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Gilgit Baltistan Mcqs

Gilgit Baltistan Mcqs for NTS PMS FPSC Test Preparation.

Second Highest mountain of the world K-2 is located in __________?

A. Gilgit Baltistan
D. Kashmir

Who was the first Governor of Gilgit Balitistan?

A. Begum Shama Kaira

B. Qamar-u-Zaman Kaira
C. Wazir Baig
D. Pir Karam Shah

Who was the first Women Governor of Gilgit Balitistan?

A. Begum Shama Khalid

B. Qamar-u-Zaman Kaira
C. Wazir Baig
D. Pir Karam Shah

Who is the first Chief Minister of Gilgit Balitistan?

A. Syed Mehdi Shah

B. Qamar-u-Zaman Kaira
C. Wazir Baig
D. Pir Karam Shah

Which valley is known as “Roof of the world”?

A. Chitral
B. Chilas
C. Skardu
D. Baltistan

Baltistan is called _________ ?

A. Little Tibet
B. Paradise
C. Beauty of Earth
D. Land of Fairies
Which Pakistani area is sandwiched between China and Indian-held Kashmir?

A. Astor
B. Baltistan
C. Chitral
D. Kalash

The capital of Gilgit Baltistan is __________ ?

A. Pamir
B. Baltistan
C. Hunza
D. Gilgit

Polo game originated from __________ ?

A. Gilgit Baltistan
B. Iran
D. Subcontinent

In summer season polo tournaments are held in ________ ?

A. Gilgit Baltistan
B. Sindh
C. Punjab
D. None of them

Mountains and Glaciers

Oldest mountains of the world are present in india and youngest mountain of the world are
present in ?

A. Pakistan
B. China
C. India
D. Burma

Which is the Highest peak of Pakistan ?

A. Broad Peak
B. Sia kingri Peak
C. K-2
D. Kilik Peak

K-2 peak is the _________ Highest peak of the World ?

A. First
B. Second
C. Third
D. Fourth

K-2 is Also Known As _______________ ?

A. Godwin Austin
B. Broad Peak
C. Roshan Peak
D. Sia Kingri

Which is the youngest mountain range on the earth ?

A. Hindu kush
B. Korakoram
C. Himalayas
D. Alps

K-2 is present in which mountains range ?

A. Pamir
B. Hindu kush
C. Karakoram
D. Himalayas

Nanga Parbat is the part of ?

A. Hindu Kush
B. Karakoram
C. Pamir
D. Himalayas

Which Range is called Roof of the World ?

A. Karakoram
B. Hindu kush Range
C. Pamir Plataau
D. Himalayas Range

Name of range which separates China from Pakistan ?

A. Hindu Kush
B. Pamir
C. Himalayas
D. Karakoram
Name the range which separates Pakistan from Afghanistan?

A. Hindu Kush
B. Himalayas
C. Pmir
D. Karakoram

Nanga Parbat is ranked as the __________ highest mountain peak of the world ?

A. 10th
B. 8th
C. 5th
D. 9th

The height of Nanga Parbat is ____________ ?

A. 8,125m
B. 7,521m
C. 6,125m
D. 9,500m

How many peaks above 8,000 meters are found in Pakistan ?

A. 7
B. 5
C. 9
D. 3

The length of Siachen Glacier is ___________ ?

A. 60km
B. 75km
C. 50km
D. 80km

The length of Baltur Glacier is ____________ ?

A. 58km
B. 62km
C. 65km
D. 70km

Baltura Glacier is located in _____________ ?

A. Punjab
B. Gilgit Baltistan
C. Sindh

What is the height of Siachin Glacier ?

A. 20,000 feet
B. 23,000 feet
C. 25,000 feet
D. 27,000 feet

Identify the second highest Glacier of the world ?

A. Baltora Glacier
B. Batura Glacier
C. Siachin Glacier
D. None of them

What is the Height of Tirichmir peak ?

A. 7690 meters
B. 7350 meters
C. 7870 meters
D. 7140 meters

The Salt range is situated between rivers soan and _____________?

A. Chenab
B. Jhelum
C. Kabul
D. Huro

The height of Nanga parbat peak is ?

A. 8016 meters
B. 8126 meters
C. 8086 meters
D. 9901 meters

The height of Himalaya range increases as it moves from ?

A. South to North
B. East to West
C. North to South
D. West to East

Which of the following mountain peaks is called Killer Mountain ?

A. Nanga Parbat
B. Godwin Austin
C. Broad Peak
D. Raka Poshi

What is the Total Height of K-2 Peak ?

A. 8210 meter
B. 8410 meter
C. 8611 meter
D. 8511 meter

“The place where heaven and earth meet” these words are said about which place ?

A. Chitral
B. Kalash
C. Punial
D. Swat

Which is the highest peak of the koh-e-Sufaid Range ?

A. Sakasar
B. Skaram
C. Broad Peak
D. Nanga Parbat

The Hindu kush range starts at the ?

A. China Border
B. Pamir Platean
C. Afghan border
D. Karakoram

The direction of Hindukush is from ?

A. North-West
B. South-West
C. North-East
D. North-South

What is the average height of Koh-e Sufaid?

A. 3200 meters
B. 3500 meters
C. 3000 meters
D. 5560 metes
What is the maximum height of Kirthar Range ?

A. 2150 meters
B. 2500 meters
C. 2375 meters
D. 2275 meters

What is the average height of Takhat-e-Sulaiman peak ?

A. 3200 meters
B. 3500 meters
C. 3300 meters
D. 3310 meters

What is the height of Sakasar peak ?

A. 1600 meters
B. 1500 meters
C. 1680 meters
D. 1700 meters

What is the average height of salt range ?

A. 675 meters
B. 700 meters
C. 640 meters
D. 590 meters

The height of Potwar Plateau is ?

A. 300-600 meters
B. 200-500 meters
C. 320-550 meters
D. 380-650 meters

What is the average height of Chaghi range ?

A. 3500 meters
B. 2500 meters
C. 4000 meters
D. 3000 meters

Which of the following areas from potwar Plateau ?

A. Rawalpindi
B. Jhelum
C. Mianwali
D. All of above

Which is the Highest peak of Himalayas range in Pakistan ?

A. Nanga Parbat
B. K-2
C. Tirichmir
D. Sakasar

Which is the highest peak of Karakoram range ?

A. Kilik peak
B. K-2 peak
C. Nanga Parbat
D. Tirichmir

Which is the highest peak of Karakorum range?

A. Tirichmir
B. K-2
C. Nanga Parbat
D. Saksar

Which is the highest peak of Salt range?

A. Tirichmir
B. K-2
C. Nanga parbat
D. Sakasar

Which is the highest peak of Koh-e-Sulaiman range ?

A. Tirichmir
B. K-2
C. Takhat-e-Sulaiman
D. Sakar

What is the average height of Karakoram range ?

A. 7000 meters
B. 7500 meters
C. 7100 meters
D. 7300 meters

Which range separate Baluchistan Plateau from Afghanistan?

A. Chaghi
B. Makran
C. Turbat
D. Kirthar range

Which range lies along the border of Sindh and Baluchistan Province?

A. Chaghi
B. Makran range
C. Kirthar range
D. Koh-e-Sufaid

What is the Meaning of Nanga Parbat ?

A. Killer Mountain
B. Naked Mountain
C. Dead Place
D. Seven Mountains

Who was the first Pakistani to clumb the K-2?

A. Mohsan Razvi
B. Ashraf Aman
C. Nasir Hussain
D. Zahid ALi

How many peaks in the Pakistan are Higher than 8000 meters?

A. 4
B. 3
C. 5
D. 8

What is the Height of Broad Peak?

A. 8126 meters
B. 8092 meters
C. 8075 meters
D. 8047 meters

Who was the first person the climb the Nanga parbat?

A. Hermann Buhl
B. Martin Conway
C. R.d Banerjee
D. Ashraf Aman
In which year the Broad Peak was first climbed?

A. 1953
B. 1955
C. 1954
D. 1957

How many Peaks in Pakistan are higher than 7000 meters

A. 117
B. 121
C. 125
D. 191

Gasherbrum I is also known as _____________?

A. Hidden Peak
B. Killer Peak
C. White Peak
D. Black Peak

The Proposed Margalla hills tunnel project connect Islamabad with which city?

A. Sawabi
B. Abbotabad
C. Haripur
D. Dhodail

Pakistan day is observed on ?

A. 5th February
B. 8th March
C. 21st March
D. 23rd March

Pakistan Air Force Day is celebrated on ___________ ?

A. 21st February
B. 8th March
C. 21st March
D. 7th September

Quaid-e-Azam Day is observed on ___________ ?

A. 1st May
B. 15th May
C. 21st May
D. 25th Dec

Labour Day is observed on ____________ ?

A. 21st February
B. 9th May
C. 1st May
D. 22nd March

International Children’s Day is observed on ____________ ?

A. 21st February
B. 1st June
C. 21st March
D. 22nd March

On which date is Death Anniversary of Quaid e Azam observed ?

A. 9th November
B. 11th September
C. 21st March
D. 11th October

World Tuberculosis Day is observed on ____________?

A. 21st March
B. 24th March
C. 26th March
D. 25th March
World Inventor’s Day is celebrated on _____________?

A. 9th November
B. 8th April
C. 31st April
D. 23rd April

kashmir day is observed in Pakistan on _____________?

A. 5th February
B. 1st May
C. 21st March
D. 6th june

GHQ Stands for:

A. General Head Quarters

B. General High Quarters
C. General High Quartermaster
D. None of them

KRL Stands for:

A. Khan Research Laboratories

B. Kahuta Research Laboratories
C. Karachi Research Laboratories
D. None of them

Who was the first C-in-C of Pakistan Navy?

A. Gefford James
B. R.L Archy
C. Frank Meseri
D. None of them

Frank Meseri was the first C-in-C of ________ .

A. Pak Army
B. Air Force
C. Navy
D. None of them

Paery Cane was the first C-in-C of ___________.

A. Pakistan Air Force

B. Armed Forces
C. Navy
D. None of them

The first Chief of Staff of Pak Army was ________ ?

A. General Takka Khan

B. General Ziaul Haq
C. General Sharif
D. General Ayub Khan

Zafar Ahmed Chaukhry was the first Chief of Air Staff of _______ .

A. Pak Army
B. Air Force
C. Navy
D. None of them

Defence day is observed on ___________ ?

A. 6th September
B. 11th September
C. 7th September
D. None of them

The headquarters of Air Force is located in _________ ?

A. Islamabad
B. Rawalpindi
C. Peshawar
D. Karachi

The highest official rank of Air Force is ___________ ?

A. Air Marshal
B. Supreme Marshal
C. Air Chief Marshal
D. Chief of Air Force

The highest non-operational Military Award is _________ ?

A. Tamgha-e-Basalat
B. Tamgha-e-Imtiaz
C. Tamgha-e-Khidmat
D. Sitara-e-Basalat

Pakistan tested its nuclear device on __________ ?

A. 28th May 1998
B. 26th May 1997
C. 28th June 1999
D. 27th July 1997

Baktar Shikan missile system is __________ ?

A. Air to surface
B. Anti aircraft
C. Anti tank guided
D. Anti tank

The range of Hatf-1 is _________ ?

A. 90km
B. 100km
C. 65km
D. 105km

The range if Hatf-2 is ________ ?

A. 180km
B. 275km
C. 230km
D. 300km

The range if Hatf-3 is ________ ?

A. 400km
B. 290km
C. 600km
D. 750km

The range if Hatf-4 is _______ ?

A. 400km
B. 390km
C. 600km
D. 750km

The latest version of Hatf-5 is ________ ?

A. Ghauri
B. Hataf
C. Abdali
D. Shaheen-1
The Range of Ghari-1 is ________ ?

A. 1200-1500km
B. 1200-1300km
C. 1500-2000km
D. 1500-1800km

The highest official rank of Pakistan Army is _________ ?

A. Lieutenant
B. Major General
C. General
D. None of them

Who was the first Muslim C-in-C of Pakistan Army?

A. Admiral Muhammad Siddiq

B. Field Marshal Muhammad Ayoub
C. General Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq
D. General Tikka Khan

Who was the first Muslim C-in-C of Air Force?

A. Air Marshal Asgher Khan

B. Air Marshal Zafar Chahdhry
C. Air Marshal Anwar Khan
D. None of them

Who was the first Muslim C-in-C of Pakistan Navy?

A. Admiral Mohammad Siddieque

B. Admiral Shahid Kareem
C. Admiral Karamat Rahman
D. Admiral Tariq

The Largest cantonment of Pakistan army is located in ?

A. Jhelum
B. Kharian
C. Karachi
D. Multan

HIT stands for ?

A. Heavy Industries Taxila

B. Heavy Industries Tools
C. Heavy Industries Tax
D. None of them

At the time of 1965 War the C-in-C of Pakistan Army was _______ ?

A. General Muhammad Musa Khan

B. General Muhammad Ayoub Khan
C. General Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq
D. None of them

At the time of 1971 War the C-in-C of Pak Army was ________ ?

A. General Ayyub Khan

B. Lt. General Gul Hassan
C. General Tikka Khan
D. General Agha Muhammad Yahya Khan

At the time of Kargil in 1999 the Chief of Army Staff was _________ ?

A. General Jahangir Karamat

B. General Aslam Baig
C. General Parvez Musharaf
D. General Waheed Kakar

Tell the name of Chief of Staff of Pak Army who died in uniform ?

A. General Mohammad Zia-ul-Haq

B. General Asif Nawaz
C. A & B
D.None of them

The name of first Pakistan made sub Marine is _________ ?

A. Augusta 90B
B. Saad 90B
C. A&B
D. NoThe name of first Pakistani Aircraft is _________ ?

A. JF7 Thunder
B. JF8 Thunder
C. JF9 Thunder
D. JF11 Thunder

In which of the following city the headquarters of Punjab Rangers is located ?

A. Karachi
B. Lahore
C. Multan
D. Rawalpindi

Captain Muhammad Sarwar was martyred in the war of ________ ?

A. 1948
B. 1971
C. 1965
D. None of them

On which of the following date Captain Karnal Sher Khan was martyred at Kargil?

A. 8th June 1999

B. 8th July 1999
C. 8th August 1999
D. 8th October 1999

In which of the following city the Pakistan Navel Academy is located ?

A. Karachi
B. Lahore
C. Multan
D. Rawalpindi

In which of the following city the Pakistan Navel Staff College is located?

A. Karachi
B. Lahore
C. Multan
D. Rawalpindi

In which of the following city the Pakistan Navel War College is located?

A. Karachi
B. Lahore
C. Islamabad
D. Multan

In which of the following city Pakistan Command & Staff College is located ?

A. Karachi
B. Quetta
C. Islamabad
D. Multan

In which of the following city National Defence University is located ?

A. Rawalpindi
B. Quetta
C. Islamabad
D. Multan

In which of the following city Army Medical College is located ?

A. Rawalpindi
B. Quetta
C. Islamabad
D. Multan

In which of the following city Military College of Engineering is located?

A. Risalpur
B. Islamabad
C. Gujranwala
D. Sargodha

In which of the following city Military College Jhelum is located?

A. Risalpur
B. Islamabad
C. Sarai Alam Gir
D. Sargodha

Who was the 6th Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee ?

A. General Muhammad Sawar Khan

B. Air Marshal Farooq Feroz Khan
C. General Shamim Alam Khan
D. None of them

Who is the Current Chief of Army Staff (COAS), Pakistan?

A. Gen Raheel Sharif

B. Gen Ashfaq Parvaz kayani
C. Gen Qamar Javed Bajwa
D. Gen Zubair Hayat

Who is the Current Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee (CJCSC), Pakistan?

A. General Rashad Mahmood

B. General Ashfaq Pervez Kayani
C. General Zubair Hayat
D. General Raheel Sharif
Newly selected Army chief Qamar Javed Bajwa belongs to Regiment___________?

A. 6th FF
B. 16th Baloch Ragiment
C. 5th Punjab
D. 13th Lancers

Gen Qamar Javed Bajwa is___________ Chief of Amy Staff of Pakistan?

A. 13th
B. 15th
C. 16th
D. None of these

General Zubair Hayat is the ___________ Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee
(CJCSC) of Pakistan?

A. 13th
B. 15th
C. 16th
D. 17th

General Qamar Javed Bajwa took oath as Army Chief on __________?

A. 23 November 2016
B. 25 November 2016
C. 27 November 2016
D. 29 November 2016

Till now, How many Chief of Army Staff (COAS), of Pakistan are selected from Baloch

A. Two
B. Three
C. Four
D. None of these

Name the special task force, which is established in December 2016 by Pakistan Navy to
safeguard and protect the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor as well as Gwadar port?

A. Task Force 21
B. Task Force 44
C. Task Force 88
D. Task Force 2

Who is newly Appointed DG ISPR of Pakistan Army?

A. Lt General Asim Saleem Bajwa
B. Major General Asif Ghafoor
C. Major General Athar Abbas
D. Major General Waheed Arshad

Pakistan test fired its first submarine launched cruise missile Babur-III on 9 January 2017,
has the range of___________ kilometres?

A. 450 kilometres
B. 550 kilometres
C. 650 kilometres
D. 700 kilometres

Name the Pakistan’s surface-to-surface ballistic missile, which is capable of delivering

multiple warheads using Multiple Independent Re-entry Vehicle (MIRV) technology ?

A. Shaheen-II
B. Ababeel
C. Nasr
D. Ghauri

Pakistan Army on launched ‘Operation Radd-ul-Fasaad’ across the country on


A. 13th Jan 2017

B. 2nd Feb 2017
C. 15th Feb 2017
D. 22nd Feb 2017

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