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-ormulae of the Chapter

1. Biot-Savart law, (ii)Period of revolution,

sin 9 2 Tum
dB Holal T=
4n qB
2. Magnetic field due to a straight conductor (i) Cyclotron frequency.
of finite length, qB
(sin + sin )
(iv) Maximum kinetic energy
3. Magnetic field due to an infinitely long
straight conductor, Kmax 2m
B Hol where R is the radius of the dees.
2 Ta
11. K.E. gained by an electron when accele
4. Magnetic field at the centre of a circular rated through, a potential difference V,
loop, 1 2eV
B Mol mo=eV .:. m
12. Force on a cårrent-carrying conductor in a
5. Magnetic field at an axial point of a circular
magnetic field,
F= IBsin 0 .. Fmax = llB
B= Ho
2( +a32 In,vector form, F =1(TxB)
6. Ampere's circuital law, 13. Force between two parallel current
carrying wires
fB.di=l, () Force per unit length,
When Bis directed along tarngent to every fo4
point on closed curve L, 2Tr
BL=! (i) Force on lengthlof one of the wires,
7. Magnetic field due to straight solenoid,
() At apoint well inside the solenoid, 2nr
B= nl
14. Torque on a current loop in a magnetic
(ii) At either end of the solenoid, field,
1 T= NIBA sin = mB sin
Bynd where m= NIA = magnetic dipole moment
Here n is the number of turns per unit length. of the current loop.
8. Magnetic field inside a toroidal solenoid, In vector form, e =mx B
B=#oni 15. In a moving coilgalvanometer,
Magnetic field is zero outside the toroid.
()Current, I=
9. Force on a charge qmoving with velocityv NBA
in a magnetic field át an angle with it is (i) Deflection produced,
F=quB sin 0 NBA
a =
10. For a charged particle, accelerated by a
cyclotron , (iii) Figure of merit,
() Velocity,
gBr G=-=
17. Resistance of an
(iv) Current sensitivity,
R R,
KA R, +K;
(v) Voltage sensitivity, 18. For conversion of agalvanometer into.
NBA voltmeter, the value of high serie
V = V IR kR
16. For conversion of a galvanometer into an R=
.-R, Here 'g R, +R
ammeter, the shunt resistance,

R, Here ' R,+ R 19, Resistance of a voltmeter, Ry = R, + R r

will n '




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