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Rodriguez, Liset Ms.C.Rosa Ap.Eng.Lit p.

4-25 10/10/11

Considerations for Critical Reading and Writing P.43 (1,3,4,5,6,11)

1. My respond to both excerpts was different in very distinct ways. From A Secret Sorrow I had a more positive respond due to its happy ending. In contrast, I had a negative response to A Sorrowful Woman because of all the negative energy throughout the story and to its drastic and expected ending. I did like A Secret Sorrow more than A Sorrowful Woman because it gave me joy to know that everything ended happily. I believe that Faye and Godwins unnamed wife are both liked to the same point because Godwins wife really didnt have control of her reactions while Faye was just trying to protect Kai and make him happy. I think that I respond to these stories by my basic knowledge on how a story should always end with a happy ending. 3. Both womens attitudes towards life seem different in a way that Faye wants a happy life but she just doesnt want to take anyones happiness away to give it to herself, while Godwins wife just wants to be away from everyone but she wants her husband to please her and she takes that energy from him. This difference does contribute to the problem in each story because in A Secret Sorrow Fayes kindness to not hurt anyone strikes back to make her happy while in A Sorrowful Woman her bad attitude towards her son and her slave treatment towards husband just leads to the death of her. 4. In A Sorrowful Woman the womans problem is made more complex because she actually has a disease or problem that causes her to act the way she does while Faye has a problem that doesnt really make her actions but leads her to feel certain ways about her relationship. The purpose of the husband and child in Godwins story is to show more directly the womans problem. 5. The theme in A Secret Sorrow is meaningful to women that dont have it all (a family) their body stops them. In contrast A Sorrowful Woman is a woman who has it all but throws it all away because she lets a disease take over her.

6. A Sorrowful Woman is or can be regarded as an unromantic sequel because there is no happy ending, it doesnt follow the romance rules while A Secret Sorrow does have that romantic ending. 11. A Sorrowful Woman can be interpreted as a dark version of Sleeping Beauty because the woman in A Sorrowful Woman never wakes up while in Sleeping Beauty the woman is woken up by her prince charming. p. 45 (1) p.46 (1) 1. The excerpt from A Secret Sorrow can be read as a kind of backlash against the more aggressive and controversial aspects of feminism because it is just like the traditional fairy tale. The Heroin is more dependable on the Hero and feels validated about her own choices. Faye had many choices of her own but in the end she gave in to depend on Kai. 1. According to Jefferson, reading fiction changes peoples thoughts of real life and changes or takes away peoples learning. I think so people might think like Jefferson about fiction today but since it is so common it is a normal thing in a persons life and very popular indeed. Jeffersons arguments are similar to the objections of watching television because they both agreed that it is a way to change real life and to affect peoples learning and it is trash and unnecessary.

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