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 Reflects your ‘overall’ experience of the internship duration
 Helps polish your writing skills
 Increases your understanding of report writing
 Enriches your vocabulary and helps reduce grammar and spelling errors
 Contributes to the existing knowledge base

 Font: Times New Roman
 Size: 14 points bold for main headings
13 points bold for sub-headings
12 points for all other text
 Spacing: 1.5 Line Spacing
 Margins
At least 1 ¼ - 1 ½ inches (3.17-3.81 cm) on the left-hand side, 3 /4 -1 inch (2-2.54 cm) at the
top and bottom of the page, and about ½ -0.75 inches (1.27- 1.90 cm) at the outer edge (right-
hand side). The best position for the page number is at the top-right ½ inch (1.27 cm) below the
edge. The page containing figures and illustrations should also be suitably paginated.


 External hard binding (dark Blue as per Specimen Provided)

 Title Page (Specimen Provided)
 Internship offer letter
 Scanned copy of the original internship certificate (provided by the organization)
 Table of contents
 Acknowledgement Page
 Internship Certificate
 Executive Summary
o Chapter 1 Overview of the Organization
o Chapter 2 Analyses
o Chapter 3 What I Have Learned
o Chapter 4 Recommendations and Conclusion

 References (Write in APA format, all the sources consulted in the making of your report)
 Appendices (Financial Statements, Supporting Documents, etc.)
This report has been prepared for the internship that has been done in the (Name of Organization) to
study the practical aspect of the course and implementation of the theory in the field to fulfill the
requirements of the course of (Name of Program)
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to (Internship Supervisor, Manager/Director/HOD of the
Organization worked in, other employees, staff members, etc.) for their support and encouragement.

Table of contents
List the important headings and subheadings in the report with page numbers. Also, make a separate list of
tables and figures in the table of contents if you have used any. Missing table of content may result in deduction of
marks as well as resubmission of internship report.

Executive Summary (min. 200 words)

 An executive summary is a brief section at the beginning of a long report that summarizes the
document. As a 30-second or a one-minute version of the entire report. Executive summary previews
every section of the report in a short form. It can be called a micro image of the report. It helps the reader to
get a glance at the report before reading it in detail. Everything important that you have done, discovered and
c, included should be mentioned but briefly and concisely
 Chapter 1: Overview of the Organization (word limit: max. 4000 words)
This chapter includes basic information regarding the organization, where you performed your internship. This
chapter should not be more than 10 pages (4000 words), and covers the most relevant information about
the Main organization, with a special focus on the branch/office of work

o Introduction of the organization

o Brief History
o Policy of the organization (Mission/Vision)
o Organizational Hierarchy chart, organogram
o Major activities, products
o Competitors
o Number of employees
o Main offices
o Introduction of all the departments
o Comments on the organizational structure

In this section, students are expected to collect information from various sources such as interaction with the
organization’s personnel (managers, internship supervisor, colleagues, etc.) and company website, documents,
brochures, etc. but it is necessary to mention the sources of information in the report.

 Chapter 2: Analyses (word limit: min. 1000 words)

i. Financial Analyses (Ratio, Horizontal Analysis, and Vertical Analysis)

ii. SWOT analysis
Clearly describe all the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of the organization where you have
done internship. Strengths are those qualities that distinguish or give an edge to the organization over other
organizations. Weaknesses are the attributes of an organization that are harmful in achieving the objectives of
an organization. Opportunities are the external factors that help achieve the objectives of the organization.
Threats are the external factors that could damage the business performance of the organization

a. List the firm’s key external opportunities

b. List the firm’s key external threats.
c.List the firm’s key internal strengths.
d. List the firm’s key internal weaknesses.
e.Match strengths with opportunities and develop SO Strategies.
f. Match weaknesses with opportunities and develop WO Strategies.
g. Match strengths with threats and develop ST Strategies.
h. Match weaknesses with threats and develop WT Strategies

If your organization doesn’t give you access to financial data then doing a quality SWOT analysis is
most important for you.

 Chapter 3: Internship Program and What I have Learned (min. 2500 words)
This is an important part of your report. Your activities during the period of internship. Your job
responsibility, in how many departments you were placed, what have you learned in those departments, etc.

o A brief introduction of the branch/ area office of the organization where you did your internship
o Starting and ending dates of your internship
o Names of the departments in which you got training and the duration of your training
o Detailed description of the operations/activities performed by the department(s) you worked in.
o Detailed description of the task(s) assigned to you OR detailed description of the project assigned
o Work Samples (word limit for this section is not specified as it depends on the nature of the work

 Compile at least 2 samples of your work during your internship. Some examples of work samples include
Vouchers, news stories, articles, interviews, spreadsheets, log sheets, correspondence, videos, CDs with audio
or visual clips, photos, layouts, press releases, media lists, speeches, etc. Each work sample should have a short
description of your role in that work sample or how you used the sample. Please respect the privacy and
confidentiality of the respective organization while doing this work.

 Chapter 4: Recommendations and Conclusions (min. 500 words)

i. Relate the theoretical concepts with your practical experience during your internship in the
organization. Execute an overall analysis of the organization.
ii. You are required to describe the organization according to your evaluation/assessment in the light of
financial and SWOT analyses.
iii. You are required to suggest solutions for all the problems or discrepancies (you have pointed out in critical/
SWOT analysis) found in the organization.
iv. Internee should concentrate and focus on the quality of recommendations. They should not be unclear,
abstract, or Idealistic. Your recommendations should be directly relevant to your place of
internship and should be implementable for bringing improvement.
v. Conclude briefly by summarizing your main points of the report.

References & Sources

In this section, provide all the references and sources in APA format that you have used for data collection in your
Internship Report.
At the end of your report, attach all of the supportive material you have used for the preparation of your report, like
brochures, forms, newsletters, interviews, questionnaires, news reports, articles, features, columns, etc.


i. Keep in mind that multiple individuals could read your internship report, i ncluding your internship
supervisor and other company management. Therefore, maintain a professional method of communication
and carefully proofread your report before submitting it.
ii. Complete all the required parts as mentioned in the format of the Internship Report. Remember, each part is
essential, therefore, DO NOT skip any part as every part is included in the evaluation criteria.
iii. Words required for the internship report are 9,000 – 10,000.

iv. There should be harmony among the ideas that you describe in the financial analysis, SWOT analysis,
Conclusions, and Recommendations.
v. Internship Report should be submitted within the due date as notified by the Incharge Internships.
Submissions made after the due date shall not be considered.
vi. Students are required to submit their Internship Reports in hard form to Internship Coordinator’s (Mr. Ali
Hassan Raza) office. Or in soft form to photocopier. Internship Reports submitted via e-mail will not be

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