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Creativity is the action and ability to give tangible form to an idea, impulse or intuition.

It can be a brand new idea, or it

can be an extension of something that already exists. Creativity can change the context of something in a new and
innovating way. Please understand that all creativity begins inside of us. It starts out as all things do, as an energy, a
thought, it starts out as a non physical thing. This non physical energy is spiritual. It comes to us from the infinite source of
supply. Some call this God, some call it the divine, some call it the universe, some simply call it universal omnipotence.

Creativity can be expressed infinitely, it should not be limited to any one discipline of expression.
It is the certainty and capacity for one’s creative and imaginative intentions coming into physical being. There is an inner
likeliness of the expected mental image and feeling associated to it to become and be. It is my pleasure and goal to take
concepts of creativity, imagination, spirituality and the overall human potential, to make them accessible and
understandably applicable for everyone. These concepts play a role in the shaping of our reality as we know it. Our
thoughts affect our bodies just as they affect our physical world.

The Imagination is one’s ability to perceive, intuitively sense, form ideas, create mental images and sensations of
potential things and or events. These experiences could be directly related to ones own life and or the lives of others. The
imagination is infinite, it is the storehouse of all potential perceptions that can become reality. Everything tangible begins
in one’s imagination.

Creativity is the Desire of Self Expression.

Self Expression + Your Creative Potential = An Innovative Injunction (The experience and all of the content involved to
make it happen.)

By examining artistic and creative traditions from around the world and throughout history, we enrich our appreciation
of both the work and the culture that produced it. Theater, literature, and visual art offer unique glimpses into the lives
of others, helping us to recognize common themes and valuable differences in the human experience. Critically
examining these works helps us hone the skills of observation and analysis. Interacting with different kinds of texts
requires that we develop and apply appropriate criteria to make informed judgments. Perhaps most importantly,
studying the arts gives us tools to represent and understand our experience, and inspires us to express ourselves more
imaginatively. This theme provides a unique lens with which to view almost any real-world problem, including such
issues as global climate change, the local food movement, the link between poverty and health.

Creativity is not exclusive to the arts but is a necessary component because in art you are not just putting material
together, paint, matter, your body’s movement, ideas etc. (Which are done across many fields of human activity which
have relation to this activity we call art) In art, you are doing more than just putting materials or actions or combining
ideas together! In the creative arts, once the material or the ideas are put together, they invoke complicated
psychological, conscious and subconscious process of feelings and thought patterns about some aspect of the world or
the artist’s place in the world, firstly in the artist, and that’s why artists do their art. But once the art is released to the
public it can also set off similar (Perhaps!) complicated conscious and subconscious thoughts and feelings in the viewers.
(But these may vary from person to person and may not be the same as artist’s original impressions)

Imagination is tied very closely to creativity because imagination is putting things, ideas, feelings or images together,
initially in the artist’s mind. The artist’s imagination may be in the form of picturing, thinking or feeling what the
proposed work of art will be about. But also, during the creation of the work, the artist will use their imagination to feel,
think and picture possible alternatives to what they have just done, at every stage of doing. The public, in turn, will
perhaps have to use their imagination to comprehend this work that is usually hard to pin down precisely in words.

Expression is automatic in every action, thought or feeling in everyone. We can’t avoid expressing who we are in every
thought and feeling, but, until we indicate our internal states through actions others will not know these. Most people
are not very good at getting their thoughts and feelings out in an acceptable way. Artists and poets, it is claimed, are
very good at getting these things out in a way that the public can say “Hits the nail on the head” in these allusive aspects
of being human. That’s why people read poetry, go to plays and movies, listen to music or songs and go to art galleries;
this is to get insight into their inner thoughts and/or feelings that they may have felt but can’t express or may never
thought or felt before; most people also find this pleasurable.

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