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Dear Parents,

Summer break is a time that aids in refreshing the mind, the body, and the spirit of
students. So, it’ss a time for children to learn and have fun
fun. Let’ss make the most of this
time to grow and develop our skills together.
Please find attached herewith the worksheets for all subjects.

The guidelines for the same are:

 The homework should be done neatly in A-4 size sheets with proper borders.
 Take out the printout of all the worksheets and make subjectwise folder.
 The criteria of the homework is enhancement of knowledge and thorough
 Parents are requested to only guide the children while doing the assignment.
 Holiday Homework will be assessed on neatness.
 Timely submission of Homework would be appreciated.
 Holiday homework will be checked and marked by subject teachers.


S. No. Subject Worksheets Submission

1 ENGLISH 2 8.7.24

2 HINDI 2 9.7.24

3 MATHS 3 10.7.24

4 SCIENCE 2 11.7.24

5 SST 2 12.7.24

1. Taking a break from studies once in a while is very important. It freshens up our
body and mind. Write a few lines on your favorite hobby on A-44 size ruled sheet.

2. Write any imaginative story of your own on A
4 size sheet and draw picture
related to it.

3. Prepare a pocket dictionary and w

write minimum 5 words of each alphabet (new
words) with meaning
ning to enhance your vocabulary.
4. Practice cursive writing in your Roots Cursive Writing Book (pages 1-21)


1) आपने गम की छु ि यां िकस कार िबताई पर अनु े द उ रपु का म िलख।

2) आप अपने आस पास कैसा वातावरण चाहते ह उसका िच बनाकर पयावरण सरं ण का

ोगन A-4 sheet पर िलखे |

3) भारत के िक ी दो रा ों के बारे म उनकी बोली, िस खाना, दशनीय थलथल, ोहार

आिद के बारे म 5 लाइन िलखकर उनके ोहारों और ंजनों के िच scrapbook म
िचपकाएं ।


1) Learn tables from 2 to 20.


The number in the upper row is the sum of two numbers just below it. This is called
wall puzzles. Find out answers to the following wall puzzles.

Q. Research on any 1 communicable disease and write the symptoms, causes and
prevention with a picture in the scrap book.

Q. Make a vaccination chart in the scrap book as per the National Immunization
schedule by Government of India


Do the following according to your roll numbers: -

Roll No 1 to 10: - Make a project on the paper plate and paste the cut outs of the
continents and oceans.
For example :

Roll No 11 to 20: -Marine pollution is a great threat to our environment. Make a poster
on save environment in scrap file and write the importance and conservation of the
marine environment

Roll No 21 to 30: - Types of Maps: You could research different types of maps, such as
political maps, physical maps and thematic maps.Paste these maps in scrap book and
write about it and mark features Each type serves a different purpose and highlights
different aspects of geography.

Roll No 31 onwards: - Make a collage by showing different landforms like mountains,

hills, plains, desert, etc. in your scrapbook.

The hillside is quiet and beautiful. One can hear the sound of the birds chirping, the
river flowing and the wind blowing. The mountains are brown in colour. But some
mountains have white snow on the top.

The bright yellow sun rises from between the mountains. The river flows down the
mountain and is deep blue. The water also has many fishes in them. These fishes are
both big and small. Most of the fishes are red and green in colour.

There are many houses on both sides of the river. Several people live in these houses.
These people walk along the river and enjoy Mother Nature.

Answer the following questions:

(a) What can you hear on the hillside?
Ans _________________________________________________________________

(b) Why are some mountains white on the top?

Ans _________________________________________________________________

(c) What do the people do?

Ans _________________________________________________________________

(d) What rises from in between the mountains?

Ans _________________________________________________________________

Q1 Write the meaning of the following words:
(a) monsieur -

(b) diligence -

(c) benignly -

(d) trial -
Q2 Make sentences using the following words:
(a) dismissed -

(b) jury -

(c) mansion -

(d) apparatus -

Q3 Answer the following questions:

(a) What did people know about Phileas Fogg?

(b) Write about da Vinci’s early career.

(c) Why does Fury challenge the mouse to go to a trial?


Q4 Answer the following questions briefly:

(a) Where did Phileas Fogg eat his meals?

(b) What was Leonardo’s most famous work?


(c) What was destroyed in a war and reduced to rubble?


(d) What was the age of new of butler?


(e) Which drawing was among da Vinci’s many engineering projects?


Q1. Arrange the following words alphabetically:

manger marathon madcap mantle malign


Q2. Fill in the blanks using question tags:

(a) Raghav is on leave, __________________?
(b) Sapna won’t attend the party, ________________?
(c) I am not shouting, ___________________?
(d) You’re reading, _________________?
Q3 .Write the collective noun for the following:
(a) lions - __________________________
(b) cattle - __________________________
(c) robbers - __________________________
(d) players - __________________________
(e) ants - __________________________
(f) birds - __________________________
Q4. Identify the common, proper and abstract nouns in the following sentences:
(a) I love my parents because of their honesty.

(b) The teacher displayed the beautiful painting made by Arjun.


(c) Cruelty to animals is punishable.


(d) Aman was in great despair when he lost his phone.

Q5 Rewrite the following sentences in plural form:
(a) How old is the child next door?
(b) That mango was very juicy.
(c) This picture is looking beautiful.

(d) The cartoon character is very comic.


Q5.Complete the table:

Masculine Feminine
waiter ______________________
___________________ Peahen
landlord ______________________
nephew ______________________
___________________ goose
___________________ mother-in –law
Q6.Rewrite the following sentences using apostrophes:
(a) Rohans favourite toy is car.
(b) The mothers baby began to play cheerfully.
(c) My neighbours house is beautiful.

Q7. Fill in the blanks with suitable pronouns:

(a) The children enjoyed when _______________ saw the clown.
(b) Our window broke and, ________________now lets the cold wind in.
(c) Some students shouted and so the teacher scolded _____________.
(d) Deepti sang the song that ____________knew best.
Q8. Fill in the blanks with suitable words from the bracket:
(a) The players _________ be too busy practicing for the upcoming match.(may/may
(b) We ___________respect our elders.(should/should not)
(c) I ______________ dance as my leg is injured.(can/cannot)
(d) Carry your umbrella as it _________ rain.(may/may not)
(e) You ___________ follow the doctor’s advice for speedy recovery.(must/must
(f) Senior students _________________ bully the young children.(must/must not)

०1िच को दे खकर िन वग पहे ली म उनके नाम ढू ँ ढो I

िस पा ही ज प पी ता

क ग रा नी ब ला उ
सी ढ़ी ज ढ़ ध ड जी

टी ठ म ग र म भ

छ द क भ ती र म

ल क डी ज प न घ

ली फ रे ल गा ड़ी

1 Write the number names of the following numbers.

a) 6,23,563

b) 5,89,988



Q 2) Write the numbers for the given number names.

a)Fifteen lakh fifty three thousand three hundred sixty


b) Twenty crore thirty thousand nine hundred


c) Four crore five lakh seventy seven thousand five hundred ninety

d) Eight lakh sixteen thousand seven hundred


Q3) Write in ascending and descending order.

a) 6,45,809; 7,44,984; 7,44,894; 45,794



b)12,905; 12509; 12095.



Q5) Round off numbers to the nearest 10,100,1000,10,000,1,00,000.


100 1000 10,000



Q6) Add the following numbers.

a) 36,564+ 22,897

b) 6, 50,258 +6, 54,258

c) 5, 62,98,456+ 3,25,64,895

d) 9,19,62,582 +80,35,410

Q7) Subtract the following numbers.

a) 56,12,454 -45,00,212

b) 78,699 – 60,275

c) 94,236-70,224
Q.8) Saloni tabulates her expenses as shown below .Her salary is ₹ 1,50,000. How
much does she saves monthly

Rent ₹ 45,000

Transport ₹8390

Food and groceries ₹12,389

Entertainment ₹5654

Other expenses ₹22,999

Q9) Fill in the blanks.

a) 7,532+ 0=___________

b) 1,823 + 6,479 = __________

c) 9,987 + 100 =__________________

Q 10. The sum of two numbers is 3,54,370 . If one number is 1,82,756. What is the
other number?

1. Define the following terms.

a) Microbes -
b) Diseases-
c) Vaccination -
d) Sublimation -
e) Solution-

2. Answer the following questions in brief.

a) List two properties of gases.

b) What are immiscible liquids? Give two examples.


c) What is malnutrition?

d) List two symptoms of beriberi.


e) Why do we get vaccinated?


3. Answer the following questions in detail.

a) List three symptoms of scurvy.

b) Write a short note on effect of temperature on matter.

c) Differentiate between evaporation and condensation.

e) What are deficiency diseases? Write two deficiency diseases and

Common symptoms.

4. Draw the diagram of:-

a) Food pyramid
b) Molecular arrangement in solids, liquids and gases.

Q1. Fill in the blanks

a) ________________ ________ made the 3D model of the earth.
b) Largest and deepest ocean is _____________________.
c) We should appreciate the dignity of _____________ .
d) Full form of GPS is ______________________________________________ .
e) A person who makes map is called ___________________________.
f) The coldest ocean in the world is _________________ . It is covered with snow.
g) Employment of children who are below the age of 14 is called
h) The Indian _______________________prohibits any discrimination against
women under the right of equality.
i) __________ ________________________ was the first person to sail around the
Q2. Give one word or term for the following
a) Largest continent
b) World’s smallest continent
c) 3 D model of the earth ________________________________
d) Third largest ocean of the world ________________________________
e) World’s smallest country_______________________________
f) Which mountains separate Europe from Asia
g) Continent named after its own country _______________________
h) Highest mountain peak is in the world is in which
i) The river Nile flows in which continent?_________________________
j) Book of maps-________________________
k) The art and process of making map is called

Q3. Fill in the blanks-
a. Children from poor family work to earn living money for their
b. We should not appreciate the dignity of labour. _________
c. All occupations do not require any educational qualification._______________
d. Largest island in the world is Greenland.______________
e. Thematic map focus on one theme like rainfall, population or
f. Political maps shows the boundaries of countries or cities._____________
Q4. Define
a) dignity___________________________________________________________

b) malnutrition________________________________________________________________
c) discrimination______________________________________________________________
d) horizon_____________________________________________________________________
e) destination__________________________________________________________________

Q5. Answer in short

a) Who are professionals?


b) How are cleaners helping us? Why should we respect them?

c) What is an occupation?


d) What are cardinal directions?


Q6. Answer in long

A) Write three disadvantages of globe?


B) Write two advantages of map?


C) What are the children working as labour missing in their life? Explain in your
own words.

D) Write the difference between skilled and unskilled workers. Give examples
Q7 . Mark the given continents and ocean in the map of the world-
1. Asia 2. Atlantic Ocean 3. Africa 4. Pacific ocean
5 North America 6. Arctic Ocean 7. Europe


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