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B 25/06/24 Revisión Cliente

A 25/06/24 Revisión Interna

Rev. Fecha Emitido Para

IDV Ingeniería & Diseños Spa



Se ha solicitado a IDV Ingeniería entregar una recomendación para el llenado del Penstock Central

Hidroeléctrica Los Cóndores. Considerando que cada proyecto tiene particularidades y siendo

factible un estudio hidráulico detallado para deducir la tasa de llenado particular con miras a no

inducir a la formación de bolsas de aires, generar subpresiones, aplicar presión desmedida y/o

abrupta al propio penstock y sus elementos constitutivos, se propone hacer una revisión de las

recomendaciones de la American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE).

Se adjunta el capítulo especifico de referencia al llenado de Penstock, Shaft y Tunnel Liner.

Recomendación de Llenado — Tubería C.H. Los Cóndores 2




Source: Photograph courtesy of Richard Stutsman, RDS Consulting: reproduced with permission.

15.1 WATERING-UP 15.1.1 Initial Watering-Up

One of the most important elements of starting up a new The initial watering-upof a new or a replacement section of
facility with penstocks is the watering-up process. This a penstock generally is the most critical watering-up opera-
chapter will discuss initial watering-ups and subsequent tion because it is the first time that the penstock components
watering-ups, including the elements that go into each have been fully assembled and tested together under operat-


Recomendación de Llenado — Tubería C.H. Los Cóndores



ing conditions. This initial watering-up must be performed . A slow filling rate must be initiated to ensure full con-
under slow rates and controlled conditions. trol of the system. An operator must be stationed at
IS.LLI Start-Up Procedures Before completion the ECS during the entire watering-up process in the
of the project, detailed project start-up procedures must event that a manual closure of the system is required.
be developed and approved. These procedures include, but Should a problem develop that would require rapid de-
are not limited to, powerhouse mechanical and electrical walering. a slow watering-up might prevent a potential
equipment testing (micro
and macro), water conveyance disaster. A suggested maximum range for this initial
system watering-up and dewatering, and operational test- filling rate for inclined penstocks and shafis is 20 to
ing. Before watering-up, the emergency closure system 50 vertical fuh, which usually allows adequate control
must be completely operational, and an emergency con- for filling operations. For horizontal tunnel liners,or
tingency plan must be prepared. The scope of the work tunnels, a conservative fil rate less than 30 vertical f/h
depends on the scope of the project (e.g.. new project or should be used.
penstock replacement). 2. A system must be sel up lo provide communication
In addition, a detailed inspection procedure, the civil fea- uungl)cillwuflinm,flnmldlpwgimmd
tures monitoring program (CFMP), must be prepared and all operators.
instituted. A CFMP is a document that outlines all of the The filling operation should be performed only during

critical civil features that should be inspected: before, dur- daylight hours, for two reasons. The first is to provide
ing, and after watering-up or start-up, their frequency, their for the safety of the personnel involved in the inspec-
acceptance criteria, the responsible personnel, communica- tion program. The second is to provide better visibility
tion responsibility, and a sign-off (accountability) for all ele- so that problem areas can be identified and acted upon
ments of the program. lts purpose is to ensure that during this quickly. Intermediate hold points must be considered
process (watering-up and start-up), all components are per- 10 allow for a thorough inspection and evaluation. If
forming within the original design criteria and/or parameters. practical, at least 4 1o 6 h of daylight should be avail-
15.L.1.2 Before Watering-Up - The following are exam- able after completion of filling. During the nighttime
ples of work to be completed before watering-up the system: hours, intake head gates and ECS must be closed for
1. A baseline survey must be taken of monuments to be safety reasons. The bypass fill gates may be closed or
used for short- and long-term monitoring (e.g...anchor left open.
blocks, tunnel portals, and penstock supports). 4. After the penstock has been filled completely, the
2. Baseline data must be taken using equipment such as head gates are usually closed and the system is al-
inclinometers, piezometers, and extensometers.
lowed to soak for 24 h before any operational testing
of the powerhouse equipment. This step is particu-
3. Emergency closure systems (ECSs) must be complete, larly important for penstock sections that include per-
dry tested, and fully operational. An ECS i vious sections, such as tunnels, concrete, and wood
system, such as a butterfly valve, wheel gate, or some stave. This procedure allows for (1) porous elements
other system that is designed to close (manually or au- to absorb water in a controlled and observed condi-
tomatically) under flow conditions and to stop water tion and to stabilize and (2) monitoring of water loss,
flow downstream of it location. caused cither by absorption or leaking compontents
4. The interior of the penstock system must be inspected since no new water is being introduced into the sys-
in a walk-down to ensure that construction debris and tem.A periodic inspection must be made during this
tools have been removed from the interior and that all period to identify any problems. Additional personnel
personnel have vacated the interior. must be on site or on call in the event that problems
5. The exterior of the system must be inspected in a develop. During the initial flling process, items such
walk-down to ensure that manholes and valves have as sleeve couplings, valves, and other bolted connec-
been closed and that air valves are open. tions may require retorquing to stop leaks. Torquing
6. Clearances with the start-up engineer or powerhouse must be done according to the manufacturer's
foreman must be signed off verifying that the system mendations.
is ready for watering-up. 5. For buried penstocks with mechanical couplings, bell
7. Penstocks may require special cleaning and disinfec- holes should be left open around them for inspection
tion procedures. of leaks and retorquing of couplings.
8. Valve indicators must show the valve positions correctly. 6. For buried penstocks that have been fully pressur-
9. Air valve floats must work properly. ized, the intake shutoff gate (ISG) or penstock shut- During Watering-Up - These are examplesof off valve (PSV) should be closed and monitored for
work to be completed or performed during the initial water- any pressure drops to verify that there are no leaks.
of the system: This process may require accurate pressure monitor-

Recomendación de Llenado — Tubería C.H. Los Cóndores

ID —

START-UP — 171
ing equipment located at the 1SG or PSV to monitor The following must be considered for subsequent water-
pressure drop. ing-up operations:
7. After completion of CFMP inspection procedures, the 1. The filling rate can be much higher than for the
start-up engineer's start-up procedure must be signed tial watering-up. A reasonable rate for a
off, indicating that the penstock is complete and ready walering-up of the penstock is 100 vertical
fUh. Agai
for operational testing. the maximum dewatering rate must not exceed 50%
15.1.14 Recommended Inspection Checks - The fol- the controlling
air valve flow capacities.
lowing are examples of inspection checks that should be
made and documented if applicable during watering-up: be reviewed for the occurrence of any unusual events
1. Read floatwell water surface elevations. (A floatwellis o circumstances.
an open vertical well in which the static water surface A walk-down of the exterior of the system must be

of a penstock or tunnel can be measured). conducted to ensure that manholes have been closed,
2. Inspect appurtances, such as valves, manholes, sleeve air valves and vacuums are operational and open, and
or expansion joints,
and air-vacuum valves, drain valves are closed.
4. After the system has been fully pressurized but before
being returned to operation, the entire system must be
walked down, and any abnormal items or conditions
4. Check for short-term settlement in foundations. must be noted and corrected if necessary.
. Check for cracking or distortion of the penstock sup- 5. Clearance with the start-up engincer, powethouse su-
port system. pervisor, or other designated person must be signed
6. Check for any leaks (exposed penstock and tunnel adit off to certify that the system is ready to retum to
plugs or gates) or wet soil, any increase in groundwa- operation.
ter, and any increase in weir or piezometer readings
(for liner or buried penstock).
7. Compare movements or deflections to analysis. 15.2 OPERATIONAL TESTING
Survey elevations. 1521 General

15.12 Maximum Dewatering Rates As discussed in Section 15.1.1, one phase of the start-up
procedure involves operational testing.
This testing consists
For inclined penstocks, the dewatering rate must not exceed of performing load-rejection and load-acceptance testing of
50% of the controlling air valve flow capacity or 100 vertical the turbine, pump, or combined pump and turbine. Physical
fuh, whichever
is less. testing must be conducted for all penstock operating condi-
For tunnels and horizontal tunnel liners, the maximum tions (normal condition) that are likely
to occur. Pressures
dewatering rate must not exceed the range of 10 1o 60 vertical transmitted to the penstock must be compared against the
penstock design criteria. For example, if the penstockis
designed for a normal operational pressure (load rejection)
of 10% over static pressure, then the turbine and generator
unit must be fully tested as described below to ensure that
liner, these dewatering rates may be exceeded, provided that the pressures in the penstock do not exceed 10% over static
an adequate factor of safety against buckling is maintained. pressure.
Operational testing would generally be done only for new
15.1.3 Subsequent Watering-Up installations or where substantial turbine and/or pump modi-
fications have been made that would affect pressure rise or
Subsequent penstock watering-up generally is not as criti- drop, or where branches into the penstock were made to add
cal as the initial watering-up operation, since the system additional turbines and/or pumps. The purpose of these tests
has already been tested and observed under controlled is to confirm that the pressures and reactions to the penstock
conditions. Where there have been long outages, with the are within the design limits for the system (e.g.. pressure rise
penstock in a dewatered condition, watering-up also must and pressure drop).
be performed under slow rates and controlled conditions. Head Loss 1f flow-measuring devices have
This requirement is because of appurtenances that may have been installed on or near the turbine or generator, penstock
dried out, such as expansion joints and couplings, or shified or system head loss can be measured directly; otherwise,
because of thermal changes. However, subsequent watering- conventional pressure gauges can be used. The results then
up also must be performed under controlled conditions. can be compared against the original design criteria.

Recomendación de Llenado — Tubería C.H. Los Cóndores



Flow-measuring devices, methods, and systems in com-
‘mon use include the following:
1. Acoustic flowmeters
Acoustic (or ultrasonic) flowmeters measure the
water velocity by the interaction of an interrogating
sound wave and the water. The most common type for
penstock flows is based on the transit-time method.
Transit-time flowmeters are described in AWWA
(2010). This method is based on the principle that an
acoustic pulse sent upstream travels slower than one
sent downstream. By measuring the time difference
between the upstream and downstream pulses, the av-
erage velocity of the water crossing the path of the
pulse can be determined vectorially. There are several
methods for using transit-time ultrasonic flowmeters.
These methods include (1) permanently mounted
wetted systems, in which the transducers are in-
serted into the pipe wall and come in contact with the
water, (2) strap-on systems, in which the transducers
are temporarily mounted on the outside of the pipe,
and (3) path systems for the acoustic wave (single-
and multiple-path along the pipe diameter, or along
chordal paths).
A schematic representation is shown
inFig 15-1.
Under proper conditions, accuracies better than 1%
can be obtained, particularly for multiple-path sys-
tems. Under the proper conditions, typical single-path
strap-on systems have claimed accuracies of between
1% and 3% (without calibrating in place against an-
other flow standard). However, larger variations have
been observed, depending on the installation. These
systems have limitation in that (1) they require a uni-
form flow profile for accurate measurements, typically
at least 10 pipe diameters of undisturbed, straight pipe
upstream of the meter; (2) the pipe inside diameter
must be accurately determined; and (3) bubbles or
other particles in the fluid can cause problems because
shut the flow down to get the measurement (not an on-
line method), and the somewhat complex data reduc-
"This method, also called the pressure-time
method, tion required. This test procedure is fairly expensive.
is based on Newton's second law of motion, in which . Current meters
the pressure forces acting on a mass of waler are re- The current meter measures a point velocity using a
lated to the change in momentum of the water as it propeller-type
meter whose rotational speed is propor-
decelerates. For penstock flow measurements, the tional to the water velocity. A large number of current
difference in pressure between two cross sections is meters usually must be used to obtain a good overall
volumetric flow rate. Under proper conditions, accura-
cies of 1% can be obtained. Limitations include the
pipe geometry need to mount a large number of current meters inside
…M…ymu…mbeímúnoñ-nhe the penstock Gf not in an open canal situation) and the
determined. Modem instrumentation and computer need for a uniform flow profile.
numerical methods can be used to simplify the data .. Salt velocity method
collection and analysis. Accuracies of about 1% are The salt velocity method works on the principles
generally assumed forthe method. Limitations include that salt in solution (brine) increases the conductiv-
the need for properly located pressure taps, the need to ity of water and that the salt introduced at one point

Recomendación de Llenado — Tubería C.H. Los Cóndores


travels as a “slug” for some distance down the pen- spiral case to determine the flow rate. The flow rate
stock. The passage of this slug of brine past electrodes
at two locations downstream of injection can be re-
corded, and the time the slug takes to travel the known surements typically are used for index testing, where
distance between electrodes can be determined. The absolute flow measurements are not needed. These
distance and time of travel are used to calculate the relative flow rates can be used to determine the shape
average flow velocity, which when multiplied by the ofthe turbine efficiency curve relative to some design
penstock cross-sectional
area, results in the volumet- point. For absolute flow determination, the constant
ric flow rate. Under proper conditions, accuracies of of proportionality between flow and differential pres-
1% can be obtained. Limitations include the need to sure, as well as the actual exponent for the differential
mount electrodes at two locations inside the penstock pressure (it may not be an exact square root relation-
and a brine injection system at another location, and ship) must be determined by calibration against an-
the need for accurate dimensional measurements
be- other known flow method. The main limitation of this
tween electrode stations. method is that accurate absolute flow measurements
can be obtained only if a calibration is done using
The dye dilution flow method measures the volu- another known flow method.
metric flow rate directly by using the principle of Thermodynamic method
conservation of mass of a tracer dye injected into the The ihermodynamic method directly measures tur-
flowing fluid. Rhodamine WT dye typically is used as bine efficiency using the principles of conservation
the tracer. A known concentration of dye is injected at a of energy. Turbine losses are manifested by a rise in
steady rate at one location, and a fluorometer is used to the temperature of the water passing through the tur-
determine the mixed concentration at a second location bine, by appropriate temperature and pressure mea-
sufficiently downstream to ensure complete mixing. surements at the inlet and outlet of the turbine, and by
The ratio of concentrationsat the two locations and the using an energy balance analysis. Turbine efficieney
measured injection rate are used to calculate the water can be calculated. The water flow rate can then be
flow rate. Under proper conditions, accuracies between calculated from the turbine efficiency by using sepa-
1% and 2% can be obtained. Limitations include the rate measurements of net head and generator power
output and assuming that the generator efficiency is
sampling locations (at least 100 penstock diameters known. Accuracies of better than 0.5% are claimed
of undisturbed straight pipe is recommended) and the for the turbine efficiency. Flow rate accuracy depends
need for great care and accuracy in the making of dye on the efficiency accuracy, as well as on the accuracy
standards for fluorometer calibrations. of the net head, generator power, and generator ef-
. Pitot tubes ficiency values. Limitations include the need to ac-
The pitot tube measures point velocities by deter- curately determine temperature differences between
mining the difference between the total and static pres- the turbine outlet and an inlet test chamber, and the
sures at a point in the flow. A traverse must be done relatively complex instrumentation
system required.
across the cross section, typically along two diame- Weir method
ters, to obtain a sufficient number of velocity points The weir method uses a V-notch, trapezoidal, or
to calculate a good average. Twenty points along each rectangular sharp-crested plate interposed into a free
diameter typically are used. The flow rate is then cal- surface flow. The measurement of the water head
culated by multiplying the average velocity by the above the weir crest (measured upstream of the weir)
area. A U-tube manometer typically canbe used o calculate the flow rate. The weir gener-
is used lo measure the differential pressure produced ally is placed in the tailrace, downstream of the tur-
by the pitot tube. Under proper conditions and with a bine or in an approach channel upstream of the system
pitot tube, accuracies
of about 2% can be intake structure. Under proper conditions, accuracies
obtained. Limitations
include the difficulties in tra- of about 2% can be obtained. Limitations include the
versing across a large pipe diameter (such as pitot tube need for a properly constructed and placed weir, and
support problems and vibrations), the need to obtain the need for smooth flow (without air bubbles or flow
a good measurement of the penstock inside diameter, disturbances)
in the approach canal.
and the need for a good flow profile (at least 10 pipe
diameters of undisturbed, straight pipe upstream of the
pitot tube). magnetic induction by a conductor moving through a
. Winter-Kennedy method magnetic field (based on Faraday’s law). Water flow-
The Winter-Kennedy
method uses the differential ing through a magnetic field induces a voltage that is
pressure between two suitably located taps in the turbine proportional to the velocity of the fluid. Single-point

Recomendación de Llenado — Tubería C.H. Los Cóndores



Stgnal 2
Fig. 152, Schematic representation of velocity measurement by acoustic scintillation

insertion types are available, as well as full pipe sys- 0 the acoustic beams is then D /D, where D, is the
tems. Single-point insertion types must be traversed separation between the paths. Using three receivers
across the pipe diameter to obtain the overall flow allows both the magnitude and inclination
of the ve-
rate (similar t a pitot tube). For the insertion type, locityto be measured.
accuracies of about 1.5% can be obtained under The average velocity is measured at several pre-
proper conditions. Limitations (similar to those for selected measurement levels. Total flow rate is
the pitot tube) include difficulties
in traversing across calculated by integrating the average horizontal
a large pipe diameter (such as support problems or component of the velocity at each level over the total
vibrations), the need to obtain a good measurement cross-sectional
area of the conduit.
of the penstock
inside diameter, and the need for a With the exception of the dye dilution method, these
00d flow profile (at least 10 penstock diameters of devices and methods require approximately 10 to 20 pipe
undisturbed, straight pipe upstream of the meter). For diameters of undisturbed flow (with no change in diameter
the full pipe system, accuracies better than 1% can be o bends). The selected device or method should be consis-
obtained. tent with the required accuracy.
11. Acoustic scintillation
Acoustic scintillation driftis a technique for mea- Operational Tests - The following are typical
suring flow in a turbulent medium by analyzing the hydraulic tests performed during operational testi
variations in ultrasonic pulses that have been trans- 1. Speed no load (SNL) rejection (usually a critical pres-
mitted through
the medium.
The acoustic scintillation flowmeter (ASFM) uses 2. 25% rated load rejection and load acceptance;
this technique to measure the velocity of the water 3. 50% rated load rejection (usually a critical pressure
flowing through a conduit (e.g.. an intake to a hy- rise case for a Francis machine) and load acceptance;
droelectric turbine) by using the natural turbulence . 75% rated load rejection and load
embedded in the flow. 100% rated load rejection and load acceptance; and

Three transmitters
are placed at one side of the 100% gate or needle rejection and load acceptance
conduit, three receivers at the other. The signal am- (usually a critical pressure drop case for an impulse
plitude at the receivers varies randomly in time as machine).
the distribution of turbulence along the propagation
paths changes with time and the flow. If the paths are 1522 Instrumentation
sufficiently closely spaced, the turbulence may be re-
garded as being embedded in the mean flow, and then To monitor the pressure rises generated during the testing
the pattern of these variations (known as “scintilla- described
in Section 15.2.1, sufficient
and accurate instru-
tions”) at the downstream receiver is almost identi- mentation must be installed. The monitored pressure data are
cal to that at the upstream receiver, except for a time used to ensure that the pressure rises andor drops generated
D, (Fig. 15-2). If these scintillations
are exam- by unit operation are in compliance with the penstock design
ined over a suitable time period, this time delay can criteria. Acceptance criteria and allowable deviations must
be determined. The mean flow velocity perpendicular be established before the testing program. (Note: Pressure

Recomendación de Llenado — Tubería C.H. Los Cóndores


rise andor drop data must be reviewed and evaluated at the vice should be compatible with the speed of the transient
time of the test and not taken merely for the purpose of later pressure wave. Analog pressure devices are adequate
evaluation or future reference.) for surge-ank fluctuations and slow-moving valves.
The following must be considered in using instrumenta- However, pressure transducers should be used for cases
tion equipment to monitor pressure: such as those imvolving wicket gate closures, PSV op-
1. Strain gauges, f necessary, must be located at the most erations, or needle operations. Long lengths of tubing
critical areas of the penstock system. See Section 14.4 should not be used for transient conditions because they
for information on hydrostatic testing. can cause amplification or attenuation of data. They
2. Flow measuring devices can be used for unit flow and should be used only for steady-state conditions.
corresponding penstock head losses.
3. Pressure transducers and analog or digital pressure — REFERENCES
charts should be used for measuring pressures and water
surfaces.Pressure gauges do not provide sufficient — — AWWA.(2010). “Transit time flowmeters in full closed conduits”
speed response and accuracy. The type of pressure de- AWWA C750-10, Denver.

Recomendación de Llenado — Tubería C.H. Los Cóndores

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