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A. Background of the problem

Language is a communication tool that has an important role in

human life. By using language, one can express their thoughts and desires.

As an international language used in several countries, English is very

important to make someone successful in mastering science and

technology, therefore every level of school requires learning English.

Although Indonesian students have studied English for six to twelve years

or more, they still cannot be considered as good English speakers, because

there must be some reasons that cause their failure in mastering English,

especially in pronouncing English vowels. The failure comes from the

difficulty in learning a foreign language caused by the target of learning

English and the difference between mother tongues. It makes the students

make so many mistakes in pronouncing English vowels. But they don't

care about it. And sometimes they don't know what the native speakers are

saying. So the students have difficulty in pronouncing words correctly.

In fact, the learners face some difficulties in pronunciation when

they encounter new sounds in the target language. Many mistakes are

made by the students especially to produce English vowels and English

consonants in English. For example, when students encounter words that

they do not find in their native language such as: /ei, /ai/, /au/, /uə/, /eə/,

/iə/, /ɔ:/, /u:/, /ɔə/, /u:/, /ɔi/ in their native language. Pronunciation refers to

the way we produce the sounds we use to make meaning when speaking

(Yates & Zielinski, 2014). Pollard, (2008) defined pronunciation is an

essential aspect of learning to speak a foreign language. It can be believed

that pronunciation is the use of sound that is used to create meaning.

Pronunciation is very important in communication it is because

communicating requires understanding between the speaker and the

listener. Even with good vocabulary and grammar, pronunciation mistakes

can lead to misunderstanding between the speaker and the listener. But if

the pronunciation is not clear, communication will not go well.

This research will be based on the theory put forward by Brown,

(2000) states that there are six factors affecting pronunciation, native

language, age, exposure, innate phonetic ability, identity and language

ego, motivation, and concern for good pronunciation. These six factors are

probably the learners' most influential influence on pronunciation. Based

on these factors, it can open teachers' minds to understand students'

thinking to improve pronunciation because teachers can help students

towards these factors.

English learning at SMP N 4 Gunung Talang has the main subject

matter that must be learned by students, one of which is the linguistic

elements attached to the modul ajar. In the elements of language, there are

several points that must be achieved by students, namely pronunciation,

word stress, intonation, spelling, punctuation, and handwriting. In English


learning, language elements such as grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation,

and spelling are taught to support the development of the four language

skills. Therefore, upon graduation, students are expected to have basic

reading, listening, speaking and writing skills through themes selected

based on the developmental level and interests of the students, and an

appropriate level of vocabulary and grammar.

Based on the researcher's preliminary research on 28-29 November

2023 conducted at SMP N 4 Gunung Talang through interviews with

teachers and students, interviews with teachers also reinforced this

research confirming that the pronunciation of class VIII students is still

low. In conducting preliminary research, the researcher indicated that

students' pronunciation skills were low, as seen from the results of the

speaking test where there were aspects of the students' pronunciation

assessment that were low (see appendix).

Students’ pronounce English sentences the way they read

Indonesian sentences it is because English is not their first language, and

students at the junior high school level will not often deepen English

lessons, because there is only one English learning meeting a week. In

addition, the writing in English pronunciation will not be exactly the same

when we read sentences in Indonesian. Moreover, English is not a

language that must be used in everyday life so they find it difficult to

pronounce it correctly.

In the performance of taking pronunciation scores, students still

often make mistakes in pronunciation such as hesitation in pronouncing

shyness while taking pronunciation scores, this was revealed by Tismarni

as an English teacher in an interview. The teacher stated that because of

their mother tongue, students have been accustomed to their mother

tongue since childhood, because students in the school environment are

more likely to use Indonesian mixed with local language (minang).

The next problem that researchers found in conducting preliminary

research is that students are not interested in learning English subjects

because they have difficulty in learning foreign languages. Students also

feel shy to perform in front of the class in reciting English texts because

they are afraid that when they are wrong in reciting, their friends will

laugh at them. In addition, when learning there are still some students who

do not pay attention when the teacher explains the material in front of the

class, this results in the researcher's prediction that they consider English

subjects not important to them.

Related to the preliminary research that the researcher has done, it

is indicated that there were student problems in learning English, one of

which was in speaking, especially pronunciation carried out by students.

Preliminary research data can be concluded that there are indications of

several problems that researchers found, including the low value of student

pronunciation that researchers got from the subject teacher. Furthermore

students pronounce English sentences according to what is written, mother


tongue affects students' pronunciation, students do not pay good attention

during English lessons because students are not interested in learning

foreign languages. From the description above, the researcher wants to

conduct research with the title: “Analysis of Factors affecting Students’

Pronunciation in the Eighth Grade of Junior High school 4 Gunung


B. Problem of The Research

Based on the preliminary research conducted in SMP N 4 Gunung

Talang, researcher found several problems that listed below:

1. Students' low pronunciation scores.

2. Students’ pronouncing the sentences as written.

3. Mother tongue affects students' pronunciation

4. Students’ do not pay attention.

C. Limitation of The Problem

Based on the background of the problem, the research limits the

scope of the problems dealing with the most dominant factor and root

causes of the most dominant factor affecting students’ pronunciation at

VIII grade SMP N 4 Gunung Talang.

D. Formulation of The Problem

Based on the limitation of the problem above, the problem that will

be investigated is formulated into the following question bellow:

1. What are the most dominant factor affecting students’ pronunciations?


2. What are the root causes of the most dominant factor affecting

students’ pronunciation?

E. Purpose of the Research

The purpose of the research is:

1. To find out what are the most dominant factors affecting students’


2. To find out what are the root causes of the most dominant factor

affecting students’ pronunciation.

F. Significant of the Research

The significances of the study can be used for:

1. For researcher, as the requirement to obtain the Sttrata 1 Degree on

English teaching specialization in UIN Sjech M.Djamil Djambek


2. For the readers, it can give useful information and enrich reader

knowledge about factor affecting students’ pronunciation.

3. For the lecturer, it can give information about factor affecting

students’ pronunciation.

4. For the other researcher, it can give information and this study can

be guidance for the other researcher who will researches factor

affecting students’ pronunciation in the future.

G. Definition of key terms

1. Analysis

Analysis is the process of define a subject its various parts

and reviewing the parts themselves, as well as the relationship

between parts to obtain a proper understanding and understanding

of the overall meaning.

2. Pronunciation

Pronunciation is the action or result of speech sounds,

including articulation, emphasis, intonation, and is usually related

to the correctness of Standard English itself. Pronunciation is the

pronunciation of a language.

3. Factors Affecting Students’ Pronunciation

Factors are things or circumstances that affect something

and cause a problem. In this case, it means the factors that affect

students' pronunciation. Factors affect students' pronunciation in

learning English includes mother tongue, age, motivation, exposure

to the target language, teacher techniques in delivering the material

and others.



A. Review of Related Theories

1. The Nature of Pronunciation

a. Definition of Pronunciation

Pronunciation refers to the way a person pronounces

sentence in a language. Pronunciation involves the use of

voice, intonation, emphasis, rhythm, and vowel patterns in the

utterance of words. Pronunciation focuses on the phonetic and

phonological aspects of language. Phonetics is the study of the

sounds produced when speaking, while phonology studies how

those sounds are organized and affect meaning in a particular

language. Pronunciation is important in verbal communication,

as it affects the understanding and harmony between the

speaker and the listener. When pronunciation is inaccurate or

difficult to understand, the intended message can be distorted

or lost.

Pronunciation has been defined in many ways by

different expert, depending on how they view of pronunciation

their own perspective. According to (Yates & Zielinski, 2014)

Pronunciation is an integral part of any language performance

and always happens in combination with other language skills.


Therefore, practicing pronunciation should be integrated into

the teaching and practice of speaking skills in general.

Pronunciation should also be proactive, which means it focuses

on actively teaching what to do, not what not to do and being


According to (Muhammed & Taha, 2014)

Pronunciation is the production of sounds to create meaning.

Pronunciation is also defined as a philosophy of

communication and has always emphasized that intelligible

pronunciation is the cause of meaningful conversation. English

pronunciation is defined as important skill ability, even so it is

still difficult to master it is one of the most difficult skills for

English as a Foreign Language.

According to (Gilakjani et al., 2016) pronunciation is

the way of pronouncing the sounds that are used to make

meaning when speakers speak. It involves consonants and

vowels of a language (segments), features of speech beyond the

levels of the individuals segments, like stress, timing, rhythm,

intonation, phrasing (suprasegmentally features), and how the

voice is described (voice quality). On the other hand, according

to the Oxford Dictionary, pronunciation is the manner in which

a language or a specific word or sound is spoken.

Pronunciation also reflects a person's social, regional and


cultural identity. Every language has its own rules and

variations in pronunciation, and differences in pronunciation

can indicate a person's language or regional background.

From some of the opinions of the three experts above, it

can be interpreted that in learning English pronunciation is an

important part of oral communication that emphasizes sound,

stress, pattern, and intonation. That is why good and precise

pronunciation is very important and must be considered in oral

communication. By improving pronunciation, one can improve

communication ability, message clarity, and integration in the

target language speaking community. Words can be

pronounced in many different ways, and depend on many

factors, such as: where they grew up, ethnicity, and social class,

education, and speech disorders.

b. The Importance of Pronunciation

Pronunciation has an important role in speaking

English. It is also in line with the importance of pronunciation

for every speaker to speak with the right pronunciation. Many

beginning speakers or learners miss out on paying attention to

their pronunciation, because most of them think that

pronunciation is less important than grammar and vocabulary,

but in fact it is very important. According to (Kobilova, 2022)

Accurate pronunciation is an important part of the English


language, even if someone's grammar is perfect but when they

have errors in pronunciation a good communication will not be

realized. The importance of pronunciation in a conversation

gives a person more confidence when speaking in front of a

crowd or communicating with an interlocutor. In addition, the

importance of pronunciation can also facilitate good

communication, concluding that pronunciation must be

emphasized properly and accurately for effective


The importance of pronunciation is also recognized as

an essential component of communicative competence

(Morley, 1995). According to (Kasimov, n.d.) States that

Pronunciation plays an important role in speaking English to

express our ideas. English is not everyone's mother tongue and

therefore the pronunciation of Indian English speakers is

different from native speakers. Some English speakers catch

our attention with their good command of English. It is their

pronunciation that leaves an impact on us as listeners. It is an

important part of any speaker to speak with proper

pronunciation. Since we are not native English speakers, there

is a very serious issue regarding the English pronunciation of

Indian speakers. English is a widespread language. Due to the

variety of English spoken in different parts of the world, there


is no purity of pronunciation. Therefore, we often encounter

pronunciation and mispronunciation. However, no matter how

common the wrong pronunciation is, one should always

endeavor to get the correct pronunciation.

On the other hand (Srakaew, 2021) stated that

pronunciation is very important as it is the main source of

understanding. If students cannot pronounce the correct

version of a word, then they cannot communicate correctly.

Teaching pronunciation helps students to have a better

understanding of native speakers and improves their ability to

communicate easily and effectively. Pronunciation should be

viewed as more than just the correct production of each sound

or word. Pronunciation should be viewed as an important part

of communication that is incorporated into classroom

activities. Teachers can encourage their students to monitor

their own pronunciation and practice their speaking skills as

much as possible inside and outside the classroom.

Understandable pronunciation is an important component of

communicative competence. With this in mind, teachers

should set achievable goals that are applicable and appropriate

to students' communication needs. Pronunciation teaching

should lead to intelligible pronunciation and teachers can


actively encourage their students' actual production, building

pronunciation awareness and practice.

Based on the definitions of some of these experts, it can

be concluded that having good pronunciation can provide

many benefits to language learners, including increased

confidence, better listening comprehension, and the ability to

build relationships with native speakers. Although improving

pronunciation takes time and practice, it is an important

component of language learning and should not be overlooked.

Pronunciation can affect our ability to be understood by others.

If we have a thick accent or mispronounce a word, native

speakers may find it difficult to understand us. This can be

frustrating for both parties and can hinder our ability to build

relationships with native speakers, which is why it is said that

pronunciation is important when one is learning anything about

the English language, especially in speaking.

c. Features of Pronunciation

A wide definition of pronunciation includes both supra

segmental and segmental features. According to (Kelly, 2008)

In English there are several features of pronunciation as the


a) Segmental features

Segmental features is all the consonant and

vowel phonemes are segmental features (Lok Raj

Sharma, 2021). The segmental features are consonant,

vowels, and diphthongs. English vowels are divided

into two kinds of vowels, long vowel and short vowel.

Long vowel consist of /i:/, /ə:/,/a:/, /ʊ:/, /ο:/, while short

vowel consist of /i/,/e/,/ӕ/,/ə/,/˄/u/,/o/.

Besides the two kinds of vowels above, there are

also diphthongs. According to Cambridge dictionary,

diphthong is a vowel sound in which the tongue

changes position to produce the sound of two vowels.

There are eight English diphthongs,


Consonant are speech sounds that are made

when the speaker stops or blocks the airflow in the

pronunciation of a vowel. In pronunciation, consonants

are divided into voiceless and voiced. When

pronouncing silent letters, the body does not vibrate,

whereas when pronouncing voiced letters, the tongue

lips and teeth will vibrate.

b) Supra-segmental features

Supra-segmental features relate to sounds at a

macro level. Advances in research have developed

descriptions of supra-segmental features of speech that

span the entire range of language (prosody). Supra-

segmental features have distinctive roles in a language

to distinguish meanings, moods and senses of

utterances. In supra-segmental features there are several

parts such as: linking, intonation, and word tress.

According to (Elmahdy, 2001) A segmental feature is

defined to be a distinctive feature that is produced in every word

containing a particular phonological segment. Specifically absent

from the proposed definition is any concept of synchronous

production. A segmental feature may begin long before the primary

articulation of its associated phonological segment, and/or end long

after. Segmental features are one of the main features of

pronunciation, and these features consist of words, phrases, and

sentences. Word is a small meaningful unit, and a phrase is a group

of words. Simultaneously, a sentence is a group of clauses,

stressing, and intonation influences the way someone communities

ideas in order the message will quickly transfer and avoid


Nicodemus states that supra-segmental is the main feature

of pronunciation, students should master this central feature,


making them good in pronunciation if they master these main

features (Nicodemus, 2022). Supra-segmental there is two aspects

of pronunciation, namely stress and intonation.

1) Intonation

Intonation refers to the way the voice goes up and own in

pitch when people are speaking. Oxford Dictionary

explains that intonation is the rise and fall of the voice in

speaking. , intonation is the linguistic use of pitch in

discourse. It is linguistic in the sense that it carries


2) Stress

Stress is the relative emphasis on syllables in a word or

specific words in a phrase or sentence. When a word in

English consists of more than one syllable, the syllables

will receive a higher degree of prominence or stress. If the

word has stressed, it will be longer and have a higher

pitch, which means that stressed syllables appear at a

roughly steady tempo, whereas non-stressed syllables are


On the other hand according to Ramelan 1985:22 in (Betty

et al., 2018) said that when learning English, a language learner

find two kinds of features they are:


a) The segmental system of English includes vowels and

consonants. This classification is based on their different

functions in an utterance and their mode of production.

b) Supra-segmental features are like the style used in words

or sentences. There are four kinds of supra segmental

features, they are stress, pitch and intonation, pause and


From the explanation above, it can be concluded that there

are some features that must be considered in pronunciation.

Divided into two characteristics, namely segmental characteristics

and supra segmental characteristics. Segmental are separate sounds

such as vowel and consonant sounds. Segmental features, which

refer to sound units arranged in sequence, or about consonants and

vowels. Supra segmental features are features such as stress,

rhythm and intonation. Supra-segmental features refer to stress,

pitch, length and intonation, and other features that always

accompany segmental production.

B. Factors Affect in pronunciation

Brown,(2000) there are six factors that can affect pronunciation,


1) Native Language

This factor will influence the students if they learn new language.

Some languages that become the native language of students do not


have certain phoneme like what English has this gives problem to

pronounce some words.

2) Age

The beginners will speak and speak and sound like native speaker

when they learn the languages. While for people who already learnt

it, they will just focus on maintain a foreign accent.

3) Exposure

A person who spends a lot of time abroad does not mean that they

can speak well. In order to get more exposure depending on how

much time he needs, pronunciation improvement should be

prioritized so that students can have good pronunciation.

4) Innate phonetic ability

People can easily learn a language because they are used to hearing

the language when they are young. Some people may know phonetic

codes that others do not.

5) Identity and language ego

Attitude turns out to be the influence of the speaker in the target

language and understanding the language ego to recognize the

speaker. Students need to be reminded of the importance of a

positive attitude towards the person speaking, but more importantly

students need to be aware of and not be afraid of their identity which

is not their first identity (the English language).


6) Motivation and concern for good pronunciation

Some learners think that pronunciation is not important, but others

think it is. Motivation will support them to have good pronunciation.

Kosasih (2017) in her research states that the factors faced by the

students were most affected by their native language (Indonesian

language). That the factors that affect students' pronunciation accuracy

are mother tongue interference, phonological awareness, pronunciation

instruction, corrective feedback, and most importantly the response

students give to achieve their goals. Differences in terms of segmental

and supra-segmental features between Indonesian and English languages

affect the students in learning English pronunciation.

On the other hand, (Gilakjani et al., 2020) motivation,

pronunciation instruction, learners’ social identity, error correction,

native language, age, exposure, and attitude were some factors that had

considerable effects on learners’ pronunciation learning. Learners should

have high interest and sufficient motivation in learning pronunciation.

High motivation of learners arises from their interest in learning

pronunciation. The findings of this study reveal that the majority of

Iranian EFL learners have sufficient motivation to learn pronunciation.

This finding is supported by Gilakjani, Leong, and Sabouri's (2012)

research which says that there is a relationship between motivation and

pronunciation. That is, motivation identifies the development of native-

like pronunciation. This finding is also supported by Moyer (2007) and


Gilakjani (2012) who indicated that high motivation towards language

can develop native-like pronunciation.

From these three expert opinions, it can be concluded that there

are several factors that affect students’ pronunciation including native

language, age, exposure, innate phonetic ability, identity language and

ego, motivation, attitude and error correction. From the various

explanations of the experts above, the researcher will use the theory put

forward by Brown (2000) which is adapted from (Kenworthy, 1987).

B. Review of Related studies

To support this research, the researcher funds some previous studies

that relate to this research. The first, was conducted by (Kosasih, 2021) on his

study with entitle “Factors affecting Indonesian students in learning English

pronunciation”. The purpose of this study is to identification factors

influencing the students pronunciation accuracy were native language

interference, phonological awareness, pronunciation instruction, corrective

feedback and the most important of all was the respond students gave to

achieve their goal. This research was used a mixed method to gather the data,

the researcher used quantitative method by using a questioner to identify the

factors and qualitative method by using observation, records and note-taking

to identify problem students have in learning pronunciation. The findings in

this research is there’s a factor that affect the students in learning

pronunciation were motivation, native language interference, phonological,


awareness, exposure to the language , pronunciation instructions and

corrective feedback.

The second, was conducted by ( Gilakjani et al., 2020) on their study

with entitled “A survey study of factors influencing Iranian EFL learners’

English pronunciation learning”. This research was quantitative method and

the researcher used a questionnaire as the instrument of this study. To collect

the data, researcher was analyzed via using frequency and percentage. The

finding on this research indicated that factors such as pronunciation

instruction, attitude, motivation and error correction respectively were the

most important factor that has the greatest effects on Iranian learners’

pronunciation improvement.

The last was conducted by (Khan, 2021) on her study with entitled “A

Descriptive study: factor affecting the pronunciation of English language

(L2)”. The purpose of this research is to explore the factors which affect the

pronunciation of English language learners. This research was qualitative and

descriptive in nature. To support the arguments presented in this study, the

researcher sought help from primary, personal observation and empirical

studies, as well as secondary sources of research articles, journals, and

reviews. The result of this study is the researcher classifies the factor that

affects pronunciation into two types, namely internal factors and external

factors. Internal factors include age, brain, aptitude, learner type, and goals.

External factors include first language interference, motivation, teacher type

and teaching methodology, classroom environment, and institutional


variables, in addition the researcher also provides some suggestions for

pronunciation teaching in the English classroom.

From the previous studies above, there are similarities and differences

in this study. The similarity of this study with previous studies discusses the

factors that affect student pronunciation. Whereas in this study the researcher

will focus on the more dominant factor affecting student pronunciation and

will also find out more about teaching problems why the dominant factor

affects student pronunciation. In this study, it also uses the object of this

research site, the school under study is a Sekolah Penggerak that has used the

Kurikulum Merdeka, and from various aspects assessed by the teacher, there

is a pronunciation assessment.

C. Conceptual Framework

In this research, the researcher makes a concept of the research as



Six factors affect pronunciation

(Brown, 2000):
Native language
Innate phonetic ability
Identity and language ego
Motivation and concern for
good pronunciation.



A. Design of the Research

This study aims to analyze the most dominant factor affect

students’ pronunciation and what is the root cause of the most dominant

factor affecting students' pronunciation in the eighth grade of SMP N 4

Gunung Talang. According to Creswell, using mixed method employs

both quantitative and qualitative study strength (Creswell, 2009). To

combine and integrate the various data sets to be collected analyzed, the

method of sequential explanatory design are use. This study consist of

quantitative stages, each of which was completed separately before

combining the quantitative and qualitative findings for a more

comprehensive understanding of the research questions. The results of

both quantitative and qualitative phases are combined in a single mixed

method research.

B. Population and Sample

a. Population

Population is all the data that concern us in a scope time

that we specify. Population is defined as a generalized area

consisting of objects / subjects that have certain qualities and

characteristics that are determined by the researcher to be studied

and then drawn conclusions (Sugiyono, 2013). Population is all

data that is of concern to the researcher where from all the data can

be done general assurance (generalization) of the results obtained

from the study. This opinion is one of the references in this

research and the population in this study is eighth grade students at

SMP N 4 Gunung Talang. The population is described in the

following table:

Table 3.1: Table of Population

No Class Population
1. VIII a 29
2. VIII b 31
3. VIII c 30
4. VIII d 29
Total 119
(Source: English Teacher SMPN 4 Gunung Talang)

b. Sample

A sample is a small group of population. Sugiyono (2013)

stated that sample is a part of the number and characteristic that

exist in the population. It can be concluded that a sample is a part

of the population that is considered representative of the population

because it has the same characteristics or characteristics. The

sample of this research is taken by using cluster sampling, one of

kind probability sampling. Cluster sampling is appropriate when it

is considered that there are variations in each group, but between

groups are relatively the same. To determine the number of

samples in this study, researcher uses the recommendations from

Suharsimi Arikunto, if the research subject is more than 100, then


the researcher can take a sample between 10-25% of the existing

population (Firdaus, 2021). With a population of 119 people, the

authors took 25% of the population. Then the sample is obtained as


×119=29 , 75 rounded ¿ 30 sample .

So, the sample that will represent the population of class

VIII is 30 students. In order for the sampling per class to be evenly

distributed according to the number of students per class,

researcher uses the following proportional random sampling.

Proportional sampling is sampling that takes into consideration the

elements or categories in the population (Sugiyono, 2017).

Formula to obtain the number of samples for each class.

total student per class

Sample per class = × sample ¿ ¿
total sample

VIII. A = × 30=7

VIII. B = × 30=7

VIII. C = × 30=8

VIII.D = × 30=8

Then the sample per class can be seen in the following table:

Table 3.3 Sample each class

No Class Total students Sample

1. VIII. A 29 7
2. VIII. B 29 7
3. VIII. C 30 8
4. VIII.D 31 8
Total 119 30
In sampling, the author used a lottery. The researcher will

draw the names of students according to the number of samples for

each class. The student's name that comes out will be the sample,

representing his/her class.

C. Instrumentation

1. Type of instrument

Instrument is one of important to conduct a research,

because it is to collect the data. According to Arikunto Research

instruments are tools for research in collecting data (Arikunto,

2006). This research obtained data from two types of instruments,

they are questionnaire and interview.

a. Questionnaire

Questionnaire in this research is to get data

quantitative. According to (Roopa, n.d.) A questionnaire is

the main means of collecting quantitative primary data.


Questionnaires allow quantitative data to be collected in a

standardized way so that the data is consistent and coherent

for analysis. In this study, researchers use a closed

questionnaire (structured questionnaire). According to

(Siyoto, 2015) Closed questionnaire is a form of

questionnaire in which the answer choices have been

provided so that the respondent only needs to select them.

Questionnaire in this research were written in Indonesian

language to make students easy to understand and answer

the questionnaire. Therefore, the researcher use theory from

(Brown, 2000) about factors affecting students

pronunciation as indicators to made questionnaire.

Table 3.2 Assessment Instrument Grid

No Indicators Item Number

1. Native language 1,2,3
2. Age 4
3. Exposure 5,6,7,8
4. Innate phonetic ability 9,10,11
5. Identity language ego 12,13,14,15,16
6. Motivation and concern for good 17,18,19,20
Total 20
Brown. (2000). Teaching by Principles An In teractive

Approach to Language Pedagogy second edition (second

(2)). Longman.

The researcher uses a Likert Scale checklist with

intervals of 1-4. According to (Sugiyono, 2013) Likert scale


is a scale used to measure the attitudes, opinions, and

perceptions of a person or group of people. Alternative

choices on the questionnaire refer to the attitude scale

proposed by Likert (Johnson & Christensen, 2016) with the

modification of removing the "neutral" option so that it

becomes four alternative answer choices, namely "strongly

agree", "agree", "disagree", and "strongly disagree".

The elimination of the "neutral" option in the

answer choices was done with the following considerations:

(a) the choice can lead to ambiguity in the data and indicate

indecision in deciding on the choice, (b) the existence of an

alternative, (c) a scale with four alternative answer choices

aims to allow researchers to see respondents' tendencies

(towards agreeing or disagreeing). The use of this

questionnaire aims to determine the dominant factors affect

students’ pronunciation, were there are positive and

negative statements.

Table 3.8 Scoring Guidelines

Answers Score
Strongly agree 4
Agree 3
Disagree 2
Strongly disagree 1

b. Interview

According to (Gay, n.d. 2012) An interview is a

targeted dialogue in which one person receives information

from another person. In addition (Gay et al., 2012) said

that There are three kinds interview which can be seen as:

first Structured Interviews, unstructured interview, semi-

structured interview.

In this research, the interview was used as a tool to

answer the second question in the research, namely the root

cause of the most dominant factor in students'

pronunciation. Researcher used semi-structured interview,

with open-ended question to answer question number two.

2. Instrument test

The research instrument test is intended to test the validity

and reliability of the question items. The research instrument test

can be carried out on prospective respondents.

a. Validity Instrument

An instrument that is valid or valid has high validity

(Arikunnto, 2005). To measure the validity of a

questionnaire, it is necessary to conduct a validity test.

Validity means that the instrument can be used to measure

what is actually measured. Data collection tools must be


trialed first. The test was tested on respondents outside the

sample. The purpose of carrying out the content validity of

an instrument is so that researchers know the extent to

which the contents of an instrument can reflect the entire

content of the content being measured. Usually content

validity is determined by the expert judgement method,

namely reviewing the items contained in the instrument by

experts (scientific experts) on the content of the material

(Idrus, 2009).

In this study, researcher will ask for help from 3

experts who are lecturers at UIN Sjech M. Djamil


b. Reliability
An instrument is said to be reliable if the

measurements are consistent and carefully accurate. If the

instrument reliability test is carried out with the aim of

knowing the consistency and instrument as a measuring

tool so that the measurement can be trusted. Measurement

results can be trusted only if there is several times the

implementation of measurements on a homogeneous group

of subjects with relatively the same results, as long as the

measured aspects of the subject have not changed.

The reliability test uses the Cronbach's Alpha

formula with the help of SPSS. The Cronbach Alpha


technique is used to determine whether a research

instrument is reliable or not, if the respondent's answer is in

the form of a scale. With the following formula:

[ ][ ]
k Σσ
r 1− 2 t
( k−1 ) σt


r : instrument reliability coefficient (Cronbach alpha)

k : number of statement items

Σ σt : Total variant items

σt : Total variant

D. Technique of The Data Collection

In this research, the methods for obtaining the required data are as


1. Questionnaire

In this study the questionnaire were written using

Indonesian language so that students could easily understand

and answer the questionnaire. There are several steps in

collecting factor affect students’ pronunciation:

1) Distribute the questionnaire.

2) The respondents fill the questionnaire.

3) Researcher gathers the questionnaire.


4) The researcher calculates the questionnaire’s data.

2. Interview
1) The researcher met the teacher at school to ask for

permission to conduct interviews.

2) With the permission given, the researcher arranged the

right time with the teacher to conduct the interview.

3) The researcher prepared interview questions that would

be asked to the students.

4) During the interview, the researcher recorded all the

answers that the teacher conveyed using an audio

recorder from a cellphone.

5) After the interview with the students complete, the

researcher analyzed the student’s answers, and other

things conveyed by the students in the interview by

listening to the voice recording and making important


E. Technique of Data Analysis

There are two data that will be analyzed in this study, namely data

quantitative for questionnaire and qualitative for interview.

1) Questionnaire
The data analysis technique in this study is the

percentage of alternative answers of respondents. To get the

percentage of the questionnaire, the researchers used a formula


as proposed by (Sugiyono, 2008):

1. Calculating the percentage:

P= ×100 %

P: Percentage

f: Frequency

N: Number of Respondent

100: Constant Number

The calculation of this descriptive percentage as


1) Correcting the questionnaire answers from respondents.

2) Calculating the frequency of respondent's answers.

3) The overall number of respondents is 30.

4) Insert into the formula.

5) Interpret the result with the table below:

Table 3.10 Interpretation Criteria Percentage

No Score Percentage Criteria

1. 20%-36% Very Low / Worse
2. 36,01%-52% Low / Bad
3. 52.01%-68% Highly Sufficient / Fair
4. 69%-84% High / Good
5. 84,01%-100% Very High / Very Good
(Sarlin, 2018)

2) Interview

There are 4 forms of data analysis in this research used

in case study research, namely as follows (Rizal et al., 2018) :

1. Data collection

In data collection, the first task is that all data collected

and obtained in the field and that data can be understood and

analyzed. The words and actions of people observed through

interviews checklists are the main data sources for this


2. Data reduction

The second is the reduction process this process selects

and selects data that is relevant to the research. Interview

checklists are arranged and grouped based on research

questions. This is done so that the data obtained can be more

easily understood and managed.

3. Display data

The third is data display, namely the results of data

reduction which are reported systematically and can be

understood and make sense from the data obtained in this

research. The researcher presents the data using the following

steps: the researcher presents the interview data checklist in the

form of narrative text related to the data being analyzed.

4. Data conclusion

The final step is concluding, this process will make

conclusions from all the data obtained so that they are clear and

can be understood by the reader. This process is carried out by

compiling data findings based on the results of interviews, and

reinforced with related theories. For the final step, the

researcher concluded by checking the data again, after the data




This chapter described the findings and discussions related to the research

questions presented in chapter I. Based on the research questions, this chapter

contained two main points: (1) Find out what are the most dominant factors

affecting students’ pronunciation. (2) The root causes of the most dominant factor

affecting students’ pronunciation. The data collected via questionnaire and

interview the students were used to answer the research questions.

A. Findings

1. Data Description

The data of this research was collected through questionnaire and

interviews. Furthermore, all the data was calculated to answer the research

questions. The research findings are analyzed carefully and precisely to

provide a relevant interpretation and reference. The process covers two

sections: the most dominant factor affecting students' pronunciation, and

the root causes of the most dominant factor affecting students’


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