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Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A

Toxic/Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering

ISSN: 1093-4529 (Print) 1532-4117 (Online) Journal homepage: https://www.tandfonline.com/loi/lesa20

Microbial toxicity of gallium- and indium-based

oxide and arsenide nanoparticles

Chi H. Nguyen, Jim A. Field & Reyes Sierra-Alvarez

To cite this article: Chi H. Nguyen, Jim A. Field & Reyes Sierra-Alvarez (2019): Microbial toxicity
of gallium- and indium-based oxide and arsenide nanoparticles, Journal of Environmental Science
and Health, Part A, DOI: 10.1080/10934529.2019.1676065

To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.1080/10934529.2019.1676065

Published online: 14 Oct 2019.

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Microbial toxicity of gallium- and indium-based oxide and arsenide

Chi H. Nguyen, Jim A. Field, and Reyes Sierra-Alvarez
Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, USA


III-V semiconductor materials such as gallium arsenide (GaAs) and indium arsenide (InAs) are Received 29 July 2019
increasingly used in the fabrication of electronic devices. There is a growing concern about the Accepted 27 September 2019
potential release of these materials into the environment leading to effects on public and environ-
mental health. The waste effluents from the chemical mechanical planarization process could
inhibition; arsenic; particle
impact microorganisms in biological wastewater treatment systems. Currently, there is only limited size; dissolution;
information about the inhibition of gallium- and indium-based nanoparticles (NPs) on microorgan- methanogenesis; Microtox
isms. This study evaluated the acute toxicity of GaAs, InAs, gallium oxide (Ga2O3), and indium
oxide (In2O3) particulates using two microbial inhibition assays targeting methanogenic archaea
and the marine bacterium, Aliivibrio fischeri. GaAs and InAs NPs were acutely toxic towards these
microorganisms; Ga2O3 and In2O3 NPs were not. The toxic effect was mainly due to the release of
soluble arsenic species and it increased with decreasing particle size and with increasing time due
to the progressive corrosion of the NPs in the aqueous bioassay medium. Collectively, the results
indicate that the toxicity exerted by the arsenide NPs under environmental conditions will vary
depending on intrinsic properties of the material such as particle size as well as on the dissolution
time and aqueous chemistry.

Introduction materials. Consequently, each year millions of liters of CMP

waste are discharged to municipal sewers.[11] CMP process-
Due to their unique photonic properties and high electron
ing of thin films of III-V materials such as GaAs and InAs
mobility, III-V semiconducting nanomaterials (e.g., gallium
can potentially result in the release of soluble III-V species
arsenide (GaAs) and indium arsenide (InAs), gallium-
(e.g., GaIII, InIII, arsenite (AsIII), and arsenate (AsV)) and
indium arsenide (GaInAs)) are increasingly used in a wide
suspended III-V particulates (e.g., GaAs, InAs, gallium oxide
array of electronic products including mobile phones, light
(Ga2O3), and indium oxide (In2O3)) into CMP efflu-
emitting diodes (LEDs) for displays, light sources and detec-
tors, microcircuits, lasers, bioimaging agents, and biosen- ents.[9,12–14] Gallium and indium oxides are formed due to
sors.[1–4] GaAs is also utilized in the manufacturing of thin corrosion of the respective arsenides.[5,15] Spent slurries pro-
film photovoltaic solar modules and other photovaltic devi- duced from CMP process can also contain significant
ces. The industrial application of GaAs is growing rapidly. amounts of III-V particulates together with III-V ions
The world primary production of Ga in 2018, estimated at among other unspecified substances.[14,16] The concentra-
410 metric tons, was 5.25-fold higher than in 2009.[5,6] This tions of arsenic in the waste streams of electronics manufac-
rapid growth is due to the higher content of GaAs in smart- turing facilities that utilize III-V materials can be very high.
phones and increasing use of GaAs-based LEDs.[7] An LED fabrication process in Taiwan using GaAs technol-
Manufacturing of III-V based devices often involves ogy produced a wastewater containing very high concentra-
chemical mechanical planarization (CMP) processing to pro- tions of soluble arsenic (500–2000 mg As L1) at a flow rate
duce an ultra-flat wafer surface and prepare the material of 10–100 m3 day1.[17] Very high concentrations of soluble
surface for further processing. CMP is a growing market arsenic have also been found in wastewater from GaAs semi-
segment, worth over $1.5 billion annually.[8] The process conductor production facilities in China (35–75 mg As
relies on the application of slurries containing abrasive engi- L1)[18] and the United Kingdom (80–2000 mg L1), depend-
neered nano-sized particles (chiefly alumina (Al2O3), ceria ing on the polishing parameters.[16] Although arsenide partic-
(CeO2), and silica (SiO2)) and other chemicals such as cor- ulates are expected in CMP waste streams,[19,20] the
rosion inhibitors, surfactants, biocides, and strong oxidizers concentrations found in these effluents have not been reported
such as H2O2.[9,10] During the CMP process, a significant to date. Inductively coupled plasma mass-spectrometry (ICP-
amount of clean water is required to wash away unwanted MS) analyses performed by Torrance et al.[16] revealed total

CONTACT Reyes Sierra-Alvarez rsierra@email.arizona.edu Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, University of Arizona, PO Box 210011, Tucson,
AZ 85721, USA
ß 2019 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

GaAs concentrations (including soluble and particulate GaAs) Nanomaterials, Inc. (Houston, TX, USA). Gallium arsenide
ranging from 3000 to 5000 mg L1 in wafer polishing effluents nano-powder (GaAs) (CAS# 1303-00-0, 99.99% purity, APS
from different industrial sites. The latter study reports that ¼ 80–100 nm) and indium arsenide (InAs) nano-powder
even higher concentrations of total GaAs (20–75 g L1) can be (CAS# 106097-59-0, 99.99% purity, APS ¼ 80–100 nm) were
found in effluents from GaAs wafer manufacturing. CMP efflu- obtained from Nanoshel LLC (Wilmington, DE, USA). GaAs
ents are treated on site prior to discharge into municipal sew- pieces (99.999% metals basis) were obtained from Sigma-
ers to remove regulated pollutants (e.g., copper, soluble Aldrich (St. Louis, MO, USA) and InAs pieces (99.9999%
arsenic), but these wastewater treatment systems are often not trace metal basis, 1.5–9.5 mm polycrystalline pieces) were pur-
designed to remove Ga- and In-based nanoparticles (NPs) or chased from BeanTown Chemical (Hudson, NH, USA). All
other engineered nanomaterials. other chemicals used were analytical reagent.
The growing interest in the application of new III-V mate-
rials in semiconductor manufacturing has led to increasing
concerns about possible toxic effects of CMP effluents gener- Preparation of micron-sized materials
ated during the planarization of thin films of III-V materials. GaAs and InAs were pulverized with a mortar and pestle to
In particular, there is a concern about the health risks and produce different micron-size fractions of 125–355 lm
environmental impacts of As, which is well known as a car- (mesh #120), 355–710 lm (mesh #45), and > 710 lm (mesh
cinogenic and highly toxic metalloid.[21–23] The World Health #25). Mesh sieving parts were assembled with the lower
Organization[24] and the U.S. Environmental Protection mesh number (#25) on top and the highest number (#120)
Agency[25] have established the maximum arsenic concentra- at the bottom. After GaAs and InAs particles were pulver-
tion allowed in drinking water at 10 lg L1. Gallium arsenide ized, the particles were poured into the sieving column and
has also been classified as an immune toxicant and a group I different size particles were separated by shaking. The sieved
carcinogen to humans.[26] Less is known about the potential particles were collected according to sizes.
hazard and toxic effects of other soluble III-V species and III-
V particulates.[20,27–30] This information gap, combined with
the importance of CMP effluents, indicates the need for fur- Size distribution and zeta (f) potential
ther research to characterize the ecotoxicity of III-V particles
The average hydrodynamic particle sizes and the particle
such as GaAs, InAs, Ga2O3, and In2O3. To the best of our
size distribution of Ga2O3 and In2O3 NPs were measured by
knowledge, the acute toxicity of these materials toward micro-
dynamic light scattering (DLS) using a Zetasizer Nano ZS
organisms has not been reported to date. We are only aware
(Malvern Instruments, Westborough, MA, USA) with a laser
of three recent studies that investigated the microbial toxicity
wavelength of 633 nm and a scattering angle of 173 . The
of related nanomaterials, i.e., nano-sized gallium nitride [31]
refractive index of the Ga2O3 and In2O3 NPs was 1.92 and
and nanoparticles of gallium(III) with different porphyr-
1.86, respectively. The concentration of the samples analyzed
ins.[32,33] Porphyrins are a group of heterocyclic macrocycle
by DLS was 100 mg NPs L1.
organic compounds that serve multiple purposes in many liv-
The f-potential of Ga2O3 and In2O3 dispersions was also
ing organisms.[34]
determined using the Zetasizer Nano ZS instrument. The
The goal of this study was to investigate the microbial tox-
data were determined using the Smoluchowski equation that
icity of nano-sized Ga- and In-based oxides and arsenides
correlates the particles electrophoretic mobility to their
(i.e. GaAs, InAs, Ga2O3 and In2O3). GaAs and InAs are III-V
f-potential value. Due to the poor suspension behavior
materials being considered in semiconductor manufacturing.
caused by extensive aggregation of the GaAs and InAs NPs
Ga2O3 and In2O3 can potentially be formed during polishing
in different media, their particle size distribution and aver-
operations of III-V films. Different tests were performed
age size could not be determined.
including the widely used commercial Microtox bioassay
(which assesses the inhibition of the marine bioluminescence
bacterium, Aliivibrio fischeri) as well as bioassays using micro- Particle corrosion and dissolution
bial populations important in wastewater treatment, specific-
ally, anaerobic methanogenic microorganisms. The effect of In order to explore the combined effect of corrosion and
particle size and exposure time on the toxicity and dissol- dissolution, 500 mg L1 of micron-sized and NPs were pre-
ution/corrosion kinetics of the most inhibitory materials (i.e., pared in 1 g L1 NaHCO3 in serum flasks. The flasks were
GaAs and InAs) was also investigated. sealed with septa and shaken for 5 days (110 rpm at 30  C).
The pH of solution was maintained at 7.85 throughout the
process by supplying 1% CO2 gas each day after liquid sam-
Materials and methods ples were collected. Liquid samples were collected for ICP-
OES analysis.
Micron-sized and NPs utilized in some toxicity tests were
Gallium oxide (Ga2O3) nanopowder (CAS# 12024-21-4, subjected to the corrosion/dissolution procedure described
99.9þ% purity, average particle size (APS) ¼ 654 ± 8 nm) was in the previous paragraph for 5 days prior to testing, and
obtained from American Elements (Los Angeles, CA, USA). these are referred to as “aged” particles. In contrast, the term
Indium oxide (In2O3) NPs (CAS# 1312-43-2, 99.995% purity, “fresh” particles refers to particles that were not subjected to
APS ¼ 626 ± 12 nm) was purchased from SkySpring any corrosion/dissolution procedure prior to testing.

Inhibition of methanogenic activity methane content of the headspace of each flask was measured
periodically during the subsequent days until the production
In this study, anaerobic methanogenic granules were used to
of methane plateaued in the toxicant free controls. At the end
test the acute toxicity of the different chemicals towards the
of the assay, liquid samples from each serum flask/test tube
specific methanogenic activity of a mixed methanogenic cul-
were collected for ICP-OES analysis. All the bioassays were
ture to ensure that the results obtained are of practical rele-
conducted in duplicates.
vance to wastewater treatment systems (e.g. anaerobic
The maximum specific methanogenic activity (mg CH4-
wastewater treatment systems and anaerobic sludge/slurry
COD g1 VSS d1) was calculated from the slope of the
digestions systems). Pure microbial cultures often displayed
cumulative methane production. The maximum specific
much higher sensitivity to toxicants than mixed microbial
activity at a given toxicant concentration was determined
biolfilms/granules due to the protection afforded by the
during the time when the toxicant-free control displayed the
dense biofilm structure, synergistic interactions, etc.[35–39]
Natural and engineered methanogenic environments typic- maximum specific activity. A normalized methanogenic
ally harbor complex microbial communities, rather than activity (NMA) was determined using the Equation 1:
pure cultures. NMA ¼ 100
The methanogenic archaea utilized in this study were Maximum specific activity of tested concentration
natural mixed cultures in anaerobic granular sludge obtained 
Maximum specific activity of control
from a full-scale upward flow anaerobic sludge blanket
reactor treating wastewater at a brewery (Mahou, (1)
Guadalajara, Spain). Anaerobic granular sludge was washed The percent inhibition observed was determined accord-
and sieved to remove fine particles prior to use in the tox- ing to Equation 2:
icity bioassays. The content of volatile suspended solids 
(VSS) in the sludge was 6.57% based on wet weight. The Inhibition ð%Þ ¼ 100  100
specific methanogenic activity of the sludge was 770 mg 
CH4-as chemical oxygen demand (COD) g1 VSS d1. The Maximum specific activity of the tested concentration
sludge was stored in the refrigerator at 4  C prior to use. Maximum specific activity of the control
The basal mineral medium was prepared using ultrapure (2)
water (NANOpure Infinity, Barnstead Int., Dubuque, IA, USA)
The initial concentration of a toxicant causing 50% inhib-
and contained (in mg L1): K2HPO4 (250), NH4Cl (280),
ition compared to an uninhibited control is referred to as
NaHCO3 (3,000), yeast extract (100), CaCl22H2O (10),
IC50. This value was calculated by interpolation in the graph
MgCl26H2O (183), and trace element solution (1 mL L1). The
plotting the inhibition observed (expressed as percent) as a
trace elements solution contained (in mg L1): AlCl36H2O
function of the inhibitor concentration. Unless otherwise
(90), FeCl24H2O (2,000), ZnCl2 (50), MnCl24H2O (50),
indicated, reported inhibitory concentrations are average
H3BO3 (50), CoCl26H2O (2,000), NiCl26H2O (50),
values of duplicate assays and corresponding stand-
(NH4)6Mo7O244H2O (50), NaSeO35H2O (100), CuCl22H2O
ard deviations.
(30), resazurin (200), EDTA (1,000), and 36% HCl (1 mL). The
pH of the basal medium was adjusted to 7.2 with HCl or
NaOH, as required. Microtox bioassay
The assays were conducted in glass serum flasks (160 mL)
or in glass test tubes (26.5 mL) supplied with appropriate MicrotoxV R is an in vitro, metabolic inhibition test system

amounts of basal medium and anaerobic sludge (1.5 g VSS that utilizes a strain of naturally luminescent marine bacter-
L1). A control group (in triplicate) was also prepared in ium named A. fischeri that produces light as byproduct of
the same manner. The liquid phase was flushed with N2/ cellular respiration. These bacteria are very sensitive to a
CO2 (80:20, v/v) for 3 minutes. All flasks and test tubes were wide range of different toxic substances, and the toxicity of
sealed with butyl rubber stoppers and aluminum crimp certain toxicant can be recognized by the loss of lumines-
seals. Subsequently, the headspace was flushed with the cence level that results from cellular respiration
same N2/CO2 gas mixture for 3 minutes to ensure anaerobic inhibition.[40]
conditions and to provide buffer capacity (pH 7.2). MicrotoxV R Model 500 analyzer (Strategic Diagnostics,

Subsequently, a H2/CO2 gas mixture (80:20, v/v) was added Inc. SDIX, Newark, DE, USA) was used to perform the
to 9 psi to each serum flask/test tube to supply hydrogen as experiment. Stock NP solutions were prepared. ICP-OES
an electron donor. The flasks/test tubes were pre-incubated was used to determine the concentration of As, Ga, and In
overnight in the dark at 30  C in an orbital shaker at in the solutions. In the experiment, the stock solution was
110 rpm to ensure that the sludge adapted to medium condi- first mixed with osmotic adjusted solution (10:1, v/v).
tions. The following day, different amounts of the test com- Subsequently, the solution was diluted to different concen-
pounds were added to each flask/test tube to obtain a range trations with MicrotoxV R diluent (pH 6.78). The light levels

of test concentrations. The control group contains no tested were tested after 0, 5, 15, and 30 minutes of exposure. The
compounds. The headspace was flushed again with same gas microbes were used within 2 hours after reconstitution. All
mixture for 3 minutes to remove any methane produced dur- tests were performed in duplicate; negative controls without
ing pre-incubation. Hydrogen was added to 9 psi again. The NPs were run in parallel.

In MicrotoxV R tests, parameter gamma (C ), the ratio of

t Other analyses, including pH and VSS content in sludge,
the light loss to the remaining light level at time t is com- were performed according to standard methods.[41]
monly used for data processing. The value of light loss is
achieved by the Equations 3 and 4:[40]
Corrected Light Loss Rt  I0 It Rt  I0
Ct ¼ ¼ ¼ 1 (3) Statistical analysis
Remaining Light Level It It
The statistical analysis was performed using a two-sample t-
Ct test assuming unequal variances on Microsoft Excel. The
Rt ¼ (4)
C0 statistical comparison was based upon the t-critical two-tail
values and the t-stat values. Significance was considered to
where Rt is the light output ratio of a negative control (toxi-
be at the p < 0.05 probability level.
cant free) at time t (Ct Þ to the value at time 0 (C0 ). It is
used to correct and normalize the light variation in the test.
I0 and It are the light levels of the samples at time 0 and
time t. Bioluminescent inhibition and activity can be derived
by the Equations 5 and 6:[40]
Light Loss Physicochemical characterization of nanoparticles
Inhibition ð%Þ ¼
Light Loss þ Remaining Light Figure A1 (Appendix) shows the transmission electron
Ct  It Ct micrographs of the different nanomaterials investigated in
¼  100 ¼  100
Ct  It þ It Ct þ 1 this study. The micrographs show that the particle morph-
ology of the nanomaterials is diverse and includes rod-like,
Ct nearly spherical, and amorphous particles. The average par-
Activitity ð%Þ ¼ ð1InhibitionÞ ¼ 1  100 ticle size values determined by electron microscopy are
Ct þ 1
  reported in Table A1 (Appendix). These values were 100 nm
¼  100 ð6Þ in all cases, except for Ga2O3 that had an average particle
Ct þ 1
size of 500 nm. Dynamic light scattering (DLS) was utilized
to evaluate the particle size distribution in the aqueous
media used in the different toxicity bioassays. The average
Analytical methods
hydrodynamic diameter includes the particle with water or
The methane concentration in the headspace of the serum other molecules adsorbed on its surface and, therefore, it is
flasks and test tubes was determined by gas chromatography generally higher than the primary size determined for the
(GC) using an HP5890 II Plus system (Agilent Technologies, dry particles by electron microscopy.
Palo Alto, CA, USA) equipped with a flame ionization Table A1 shows that the average hydrodynamic particle
detector (GC-FID) and a Stabilwax-DA column (Carboxen- sizes of the NPs in the anaerobic basal medium and
1010 PLOT, 30 m  0.53 mm I.D., Restek Corp., Bellefonte, Microtox diluent were much higher than their primary sizes.
PA, USA). The temperature of the oven, the injector port, The average aggregate sizes determined for Ga2O3 and
and the detector were 140, 180, and 250  C, respectively. In2O3 ranged from 1401 to 2217 nm. Additionally, the aver-
Helium was used as the carrier gas (5.2 mL min1), and air age zeta potential of the oxide dispersions was within the
and hydrogen as flame source. Samples were collected from range of þ30/30 mV, typical threshold that separates
the headspace using a gastight SampleLock gas syringe unstable dispersions with low charged surfaces from stable
(100 lL) (Hamilton Company, Reno, NV, USA). dispersions with highly charged surfaces.[15] Although the
The concentration of dissolved arsenic, gallium, and isoelectric point (IEP) of Ga2O3 and In2O3 NPs dispersions
indium in liquid samples was determined by ICP-OES (ICP- in water (8.4–9.2)[11,42] is higher than the pH of the bioassay
OES 5100, Agilent Technologies) at a wavelength of media (6.8–7.2), the observed particle aggregation in the
188.980 nm (for As), 294.363 nm (for Ga), and 230.606 nm bioassay medium is not surprising. It is well known that
(for In). The limit of detection for all three metals was 30 lg many NP dispersions are destabilized in complex aqueous
L1. Prior to ICP analysis, liquid samples were centrifuged media[10] containing high levels of salts and/or organic com-
(12,000 rpm for 10 minutes) and filtered through a 25-nm pounds,[17] resulting in aggregates that have effective sizes
membrane filter. The filtered samples were then diluted to that are orders of magnitude higher compared to that of the
proper concentrations with 2% HNO3 for analysis. The con- primary particles. The arsenide NP dispersions were also
centration of AsIII and AsV in liquid samples was deter- very unstable in the aqueous bioassay media and formed
mined using an HPLC-inductively coupled plasma-mass large aggregates that settled readily and could not be
spectrometry (HPLC–ICP–MS) system fitted with a reverse- assessed for particle size using the Zetasizer Nano ZS instru-
phase C18 column (Prodigy 3 u ODS(3), 150 mm  ment. Characterization of NPs in the medium of study is
4.60 mm, Phenomenex, Torrance, CA, USA) and guard cart- important, since the formation of large aggregates may influ-
ridge as previously described.[6] ence their toxic impact.

Figure 2. Impact of aging and concentration on the toxicity of different gallium

and indium-based NPs to methanogenic microorganisms. The ‘aged’ particles
were incubated in 1 g L1 NaHCO3 (pH 7.8) for 5 days. Panel A: Fresh Ga2O3 NPs
(䉫), aged Ga2O3 NPs (䉬), fresh In2O3 NPs (䉭), and aged In2O3 NPs (䉱); Panel
B: Fresh GaAs NPs () and aged GaAs NPs (䊉); Panel C: Fresh InAs NPs (w) and
Figure 1. Impact of aging and concentration on the toxicity of different gallium aged InAs NPs (䊏). Treatments that are not statistically different from the con-
and indium-based NPs to the bioluminescent marine bacterium, A. fischeri, after trols (p values  0.05) are marked with an asterisk ().
15 minutes of exposure. The ‘aged’ particles were incubated in 1 g L1 NaHCO3
(pH ¼ 7.8) for 5 days. Panel A: Ga2O3 NPs (䉫), aged Ga2O3 NPs (䉬), In2O3 NPs
(䉭), and aged In2O3 NPs (䉱); Panel B: GaAs NPs (), aged GaAs NPs (䊉); Panel
C: InAs NPs (w), and aged InAs NPs (䊏). The standard deviation bars are plotted bioassay. The normalized methanogenic activity in
but they were small and are not visible. Treatments that are not statistically dif- Figure 2A decreased slightly by 10% (for fresh Ga2O3 NPs)
ferent from the controls (p values  0.05) are marked with an asterisk ().
and by 16% (for fresh In2O3 NPs) at concentrations up to
500 mg NPs L1 (Fig. 2A). From these tests, it can be con-
cluded that the two oxides did not cause any noteworthy
acute inhibition towards microorganisms at the high con-
Microbial toxicity of Ga and in-based oxide and
centrations tested.
arsenide nanomaterials
The microbial toxicity of fresh, non-aged GaAs and InAs
The toxicity of fresh, non-aged Ga2O3 and In2O3 NPs was NPs was also investigated, and the results are presented in
tested in the methanogenic and Microtox inhibition bioas- Figures 1, 2B, and 2C. Compared to Ga2O3 and In2O3 NPs,
says (Figs. 1 and 2, respectively). The two byproducts of the the arsenide NPs often caused greater acute toxicity. The
CMP process only caused low inhibition (less than 8%) in bioluminescent activity of A. fischeri dropped sharply by
these acute tests at the highest tested concentration of 69% in the presence of GaAs NPs (227 mg L1) and by 26%
227 mg NP L1. Figure 3 shows an example of typical time in the presence of InAs NPs (227 mg L1), whereas no such
course of methane production in a methanogenic toxicity drop off in activity occurred following cell exposure to high

Table 1. Impact of aging on the 50% inhibiting concentration values of

micron-sized and nano-sized GaAs and InAs in methanogenic activity tests and
in the Microtox bioassay.
50% Inhibiting Concentration (mg L1)
Compound Methanogenic activity Microtox
 Fresh, 80–100 nm > 45.0 143.2
 Aged, 80–100 nm 5.8 46.8
 Fresh, 125–355 lm > 250.0 NT
 Aged, 125–355 lm 166.7 NT
 Fresh, 80–100 nm > 250.0 > 227.0
 Aged, 80–100 nm 128.5 240.3
 Fresh, 125–355 lm > 250.0 NT
 Aged, 125–355 lm > 250.0 NT

The highest concentration tested. NT ¼ No test performed.
The aged particles were incubated for 5 days in 1 g L1 NaHCO3 (pH 7.8, tem-
Figure 3. Time course of methane production by anaerobic granular sludge perature of 30  C, 110 rpm). The initial particle concentration was 500 mg L1.
exposed to fresh- and aged GaAs NPs. The ‘aged’ particles were incubated in
1 g L1 NaHCO3 (pH 7.8) for 5 days. Control (w), 12 mg L1 of fresh GaAs (),
10 mg L1 of aged GaAs (䉭). higher compared to the inhibition caused by the same con-
centration of fresh InAs NPs (Fig. 1C).
concentrations of Ga2O3 and In2O3 NPs (Fig. 1B). In the Similarly to the results obtained in the Microtox bioassay,
methanogenic assays, fresh GaAs NPs only caused a slight aging of InAs and GaAs in aqueous medium for 5 days
decrease in activity (20%) at the highest tested concentra- resulted in a marked increase in their inhibitory impact on
tion, 45 mg NPs L1 (Fig. 2B). Exposure to InAs NPs also the methanogenic activity of an anaerobic enrichment cul-
caused a moderate drop off in methanogenic activity (38%) ture (Figs. 2 and 3). As an example, severe methanogenic
at the highest tested concentration of 250 mg NPs L1 inhibition (98%) was detected when the culture was exposed
(Fig. 2C). A summary of the 50% inhibition concentrations to the aged GaAs NPs (20 mg L1), compared to only 14%
(IC50) determined for the different NPs is shown in Table 1. inhibition in bioassays spiked with the same concentration
The results demonstrate that exposure to non-aged GaAs of fresh GaAs NPs (Fig. 2B). A similar trend was observed
and InAs NPs only caused partial inhibition of the microbial in the case of fresh and aged InAs NPs (Fig. 2C).
activity of the target populations at the very high concentra-
tions tested.
Dissolution/corrosion of Ga and In-based oxide
and arsenide nanomaterials in aqueous solution
Impact of NP corrosion/dissolution on the microbial
toxicity of Ga and In-based oxide and arsenide The dissolution of GaAs and InAs NPs (500 mg NP L1) in
nanomaterials aqueous medium (1 g L1 sodium bicarbonate, pH 7.8) was
investigated. Incubation of GaAs NPs for 7 days led to the
Because III-V NPs may undergo corrosion and/or dissol- release of 259 mg L1 of soluble arsenic, indicating complete
ution in the aqueous environment, it is important to under- dissolution of the nanomaterial (Fig. 4). In contrast, leaching
stand how the time of exposure to the aqueous medium of InAs NPs under similar testing conditions resulted in a
may alter their inhibitory potential. For this purpose, the much lower soluble arsenic concentration (20 mg L1).
microbial inhibition exerted by fresh, non-aged arsenide
Speciation measurements confirmed that arsenite (AsIII) was
NPs was compared to that of arsenide NPs previously aged
the dominant As species released from GaAs and InAs NPs,
by exposure to an aqueous solution (1 g L1 sodium bicar-
representing 71% and 81% of the respective total As concen-
bonate, pH 7.8) for 5 days.
trations. The concentrations of soluble gallium and soluble
The IC50 values determined for the fresh and 5-day aged
indium detected at the end of these experiments (0.11 mg
NPs in the Microtox and methanogenic toxicity bioassays
are compared on Table 1. Exposure of the target microbial Ga L1 and 0.56 mg In L1) were very low compared to the
culture to Ga2O3 and In2O3 NPs did not cause significant total concentration of arsenic.
microbial inhibition, regardless of whether the NPs were In addition to the nature of III-V NPs and the dissol-
aged for 5 days prior to inhibition testing (Figs. 1 and 2). In ution time, particle size could have an important role in the
contrast, corrosion/dissolution of GaAs and InAs NPs in release of arsenic species and, thereby, on the acute toxicity
aqueous media resulted in a considerable increase of the exerted by the arsenide particulates. Decreasing particle size,
acute microbial toxicity of these nanomaterials. As an particularly in the nano- to low micron- range, is known to
example, exposure of A. fischeri to aged GaAs NPs (114 mg result in a marked increase in the specific particle surface
L1) caused a 79% decrease in the bioluminescent activity, area, which in turn often contributes to enhance dissolution
whereas exposure to the same concentration of fresh GaAs rates for reactive particles.[18] The dissolution of different
NPs resulted in only 36% inhibition (Fig. 1B). Likewise, cell GaAs and InAs particle batches with a gradient of different
exposure to aged InAs NPs (227 mg L1) decreased the bio- particle sizes (80–100 nm, 125–355 lm, 355–710 lm, and >
luminescent activity by 47%, a value that is almost two-fold 710 lm) in aqueous medium (1 g L1 sodium bicarbonate,

smaller particles enables a faster release of arsenic into aque-

ous solution, which in turn it is expected to result in an
increase of the acute toxicity.

Microbial toxicity of Ga and In-based oxide
and arsenide NPs
In this study, the acute microbial toxicity of several III-V
semiconducting materials (GaAs, InAs) and their potential
corrosion byproducts (Ga2O3 and In2O3) were studied using
the bioluminescent marine bacterium A. fischeri and meth-
anogenic archaea as the target organisms. The study demon-
strated that high concentrations of Ga2O3 (up to 227 mg
L1) and In2O3 NPs (up to 500 mg L1) did not inhibit the
metabolic activity of either A. fischeri or methanogens. GaAs
and InAs particles were more toxic to the target microor-
Figure 4. Time course of dissolution of GaAs NPs (80–100 nm) (䊏) and InAs ganisms compared to the oxide particulates (Table 1).
NPs (80–100 nm) (䊉) in 1 g L1 NaHCO3 at pH 7.8. The initial NP concentration Although published studies concerned with the inhibitory
was 500 mg L1.
impact of GaAs and InAs NPs on microorganisms are lack-
ing, a few previous studies have reported that GaAs and
InAs particles cause toxicity to human cells and higher
organisms (e.g. mammals, fish embryos).[28,43] Furthermore,
in agreement with the higher acute toxicity observed for
GaAs compared to InAs in this study (Table 1), a recent
study using macrophage-like THP-a cells and a transformed
human bronchial epithelial cell line BEAS-2B reported that
GaAs (micron-scale particles ranging 0.2–3 lm and NPs <
100 nm) displayed higher toxicity than InAs particulates.[20]

Dissolution/corrosion of Ga and In-based oxide

and arsenide NPs in aqueous solution
This study also demonstrated that prolonged exposure of
NPs to aqueous medium impacted the toxicity of GaAs and
InAs. In stark contrast with the fresh arsenide NPs that only
had moderate toxic effects, 5-day aged arsenide NPs strongly
inhibited the methanogenic activity of an anaerobic consor-
Figure 5. Time course of dissolution of GaAs particles with different particle tium (Table 1). Aging also enhanced inhibition of the bio-
size in 1 g L1 NaHCO3 at pH 7.8. Legends: NPs (80–100 nm) (䊏), 125–355 lm luminescent activity of A. fischeri by GaAs NPs (Table 1).
(䉫), 355–710 lm (), and > 710 lm (䉭). The initial particle concentration was The higher inhibitory potential of the aged arsenide NPs is
500 mg L1.
likely related to the sharp increase in the release of soluble
As with increasing exposure time to the aqueous medium
pH 7.8) was studied at an initial concentration of 500 mg (Figs. 4 and 5). Chemical composition impacted the dissol-
L1 of particles. ution rate of the arsenide NPs, with GaAs being more read-
As expected, the results confirmed that the rate at which ily dissolved than InAs. This study demonstrated the near
soluble As was released from the GaAs and InAs particles complete dissolution of GaAs NPs in pH-7.8 bicarbonate
increased with decreasing particle size (Fig. 5). For example, medium in 7 days. InAs NPs also underwent some dissol-
after 5 days, the concentrations of soluble As released from ution in the same medium, but the extent and rate of dissol-
GaAs NPs and micron-sized (125–355 lm) GaAs particles ution was considerably lower compared to GaAs (10% of
were 259 and 46 mg As L1, respectively (Fig. 4). A similar the total As dissolved in 7 days) (Fig. 4). These results are in
trend was observed for the InAs particles (results not agreement with previous studies demonstrating that GaAs is
included) by the much higher concentration of soluble As thermodynamically unstable in water and that the material
determined after 5 days in the assay with the NPs (20 mg undergoes rapid corrosion in aqueous medium with con-
L1) compared to that in the assays with the larger micron- comitant release of soluble As species.[5] The gallium
sized (125–355 lm) particles (0.24 mg L1). The data sug- released will tend to precipitate as Ga(OH)3 at circumneutral
gests that the higher specific surface area afforded by the pH due to the low solubility of GaIII (solubility product of

Ga(OH)3 or Ksp ¼ 7.28  1036 at 25  C[44]), which is in Table 2. Comparison of the 50% inhibiting concentrations determined in a
recent study from our research group in methanogenic toxicity tests
agreement with the low concentrations of soluble Ga and Microtox bioassays for different soluble III/V species, i.e., arsenite (AsIII),
(0.11 mg L1) detected after 7 days. Under aqueous condi- arsenate (AsV), gallium (GaIII), and indium (InIII).[50]
tions, InAs also corrodes readily, leading to the release of 50% Inhibiting concentrations (mg L1)
soluble As and to the formation of a surface oxide layer rich Chemical Methanogenic activity Microtox
in In2O3.[15] This layer contributes to passivate the surface AsIII 1.6 89.9
of InAs since InIII displays a very low solubility in water AsV 1.4 4.9
(Ksp of In(OH)3 or Ksp ¼ 1.3  1034 at 25  C).[45] GaIII > 174 > 635
InIII > 124 > 1045
In this study, we observed that the size of the arsenide 
The highest concentration tested.
particles has a strong impact on their microbial toxicity.
Smaller particles (nano-scale) had a higher inhibitory effect
compared to larger size particles (micron-scale) (Table 1). recent report from our research group has shown that GaIII
This finding agrees with previous cytotoxicity studies using and InIII complexed with citrate are not or only mildly
mammalian cells in which decreasing particle size was inhibitory towards Microtox and methanogenic microorgan-
reported to result in an increase of the in vivo dissolution isms at concentrations that are three to four orders of mag-
rate of GaAs and/or InAs particles (micron-scale and nano- nitude higher compared to those present in the bioassays
scale).[20,28,46] The enhanced toxicity observed with decreasing (Table 2). [50] It is worth noting that several studies have
particle size can be attributed to the greater specific surface reported that GaIII is inhibitory to some microorganisms
area of smaller particles allowing for faster dissolution rates. due to its physical and chemical similarity with FeIII and
Experimental measurements conducted in the present study ability to disrupt critical Fe-dependent cellular redox proc-
demonstrated that, under similar testing conditions, GaAs esses.[56] However, the susceptibility of different microorgan-
NPs completely dissolved after 7 days while larger GaAs par- isms to GaIII inhibition appears to vary widely.[57,58] A
ticles ranging in size from 125-355 lm, 355-710 lm, and > recent study attributed the inhibitory impact of gallium
710 lm did not (Fig. 5). nitride NPs on bacterial biolfim formation to the release of
soluble GaIII ions into the culture medium.[31]

Role of soluble arsenic on the microbial inhibition

of InAs and GaAs NPs Environmental implications

The microbial toxicity of the arsenide particles appears to be The results of this study revealed that GaAs NPs undergo
mainly due to corrosion and dissolution of inhibitory rapid dissolution in circumneutral aqueous environments
arsenic species, consisting chiefly of AsIII. Several studies leading to the release of toxic arsenic species. On the one
have shown that AsIII and, to a lesser extent, arsenate (AsV) hand, these observations suggest that GaAs NPs will be
exert significant methanogenic inhibition.[47] The IC50 values labile under the water chemistry conditions typically
reported in the latter study for AsIII and AsV toward H2-uti- encountered in municipal wastewaters and receiving surface
lizing methanogens were 1.6 and 1.4 mg As L1. Soluble water. On the other hand, they imply that the indirect
arsenic species have also been found to be inhibitory in the microbial toxicity caused by GaAs NPs will vary widely
Microtox bioassay, and some reports indicate that AsV is depending on the size of the NPs, contact time with the
more toxic to A. fischeri than AsIII.[48–50] For example, Zeng aqueous medium, aqueous chemistry conditions, and other
and coworkers determined IC50 values of 89.9 and 4.9 mg factors influencing GaAs dissolution. This study demon-
L1 for AsIII and AsV, respectively, in Microtox bioassays.[50] strated that the dissolution rate of GaAs particles increased
The high reactivity of AsIII with sulfhydryl groups is known significantly with decreasing particle size. Previous studies
to play an important role in its microbial toxicity.[29,51] In conducted by our research group to investigate the corro-
particular, methanogens are highly sensitive to AsIII due to sion of GaAs in aqueous medium under a range of redox
its ability to inactivate coenzyme M, an important sulfhydryl conditions, pH levels, ionic strength, and in the presence/
containing coenzyme which is central to the biochemical absence of organic constituents commonly found waste-
reaction of methanogenesis.[52] The microbial toxicity of waters have shown that, in agreement with thermodynamic
AsV toward microorganisms, including A. fischeri in the predictions, oxic environments and mildly alkaline condi-
Microtox assay, has been attributed to potential interference tions (pH 8.1  8.5) promote the release of soluble As
of this arsenic species in biochemical reactions due to its (chiefly arsenite) to the surrounding aqueous environ-
analog structure to phosphate.[53,54] Light production in A. ment.[59] In contrast with GaAs NPs, InAs NPs showed a
fischeri respiratory pathways requires adenosine triphos- comparatively low As leaching potential. The lower dissol-
phate (ATP).[54,55] ution rate was likely due to the formation of a passivating
In addition to soluble arsenic species, corrosion of GaAs layer on the surface of InAs consisting of corrosion products
and InAs resulted in the release of very low concentrations rich in highly insoluble In oxides (In2O3 and In(OH)3), as
of trivalent gallium and indium (GaIII and InIII) into solu- previously discussed. Whereas InIII is highly insoluble at cir-
tion (0.11 mg Ga L1 and 0.56 mg In L1 after 7 days). cumneutral pH, its solubility increases rapidly in acidic- (pH
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Figure A1. Transmission electron microscope (TEM) images of Ga2O3 (A), In2O3 (B), GaAs (C), and InAs (D) nanoparticles provided by the respective nanomaterial

Table A1. Average particle size and zeta potential (f–potential) of the nanoparticles used in this study in the different basal media used in the micro-
bial bioassays.
Particle size (diameter, nm) f-potential (mV)
Methanogenic Microtox Methanogenic Microtox
Nanoparticles Reported basal medium diluent basal medium diluent
Ga2O3 500 1401 ± 64 2217 ± 26 10.6 ± 0.1 14.1 ± 0.4
In2O3 20–70 1485 ± 144 1292 ± 315 7.9 ± 0.2 2.8 ± 1.1
GaAs 80–100 NA NA – –
InAs 80–100 NA NA – –

NA ¼ The arsenide nanoparticle dispersions were very unstable in the aqueous bioassay media and formed large aggregates that settled readily and could not
be assessed for particle size using the Zetasizer Nano ZS instrument.

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