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UNIT (Friend)
Read the text above and translate it into Turkish.

Hello,I am Emily. I am 26 years old. I have lived in Ankara for 3 years. Today,I live in the İstanbul.
Istanbul has a lot of animal,historical artifacts. I like the istanbul.

There is/There are

There is: Var demektir. Tekil ve sayılmayan nesnelerde,eşyalarda kullanılır.

There are: Var demektir. Çoğul nesnelerde,eşyalarda kullanılır.

NOT: Olumsuz cümle yaparken is ve are

yardımcı fiiline not eki gelir.

NOT: Have got ve there is/there are

arasındaki fark: Have got sahiplik
belirtir,there is/there are ise nesnelerin
varlığını belirtir.

Write there is or there are in the sentences below.

1) There ______ a pen on the table.

2) There ________ (not) three apples in the basket.

3) ______ there dogs in the Street?

4) There _______ children playing in the park.

5) There _______ an Cat and a bird.

Read the paragraph and translate the turkish language.

In a small village, there is a man named Kemal. He works at the lighthouse. One night, there was a
big storm. There is a girl named Zeynep. She got a big cloth to help Kemal make the light strong.
They saved the sailors and the village. Now, there is a party every year to remember them.

Turkish Version:

Let two friends have a dialogue about the things they see in the environment.


• Etkisi süren geçmiş zamandır.
• Deneyim ve tecrübelerde kullanılır.
• Geçmişte eylem biter fakat eylem bitsede eylemin geride bıraktığı sonuçlar günümüze
kadar gelir.

NOT: Mesela ben saçımı maviye boyadım 1 hafta önce. Geçmişte saçımı
boyadım,boyama eylemi bitti fakat saçım hâlâ mavidir.

Cümle yapısı:

Write the words in the spaces below
with the appropriate tense.
1) I have _________ in the London.
2) She has _________ on the wall.
3)They ____________ in this house for ten years.
4) I ____________ such a beautiful place.
5) She ________________ her homework already.
6) We _______________ Paris several times.

Modal verb 1
Can: -ebilmek demektir. Can,genellikle yapabildiğimiz yeteneklerde ve
yapamadığımız yeteneklerde kullanılır.
May: -ebilmek demektir. May,genellikle olasılık,ihtimal belirtir.
Must: -meli,-malı demektir. Must,genellikle zorunluluklarda kullanılır fakat zorunluluk
kendimize verilir.

➢ Students must score at least 50% to pass the exam.
➢ You must take off your shoes at the door since walking inside with shoes is prohibited.
➢ It may rain tonight, so you may want to bring an umbrella.
➢ Guests may look at the books in the living room, but please remember to put them
➢ I can take two weeks off for vacation, but I need to get approval from my boss.
➢ You can use the food in the fridge, but please note down anything you use up.


Yet: henüz demektir. Olumsuz ve soru cümlelerinde kullanılır. Cümlenin sonuna gelir.
Already: Çoktan demektir. Olumlu cümlelerde yardımcı fiilden sonra gelir.
Never: Asla demektir. Yardımcı fiilden sonra gelir ve olumlu cümlelerde kullanılır. Never
olumsuzluk anlamı katarken not eki gelmez. Olumlu cümlelerde kullanılır.
Ever: hiç demektir. Soru cümlelerinde özneden sonra gelir.

1) I have ____________ (finish) my homework __________.
2) Have you ___________ (be) to paris __________?
3) She has ___________ (not/see) a lion ____________.
4) They have ___________ (clean) their room ___________.
5) He has ___________ (not/eat) sushi _________.
6) We have ___________ (visit) that museum _________.
7) Has he ____________ (call) his parents _________?

Practice speaking in class. Everyone should give at least 5 examples of
present perfect tense.

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in Present Perfect Tense:

1) She ____________ (finish) her homework already.

2) They ____________ (live) in this city for ten years.
3) I ____________ (never/see) such a beautiful sunset before.
4) We _____________ (visit) Paris three times.

Rewrite the sentences in Present Perfect Tense:

1) He cleans his room. _____________________________________________.

2) They go to the gym every day. _______________________________________________.
3) She writes a letter. ________________________________________________________.
4) I eat lunch. _____________________________________________________________.

Answer the questions using Present Perfect Tense:

1) Have you ever been to Japan?

2) Has she finished her project yet?

3) Have they moved to a new house?

Choose the correct modal verb (can, must, may) to complete the sentences:
1) You ________ go to the party if you finish your homework.
2) She ________ speak three languages fluently.
3) He ________ wear a uniform at work.
4) _________ I use your phone, please?

Fill in the blanks with "There is" or "There are":

1) ____________ a cat on the roof.

2) ____________ three books on the table.
3) ____________ a lot of people at the concert.
4) ____________ a new student in our class.

Correct the mistakes:

1) There is two apples in the basket.

2) There are a car outside.

3) There is many birds in the tree.

Read the text and answer the questions.
Tom's New Adventure
Tom is a young boy who lives in a small town with his family. One sunny Saturday morning, Tom
goes to the park with his favorite red ball. When he arrives, he sees many children playing. He
notices a new boy sitting alone on a bench with a big, friendly dog.

Tom loves dogs, so he goes to say hello. "Hi, my name is Tom," he says. "What's your name?"

The boy smiles. "Hi, I'm Jack. And this is my dog, Max."

Tom and Jack start playing with the ball and Max. They have a lot of fun running around the park.
After an hour, they sit on a bench to rest.

"Do you like living here?" Tom asks.

"Yes, but I miss my old friends," Jack replies.

"Don't worry," Tom says. "You will make new friends soon. I can introduce you to my friends."

Jack smiles. "Thank you, Tom."

They find out they go to the same school and like the same video games. Tom invites Jack to his
house for lunch. Tom’s mom makes delicious sandwiches, and they all eat together.

After lunch, Tom and Jack play video games and read comics. By the end of the day, they are
best friends. Jack is happy to have met Tom and looks forward to many more adventures


Why does Tom go to the park on Saturday morning?

Who does Tom see sitting alone on a bench?

How do Tom and Jack start playing together?

What do Tom and Jack do after they rest on the bench?

How do Tom and Jack become best friends by the end of the day?

2. UNIT (Dedective)

Look at the picture and write a paragraph about whether it is murder or suicide.

V3 is adjective.
Bütün fiillerin 3. Hali sıfattır. Sıfat olarak kullanırken sıfattan sonra genellikle noun gelir. Eğer
sıfattan önce have/has gelirse Present Perfect Tense olur.

NOT: Eğer have/has’den sonra bir fiil gelirse fiilin 3. Hali olur. Present perfect tense
cümlesi olur.

o Broken heard
o Written book
o Chosen person
o Grown tree

Modal verb 1
Have to: Zorunda olmak demektir. Zorunluluklarda kullanılır ama zorunluluk dışarıdan gelir.
Tüm zamanlara çekimlenebilir.
Had better: Yapsan iyi olur demektir. Tavsiyelerde kullanılır.
Could: Can Modal fiilinin geçmiş zaman halidir. Geçmişte yapabildiğimiz yeteneklerde
o I have to wear a school uniform.
o She doesn’t have to call you.
o He could swim.
o You had better take a medicine.
o We had better not drink a lot of cola.

Passive Voice
✓ Bir eylemin kimin tarafından yapıldığını bilmediğimiz durumlarda kullanılır.
✓ Passive Voice, Türkçede edilgen çatı olarak bildiğimiz yapının İngilizcedeki karşılığıdır.
✓ Passive Voice yapılarda asıl vurgulanan nokta işi kimin yaptığı değil, işin kendisidir.

Cümle yapısı:

NOT: Active Voice,Normal kullandığımız cümlelerdir. Özne bellidir,işin kimin

yaptığı bellidir.

Aşağıdaki active voice cümlelerini passive voice cümlelerine dönüştürün.
1) The boy kicks the ball.

2) She reads a book.

3) They build a house

4) The cat catches the mouse.

5) He writes a letter.
1) Aşağıdaki cümlelerden hangisi pasif ses kullanılarak yeniden yazılmıştır?

a) The cat chased the mouse around the house.

b) The mouse was chased around the house by the cat.

c) We should study for the exam tonight.

d) She had better finish her project before the deadline.

2) You _______ see a doctor if you have a high fever.

a) have to

b) could

c) had better

d) might

3) I _______ finish my homework before going out.

a) could

b) had better

c) might

d) have to

4) The _______ (lose) keys were found under the couch.

a) lose

b) losing

c) lost

d) loses

5) Aşağıdaki cümleyi anlamını bozmadan yeniden yazın:

You have to wear a seatbelt in the car.

a) You must wear a seatbelt in the car.

b) You could wear a seatbelt in the car.

c) You might wear a seatbelt in the car.

d) You had better wear a seatbelt in the car.

6) Aşağıdaki cümlede geçen sıfatı fiilin üçüncü hali ile değiştirin:

The broken window needs to be fixed.

a) breaking

b) broke

c) broken

d) break

7) Aşağıdaki cümlelerden hangisi pasif ses kullanılarak yeniden yazılmıştır?

a) The teacher gave us a challenging assignment.

b) A new restaurant opened in the city center last week.

c) The tickets for the concert were sold out within hours.

d) We could have visited the museum if it hadn't been closed.

8) "Had better" ifadesi aşağıdaki cümlelerden hangisinde kullanılmıştır?

a) She could have been awarded if she had participated.

b) You had better not forget to lock the door before leaving.

c) The problem will be solved by our team of engineers.

d) A beautiful painting was created by the talented artist.

9) Aşağıdaki cümlede geçen tüm pasif yapıları bulun:

The house was built by a famous architect, and the garden is maintained by a professional

a) The house was built, the garden is maintained

b) The house is built, the garden maintained

c) The house was built, the garden maintained

d) The house built, the garden is maintained

10) Aşağıdaki cümlelerden hangisi pasif ses kullanılarak yeniden yazılamaz?

a) The dog was chasing the cat around the yard.

b) The letter was written by John yesterday.

c) She had better study for the exam tomorrow.

d) The report will be submitted by the end of the day.

3. UNIT (Shopping Mall) 9

Read the text and let's find and learn the grammatical topics in the text.
I went to the shopping mall last week. I bought myself food, clothes and necessities. As I
was leaving after buying clothes, I saw someone stealing. I told the police and The police
caught the thief. We should not do something bad like stealing.

Read the dialogue and find and learn the grammarical topics in the text.

Alice: Hello Emma,what's up?

Emma: not bad and you?

Alice: I am fine,Would you come to the mall with me?

Emma: Sure,I will come but Shall We going to the cinema?

Alice: Okay,We should go to a cinema.

Modal Verb 3
Should: -meli,-malı demektir. Tavsiye ve öğütlerde kullanılır.

be able to: -ebilmek demektir. Can Modal fiili ile aynıdır. Yapabildiğimiz yeteneklerde kullanılır. Can
ile arasındaki tek fark "be able to" tüm zamanlara çekimlenir.

❖ İf you ill,you should take a medicine.
❖ We should practice a football to win a Cup.
❖ I am able to play football.
❖ She was able to ride a cycle.
❖ You are able to play basketboll.

Değil mi?
Öncelikle asıl cümlenin zamanını anlayıp, sonra da bu cümlenin yardımcı fiilini cümlenin sonuna
tam ters olarak (olumlu ise olumsuz, olumsuz ise olumlu) getirilmelidir.

o He is very rich, isn't he?
o She doesn't live in Paris, does she?
o John went to school yesterday, didn't he?
o Your father likes watching horror movies, doesn't he?
o You weren't in istanbul, were you?
o They will come tomorrow, won't they?
o The workers work hard, don't they?

NOT: I am rich, aren't I? (Ben zenginim, değil miyim?)
(Normalde cümlenin yardımcı fiili "am" olduğu halde "amn't" yardımcı fiili bulunmadığından "aren't"

Put the appropriate expression in the sentence using the expression isn't it?

1. Ahmet likes playing football, ________________?

2. The students aren't studying for the exam, ________________?

3. She hasn't finished her homework yet, ________________?

4. They were at the cinema last night, ________________?

5. Your brother can speak Spanish fluently, ________________?

6. We won't be late for the meeting, ________________?

7. Did you watch the news this morning, ________________?

Would you like to…? Bu ikiside davet etmek için veya bir şey
yapmak için kullanılır.
Shall we…?


Geçmişte belirli bir zamanda devam eden bir eylemi ifade etmek için kullanılır.
Geçmişte bir eylem başka bir eylem tarafından kesintiye uğradığı zaman kullanılır.
2 farklı eylem aynı zamanda yapılırken kullanılır.

o I was playing a piano when She called me.
o While I was dreaming at the night,She was listening the music.
o We were playing a football at 5 o'clock.

NOT: When -dığında demektir,tek seferlik olaylarda ve genellikle Past tense ile kullanılır. While ise -
iken,-ıkan demektir, belirli bir süre devam eden olaylarda ve Past Continuous Tense için kullanılır.



Karışık soruları doğru grammer konularına göre cevaplayınız.

• While I ______________ (walk) in the park, it started to rain.

• She was cooked dinner at 7 pm. Passive Voice or Past con. tense
• You ______________ (study) more if you want to pass the exam.
• You ________________ eat too much sugar.
• By next year, I _________________ (speak) fluent Spanish.
• He ______________ (not / run) fast because of his injury.
• She is coming to the party, _____________?
• They weren't at the meeting, ______________?
• __________________ (come) to the concert with us?
• Would you like to ________________________?
• While they ________________ (play) football, it suddenly started to snow.
• He ______________ (read) a book when I called him.
• We _______________ (go) to the cinema last night, didn't we?
• They _______________ (not/able to) fix the car in time.
• _______________ (go) out for dinner tonight?
• She _______________ (be able to) finish the project by tomorrow.
• You ___________________ (not/should) be late for your appointment.
• ____________________ (have) a look at this report for me?

If you go to the shopping mall,What will buy?

4. UNIT (Places) 12
Engineer: Mühendis Singer: Şarkıcı

Architect: Mimar Actor/Actress: Erkek/Kadın

Match the following sentences with the jobs.
1) This person assesses and treats patients' health conditions. ___________________________
2) This person creates wonders in the kitchen and prepares delicious meals._____________________
3) This person takes care of dental health and recommends regular check-ups._________________
4) This person deals with machines and technical problems, fixing them.______________________
5) This person prepares educational plans and teaches students.________________

in: Büyük ve kapalı alanlarda (in the park) ve aylar,yıllar,uzun zaman dilimleri (in july,in 2018) gibi
yerlerde kullanılır.

on: Yüzeyler için (on the table) ve günler,tarihler (on monday,on july 4th) gibi yerlerde kullanılır.
at: Belirli noktalar için (at the door) ve kesin zamanlar,saatler (at 5 o'clock) gibi yerlerde kullanılır.

o She is studying in the library.
o We are going on vacation in August.
o The book is on the shelf.
o He will call you on Friday.
o They are meeting at the cafe.
o The show starts at 7.PM.

Past Perfect Tense 13

Bu zaman diliminde geçmişte yaşanan 2 olaydan hangi olay ilk önce yaşandıysa o olayı Past
Perfect Tense yaparız.
• When I arrived, they had already eaten dinner.
• She had finished her homework before going to bed.
• Before the party started, we had decorated the house.
• By the time he woke up, I had already left for work.
• They had cleaned the kitchen before their guests arrived.

Gerund Yapısı

Gerund, “-ing” takısıyla biten ve cümlede isim (noun) olarak işlev gösteren fiillere denir.
Her cümlede 1 tane fiil olur fakat 2. Fiil geldiği zaman 2. Fiili gerund yada infinitive yapısı yapılır.

➢ Swimming is fun.
➢ I love swimming.
➢ She enjoys playing a football with my friends.

Kendinden sonra gerund (“-ing”) alan fiiller;

• Admit (Kabul etmek) • Resist (Direnmek)
• Avoid (Kaçınmak) • Risk (Risk almak)
• Begin (Başlamak) • Start (Başlamak)
• Consider (Düşünmek) • Stop (Durdurmak)
• Continue (Devam etmek) • Suggest (Önermek)
Future Tense
İkiye ayrılır; Will and be going to (ikiside gelecek zaman için kullanılır.)

Be going to
Kanıta dayalı tahminlerde,önceden planlamış gelecek işlerde kullanılır
-ecek,-acak demektir.


Planlanmamış,kanıta dayalı olmayan tıpkı tahmin gibi,konuşma anında gerçekleşen

durumlarda kullanılır.

o İt will rain tomorrow.
o I will take a 100 point.
o İt is going to rain because cloud look like bad.
o I am going to go the holiday next week.

“Yapmalıydın ama yapmadın.” “Yapardın.”
“Gelmeliydi,gitmeliydi.” Planlama,hayali ve tahminsel
Yapılması gerekli olan ama yapılmamış durumu ifade etmek için kullanılır.
eylemlerde kullanılır yani kısaca Gerçekleşmemiş geçmiş
geçişteki tavsiye ve pişmanlığı anlatır. niyetlerlerden bahsederken kullanılır.
• If you had studied harder, you ______________ (pass) the exam.
• I ______________ (call) you, but I lost your number.
• They ______________ (arrive) on time if they hadn't missed the train.
• You ______________ (take) an umbrella; it's going to rain later.
• I ______________ (go) to the party, but I was feeling sick.
• She ______________ (be) more careful; now her phone is broken.
• He ______________ (help) you if he had known you were in trouble.
• We ______________ (leave) earlier to avoid the traffic jam.

Practice speaking in class. Everyone should give at least 5 examples of
Future tense.


Fill in the blanks with jobs.
❖ A __________ teaches students.
❖ A __________ treats sick animals.
❖ A __________ designs buildings.
❖ A __________ cooks food in a restaurant.
❖ A __________ drives a taxi.

Match the profession with its description.

a. Fights fires and rescues people.
❖ Doctor (…)
b. Repairs cars.
❖ Mechanic (…)
c. Takes care of teeth.
❖ Firefighter (…)
❖ Lawyer (…) d. Provides medical treatment.

❖ Dentist (…) e. Practices law.

Fill in the blanks with the correct preposition (in, on, at):
❖ I have a meeting _____ 3 PM.
❖ My birthday is _____ July.
❖ We play football _____ the weekend.
❖ She lives _____ a small town.

Complete the sentences with the gerund form of the verb in parentheses:
❖ ___________ (swim) is fun.
❖ She likes ___________ (read) books.
❖ ___________ (cook) is my favorite hobby.
❖ He enjoys ____________ (play) football.
❖ They are good at ___________ (dance).
❖ I can't stand ___________ (wait) in long lines.

Fill in the blanks with past perfect and make a sentences.

❖ After the guests ____________ (go), we cleaned the house.

❖ When he called, I ____________ (already/eat) dinner.
❖ She was happy because she ____________ (find) her keys.

Complete the sentences with 'should have' or 'would have':

❖ You ________________ (study) more for the test.
❖ If I had seen you, I ________________ (say) hello.
❖ They ________________ (leave) earlier to avoid traffic.
❖ I ________________ (help) you if I had known.
❖ She ________________ (go) to the doctor, but she didn't.
❖ We ________________ (arrive) on time if we had left earlier.
Create a short story using these prompts and fill in the blanks:
Sarah woke up __________ (in/on/at) the morning. She had breakfast __________ (in/on/at)
8 AM. Then, she went to work __________ (in/on/at) her car. She is a ____________
(teacher/chef/doctor) and she loves her job.

Imagine your future plans and fill in the blanks:

Next year, I __________ (will/would) __________ (travel/traveling) to another country. I
__________ (will/would) __________ (learn/learning) a new language. I __________
(will/would) __________ (meet/meeting) new people and __________ (explore/exploring)
new places.

Complete the sentences with "will" or "be going to":

❖ Look at those dark clouds! It _____________ (rain).

❖ I _____________ (help) you with your homework.
❖ They _____________ (move) to a new house next month.
❖ She _____________ (buy) a new car soon.
❖ We _____________ (visit) our grandparents next weekend.
❖ I think I _____________ (have) a sandwich for lunch.
❖ They _____________ (start) a new project tomorrow.
❖ Watch out! You _____________ (fall) off the bike.

Write a short dialogue using "will" and "be going to".

5. UNIT (Kitchen)
memorize words.

▪ Knife - Bıçak
▪ Cutting board - Kesme tahtası
▪ Pot - Tencere
▪ Pan - Tava
▪ Lid - Kapak
▪ Spatula - Spatula
▪ Mixing bowl - Karıştırma kabı
▪ Measuring cup - Ölçü kabı
▪ Measuring spoon - Ölçü kaşığı
▪ Whisk – Çırpıcı
▪ Grater – Rende
▪ Kitchen scissors - Mutfak makası
▪ Colander – Süzgeç

Future in the Past

❖ be going to bildiğimiz gibi gelecek zaman için kullanılır. Biz be going to gelecek zamanda
am,is,are kullanılır. Fakat am,is,are geçmişe çekimlersek was,were olur ve was/were going to
olur. Bu zamanı biz planlanan bir eylemi yapılacakken yapılmama durumudur.

o I was going to the park. (Parka gidecektim, bu eylem planlanmış ama yapılmamış)
o You were going to play a soccer.
o We were going to eat a hamburger.

İnfinitive Yapısı
❖ Infinitive ise fiilin “-ing” takısı almayan, yalın hâlidir. Cümle içerisinde genellikle “to” edatının
ardından kullanılırlar. Her cümlede 1 tane fiil olur fakat 2. Fiili gerund yada infinitive yapısı yapılır.

o I went to the bakery to buy a bread.
o We go to the school everyday to learn the math.
o I want to play a basketball.

a little,a few,a lot of,many,much
❖ A little: biraz demektir. Sayılamayan isimlerde kullanılır.
❖ A few: biraz demektir. Sayılabilen isimlerde kullanılır.
❖ A lot of: hem sayılabilen hem sayılamayan isimlerde kullanılır. Çok,birçok gibi anlamları vardır.
❖ Many: çok demektir. Sayılabilen isimlerde kullanılır.
❖ Much: çok demektir. Sayılamayan isimlerde kullanılır.

Present Perfect Continuous Tense

Geçmişte başlayan bir eylemin şu ana kadar devam etme durumlarında kullanılır.

o I have been reading a book for 15 minutes.
o She has been listening the music for 20 minutes.
o We have been playing a soccer since all morning.

Complate the sentences with present perfect or present perfect contiuouns tense.

▪ She _______________ (live) in this city for five years.

▪ They ________________ (work) on the project since last month.
▪ I _______________ (not see) him for a long time.
▪ We ______________ (wait) for the bus for half an hour.
▪ You _____________ (finish) your homework yet?

Future in the Past:

❖ When we were children, we _________________ (think) we would be astronauts.

❖ She said she ___________________ (call) me later that evening.
❖ They ________________ (plan) to visit Italy, but their plans changed.

Infinitive Yapısı
❖ She decided ____________ (go) on a diet.
❖ He wants ____________ (learn) Spanish.
❖ They managed ____________ (finish) the project on time.

Match the following kitchen items with their correct names.

A tool used to flip pancakes or burgers.

a) Whisk

b) Spatula

c) Grater

A device for squeezing juice from fruits.

a) Peeler

b) Blender

c) Juicer

An appliance used to toast bread.

a) Toaster

b) Mixer

c) Frying Pan

❖ There aren't ____________ apples left in the basket. (many, much)

❖ She has ____________ friends in the city. (a few, a little)
❖ We don't have ____________ time to finish the project. (much, many)
❖ He drank ____________ water after the run. (a lot of, a few)
❖ She added ____________ salt to the soup. (a little, a few)

Complate the sentences with present perfect or present perfect contiuouns tense.
❖ She ________________ (work) at this company for three years.
❖ I _________________ (already, finish) my homework.
❖ They ________________ (live) in the same house since they got married.
❖ We _______________ (not see) him for a week.
❖ He ________________ (practice) the piano since morning.
6. UNIT (Past) 22
Introduce an invention made by a famous inventor from the past.

Used to/Would
Used to: Durumlarda ve geçmişteki özelliklerden, yeteneklerden bahsederken kullanılır.

Would: SADECE geçmişteki özelliklerden,yeteneklerden bahsederken kullanılır.

o We used to live in the Ankara. (Situation)
o I would run fast like a cheetah. (Ability)

Bu üç tane modal fiilde olasılık belirtir. (May have,Might have,Could have)

o I could have taken your pen.

o They might have won the football match.
o Peter didn’t come the party last week,he may have been sick.

If type 2
Gerçekleşme olasılığı çok az yada imkansız durumlar için kullanılır. Daha çok hayali durumları
ifade etmek amacıyla tercih edilir.
He, she, it ve I ile "was/were" kullanılabilirler. Fakat were çok daha yaygın kullanılan bir şekildir.

o If I learned Englisn, I would find a good job.
o If it rained, we would stay at home and sleep till noon.
o If I
were you, I
would go
and be a
o would travel the world if I were rich.
o We might finish the work on time if they helped us.
o If you didn't inform him, he couldn't get out of trouble.

Cümle yapısı: sıfat + -er / more + sıfat + than
Bir heceli sıfatlara -er takısı eklenir.
İkiden fazla heceli sıfatlarda more kelimesi sıfatlardan önce getirilir.

o My car is faster than yours.
o Her new dress is more beautiful than her old one.
o Nowadays cities are more attractive than villages.
o Women are generally shorter than men.

NOT: Bazı sıfatlar ise yukarıda belirtilen kuralların dışında düzensiz değişirler.

By edatı
Bir eylemin,olayın hangi yolla yapıldığını veya ne kullanıldığını belirtirken bu edat kullanılır.
İle demektir.
o I go to the school by bus.
o She has been walking in the park by feet.
o We have writen a book by pencil.

❖ The book was written __________ J.K. Rowling.
❖ We traveled to the city __________ train.
❖ The project must be completed __________ next Monday.
❖ She usually goes to work __________ bike.
❖ The cake was baked __________ my grandmother.



Short Story
Ali ____________ (used to/would) wake up early every morning to help his family. He
____________ (used to/would) always sing while working in the fields. One day, he saw dark
clouds and thought it ____________ (could have/might have) rained soon. He hurried
home, thinking the rain ______________ (could have/might have) caught him. His mother
said, "If you _____________ (had stayed/might have stayed) longer, you _____________
(could have/might have) gotten wet."

Used to / Would

❖ When I was a child, I ________________ (go) to the park every day after school.
❖ He _________________ (play) the piano very well, but now he doesn't have time to practice.
❖ They ________________________ (live) in Paris, but now they live in London.

Could Have, Might Have, May Have

❖ She ___________________________ (finish) the project by now, but she was too busy.
❖ I ___________________________ (forgot) to bring my wallet, but I'm not sure.
❖ He _______________________ (taken) the wrong train. That's why he's late.

If Type 2 (Second Conditional)

❖ If I ____________ (be) you, I would take that job offer.

❖ If he _____________ (study) harder, he would get better grades.
❖ If we __________ (have) more time, we would visit the museum.


❖ This book is ____________ (interesting) than the one I read last week.
❖ My sister is ____________ (tall) than me.
❖ Today is _____________ (hot) than yesterday.

By Edatı

❖ The project must be completed ___________ (by) Friday.

❖ This painting was made ___________ (by) Picasso.
❖ She was standing _________ (by) the window, looking outside.


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