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1. Check for Condi ons Check for persistent damage from condi ons (p.76) / other effects.

Check is condi ons can be removed.

2. Roll for ini a ve (p66) Player’s percep on vs target’s awareness. A cri cal failure gives
opponent surprise (first a ack gains +20). Winner strikes first.

Alterna vely, you can try to surprise the enemy – Stealth vs target’s
awareness. If successful first a ack gains +20, if unsuccessful, complete a
normal ini a ve check.

3. Main combat ac on Can be a standard a ack, use of ability, fleeing or standard ac ons.

Player turn A cri cal strike (doubles below skill level) automa cally wins, a cri cal
fumble (doubles above skill level) automa cally fails (p72).

Add weapon speed to all a ack rolls.

Enemy turn If NPC a acking, roll on Ac ons table.

If player character a acking or NPC using physical a ack:

- D100 skill check compared to relevant combat skill
- A acking character has advantage - roll at +10
- Defender makes skill check – equipped weapon or dodge
(combat skill for NPCs)
- Compare results; if a acker succeeds, they hits; if defender
succeeds, they gain a defensive move
- If hit, roll to establish hit loca on (p68)
- Roll to establish damage (D6 standard)(p69), remembering
armour (p71)

If NPC uses magical a ack, player must make a magical resistance check.

4. Post successful combat - Recover 1D4 toughness

- Check armour integrity (p72)
- Check for spoils (p196), etc
- Gain 50 XP

Entering a room

All areas (new and exis ng):

1. Check for direct damage from persistent condi ons (p76)

2. If there is a door, check if it is locked (p104)
3. Roll for lair check (p86)
(Or domain exit check if lair is located – p86)
4. Tension die check (p106)
New areas only:
5. Roll for room / corridor (p84) (op onal descrip on – p87)
(If first domain area, roll for overseer + overseer influence)
6. If a room, reduce light source by 1 (p84)
7. (Op onal) Use bandage (p74)
8. Roll for combat encounter (p86)
9. If no combat encounter and in a room, roll for event (p95)
10. Scavenging check (p103)

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