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eathon p
How wil you convne people tone.
a.odens hi is tha
Reponse ?How
will you usevs in wate nyouu district 2 ex thaorcinauy achieuemont fom
them admn. adinay people ' what at youn
AAeachon is ’Ak uater dept, to provida data n v+ews n this?
instt, tn wate usagt in ig.
ditn |yes sin, this is He teundament
It doesn+ tale into imae eugh estinate at gag) unttge alty which maker a ltoce wety
I wi ll divide Hhe listrict mteni
The blokr wth
ASs ponse is uel tthaugat
out and takes intp conndet wastage wbe tackled gt.
on HHleel
Aspetso situto. ’Iwl intiate surey gnhna v/s Croatia Semi hal
Lovt schocls, s4 ce flaceuee whee ionel MS(i assisted Tulan
is whatis ,Omete
my peopeeet. Tuill mate
niedad in admntog headaesponsible to convince
Aunez to stike a gocl.
inl nnting eale in thia villags -Auputirg to me, thu yabitrty erahles
eesgning apelikg- but atactvin set
is also necasay in Omng Iwil mget visit indiv. HH, and enue that
Sihuahons kea diaster. thyman
Sex ato in a ds ttit, Iwill
wten uigge in docal eupafe.
ke not o a tat gt shools, childen uil he
macle wate amhSaa t Quss Squaities a hneaneutli)
while thine has been takle Sead awarens, sewsmt should hene ?
caseot om bmpeslitalejleod’ Motivate ypeople to go to4 5qualithies a buaaat should hne
oestaton dlives as tis will Btegutemain honesteve in
allow wate haverhy hostchallingng tlnis
a Do you think
e Abi lity to communicate utth ttyme
ashould a Jeader be doe a
’A ade should be kaoth.

him to be any maage

asut and witthoutdneamng,
but sueesyul bueaucats anl
those w e also tabe
Rdoent know which dihe cttah
hane to mantan belsthe i's hadasl. he msy tem out hmistate ayol not be
dut to bt custahohe. uay y yecatth.

ableto tale aisks dso

tgy buea. is abdle to

Lonine people ofimprtar!
of wote sangs cind notony
Sewhnnt should ngt have ? shaun thae qualteA ?
abl to get Bimib teatmt
ALLAtig to me cid souanthoA Obiapline and peseveane had he<sne been ohated
my upsc pepaaton , thee
dg when I fot Qulswhat shoule e done
tenotivted to Beuse to lmprove honelitin
publie heathsector in
I wuld sit doun t
tish wou de to

what shaue be prionithes
uvil sewant, placeclat
You wa t to be a leadenea bos2 ’ lat ea ust 1 month
ivtewjewie. |Sauel, sayDm)wolleton?
I wish to ineomi a ude -2021, m8 mother haol to S, a distictlleetoplaced
Botth cam achi ge taats but at anesponible pesithon in
due t sudden loss vision. I
Jowen deel is a sepusentatve
snu i in how hig de jo. was distubed but Ihadto
pito ehenitiyecaR -soand I eessgnetorstudes.
-He<she shouled prisitse
Oall clew" he custriu
Due to Raw omder should be in
wemes' care she was ble to pace, eenecellection
AlLni and r yond tie to stuy shautd becptinum, tmylem
tEnnatn a wek beee the interue
Aow manks lastyeanbut He shouled be the budge
betuion gt. and peaple,
ou haue any Role maal? vmt an the tant ny qucle and css-dinate veuias
who? rot qualites woud gou vmothes vison ulo depts.
àheto imbibe fon him he? - In shot, helshe shetd
-es wa'am, I co bane a aoke mdel. he mest imptot
My nothe-Sueis an ereutiue authey in the
ceeicsted pason, The quaittes ih aistit, sho uld
< wish to inbibe hom hitn ae


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