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Underline verbs in the following sentences and indicate the tense of each:
1. The cow gives us milk. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2. The tiger killed the rabbit. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3. The army ran after the terrorists. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
4. She will come here on Monday. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
5. He worked hard. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
6. The donkey carried the luggage. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
7. He is coming from college. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
8. Rahul was going to Mumbai yesterday. --------------------------------------------------------------
9. They will be playing a cricket match. -----------------------------------------------------------------

B. Change the following sentences into Past Tense:

1. The hot wind blows. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2. She lives with his family. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3. He writes badly. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
4. My cousin wants toast. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
5. The peacock sits on the tree. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
6. Priya looks sad. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
7. They play a cricket match. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
8. He dances. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

C. Fill in the blanks with the Past Continuous form of the verb given in brackets:
1. He ____________ for Mumbai today. (Leave)
2. She ___________ her time. (Save)
3. The Principal ____________ accounts. (Teach)
4. They ____________ breakfast together. (Take)
D. Fill in the blanks with the Present Perfect Form of the verb given in brackets:
1. We __________ the match. (win)
2. My brother __________ home. (return)
3. They __________ down the tree. (cut)
5. The girl __________ great courage. (show)

E. Transform the following present continuous sentences into past continuous sentences:
Present Continuous—————-Past Continuous
1. The peon rings the bell. ________________________
2. Peacock is dancing. ________________________
3. He is cutting hair. ________________________
4. Dogs are barking. ________________________
5. Birds are flying. ________________________
6. They are playing cricket. ________________________
7. He is sitting inside. ________________________
8. I am waiting for him.
F. Identify different parts of speech (noun=N, verb=V, adjective=adj, pronoun=Pron,
preposition=Prep) in the following sentences:
1. The teacher teaches his students.
2. Cats run after rats.
3. John is an honest man.
4. I sent a letter to my mother.
5. Armish is a pretty girl.
6. I will take some milk for breakfast.
7. Bake me a cake as fast as you can.

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