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Ancheta, Aeron | Basibas, Justine | Pakingking, Charls | Pagaling, Reniel




Ancheta, Aeron | Basibas, Justine | Pakingking, Charls | Pagaling, Reniel

GadgetOne: Your One-Stop Gadget Shop

Data Flow Diagram Explanation

Customer Side:

1. Customer Registration: Customers create an account, which the admin

validates. Valid accounts are stored in the User Database, while invalid one’s
prompt customers to retry.
2. Customer Login: Customers log in with their credentials. If the credentials are
correct, they are logged in successfully; otherwise, they receive an error message.
3. Browsing and Adding to Cart: Logged-in customers can browse products and
add items to their cart. The system updates the Cart Data Store with the items
4. Placing Orders: Customers place orders for items in their cart. The system
processes the orders, updates the Orders Data Store, adjusts inventory levels in
the Inventory Data Store, and sends order confirmations and shipping details to
customers and the warehouse.
5. Adding to Wishlist: Customers can add products to their wish list for future
reference. The system updates the Wishlist Data Store with the details of the wish
list items.
6. Rating Products: After receiving their orders, customers can rate the products.
The system processes these ratings, stores them in the Ratings Data Store, and
updates the product ratings accordingly.

Admin Side:

1. Validate Customer Registration: The admin's first job is to review new customer
registrations. They check if the information provided is correct. If it is, the account
is approved and stored. If not, the customer is asked to correct their details and
register again.
2. Manage Products: Admins handle the product catalog, adding new products,
updating details like descriptions and prices, and removing outdated items. These
updates keep the product catalog current and accurate.
3. Manage Inventory: Admins also manage inventory levels. They update the stock
as new products arrive or are sold, keeping track of everything in the inventory
4. Manage Orders and shipments: Admins oversee the orders placed by
customers. This includes processing the orders, updating their statuses, and
ensuring they are shipped out on time. All order information is stored in the system
for tracking.
5. Ship Orders: After processing an order, the admin coordinates with the
warehouse to pack and ship the order to the customer. The system sends shipping
details to the warehouse and an order confirmation to the customer.

Data Stores we used:

1. Customer Data Store: Manages customer registration details and account

2. Product Data Store: Stores detailed information about each product available on
the platform.
3. Cart Data Store: Tracks items that customers add to their shopping carts.
4. Wishlist Data Store: Stores details of items customers have added to their wish
5. Orders Data Store: Keeps all information related to customer orders, from
placement to fulfillment.
6. Inventory Data Store: Monitors product stock levels to manage availability.
7. Ratings Data Store: Collects and stores customer ratings and reviews for


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