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Conservation and natural resource management:

where are all the women?
C R A I G L E I S H E R , R U T H K O N I A and N A T H A L I E B U T T

Abstract There is evidence from the development and hu- management institutions need to address the inclusion of
manitarian sectors that purposeful engagement of women women in their own staff and programmes.
can increase the impact of development. We conducted a
Keywords Conservation, environment, equity, gender, gov-
literature review to examine whether this is also evident
ernance, leadership, natural resource management, women
in conservation and natural resource management. The fol-
lowing themes emerged from our review: existing societal Supplementary material for this article is available at
and cultural norms affect and generally limit how women./S
can engage in conservation and natural resource manage-
ment; women interact differently with the environment than
men, so if they are excluded, their knowledge and per-
spectives on particular resources may not be considered in Introduction
conservation actions; and there is often a lack of resources or
dedicated effort by conservation or natural resource man-
agement programmes to understand and address the bar- G ender refers to socially constructed characteristics of
femininity and masculinity, including cultural norms
and roles attributed to women and men. Perceptions of
riers that prevent women’s engagement. Although there was
evidence of a positive relationship between the engage- and views on gender vary between societies and can change
ment of women and environmental outcomes, some studies over time (Zweifel, ; Griffin, ). Although gender
showed that positive conservation outcomes do not neces- inequality affects everyone, it can be particularly damaging
sarily benefit women, and when women are not considered, for women and girls (UN WOMEN, ). The development
conservation activities can perpetuate existing inequities. sector has long been systematically addressing gender,
We conclude that although the importance of integrating aiming to engage and empower women in the context of
gender into conservation is acknowledged in the literature, humanitarian and development interventions. There is evi-
there is a need to examine how women can be meaningful- dence of benefits when women are intentionally considered
ly engaged in conservation. This must go beyond treating in both policy and activities (Duffo, ; Taukobong et al.,
women as a homogenous group, to consider intersection- ). Many development organizations have developed
ality including race, ethnicity, age, religion, poverty and gender policies that have progressed from simply including
disability. In addition, conservation and natural resource women and increasing their participation to a more trans-
formative approach. This involves addressing deeply en-
trenched patriarchal systems, including cultural and trad-
ROBYN JAMES* (Corresponding author, itional norms that underpin and exacerbate gender-based
School of Social Sciences, University of Queensland St Lucia, Brisbane,
Queensland 4067, Australia. E-mail
discrimination, exploitation and violence, and making this
work an integral component of programmes and projects
BRIDGET GIBBS ( School of Geography
Planning and Environmental Management, University of Queensland, (e.g. World Vision, ; Save the Children, ).
Brisbane, Australia Here, we focus on how conservation can better consider
LAURA WHITFORD ( The Nature Conservancy, women. Although large conservation organizations are de-
Melbourne, Australia veloping and refining gender policies and guidance (e.g.
CRAIG LEISHER ( The Nature Conservancy, IUCN, ; The Nature Conservancy, ; Conservation
Nairobi, Kenya
International, ; WWF, ), the environment sector
RUTH KONIA ( The Nature Conservancy, overall, including both conservation and natural resource
Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea
management, has been slow to address gender inequity.
NATHALIE BUTT ( Centre for Biodiversity and
Conservation Science, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
Conservation is defined here as the protection of wild
flora and fauna and their natural habitats, and natural re-
*Also at: The Nature Conservancy, Asia Pacific Resource Centre, Brisbane,
Australia source management refers to the sustainable utilization of
Received  February . Revision requested  July . major natural resources such as land, water, forests and
Accepted  December . First published online  March . fisheries (Muralikrishna & Manickam, ). There is some

This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution licence (, which permits unrestricted re-use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Oryx, 2021, 55(6),Published
© The by Cambridge
Author(s), 2021.University
by Cambridge University Press on behalf of Fauna & Flora International doi:10.1017/S0030605320001349
Women in conservation 861

evidence in the peer-reviewed literature that engaging women Australia) databases using the following search terms: (‘gender’
in natural resource management and conservation efforts OR ‘women’ OR ‘women’s empowerment’) AND (‘conser-
leads to improved outcomes. Leisher et al. (), for ex- vation’ OR ‘biodiversity’ OR ‘natural research management’
ample, cited three studies that identified conservation OR ‘environmental management’ OR ‘climate change’ OR
benefits when women were included. Similarly, a study of ‘conservation benefits’ OR ‘decision-making’ OR ‘sustainability’
natural resource management groups across  countries OR ‘community conservation’ OR ‘development’ OR ‘policy’
in Latin America, Africa and Asia found that collaboration, OR ‘governance’ OR ‘protected areas’ OR ‘leadership’).
solidarity and conflict resolution increased where women We included in our analysis articles that had been pub-
were present (Westermann et al., ). Other studies have lished in a peer-reviewed journal and addressed gender in at
found that greater representation of women leads to least one of three ways: () examining if/how the inclusion of
more equitable benefit sharing and improved conservation women can improve conservation or natural resource man-
outcomes in forest conservation programmes (e.g. Upreti, agement, () describing a project in which women are in-
; Westerman, ; Vollan & Henry, ). However, volved in conservation or natural resource management,
this is not always the case, and better conservation out- or () providing recommendations for involving women in
comes do not always lead to more equitable benefits for conservation or natural resource management. We limited
women and vice versa. For example, where conservation is our research to articles published in English and focused on
undertaken within strongly entrenched patriarchal systems, women rather than all genders.
women who are already excluded from decisions around We categorized the articles resulting from our search
their land and resources are then also precluded from according to the geographical location of the study site.
conservation activities and benefits (Doubleday & Adams, Two authors separately read each article and identified core
). In addition, women are not a homogenous group themes relating to questions around barriers, opportunities
and issues of intersectionality are important: age, social and outcomes of women’s engagement in conservation and
class, ethnicity and race are among the factors that deter- related fields (Letherby, ; Patton, ). The two authors
mine how and which women are involved in conservation. then cross-checked the results to ensure consistency. Where
For example, improved enforcement of forest conservation there was disagreement on a theme or category for an article,
regulations may deliver conservation or forestry benefits, the two authors discussed this and came to a joint conclu-
but can disadvantage the poorest, most marginalized peo- sion, which was then verified by the other co-authors.
ple (including women and men) who rely most on these
resources (Agarwal, a). Results
There are few studies directly measuring the conserva-
tion or social benefits of deliberately considering women Our search identified  articles with information relating
in conservation. A systematic review of published and un- to women and conservation or natural resource management
published literature found only  studies linking gender (see full list in the references to Supplementary Table ). The
and conservation (Leisher et al., ). Although the publi- lead author was female in % of these articles (n = ) and
cations in our search often included recommendations male in only % (in % of articles the gender of the lead
for how to address gender inequity and better consider author was not determined). Only % (n = ) of the studies
women in conservation and natural resource management focused solely on biodiversity conservation, and over %
projects, there was limited evidence in the literature for (n = ) on natural resource management (Fig. ). Most stud-
how this was applied and achieved. We therefore aimed ies had been conducted in Asia (%, n = ) and Africa (%,
to: () examine the existing research on the link between n = ), and only % (n = ) in Australia/Oceania (Fig. ).
considering women and conservation/natural resource man- Five themes relating to women in conservation emerged
agement outcomes, () identify the barriers and oppor- during the analysis of the  articles (Fig. , Supplementary
tunities that women face in engaging in conservation and Table ): () broader patriarchal, societal and cultural norms
natural resource management, and () use this analysis to affect and generally limit how women can engage in con-
determine research and information gaps and propose a servation and natural resource management (%, n = 
set of recommendations to enable meaningful inclusion of articles), () women interact with, use, understand and val-
women in conservation and natural resource management. ue the environment differently than men (%, n = ), () lim-
ited resources and capability limit women’s opportun-
Methods ities to be involved in conservation and natural resource
management (%, n = ), () women need to substantive-
We comprehensively reviewed publications dated  January ly and meaningfully included in decision-making to have
– January . We searched the Web of Science an impact, which requires dedicated research, effort and re-
(Clarivate Analytics, Philadelphia, USA) and University of sources (%, n = ), and () patriarchal systems and the inclu-
Queensland Library (University of Queensland, Brisbane, sion of women need to be addressed more comprehensively

Oryx, 2021, 55(6), 860–867 © The Author(s), 2021. Published by Cambridge University Press on behalf of Fauna & Flora International doi:10.1017/S0030605320001349 Published online by Cambridge University Press

862 R. James et al.

FIG. 1 The articles included in our review were classified by

sectors relating to environment and conservation. ‘Natural FIG. 3 In the analysis of the  articles in this review, five broad
resources’ refers broadly to management of land and agricultural themes emerged that affect how and why women engage in
systems, water and water catchments, and oceans and reefs. conservation and management of natural resources.
‘Other’ refers to some articles that covered women in society,
science and/or leadership more generally. Sixty-two articles
women in environment and conservation efforts leads to
referred to multiple sectors.
improved outcomes. For example, a study in Bangladeshi
wetlands showed that community compliance with resource
management regulations was greater when both men and
women played an active role in conserving and managing
common pool natural resources (rather than just men;
Sultana & Thompson, ). However, several themes
emerged relating to barriers and enabling conditions for
women to participate in conservation and natural resource
management (Fig. , Supplementary Table ). There were
five major themes, all of which are interconnected, and
many studies we reviewed covered multiple themes.

(1) Existing societal norms affect women in conservation

More than half of the studies across different countries, eco-

system types and cultural settings reported that women are
commonly excluded from decision-making in conservation
and natural resource management because of societal or
FIG. 2 The articles included in our review were classified by cultural norms. Gender-based (and mostly patriarchal) soci-
geographical region. ‘Global/General’ refers to articles that etal norms shape livelihoods and determine access to and
referred to global/multi-regional studies or articles not tied
decision-making regarding resources, distribution of bene-
to a specific geographical location.
fits and potential social censure for women seeking to access
benefits (Buffum et al., ; Barclay et al., ; Essougong
within conservation and natural resource management in- et al., ). This reflects the broader exclusion of women in
stitutions, to understand and address barriers to women’s most societies where men hold primary power and predom-
engagement (%, n = ; Fig. ). Ten studies (%) explicitly inate in roles of political leadership, perceived moral author-
measured and demonstrated positive impacts for conserva- ity, social privilege and control of property (e.g. Nuggehalli
tion when women were involved. & Prokopy, ; Kleiber et al., ; Oliver et al., ).
For example, challenges faced by Tanzanian women
Discussion in the fisheries sector include societal norms that expect
women to carry out most household duties and childcare,
Despite the importance of the issue, only  of the  leaving limited time for fishing. In addition, there are social
studies clearly measured and demonstrated that engaging taboos allowing men to limit women’s access to fisheries

Oryx, 2021, 55(6), 860–867 © The Author(s), 2021. Published by Cambridge University Press on behalf of Fauna & Flora International doi:10.1017/S0030605320001349 Published online by Cambridge University Press

Women in conservation 863

(e.g. when women are menstruating; Bradford & Katikiro, decisions and deliberate efforts are not made to acknow-
). Similarly, forestry research shows that women’s roles ledge and incorporate their knowledge, the resources they
in forestry management are still restricted by a ‘masculine value are not considered in management planning.
gender order’ (Richardson et al., , p. ) that tends to mar- Projects (particularly those linked to the development of
ginalize women’s contributions and participation, especially livelihoods) may exacerbate inequalities between men and
in leadership and decision-making (Varghese & Reed, ; women when their differing use of natural resources is not
Evans et al., ; Essougong et al., ). In addition, projects fully understood or considered. For example, lack of un-
linking conservation to improving livelihoods have in some derstanding of gender dynamics in the forestry sector in
cases led to further inequities for women, such as increased Senegal, and poor representation of women in decision-
workload with limited monetary gain (Kariuki & Birner, ). making around land and forest policy, limits women’s
However, although policies from conservation organi- access to and control over natural resources, with direct,
zations recommend full participation by women, equitable negative implications for their sources of income and live-
benefit sharing, and promoting women’s empowerment in lihoods (Bandiaky-Badji, ).
livelihood and conservation projects, there is less evidence
in our review of a deeper understanding of the patriarchal (3) Women lack resources and/or capability to engage in
systems within which these projects generally operate, and conservation
the limitations these place on women’s involvement. A gen-
der analysis of grassland management in Mongolia showed There is evidence that limited access to land and resources,
that although there is awareness of the need to increase gen- for example as a result of insecure land tenure, dispro-
der equity, women are rarely fully included in decisions and portionately affects women (e.g. Schneider, ; St. Clair,
leadership around community land management in herding ; Dyer, ). A study of  rural women in Nigeria
communities, and this is then reflected in conservation and found that women’s limited access to and ownership of
natural resource management projects (Ykhanbai et al., ). land limits their ability to harvest forest resources and pro-
Therefore, simply having women present in decision-making vide for their families’ needs (Adedayo et al., ).
fora without considering the societal context will not resolve Similarly, in Senegal the lack of women’s representation
this disparity (Staples & Natcher, ; Baynes et al., ). on local governance councils has affected women’s access
The failure to adequately address prevailing social norms to resources, including forestry products, water, education
echoes a broader tendency within the conservation com- and health services (Bandiaky-Badji, ). This also rein-
munity to pursue biological or nature-based and techni- forces other societal inequities related to gender, including
cal solutions without considering societal inequalities that for example the perception that women are dependent
exist where conservation is focused (Calhoun et al., ., on men (Mukadasi & Nabalegwa, ). Women’s lack of
Westholm & Arora-Jonsson, ). This could be because access is further exacerbated when natural resources such
conservation researchers and practitioners often lack as water become scarcer as a result of climate change
awareness of societal norms or the skills to address them. (Djoudi & Brockhaus, ). In many countries there are
Conservation organizations typically invest more heavily also gaps in documented knowledge about women’s land
in natural science/ecology than social science. Social struc- rights and access to land (Meinzen-Dick et al., ).
tures may also be perceived as fixed, or outside the scope of Gender analyses in countries such as Solomon Islands
conservation work. Regardless of the cause, social inequal- and Brazil show that although women feel their resources
ities can inadvertently be compounded by conservation ef- need to be better managed, they may lack access to the in-
forts and the result is often that women have less decision- formation and resources needed to contribute meaningfully
making power, receive fewer benefits from conservation and to decisions (Di Ciommo & Schiavetti, ; Kruijssen et al.,
carry a greater burden of the environmental labour than ). In many parts of the world, women and girls have
men (Westholm & Arora-Jonsson, ). reduced access to education (particularly secondary and
tertiary), which can limit their invitation and perceived legit-
(2) Women interact with, use, understand and value the imacy to be part of conservation actions, and their access
environment differently than men to positions within conservation and natural resource
management organizations. An analysis across Bolivia, Mex-
Over % of articles highlighted that women often interact ico, Uganda and Kenya found the likelihood that a woman
with, use, understand and value the environment different- would be entrusted with the responsibility of representing
ly than men (e.g. Aswani et al., ; Purcell et al., ; the household on a forestry committee increased with her
Allendorf & Yang, ; Yang et al., ). In marine level of education (Coleman & Mwangi, ), demonstrat-
areas, for example, women commonly undertake inshore ing that lack of access to education can be a barrier for
fishing, whereas men often undertake coastal and offshore women, preventing them from contributing to conserva-
fishing. Therefore, if women are not represented in fisheries tion and natural resource management.

Oryx, 2021, 55(6), 860–867 © The Author(s), 2021. Published by Cambridge University Press on behalf of Fauna & Flora International doi:10.1017/S0030605320001349 Published online by Cambridge University Press

864 R. James et al.

(4) Women need to be substantively and meaningfully view gender as an issue only for low-income and emerging
included in conservation economies, and community development (Westberg &
Powell, ). However, there is evidence of women being
Gender-disaggregated data showing the number of women excluded within organizations focused on conservation
and men involved in conservation and natural resource and natural resource management, in external-facing pro-
management are necessary to demonstrate impacts of in- jects and programmes, and in research and policy-setting
cluding women, but looking beyond the numbers we also contexts (Jones & Solomon, ). For example, the num-
need to understand how women are involved and what ber of women occupying leadership positions on many
power and agency they have over conservation and resource conservation boards in Norway remains small (Lundberg,
management (Call & Sellers, ; Cook et al., ). For ), despite research showing the improved environmental
example, an examination of forestry conservation pro- performance and financial sustainability of organizations
grammes in India showed that greater representation of with gender-diverse boards (Glass et al., ; Hansen et al.,
women led to more equitable benefit sharing and improved ).
conservation outcomes, with forest cover in the study areas Traditional gender roles are commonly reflected within
increasing by %. However, for these benefits to be realized, conservation organizations (Mahour, ). For example,
women needed to make up at least –% of the decision- women often occupy interpretive, communicative and ad-
making group (Agarwal, b). Several authors noted that ministrative roles (with a focus on so-called soft skills),
decision-making bodies need to include at least % women and men are over-represented in positions that are more
for them to effectively influence decisions (Agarwal, a; leadership-oriented and risk-taking or involve fieldwork
Butler, ). (Westberg & Powell, ; Jones & Solomon, ). This often
It is also important to consider the adequacy of the tools leaves women performing lower status tasks, rather than
being used measure and understand women’s role in con- playing the roles of scientific experts and decision-makers
servation. For example, household surveys in which only that are more highly valued and more visible in these orga-
one representative is interviewed can mask substantial nizations (CohenMiller et al., ; Westberg & Powell, ).
differences between genders within the household (Verma, Women also carry out more office housekeeping tasks that
). In addition, gender-neutral terms such as ‘fishers’, are unrelated to their core responsibilities, such as taking
intended to be inclusive, can mask the different realities of notes and organizing and coordinating events (Westberg &
women and men engaged in the fishing sector, or conceal Powell, ). This in turn influences how conservation and
that data are primarily being captured on men’s experience natural resource management work and research are under-
(Kleiber et al., ). Therefore, failure to conduct an ad- taken, for example which research questions are asked, which
equate gender analysis can make it difficult to ensure equit- work is prioritized and who is considered. We found that
able representation, which then disproportionately disad- % of articles relating to gender and conservation had
vantages women (Molden et al., ). Forestry research in female lead authors, which suggests that these research
India and Nepal found that although women spend more questions are less likely to be investigated if women are
time than men using and managing forest resources, they not in research positions.
face systemic exclusion and denial of benefit from these re-
sources (Aditya, ). It is also important that these ana-
lyses seek to reflect the complexity of gender, to capture
the perspectives of individuals who do not identify within Conclusion
a binary gender concept, reflect intersectionality (Kojola, Research shows that men benefit from and participate in
) and avoid treating women or men as homogenous conservation more than women but often there is limited
groups (Westervelt, ). The importance of considering commitment to addressing this (Schneider, ; Farnworth
intersectionality is illustrated in a study from Sulawesi, et al., ; Razafindratsima & Dunham, ). Our review
Indonesia, where women’s active participation in decision- identified significant and persistent barriers to women’s full
making appeared to be more limited in mixed-ethnicity and meaningful participation in conservation and natural
communities, compared to more ethnically homogeneous resource management efforts. Challenges include heavier
areas (Colfer et al., ). workloads around caring and providing for the household
(this was evident in every cultural context studied), lack of
(5) Inclusion of women needs to be addressed within understanding of the gendered use of resources, and the dif-
conservation institutions ferent access to resources between men and women. There is
a persistent perception that men should be the decision ma-
There are limited published data outlining how con- kers and leaders in most contexts, both within conservation/
servation organizations consider gender within their own natural resource management organizations and in commu-
institutions (Jones & Solomon, ), and a tendency to nities where this work is undertaken. There is also limited

Oryx, 2021, 55(6), 860–867 © The Author(s), 2021. Published by Cambridge University Press on behalf of Fauna & Flora International doi:10.1017/S0030605320001349 Published online by Cambridge University Press

Women in conservation 865

research on understanding women’s aspirations and agency This review highlighted significant gaps in how the con-
within conservation and natural resource management. servation and natural resource management sector addresses
Overall, the conservation sector is not yet considering gen- inequity for women. It is vital that the conservation sector
der equality as an imperative (Schmitt, ). prioritizes gender equity both within the organizations that
We recommend the following actions to address these guide and implement conservation work as well as in the
challenges: () Comprehensive gender and systems analysis places where conservation projects are implemented. This
should be undertaken prior to and during project and will require affirmative action so that women can both benefit
programme implementation, to ensure a nuanced, locally from and influence conservation to the same extent as men.
relevant understanding of gender roles and norms, and
how these might intersect with conservation and natural Acknowledgements This research received no specific grant from
any funding agency or commercial or not-for-profit sectors. We
resource management efforts (Molden et al., ). () In- thank K. Lyons, H. Possingham and S. Mangubhai and J. Fisher for
ternal gender audits should be conducted within conser- their guidance, two anonymous reviewers for their critiques, and the
vation and natural resource management organizations, Oryx editorial team for their help in finalizing the article.
which could include setting targets for women’s representa-
tion in high-status science and leadership positions, not- Author contributions Study design: led by RJ with LW, BG; data
analysis and writing: led by RJ with BG, LW, CL, RK, NB.
ing that women’s participation appears to be necessary, but
not sufficient, for improved decision-making (Butler, ). Conflicts of interest None.
Recommendations from these audits should then be im-
plemented, measured and results reported back to staff Ethical standards Our analysis is based on data collected from other
and partners. () There is also a need to better understand peer-reviewed, published studies. No ethical approval was required for
this research, and it otherwise abides by the Oryx guidelines on ethical
what women’s leadership and empowerment means in the
context of conservation. This could be addressed at least
partially by applying theoretical frameworks from the social
sciences that aim to more deeply understand and address
gender inequity, power and patriarchy, and the complex
interplay of social and cultural norms (Eagly, ; Gaard, A D E D AY O , A.G., O Y U N , M.B. & K A D E B A , O. () Access of rural
; van Oosten et al., ; Weldon, ). () Women women to forest resources and its impact on rural household welfare
need to be actively encouraged to lead research and publish in north central Nigeria. Forest Policy and Economics, , –.
A D I T Y A , S.K. () Role of women in environmental conservation.
their findings. Evidence suggests that gender-diverse re-
International Journal of Political Science and Development, , –.
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Oryx, 2021, 55(6), 860–867 © The Author(s), 2021. Published by Cambridge University Press on behalf of Fauna & Flora International doi:10.1017/S0030605320001349 Published online by Cambridge University Press

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