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Date: 04/03/2024 Day: MONDAY Training Week: 1

Morning Session:
- Reporting Duty: Arrived at HeiTech Padu Berhad's HR department for induction.
- HR Orientation: Received induction morning covering company policies and procedures.
- Facility Tour: Accompanied by HR management for a comprehensive tour of the premises.
- Administrative Tasks:
- Creation of Identification: Provided necessary documentation for ID creation.
- Access Card Setup: Received access card for secure entry.
- Laptop Configuration: Delivered laptop to DMS department for antivirus installation and network

Break Time:
- Lunch Break: Took lunch break followed by prayer session.

Afternoon Session:
- Departmental Assignment: Assigned to Level 2 department of HeiTech Defence System Sdn
- Introduction to Supervisor: Met with Encik Azli, who serves as my supervisor.
- Workspace Introduction: Shown to my designated desk within the department.
- Team Introduction: Introduced to team members by Encik Azli.
- Department Briefing:
- Overview: Encik Azli provided an overview of the department's function and responsibilities.
- System Overview: Briefed on the systems utilized within the department.
- Department Hierarchy: Explained the organizational structure and hierarchy of the department.

Today marked the commencement of my internship journey at HeiTech Padu Berhad. It began with
administrative tasks and induction procedures, followed by an insightful introduction to my assigned
department. Encik Azli's briefing provided valuable insights into the department's operations and its role
within the organization. Looking forward to gaining hands-on experience and contributing to the team's

Date: 05/03/2024 Day: TUESDAY Training Week: 1


Task Assignment:
I was assigned two tasks aimed at enhancing my technical knowledge and understanding of software

Installation of Windows 10
Understanding Microsoft Accounts and their differences from local accounts.

Task 1: Installation of Windows 10:

I delved into the process of installing Windows 10, which involved booting the system from a USB drive
containing the installation files. Through this hands-on experience, I gained insights into the intricacies of
the installation process, including partitioning the disk, selecting installation options, and configuring settings
such as language preferences and user accounts. Additionally, I learned about the significance of USB
ports and their varying speeds, distinguishing between USB 3.0 (Blue), USB 2.0 (Black), and USB 1.0
(White), which is crucial for optimizing data transfer rates during installation.

Task 2: Understanding Microsoft Accounts:

I embarked on an exploration of Microsoft Accounts, delving into their functionalities and disparities
compared to local accounts. Through research and guided study, I comprehended that a Microsoft Account
is an online account provided by Microsoft, enabling access to a range of services such as Outlook,
OneDrive, and the Microsoft Store. The key difference between a Microsoft Account and a local account
lies in their scope of access and synchronization capabilities. While a local account is restricted to the
specific device it is created on, a Microsoft Account allows for seamless synchronization of settings,
preferences, and data across multiple devices, facilitating a more integrated user experience.

Throughout the task assignments, I also expanded my knowledge on various technical concepts, including
processor specifications, domain networks, and proxy settings, which are integral aspects of system
configuration and network connectivity. Overall, today's tasks provided me with valuable hands-on
experience and theoretical understanding, enhancing my proficiency in system installation procedures and
software account management within a professional setting.

Date: 06/03/2024 Day: WEDNESDAY Training Week: 1


Task 1: Explanation of Programming Tools and Languages Learned in University:

During my tenure at university, I had the opportunity to delve into various programming languages and tools
across multiple semesters, enriching my technical skills and knowledge. In Semester 1, I embarked on the
journey of problem-solving by learning the fundamentals of the C language, utilizing platforms such as
Code::Blocks and for coding exercises. This provided me with a solid foundation in algorithmic
thinking and programming logic. In Semester 2, I further honed my skills in C language through the subject
of Programming Techniques, where I developed the MyTNB Calculator Billing System using Code::Blocks
and Additionally, I delved into database systems, mastering MySQL for efficient data management.
Moving forward, Semester 3 introduced me to Object-Oriented Programming principles through Java,
utilizing NetBeans as the primary development tool. Moreover, I explored Human-Computer Interaction
concepts, creating prototypes with tools like Framer, Figma, and Adobe XD. In Semester 4, I delved into
Web Engineering, mastering HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP, employing tools like Atom and Notepad++
for web development projects. Semester 5 focused on Software Testing, where I leveraged Java in Visual
Studio Code alongside GitHub for version control and collaborative development. Semester 6 broadened
my horizons in Software Engineering Practices, where I applied Java within the Laravel framework and
explored mobile app development with Flutter. Concurrently, I engaged in Software Project Management,
employing prototyping tools like Framer, Figma, and Adobe XD for effective project visualization. Lastly,
Semester 7 provided insights into Software Quality Assurance through WordPress utilization and Integrated
Business Processing using Fiori.

Task 2: Study of C#:

In alignment with my internship objectives, I dedicated time to study C# by leveraging various learning
resources such as YouTube videos and extensive research. C# is an object-oriented programming
language developed by Microsoft, renowned for its simplicity, versatility, and robustness. Through my study
sessions, I gained a comprehensive understanding of C#'s syntax, data types, control structures, and
object-oriented programming concepts.

Date: 07/03/2024 Day: THURSDAY Training Week: 1


Welcoming Ramadhan Celebration Party in HeiTech Defence Department

Today, within the confines of the HeiTech Defence Department, preparations were underway for the
upcoming Ramadan celebration party. The department buzzed with anticipation as team members
collaborated to plan and organize the event.

Breakfast and Lunch Gathering:

To strengthen team bonds and foster a sense of unity, a delightful breakfast and lunch gathering was hosted
exclusively for team members within the HeiTech Defence Department. The team gathered around shared
tables to enjoy delicious meals together, creating an atmosphere of camaraderie and mutual respect. These
shared moments provided an opportunity for team members to connect on a personal level, exchange
stories, and build lasting relationships.

As the day progressed, the department resonated with a palpable sense of excitement and unity, setting
the stage for a memorable Ramadhan celebration. This gathering not only nourished the body but also
enriched the spirit of collaboration and teamwork within the HeiTech Defence Department, laying a strong
foundation for future endeavors.

Recap of Previous Day's Tasks with Encik Azli:

Following the delightful breakfast and lunch gathering in the HeiTech Defence Department, Encik Azli, my
supervisor, took the opportunity to review and discuss the tasks assigned to me from the previous day. He
prompted a recap of my progress and learnings, emphasizing the importance of clear communication and
accountability in task management.

Discussion on C# and Previous Programming Languages:

Encik Azli then initiated a discussion on C#, the programming language I had been studying. As part of this
discussion, I provided a brief overview of the history of my previous learned programming languages, which
laid the foundation for my understanding of C#.

Date: 08/03/2024 Day: FRIDAY Training Week: 1


Today's learning sessions at HeiTech Defence Department began with a focus on practical tasks related to
computer storage and network configuration.

Partitioning for Storage:

I learned the process of partitioning storage on the PC assigned to me. This involved understanding the
concept of dividing the hard drive into separate sections or partitions to organize and manage data more
efficiently. Through hands-on guidance, I gained practical experience in creating partitions, allocating
storage space, and optimizing disk usage for improved performance.

Creating Shared Folder and Configuring Network Access:

Following the partitioning session, I delved into the creation of a shared folder and configuring network
settings to enable public access. This task aimed to facilitate seamless collaboration and file sharing within
the department. With guidance from Encik Azli, I learned to set up a shared folder on my PC and configure
network settings to allow Encik Azli to access my PC remotely from his own workstation. Additionally, we
configured permissions to ensure secure and controlled access to shared documents within the designated

Exploring Microsoft Visual C# 2010:

Following the break for Jumaat prayer, I proceeded to download and explore Microsoft Visual C# 2010, as
instructed by Encik Azli. This software serves as a development environment for creating C# applications,
providing a comprehensive suite of tools and features for software development.

Task Assignment for Next Week:

Encik Azli assigned several tasks for the upcoming week, laying out clear objectives for further exploration
and learning. These tasks are designed to enhance my understanding of C# programming and its practical
applications within the context of the HeiTech Defence Department.

Further Exploration of C#:

Encik Azli emphasized the importance of delving deeper into the study of C# and its various functionalities.
He encouraged me to explore the capabilities of C# within Microsoft Visual C# 2010, familiarizing myself
with its integrated development environment (IDE), syntax, data types, control structures, and object-
oriented programming concepts.

Weekly Summary for Week 1 (Date: 04/03/2024-08/03/2024)

Work experience details What did I learn? How does this relate to what
I already know?
1. Commenced with orientation and 1. Technical skills related to 1. The exploration of
induction activities, followed by software installation programming languages
administrative tasks and departmental (Windows 10), storage such as C#, Java, HTML,
briefing led by Encik Azli, my supervisor. partitioning, network CSS, and JavaScript aligns
configuration, and with my previous exposure
2. Learned about Windows 10 installation programming languages to programming concepts
and Microsoft account management. (C#). and development tools in
Explored the significance of USB ports university courses.
and network configurations. 2. Understanding of
organizational processes 2. Hands-on experiences with
3. Explored programming languages and protocols through software installation,
learned in university, particularly orientation and storage partitioning, and
focusing on C#. Also engaged in the departmental briefings. network configuration
preparation for the upcoming Ramadan expand upon my
celebration party and enjoyed a team 3. Collaboration and understanding of computer
breakfast and lunch gathering. teamwork through systems and networking
participation in team gained from coursework
4. Learned about storage partitioning, gatherings and and personal projects.
network configuration for shared folder preparation for the
access, and explored Microsoft Visual Ramadan celebration 3. Engagement in team
C# 2010. Discussed task assignments party. gatherings and project
for the upcoming week with Encik Azli. discussions fosters my
4. Time management and ability to collaborate
5. Continued exploration of Microsoft task prioritization through effectively and
Visual C# 2010 and received task task assignments and communicate with
assignments for further learning and project discussions with colleagues, reflecting the
practical application. Encik Azli. teamwork skills developed
through group projects and
extracurricular activities
during my university years.



Instruction to Supervisor:
Please refer to the relevant daily student report for assessments and comments.
Marking Scale: 1. Poor 2. Moderate 3. Average 4. Good 5. Excellent

Supervisor’s Signature : Supervisor’s Name & Official Stamp:

Date: 12/03/2024


Marks for Week 1 4

(To be completed on the last day of each training week)

Date: 11/03/2024 Day: MONDAY Training Week: 2


Today, on the first day of Week 2 of my internship at HeiTech Defence Department, I dedicated the
day to watching tutorial videos aimed at enhancing my understanding of C# programming.
Throughout the day, I diligently watched the following tutorial videos:

1. C#.Net Tutorial 1 - Introduction in C# 2010: This video provided an introductory overview

of the C# programming language, covering its history, features, and basic syntax.

2. C#.Net Tutorial 2 - Controls, Comments, Variables, and Data Types: Delving deeper into
C# programming, this tutorial covered essential concepts such as controls, comments,
variables, and data types, laying the foundation for practical application.

3. C#.Net Tutorial 3 - Buttons, Textboxes, and Arithmetic and Assignment Operators:

Expanding upon the basics, this tutorial explored the implementation of buttons and
textboxes in C# GUI development, along with arithmetic and assignment operators for data

4. C#.Net Tutorial 4 - If Statements and Comparison and Logical Operators: Focusing on

conditional statements, this tutorial introduced if statements and comparison and logical
operators, essential for implementing decision-making logic in C# programs.

5. C#.Net Tutorial 5 - Constants, Strings, and String Functions: Concluding the day's learning,
this tutorial covered the usage of constants, strings, and string functions in C#
programming, highlighting their significance in data manipulation and text processing

Date: 12/03/2024 Day: TUESDAY Training Week: 2


Today, I dedicated my time to furthering my understanding of C# programming through a series of

tutorial videos. Here's a breakdown of what I learned:

1. C#.Net Tutorial 6 - Formatting Numbers, Message Boxes, Focus, and the Switch: This tutorial
delved into formatting numbers, providing insights into presenting numerical data effectively
within applications. I learned about message boxes, their usage in displaying information to
users, and focusing on specific elements within a GUI. Exploring the switch statement
expanded my understanding of control flow mechanisms, facilitating efficient code
organization in decision-making processes.

2. C#.Net Tutorial 7 - GUI - List Boxes: This tutorial focused on GUI development, specifically
exploring list boxes. I gained insights into populating, manipulating, and interacting with list
boxes, crucial for designing intuitive user interfaces for managing lists of data.

3. C#.Net Tutorial 8 - Loops: The tutorial on loops provided a comprehensive understanding of

iterative programming. I explored different loop structures such as for, while, and do-while
loops, along with their practical applications in repetitive tasks.

4. C#.Net Tutorial 9 - Nesting, Exiting, and Continuing Loops, Quotes in Strings: This tutorial
covered advanced concepts in loop structures, including nesting, exiting, and continuing
loops. Additionally, I learned about handling quotes within strings, which is essential for text
processing and data formatting tasks.

Date: 13/03/2024 Day: WEDNESDAY Training Week: 2


Today marked another productive day of learning as I delved deeper into C# programming concepts
through tutorial videos. Here's a summary of what I covered:

1. C#.Net Tutorial 10 - Functions, Parameters, and Variable Scope: This tutorial provided a
comprehensive understanding of functions, parameters, and variable scope in C#. I learned
how to define and call functions, pass parameters, and manage variable scope within
functions, enhancing code modularity and readability.

2. C#.Net Tutorial 11 - Passing by Reference and Passing Functions as Parameters: Exploring

passing by reference and passing functions as parameters expanded my understanding of
function behavior and parameter passing mechanisms in C#. I gained insights into how
passing parameters affects function behavior and how functions can be dynamically passed
as arguments to other functions.

3. C#.Net Tutorial 12 - Static Variables and Multiple Forms: This tutorial focused on static
variables and their usage in maintaining state across multiple function calls and instances.
Additionally, I learned about creating and managing multiple forms in C# applications, enabling
the development of more complex user interfaces.

4. C#.Net Tutorial 13 - Arrays: The tutorial on arrays provided a foundational understanding of

array data structures in C#. I explored how to declare, initialize, and access elements of arrays,
as well as perform common array operations such as sorting and searching.

5. C#.Net Tutorial 14 - Arrays as Parameters and Multi-Dimensional Arrays: Building upon the
concepts of arrays, this tutorial covered passing arrays as parameters to functions and
working with multi-dimensional arrays. I learned how to manipulate arrays as function
arguments and how to represent and access data in multi-dimensional array structures.

6. C#.Net Tutorial 15 - Timers and Random Numbers: Finally, I explored the usage of timers and
random number generation in C# applications. Understanding timers allowed me to implement
time-based operations, while random number generation enabled the creation of applications
with unpredictable behavior.

Date: 14/03/2024 Day: THURSDAY Training Week: 2


Today was dedicated to advancing my understanding of object-oriented programming (OOP) concepts in

C# through a series of tutorial videos. Here's a summary of what I covered:

1. C#.Net Tutorial 16 - Enumerations: This tutorial provided insights into enumerations, a powerful
feature in C# for defining a set of named constants. I learned how to declare and utilize
enumerations to improve code readability and maintainability, especially in scenarios where a fixed
set of values is expected.

2. C#.Net Tutorial 17-1 - Classes and Object-Oriented Programming (Part 1): Delving into classes
and OOP principles, this tutorial laid the foundation for understanding the fundamental building
blocks of C# programming. I explored the concept of classes, their structure, properties, and
methods, and how they facilitate code organization and reusability.

3. C#.Net Tutorial 17-2 - Classes and Object-Oriented Programming (Part 2): Continuing from the
previous tutorial, this session deepened my understanding of classes by exploring concepts such
as constructors, access modifiers, and static members. I gained insights into encapsulation,
inheritance, and polymorphism, essential pillars of OOP, and their significance in software

4. C#.Net Tutorial 18 - Inheritance: This tutorial focused on inheritance, a key OOP concept that
allows classes to inherit properties and behaviors from other classes. I learned how to create
hierarchical relationships between classes, enabling code reuse and promoting a modular design

5. C#.Net Tutorial 19 - Structures: Finally, I explored structures, lightweight data types in C# that
encapsulate related variables. Understanding structures provided me with an alternative to classes
for representing data and facilitated efficient memory usage in certain scenarios.

Date: 15/03/2024 Day: FRIDAY Training Week: 2


Morning Activity: Program Bacaan Yassin & Ceramah Perdana

On Friday, March 15, 2024, I participated in the Program Bacaan Yassin & Ceramah Perdana
organized by the company. The event took place from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm, providing an opportunity
for spiritual reflection and community bonding.

Continuation of Task:

Following the morning program, I resumed my task of watching tutorial videos on C#.Net. I completed
the remaining four videos:

1. C#.Net Tutorial 20 - Properties: This tutorial provided insights into properties, which are
member variables of a class with additional functionality. I learned how to define properties,
set access modifiers, and implement getters and setters to control access to class fields.

2. C#.Net Tutorial 21 - Files - Opening and Saving: Delving into file handling, this session
covered the basics of opening and saving files in C# applications. I gained practical knowledge
on how to work with file streams, read from and write to files, and handle exceptions during
file operations.

3. C#.Net Tutorial 22 - Introduction to the Graphical User Interface: This tutorial provided an
introduction to GUI development in C# applications. I learned about the different components
of a GUI, including forms, controls, and event handling, and how to create a basic user
interface using Visual Studio.

4. C#.Net Tutorial 23 - GUI - Dates, Track Bars, and Menu Strips: Continuing from the previous
tutorial, this session explored more advanced GUI components such as date pickers, track
bars, and menu strips. I gained insights into how to implement these components in C#
applications to enhance user experience and functionality.

Weekly Summary for Week 2 (Date: 11/03/2024-15/03/2024)

Work experience details What did I learn? How does this relate to what
I already know?
During Week 2 of my internship at HeiTech Throughout Week 2, I The knowledge and skills gained
Defence Department, I engaged in an gained a comprehensive during Week 2 build upon the
intensive learning experience focused on C# understanding of C# foundation established in my
programming. Each day was dedicated to programming language university education and previous
watching tutorial videos covering various and its various features experiences:
aspects of C# programming language and its and functionalities.
practical applications. Specifically, I learned: 1. My familiarity with
1. I covered introductory topics such as 1. Fundamental programming concepts from
controls, comments, variables, data concepts such as university courses provided a
types, buttons, textboxes, and arithmetic data types, strong foundation for
operators. variables, understanding C# syntax and
2. Progressing further, I learned about operators, and control structures.
formatting numbers, message boxes, control structures. 2. Previous exposure to object-
switches, GUI list boxes, loops, and string 2. Advanced topics oriented programming
manipulations. including functions, languages such as Java
3. Delving into more advanced concepts, I arrays, object- enabled me to grasp
explored functions, parameters, variable oriented advanced concepts like
scope, passing by reference, static programming classes, objects, and
variables, multiple forms, arrays, and principles, and file inheritance in C# more
timers. handling. effectively.
4. I continued with topics such as 3. Practical skills in 3. Experience in web
enumerations, classes, object-oriented GUI development, development and software
programming (OOP), inheritance, and string manipulation, engineering practices allowed
structures. and working with me to appreciate the practical
5. Participated in a morning spiritual different data applications of C# in GUI
program followed by the completion of the structures and types development and file handling,
remaining tutorial videos covering in C#. enhancing my ability to create
properties, file handling, and graphical functional and user-friendly
user interface (GUI) components. applications.



Instruction to Supervisor:
Please refer to the relevant daily student report for assessments and comments.
Marking Scale: 1. Poor 2. Moderate 3. Average 4. Good 5. Excellent

Supervisor’s Signature : Supervisor’s Name & Official Stamp:

Date: 19/03/2024

Successfully completed training for transition to C# programming language.

Marks for Week 2 5

(To be completed on the last day of each training week)

Date: 18/03/2024 Day: MONDAY Training Week: 3 _


Review Session and Planning:

Encik Azli and I commenced the day with a quick review session, where we revisited the logbook
entries from the previous week. Encik Azli provided valuable feedback and requested some
corrections to be made before signing off on the logbook.

Following the review, Encik Azli tasked me with creating a Gantt chart to serve as a schedule for
drafting and executing tasks related to application development throughout my internship. With
Encik Azli's guidance, I meticulously planned out the tasks and their durations, ensuring a
structured approach to project management and task prioritization.

Recap of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) and Documentation:

Encik Azli emphasized the importance of understanding the Software Development Life Cycle
(SDLC) and the documentation required at each phase. To facilitate this, I provided a brief recap
of the SDLC stages, including planning, analysis, design, implementation, testing, deployment,
and maintenance.

Exploration of Documentation:

Encik Azli instructed me to explore and recap the types of documentation typically produced
during software development, focusing on Software Requirement Specifications (SRS) and
Software Design Document (SDD). I revisited my previous knowledge and experiences, recalling
the essential components and purposes of each document type.

Date: 19/03/2024 Day: TUESDAY Training Week: 3 _


Task Assignment:

I was assigned the task of developing a Workstation Management Console application. Encik Azli
assigned me to develop this system, underscoring the significance of meticulous planning and
documentation in the software development process.

Software Requirement Specification (SRS) Document:

As the first step in this project, I was tasked with drafting the Software Requirement Specification
(SRS) document. Encik Azli provided me with detailed requirements for the workstation
management console app, encompassing functionalities, user roles, security measures, and
performance expectations.

Requirement Gathering and Interpretation:

I gathered all the requirements provided by Encik Azli and meticulously interpreted them to
translate into comprehensive documentation.

Documentation Process:

With a clear understanding of the project requirements, I began the process of crafting the SRS
document. Moving forward, I continue refining the SRS document, ensuring accuracy,
completeness, and alignment with the project objectives.

Date: 20/03/2024 Day: WEDNESDAY Training Week: 3 _


Continuation of Software Requirement Specification (SRS) Document:

Today I am furthering the development of the Software Requirement Specification (SRS) document
for the Workstation Management Console application. I focused on detailing the requirements with
a particular emphasis on use case diagrams and descriptions by module existing in the system.

Use Case Diagrams:

I began by creating comprehensive use case diagrams to visually represent the interactions
between users and the system. These diagrams served as a tool for illustrating the various
functionalities of the application and the roles of different user types. Each use case diagram
provided a clear depiction of the system's behavior, and the actions users can perform within the

Use Case Description by Module:

I proceeded to outline detailed use case descriptions for each module existing in the system. This
involved breaking down the functionalities into discrete actions and scenarios, elucidating the steps
involved in each use case. By meticulously documenting the use cases, I aimed to provide a
thorough understanding of the system's behavior and functionality from the perspective of end-

Date: 21/03/2024 Day: THURSDAY Training Week: 3 _


Commencement of UI Design:

Today marked the initiation of the User Interface (UI) design phase for the Workstation
Management Console project. Leveraging Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 and C# WinForms, I began
crafting the visual elements and layout of the application's interface.

User Interface Design Process:

I commenced the UI design process by conceptualizing the layout and components required to
fulfill the functionalities outlined in the Software Requirement Specification (SRS) document.
Drawing inspiration from the use case diagrams and descriptions, I visualized the user interactions
and system workflows to inform the design decisions.

Visual Elements and Components:

Using WinForms controls and components, I started implementing the various elements of the user
interface, including buttons, textboxes, labels, dropdown menus, and grids. Each element was
strategically placed and styled to enhance usability and aesthetic appeal while ensuring alignment
with the project requirements.

Date: 22/03/2024 Day: FRIDAY Training Week: 3 _


Continuation of UI Design:

Today, I continued the UI design process for the Workstation Management Console application,
building upon the progress made yesterday. Additionally, Encik Azli provided valuable guidance on
system workflows, database integration, and module connectivity, which informed the ongoing
design efforts.

Integration with Microsoft Visual Studio:

In alignment with Encik Azli's guidance, I transitioned the UI design process to Microsoft Visual
Studio, leveraging its integrated development environment (IDE) capabilities to streamline the design
and development workflow.

Designing in Microsoft Visual:

Within Microsoft Visual, I commenced designing the application's screens and interfaces, utilizing its
rich set of tools and features to create dynamic and responsive layouts. Leveraging the native UI
design features of Microsoft Visual, I aimed to create an interface that not only aligns with the project
requirements but also enhances user experience and productivity.

Aligning with System Workflows:

Throughout the design process, I kept Encik Azli's insights on system workflows and module
connectivity at the forefront, ensuring that the UI design seamlessly aligns with the underlying
functionality of the application. By incorporating these considerations into the design, I aimed to
create an intuitive and user-centric interface that enhances productivity and usability.

Weekly Summary for Week 3 (Date: 18/03/2024-22/03/2024)

Work experience What did I learn? How does this relate to what
details I already know?
 Week 3 of the Software Requirement Specification  Building upon existing knowledge in
internship at (SRS) Document: software development
 Learned the importance of
HeiTech Defence methodologies and programming
meticulous requirement
Department was gathering and documentation in languages, I deepened my
primarily focused software development. understanding of the SDLC process
 Gained experience in
on advancing the and its practical application through
translating project requirements
development of the into a comprehensive SRS tasks such as drafting the SRS
Workstation document, including use case document.
diagrams and detailed use
Management  Leveraging prior experience in UI
case descriptions.
Console User Interface (UI) Design: design and frontend development, I
application.  Explored UI design principles applied design principles and
 Tasks undertaken and techniques to create an techniques to create user-friendly
intuitive and visually appealing
included drafting interfaces while integrating new tools
the Software  Leveraged WinForms in like Microsoft Visual for enhanced
Requirement Microsoft Visual for UI design, efficiency and productivity.
ensuring alignment with
Specification (SRS)  Collaboration and communication
system workflows and
document, requirements. skills honed in previous experiences
continuing the UI Collaboration and Communication: were instrumental in effectively
design process,  Practiced effective
engaging with supervisors and
communication and
and transitioning to collaboration with Encik Azli to stakeholders, facilitating the
design within seek feedback and validation exchange of ideas and feedback for
Microsoft Visual. on continuous improvement in project



Instruction to Supervisor:
Please refer to the relevant daily student report for assessments and comments.
Marking Scale: 1. Poor 2. Moderate 3. Average 4. Good 5. Excellent

Supervisor’s Signature : Supervisor’s Name & Official Stamp:

Date: 25/03/2024


Marks for Week 3 5

(To be completed on the last day of each training week)

Date: 25/03/2024 Day: MONDAY Training Week: 4 _


Medical Leave - Diarrhea


Date: 26/03/2024 Day: TUESDAY Training Week: 4 _


Medical Leave - Diarrhea


Date: 27/03/2024 Day: WEDNESDAY Training Week: 4 _


Medical Leave - Diarrhea


Date: 28/03/2024 Day: THURSDAY Training Week: 4 _




Date: 29/03/2024 Day: FRIDAY Training Week: 4 _


Medical Leave – High Fever


Weekly Summary for Week 4 (Date: 25/03/2024-29/03/2024)

Work experience What did I learn? How does this relate to what
details I already know?
- - -



Instruction to Supervisor:
Please refer to the relevant daily student report for assessments and comments.
Marking Scale: 1. Poor 2. Moderate 3. Average 4. Good 5. Excellent

Supervisor’s Signature : Supervisor’s Name & Official Stamp:



Marks for Week 4

(To be completed on the last day of each training week)

Date: 01/04/2024 Day: MONDAY Training Week: 5 _


 Continued designing the main page of the Workstation Management Console using
Microsoft Visual C# 2010.
 Explored additional design functionalities and tools within the software to enhance the
layout and usability of the main page.
 Applied panel and flow panel into the WMC in order to comply with requirements to
ensure the layout of the system can be adaptive in any screen resolution and the size
can be adaptable with changes either manually or automatically by the user’s personal
computer. This is to ensure that the user’s experience meet the expectations.

Date: 02/04/2024 Day: TUESDAY Training Week: 5 _


 Continued designing the main page of the Workstation Management Console using
Microsoft Visual C# 2010.

Date: 03/04/2024 Day: WEDNESDAY Training Week: 5 _


 Morning session I joined Majlis Khatam Al-Quran 1445H/2024.

 Continued designing the next page which connected to the main page of the Workstation
Management Console which is add new workstation page, edit workstation info and
delete workstations.

Date: 04/04/2024 Day: THURSDAY Training Week: 5 _


 Continued designing the other pages of the Workstation Management Console using
Microsoft Visual C# 2010 which is add new workstation page.

Date: 05/04/2024 Day: FRIDAY Training Week: 5_


 Continued designing the other pages of the Workstation Management Console using
Microsoft Visual C# 2010 which edit workstation info page.

Weekly Summary for Week 5 (Date: 01/04/2024-05/04/2024)

Work experience What did I learn? How does this relate to what
details I already know?

 Throughout  Designing User Interfaces: I learned to  The experiences gained

Week 5, I design user interfaces using Microsoft during Week 5 build upon my
primarily Visual C# 2010, exploring additional existing knowledge in
focused on the tools for layout enhancement. software development,
design and  Panel and FlowLayoutPanel Usage: particularly in user interface
development of Understanding how to use panel and design, control arrangement,
the main page flow panel controls enriched my and page navigation.
and additional understanding of container management  These skills are essential for
pages for the in UI design. creating functional and user-
Workstation  Page Design and Navigation: friendly software applications,
Management Designing connected pages like and the hands-on practice in
Console (WMC) add/edit/delete workstations pages Microsoft Visual C# 2010 and
using Microsoft deepened my understanding of page further enhances my
Visual C# 2010. flow in applications. proficiency in these areas.



Instruction to Supervisor:
Please refer to the relevant daily student report for assessments and comments.
Marking Scale: 1. Poor 2. Moderate 3. Average 4. Good 5. Excellent

Supervisor’s Signature : Supervisor’s Name & Official Stamp:

Date: 05/04/2024


Marks for Week 5 5

(To be completed on the last day of each training week)

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