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Ironsworn Probabilities


Hello everybody. I've seen a lot of love for Ironsworn on this sub recently. Which is great. It's an
excellent system, and I've been playing it a lot recently. However, as a mathematically inclined
person, I've found myself hesitating before committing to a move. Is it worth the risk? Should you try
and secure an advantage before Forging that Bond?

With most d20 systems, and even d6 systems, it's easy to tell at a glance what the rough probability
of success will be with any action. However, with Ironsworn, due to the unique d10 vs d6 mechanic,
that's not always so simple. For those unfamiliar with the system, the core mechanic is rolling a d6
plus 2d10. You add a modifier to the d6, then compare it to the d10 to see if it is higher than one
(weak hit) or both (strong hit) of the results on them.

So, I know a lot of people won't need these tables. Part of the fun for them is rolling the dice, taking
the plunge, and seeing how everything shakes out. But if you're like me, and like to weigh up your
options, I've taken some time to calculate the probability of each result. Since doing this, I've found
myself referring to these charts regularly, so hopefully they help some of you out as well.

So, first up, standard roll probabilities. While this table extends to unrealistic modifiers in either
direction, I chose these bounds, because the top/bottom row remains unchanged for any further
increases/decreases, so I figured these made for suitable bounds. This allows for any homebrew
rules or similar that provide additional modifiers/penalties to the roll.

Modifier Strong Hit % Weak Hit % Miss %

-5 00.00% 00.00% 100.00%

-4 00.17% 03.00% 96.83%

-3 00.83% 08.33% 90.83%

-2 02.33% 15.33% 82.33%

-1 05.00% 23.33% 71.67%

+0 09.17% 31.67% 59.17%

+1 15.17% 39.67% 45.17%

+2 23.17% 43.67% 33.17%

+3 33.17% 43.67% 23.17%

+4 45.17% 39.67% 15.17%

+5 56.00% 34.67% 09.33%

+6 65.33% 29.33% 05.33%

Modifier Strong Hit % Weak Hit % Miss %

+7 72.83% 24.33% 02.83%

+8 78.17% 20.33% 01.50%

+9 81.00% 18.00% 01.00%

Now, progress. This was the easiest to calculate, as it only looks at the 2d10, and ignores the d6.

Progress Strong Hit % Weak Hit % Miss %

0 00.00% 00.00% 100.0%

1 00.00% 00.00% 100.0%

2 01.00% 18.00% 81.00%

3 04.00% 32.00% 64.00%

4 09.00% 42.00% 49.00%

5 16.00% 48.00% 36.00%

6 25.00% 50.00% 25.00%

7 36.00% 48.00% 16.00%

8 49.00% 42.00% 09.00%

9 64.00% 32.00% 04.00%

10 81.00% 18.00% 01.00%

Next is Momentum, because sometimes you only have a +1 to a roll, but +6 momentum, and really
want to get at least a weak hit on this important move. The momentum table is identical to the
above table, because, again, it only cares about the 2d10, and not the d6.

I have not provided a table for negative momentum, as the probability of negative momentum is
simple. Any negative momentum will negate the roll with a probability of 1/6. However, while the
first table tells you the probability if you don't want to spend momentum, the last is less useful, as it
only tells you the probability of cancelling dice, not the probability of hitting/missing. So here, I've
combined the two, providing a handy-dandy lookup chart. Compare your momentum (left hand
column) with your modifier (top row) to find your probability of a miss/weak hit/strong hit, assuming
you're willing to spend that momentum to get that hit. For the sake of ease of reading, I've rounded
all percentages to the nearest whole number, so the total for each cell may not be exactly 100%
(Apologies for wonky formatting. Not sure how to get the scrollbar.).

-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

-6 100/0/0 100/0/0 100/0/0 100/0/0 100/0/0 100/0/0 100/0/0 100/0/0 100/0/0 100/0/0 100/0/0 100/0/0 100/0/0

-5 100/0/0 97/3/0 94/5/1 92/7/2 89/8/3 88/8/4 86/8/6 85/7/8 84/5/11 84/3/14 84/3/14 84/3/14 84/3/14

-4 100/0/0 97/3/0 91/8/1 86/12/2 81/15/4 77/16/7 74/16/1 71/15/1 69/12/1 68/8/24 67/6/27 67/6/27 67/6/27
-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

0 4 9

63/24/1 58/23/1 55/20/2 52/15/3 51/11/3

-3 100/0/0 97/3/0 91/8/1 82/15/2 75/20/5 68/23/8 51/9/41 51/9/41
3 8 5 2 8

54/31/1 48/31/2 42/29/2 38/23/3 36/18/4 35/14/5 34/12/5

-2 100/0/0 97/3/0 91/8/1 82/15/2 72/23/5 62/29/9
4 1 9 8 6 1 4

48/37/1 39/38/2 32/37/3 26/32/4 22/26/5 19/21/5 18/17/6

-1 100/0/0 97/3/0 91/8/1 82/15/2 72/23/5 59/32/9
5 3 2 3 2 9 5

45/40/1 33/44/2 23/44/3 15/40/4

0 100/0/0 97/3/0 91/8/1 82/15/2 72/23/5 59/32/9 9/35/56 5/29/65 3/24/73
5 3 3 5

45/40/1 33/44/2 23/44/3 15/40/4

1 100/0/0 97/3/0 91/8/1 82/15/2 72/23/5 59/32/9 9/35/56 5/29/65 3/24/73
5 3 3 5

45/40/1 33/44/2 23/44/3 15/40/4

2 81/18/1 81/18/1 78/20/2 73/24/3 65/29/6 56/35/9 9/35/56 5/29/65 3/24/73
5 3 3 5

50/39/1 42/42/1 33/44/2 23/44/3 15/40/4

3 64/32/4 64/32/4 64/32/4 62/34/5 57/36/7 9/35/56 5/29/65 3/24/73
0 6 3 3 5

47/43/1 43/44/1 37/45/1 31/45/2 23/44/3 15/40/4

4 49/42/9 49/42/9 49/42/9 49/42/9 9/35/56 5/29/65 3/24/73
0 3 7 4 3 5

36/48/1 36/48/1 36/48/1 36/48/1 36/48/1 34/48/1 31/48/2 26/47/2 21/45/3 15/40/4
5 9/35/56 5/29/65 3/24/73
6 6 6 6 6 8 1 6 4 5

25/50/2 25/50/2 25/50/2 25/50/2 25/50/2 25/50/2 24/50/2 21/48/3 17/45/3 13/40/4
6 9/35/56 5/29/65 3/24/73
5 5 5 5 5 5 7 1 7 7

16/48/3 16/48/3 16/48/3 16/48/3 16/48/3 16/48/3 16/48/3 15/47/3 13/44/4 10/39/5
7 8/34/58 5/29/65 3/24/73
6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 3 1

8 9/42/49 9/42/49 9/42/49 9/42/49 9/42/49 9/42/49 9/42/49 9/42/49 8/40/52 7/36/57 6/32/62 4/28/68 3/24/73

9 4/32/64 4/32/64 4/32/64 4/32/64 4/32/64 4/32/64 4/32/64 4/32/64 4/32/64 4/30/67 3/27/70 3/25/73 2/23/75

1/18/81 1/18/81 1/18/81 1/18/81 1/18/81 1/18/81 1/18/81 1/18/81 1/18/81 1/18/81 1/18/81 1/18/81 1/18/81

EDIT: Yes, I know I messed up the negative momentum in the above table. I'll fix when I have time to
do the calculations.

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