Global Perspectives-Why & How (1)

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Global Perspectives - WHY and How

Global Perspective is a subject that has no boundaries but only provides an ocean of learning.
Educational research globally has shown that students who study GP as a subject are more
than twice as likely to see the importance of personally taking social action. The subject
encourages awareness about issues concerning from local to global; such as poverty, climate
change, religious and cultural differences, world trade, and politics to mention a few.

GP enables learners to put across their opinions and the best part about it is there is no right
or wrong. Our opinions hold value and what better way than teaching students this important
skill of expressing their opinions with the help of subject knowledge.

This skill of sharing opinions in a classroom is engaged with peers who come from different
backgrounds, states, cultures, ethnicity, gender, and who have differing world views. When
all clubbed together, they become a beautiful sight to look and hear out.

The subject of GP is a see-through lens allowing students to look at the world around them
and come up with solutions if they see any problem thus automatically developing
entrepreneurial skills. It enables learners to perceive and understand the world as per their
understanding and developing in them a sense of identity. An identity that we truly crave in
the fast-pacing world. Hence, if you have a look at the textbook of GP you will come across
skills but no topic in particular as educators choose topics each academic year, topics that
need the attention of the students, topics that need to be heard and spoken off. These topics
are then linked with the multiple skills mentioned in the textbook of GP.

The educator of GP ensures the topics in the class are delivered to study the problems and
issues and interconnect the same with the cultural, environmental, economic, political, and
technological link by doing research studies with collaborative efforts along with their peers.
The cultivation of cross-cultural understanding by the educator enables students to have a
‘perspective’ on matters concerning the globe at large. Educators empower the students to
1. Leaders
2. Incorporate global stories
3. Organize hands-on learning
4. Relatable study with current scenarios
5. Take time to reflect on the world around
6. Volunteer to have opinions and offer help

Global Perspective as a subject of the Cambridge curriculum is unique in its way and stands
apart and true for its nature. Multiple skills are developed in the students just by opting to
learn from this subject, to list a few-
1. Critical thinking
2. Research
3. Analytical
4. Problem-solving
5. Communication
6. Collaboration
7. Social awareness
8. Global knowledge
Each of the skills serving as a life skill in itself. Students by studying GP develop a sense of
their worth and take pride in having their opinions being said and heard.

The subject of Global Perspectives merely comes down to developing skills. The skills that
apply equally, if not more in all the subjects. Students not just have a sense of responsibility
towards them but towards the society as they start viewing themselves not just citizens of a
particular country but global citizens and future take holders.

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