the economic well-being of nations and reaffirms its commitment to collaborate with fellow Member
States of the committee to address the challenges and opportunities related to ocean sustainability. From
the Chilean delegation, there is a firm belief that only through collective action and effective
collaboration can a sustainable future for the oceans and their invaluable ecosystems be secured and
expresses gratitude for the opportunity to address this topic and eagerly anticipates fruitful discussions
and cooperative efforts in safeguarding the shared maritime heritage.
Ensuring a Sustainable Use of the Oceans
The geopolitical and economic significance of bodies of water is determined by factors such as
transit frequency and the extent of exploitation. The economies of coastal states, including Chile, are
largely structured based on the resources and geography of their territorial seas.
Oceans play an integral role in poverty eradication. In the case of Chile, a country with an
extensive coastline and a significant dependence on marine resources, sustainable employment
opportunities have been created, particularly in fishing and aquaculture, which are key sectors of the
Chilean economy. According to 2019 data, over three billion people depend on marine and coastal
resources for their livelihoods. Furthermore, oceans are critical for global food security and human
health, regulating the climate worldwide and harboring marine biodiversity facing significant threats.
For this reason, the Chilean government has implemented policies and regulations to promote
sustainable fishing and aquaculture, as well as the protection of marine ecosystems. It has established
marine protected areas (MPAs) to conserve biodiversity and protect critical marine habitats. These
MPAs help safeguard vulnerable species and ecosystems, contributing to the overall health of the
oceans. Additionally, measures have been implemented to prevent overfishing and illegal fishing.
And to effectively continue tackling the challenges presented, Chile proposes:
- Promotion of Circular Economy in the Fishing Industry: Encouraging the reduction, reuse, and
recycling of waste generated by fishing and aquaculture. This may include promoting more
efficient fish processing practices, developing products derived from fishery by-products, and
implementing suitable waste management systems.

- Promotion of Research and Technology: Investing in scientific research and technology to

enhance understanding of marine ecosystems and develop innovative solutions to address
environmental challenges.

- Restoration and Protection of Coastal Habitats: Implementing projects for the restoration of
mangroves, coral reefs, and seagrasses, which are key ecosystems for marine biodiversity and
coastal protection. Additionally, establishing exclusion zones or restrictions on activities that
may harm these sensitive habitats.

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