Reading Comprhension Test

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Name: ________________________________________________________ Date: _____________

Section: ________________________________ Score: _____________


General Directions: Read the passage below then answer the questions that follow. Encircle the letter of
your choice.

Lena loved spending her summers at her grandparents' farm. The wide-open fields, the chirping
of birds, and the warm embrace of the sun always made her feel at home. This summer, she decided to
help her grandfather in the garden. The most intriguing part for her was the vegetable patch. She had
watched her grandpa tend to it for years and had learned a lot. As they sowed seeds and pulled weeds,
Lena listened to her grandpa's stories of how he had been gardening on this very plot for over 50 years.
This family tradition filled her with a sense of pride and connection to her roots. When she returned to
school in the fall, she couldn't wait to tell her friends about the wonderful summer she had at her
grandparents' farm.

1. What did Lena enjoy about spending her summers at her grandparents' farm?
A) The cold weather C) The noise of the city
B) The wide-open fields and warm sun D) The crowded spaces

2. What was Lena's favorite part of helping her grandfather in the garden?
A) Planting flowers C) Tending to the vegetable patch
B) Watering the garden D) Feeding the animals

3. How did Lena feel about the vegetable patch in her grandparents' garden?
A) She didn't care about it. C) She found it intriguing.
B) She thought it was boring. D) She was afraid of it.

4. What did Lena learn from her grandpa while working in the garden?
A) Nothing at all. C) Gardening tips and family stories.
B) How to play video games. D) How to cook.

5. How long had Lena's grandpa been gardening on the same plot?
A) Less than a year C) Over 50 years
B) Around 10 years D) About 5 years

6. What did the family tradition of gardening do for Lena?

A) Made her feel embarrassed C) Bored her
B) Filled her with a sense of pride and connection to D) Confused her
her roots

7. How did Lena feel about returning to school in the fall after her summer at the farm?
A) She was sad and didn't want to go. C) She wanted to stay on the farm forever.
B) She couldn't wait to tell her friends about her D) She felt indifferent.

8. What did Lena look forward to telling her friends about?

A) Her new video games D) The wonderful summer she had at her
B) Her new smartphone grandparents' farm
C) The great movies she watched

9. What type of environment did Lena enjoy at her grandparents' farm?

A) Noisy and crowded C) A concrete jungle
B) A wide-open space with the sun shining D) A quiet library

10. What is the best summary of the passage?

A) Lena had a boring summer at her grandparents' farm.
B) Lena spent her summer gardening with her grandpa and learned about family traditions.
C) Lena disliked her grandparents' farm and couldn't wait to go back to school.
D) Lena had fun playing video games all summer.
Name: ________________________________________________________ Date: _____________
Section: ________________________________ Score: _____________


General Directions: Read the passages below then answer the questions that follow. Encircle the letter
of your choice.

In the year 2050, the world had changed significantly due to advances in its technology and a
heightened awareness of environmental issues. Many traditional aspects of life had been replaced, but
some things remained the same. The concept of a good education, for example, still held great value.
Students in this future society attended virtual schools, using holographic teachers who could
customize lessons to each student's needs. The traditional classroom setting had given way to a world
of virtual reality.

1. What major changes had occurred in the year 2050 according to the passage?
a. Advances in technology and a return to traditional c. Virtual schools and holographic teachers
values d. A lack of education and traditional classrooms
b. Environmental issues and traditional education

2. What was the significant change in education in the year 2050?

a. A return to traditional classrooms c. A decrease in the importance of education
b. The use of virtual schools and holographic teachers d. A decrease in the use of technology

3. In the future society described in the passage, how were lessons customized for students?
a. Traditional classroom settings c. Virtual reality
b. Holographic teachers d. Environmental issues

4. What did students in the year 2050 use for their education?
a. Traditional classrooms c. Holographic teachers
b. Virtual schools d. Environmental technology

5. According to the passage, what still held great value in the year 2050?
a. Traditional classrooms c. Holographic teachers
b. Virtual schools d. A good education

Passage Continued:
Despite these technological advancements, one thing remained constant—the need for human
connection. People in 2050 had virtual friends and even AI companions, but they still cherished real-life
relationships. Face-to-face interactions had become more precious as they became rarer. This new world had
its advantages, but the human touch was irreplaceable.

6. What remained constant in the year 2050 according to the passage?

a. The need for AI companions c. The importance of virtual friends
b. The rarity of face-to-face interactions d. The need for human connection

7. What was the impact of technological advancements on face-to-face interactions in 2050?

a. They became more precious as they became rarer. c. They were replaced by AI companions.
b. They became less important. d. They were replaced by virtual friends.

8. What did people in 2050 cherish despite having virtual friends and AI companions?
a. Virtual reality c. Technological advancements
b. Human connection and real-life relationships d. The rarity of face-to-face interactions

9. According to the passage, what was irreplaceable in the new world of 2050?
a. AI companions c. The rarity of face-to-face interactions
b. Technological advancements d. The human touch

10. Which of the following summarizes the main idea of the passage?
a. Advances in technology have made traditional c. Despite technological changes, the value of
education obsolete. education and human connection remained.
b. In 2050, virtual friends and AI companions replaced d. Traditional classrooms were still the norm in 2050.
human relationships.
Name: ________________________________________________________ Date: _____________
Section: ________________________________ Score: _____________


General Directions: Read the passages below then answer the questions that follow. Encircle the letter
of your choice.

It is 10:00 on a Saturday night. The doors to the animal emergency room fly open. Cyrus carries a
tiny, black lab puppy into the building. "Save him. Please! Cries Cyrus. "He ran out b into the street and
got hit by a car". The puppy's name is whining. There is a lot of blood. Dr. Williams comes from behind
the desk. She reads the puppy's tag name. "Here, let me take Lobo from you, "Dr. Williams tells Cyrus
gently. "I will take him in the back for x-rays and see what needs to be done. "When Dr. Williams gets to
the back, she takes a closer look at Lobo. Her face is grim. She can see the dog's leg is broken badly.
She fears there is another damage she cannot see. The assistants in the room are silent. Everyone
knows that Lobo may not survive. If he does survive, his leg injury may be so severe that walking will be
hard for him to do. The x-ray shows that Lobo's front leg has been broken in three places. He is also
bleeding inside. Dr Williams gets to work. She knows she must stop the bleeding quickly. The surgery
takes just under two hours. Dr. Williams fixes the damage to Lobo's leg. She stops the bleeding inside
his chest. "I will go tell Lobo’s owner that this little pup is going to make it, "Dr. Williams says. "We'll see
in a few weeks how he will walk again.

1. The story takes place in a(n).

a. police station b. waiting room c. doctor's office d. animal hospital

2. What does the mood in the room seem to be?

a. angry b. relaxed c. joyful d. tense

3. Dr. Williams knows just how badly lobo has been hurt when
a. Cyrus asks for help c. she sees Lobo in the lab puppy
b. she takes a closer look d. she looks the x-ray

4. Around what time Did Lobo's surgery end?

a. 10;00 at night b. 10:00 in the morning c. noon d. midnight

5. As used in the middle of the story, which is the best synonym for grim?
a. calm b. serious c. hopeful d. pleasant

6. For about how long is Lobo in surgery?

a. 45 minutes b. 1 hour, 30 min c. 1 hour, 50 min d. 2 hours, 15 min

7. Dr. Williams is a(n)

a. pediatrician b. dentist c. internist d. veterinarian

8. To have a severe injury means to

a. have a mild injury c. not to be able to walk
b. have lot of pain d. have a very bad injury

9. In how many places was Lobo's leg broken?

A. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4

10. Which of the following is synonym to tenacity?

a. industry b. persistence c. sincerity d. misfortune

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