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LOINOI DAU Phrasal verbs hay cum dng tir la sy kéthgp gitta m6t dong ti va mét hoc hai tiéu tir (particles). Cac tiéu tir nay c6 thé la gid tir (preposition) ho3c trang tir (adverb). Tuy nhién khi thém cdc tiéu tir nay vao sau, nghta ciia phrasal verb sé hoan ton khdc biét so véri dng tir tao nén n6. Trong ting Anh cé v6 sé déng tir, mdi dong tir lat c6 thé két hop duoc voi rét nhibu tiéu tir dé tao nén rat nhieu nghia hac nhau, Vi lé a6, viée hoc cum déng tir tiéng Anh trérnén kha kh6 khan 51 v6i ngudi hoc. Xudt phat tir thyc té d6, tic gid da day cOng nghién ctru dé tim ra phuong phap hoc cum dong tir tiéng Anh mét cach higu qua nhat. Tat ca nhiing bi quyét 6 durge dic rit va cé dong trong cuén sich CHINH PHUC CUM DONG TU TIENG ANH nay. Cudn sch durgc trinh bay theo ba phan: * Phin 1 - Hé théng cic cum d6ng tir thong dung trong tiéng Anh. Trong phn ny, 75 cum dng tir thudng gp duryché théng theo thi tu bang chit cai dé ngudi doc tién tra ctru. Mdi cum dong tir duoc trinh bay theo bang, liét ké dy di nghta va cum tir dng nghia kém theo vi dy minh hoa. Ngoai ra, tuong ing vii m6i cum Ong tir a mét s6 bai tap di kém nham cung ep thém cho ngurdi hoc céch sit dung va y nghia ciia tig cum dng tik, dé tir dé ki sichon. * Phan 2 -Bai tip 4p dung. Phin nay duge thiét ké duéi dang bai tp tric nghiém téng hop gitip ngudi hoc 6n t4p toan bo kién thite & phn 1. * Phan 3 - Dap an V6i gin 1000 cum dng tir cing v6i hrong bai tp thc hanh lén, chic chdn cudn sch sé lam théa man nhu clu ciia ngudi hoc, cling nhu trang bi cho nguéi hoc hé théng kién thtéc khéng Id vé cum dng tir trong tiéng Anh, tir dé nguoi hoc 6 thé tyr tin sir dung tiéng Anh trong giao tiép hing ngiy, trong céng viée cing nhwr dat dwgc s6 diém tuyét di voi mang kién tire nay trong cdc ki thi hoc sinh gidi, thi vao trurbng chuyén, thi THPTQG va thi lay cde chirng chi quéc té thire durgc ciing cé va ghi nhé sau Mic di téc gia da rat né lure ciing voi mong muén thiét tha mang téi cho ngudi hoc m6t t2i ligu tham khio b6 {ch, song trong qué trinh bién soan cuén sich c6 thé van cdn nhirng thiéu sét nbdt dinh. Tac gid rat mong nhgn durgc nhirng ¥kign déng g6p quy bau cha quy doc gid dé cudn sich durgc hoan thign hon. MUC LUC PHAN 1. NHUNG CUM DONG TU TIENG ANH THONG DUNG .....-7 1. ACCOUNT....7. 2. ACT. 7 BAGREBoon9 4. ASK... 10 5. BACK. 14 7. BEAR... 9. BLOW. 19 11, BRICK... 15, BURN 0.30 16. CATCH. 19, CLEAR... 13, BUILD.....28 20. CHANG! e424, COME. 28. DO .rarcneenn 4 32. EAT, 120 su 32 49, LEAVE... 140 146 156 168. 53. LIVE.. 57. PAY, 61, PUSH .....175 18. 65, SET. 66, SHOW 2.198 67. STAND on 69. TAKE 71. TELL 73. THROW ....219 75. WEAR... PHAN 2. BAI TAP AP DUNG... PHAN 3. DAP AN pAp AN PHAN 1. NHUNG CUM DONG TU TIENG ANH THONG DUNG....242 DAP AN PHAN 2. BAI TAP AP DUNG... 253 PHAN I: NHUNG CUM DONG TU TIEN ANHTHONG DUNG SIT ‘Cum dng ti tigng Anh Nehia Vidu ACCOUNT “Account for: = form the total of st ~to explain + chiém bao mhigu voting + giai thich = The Japanese market accounts for 35% of the company’s revenue. = The poor weather may have accounted for the small crowd. 1. Recent pressure at wo, his strange behavior A. look for ‘ount for C. ask for D. come in for 2. High-tech companies 32% of the total value of the payroll area. A. go in for Bask for C. look for Jecount for ACT 2 [Actas st: ~ do a particular job ~ have a particular effect Tam mot cding vige eu thé ~ €6 tie dungyvai tro nat dinh ~ He was asked to actas an adviser on the project. ~ The launch of the new investment rust will aet as a support for this market. ‘et for sbist = on behalf oF sbist = dai didn cho ail edi gi = The Council of Mortgage Lenders claims 10 act for 98% of lenders. “Act onfupon st = dost following (advice instructions, ect.) im vide g theo chi dividi khuyén ciia ai a, = The Board of Direciors will acton the findings in the report. ‘Act up: = behave badly/ wrongly + cuir tg, phd ddim - Sophie got bored and started acting up. = not perform as well as it - khdng hoat déng t8t | - My ear ahvays acts up in cold should weather ‘Act out = behave badly ~ quay, nhigu ~ These Fids act out because their because of unhappiness Tives are a mess. Act st out role-play - dong kich - Jennifer did a superb job acting cout the role of Auntie Marne in the play. ~ express one’s negative ~ be 6 cam xtc ~1 got tired of Mark constantly feelings (thuing Ia tigu ewe) | acting his anger out on me, so T ended our retationship. Exercise 2: 3. My son is always so happy at home, so Tean’t understand why he’s suddenly ___at school A acting out B. acted on C. acting as D. acted for 4. Abraham was able to act__ interpreter and interlocutor for our group. Aout B.up C. for Dias 5. “Don’t act your aggressions _on me!” she eried. A. upon B. out C. for D.up 6. Some people say that capital punishment __a deterrent. A. acts for Be has acted on C. acts as D. is acting out 7. She was authorized by the Commission to act___its behalf. Aout B.on C. for Dias 8. There are few exceptions to the rule that a solicitor may not act both seller and buyer. Aout Bion C. for Dias 9. There have been concerns as to why the Board didn’t act__a recommended pay raise. Aout Boon C. for Dias 10. Children’s negative feelings often get_in bad behavior A.acted out B. act upon C. acting up D. acted as 11. The children were acting_the story of the birth of Jesus. Aout Boon C. for Dias AGREE 3] Agree on/upon st: = discuss and come to the same decision | - dng y sau khi thio | - We couldn't agree an what about st wan t0 bw: = have the same opinion -c6 cing y kién voi | - My futher and I don't nguei Khae ‘agree on very much. = chip nhiin digu gid} | -7 should never have agreed to her appointment. “Agree with st= think that something iS | - tm thanh cdi gi (xét_[-J/don"t agree with hunting. morally acceptable Ve goe 46 dao dite) Agree with sh — be good for health | - c6 loi cho site Khe | - You look well - the cua mountain air must agree with you. “Agree with sb about/ on st = dng tinh véiai v8 | - He agreed with them vin a8 gi about the need for change. ‘Agree to do st ~ dng y lam gi ~ He agreed to help ws. 12, They are unlikely to agree __ these plans unless the eost is reduced. Ato Boon C.with, D. about 13, After discussion, we all agree __that point, Beon with D. about 14, In settling the dispute, he agreed __$60,000 in damages, A. to pay paying €. paying D. pay 15, Although we like his plan in general, we don’t agree him every issue B. with - on Con -about D. with -to 16 Tdon't agree ___ hitting children as a punishment Ato Boon Co with D. about 17. Too much meat does not agree__ me Avabout B. with, cto D.on ASK 4 [Ask about = try to get =o ve cai Bi ~ The interviewer asked me about information ‘my future plans Ask after = ask fornews | =hoi thm ai = He always asks aller you in Fis about sb (especially about letiers. their health) ‘Ask around =ask several |-hoinhigungudi khic _ |-Tdon't know of any vacancies in people in various places ‘nhau the company but I'll ask around 6 ‘Ask back: = ask sb to come back for a = méii ai quay lai budi =I made a mess of the imerview because you want them to second interview for a job | phong vn thi hai and I wasn't asked back = invite sb to come back to | - mai ai quay tri lai nha | - J hoped! he wouldn't ask me yourhouse when you are | ban Khi cd hai dang cing | back both out together nnhau 6 ngoai ‘Ask for = speakiwrite tsb [-xin edi gi = He's always reluctant to ask for anyone's help. give youst “ASK sb out=invite sb to go |-moiaido diimdi choi | - She asked Steve out fo the out (ohat la khi moi bétdiu | cinema this evening mt méi quan hg) “Ask in = invite sb to come — |= moiai vio trong = Td ask you in for a coffee fT into st (nha, phong) did not have to get up early for work in the morning Exercise 4: 18, I spoke to James today. He was you. Avasking around Basking back C. asking for D. asking after 19, Thave no idea, but "l_at work and see if anyone ean help, Avask in B. ask out C. ask after D. ask around 20, After the way you behaved, they'll never__us, Avask- in B. ask - back Cask - round D. ask - after 21. Tealled them to__ more details. Avask out B. ask round Cask for D. ask back 2, Ittook Juan a long time to build up the courage to_Mariella__ but at last he did and she said yes. ‘Avask- out B. ask - round C. ask - back D. ask - after 23. They're Bill’s friends, so]__them Avask- after B. asked - in ‘Cask - back D. ask - for 24 First ’d like to___youa few questions_ your childhood Avask- out B. ask - about C. ask - back D. ask ~ after BACK 5 | Back away move backwards away from st ]-Ililai phiasau vis | -Shesaw that he had a gun and or sb, usually because of fear backed away not support a plan or idea any. - khéng ting hi ké - The government has backed Tonger hoach/y tuéng nia away from plans to increase taxes Back dow admit that you were wrong or | - thita nhn minh da - Evenmually, Roberto backed that you have been defeated | saith bai down and apologized. - give up one’s opinion = ba, chin Iai, thoai lui | = She backed down in the face of strong opposition. Back off: ~ choose not to take action, in| - rit ui, nhuong b6 - The government backed off order to avoid a difficult | from a confrontation. situation - stop threatening, criticizing or | - ngimg de doa, chitrich, | - The presy have agreed to back annoying sb lam phién ai offand leave the couple alone. Back out = decide not to dost | rit lai loi hira ~ You agreed to come. You can't that you had said you would do back out now! Back up: - delay = dinh t8, tri hoan, = The traffic is starting to back upon the M25. = support ~iimg ho =1'lt back you up if they don’t believe you. = make a copy of information | - sao luu (dt ligu) It’s a good idea to back up stored on @ computer your files onto a memory stick 25, Local residents have forced the local couneil to from its plans to build a nightclub on their street ‘A.ask around B. back down C. account for D. act as 26. The United States had no intention of, im its bitter row over farm subsidies. A backing down —-B.backing away. backing out D. backing up 27. She__the menacing look on his face A. backed down from B. backed up C. backed away from D. backed out of 28, The government has backed its nuclear weapons strategy A. down Bout Coup D. away from 29, Back __! There’s no need to yell at me. A. down Bott Coup D. away 30, She proved her plan was practical, therefore, he had to A. back off B.backed down ——_C, back out D. backed up 31, They ___ the deal the day before they were due to sign the contract. ‘A. backed away from B. backed out of C. backed down from D. backed down on 32, The writer doesn’t back his opinions with examples, A.down Coup D. away 33. Back all your files__onto a storage device or Cloud, Aoll B. down C. out D.up 34, There was an accident, so the traffic was starting to ___in both directions. A. back up B. back down C. back off D. back away BANG © ] Bang about—move around | -limamt >We heard children banging about noisily upstairs Bang on: ~ keep talking about st boring | ~ néi di néi lai, noi mai | - He 1s always banging on about to others his quarrel with his wife. «strike st repeatedly - din vio cii gimot | - Please stop banging on that ch lin tuc drum! Bang down =putstdown | ~datmanh cli gixuong | - Me banged the book down on the violently and loudly table and went to the door. Bang out: - play a tune on the ~ choi dé - I think your sister is trying to piano very loudly and badly | (dan, nhac) bang out Hot Cross Buns on the Piano. = complete a task quickly or | - lam qua loa cho +I got a bad mark because Thad hastily xong banged out my writing. Bang up: ~ be in prison -bidita - He was banged up for ten years. ~ hurt sb or damage st ~ Tam bi thuong/ lam hur | - got really banged up in that ear hai accident Exercise 6: 35. My parents are always __ about how much better life was 20 years ago, A. banging up B. banging on C. banging about. banging down 36. [could hear her in the kitchen banging Avabout Bion C.down D.up 37. Totally forgot that paper was due today, so 'm just going to___something to give the teacher next period. A. bang down B. bang on C. bang out ing about 38. He banged himself (on the bed and fell asleep, A.about B.down Coup D. out 39. Isat down and banged some funny songs to entertain my friends Aout Bion C.down D.up 40. You become a rebel if'you are__in a cell 23 hours a day. A.banged down ——_-B, banged on C. banged out D. banged up 41. He was drunk, erashed his car into a tree and banged __it Aout Boon C.down D.up BEAR 7 [Bearon-affect/relateto [anh hung, lién quan |-Jdon tse how that information bears on this case Bear out = support confirm | - ing h6V xic nhén = Ifyou tell them what happened Twill bear you out (on it) Bear up = deal with i, wid quyet What did you do to Bear up the shock? Bear away = take/eanry ova | -mang Gua di The balby was Beara away bathed. Bear with =be patient with | ~kidn abla vei ~ Just Bear with me wile T finish downloading this file Exercise 7: 42. The bride kisses her parents goodbye and is_by her young husband ‘A. borne on. B. bone away C. bore up D. bore out 43. These are matters that__the welfare of the community. ‘A. bear on. B. bear out €. bear with D. bear up 44 Ifyou'll just me fora moment, T'ILfind you a copy of the drawings A. bear on B. bear out C. bear with D. bear up 45. "How has she been since the funeral?” -"Oh, she’s ” A. bearing on B. bearing out C. bearing up D. bearing with 46, The other witnesses will what I say A bear on B. bear out C. bear with D. bear up BEAT | Beat down: = shine very brightly/ rain hard_| - tod nding, mua to = The sun beat down, arching the already dry Sields, = reduce the price of st by - gidm gid cia thir gi dé | - The original price was bargaining nihir me ca £100,000. but we beat them down 10 £95,000, Beat off = succeed in ~thinh eng trong vise | - The company was awarded overcoming/preventing uot qua'ngiin can the contract afer beating off fierce competition Beat (up) on sb/Beat sb up: hitting it with st - hurt sb by hitting them alot | - danh aim lign tue (vao_| - Kids used to beat up on him of times ai) afierschool. - etiticize sb unfairly - trach ming vo 66 - She didn't like being beaten upon by the press. Beat out: stop a fire from buming by | -dap kta bing edi gi _| - She beat out the flames with a branch, tell you st by hitting them make sounds by drumming — | - dinh trong - The children were beating ‘out on tins, Beat st out of sb = make sb ~ danh ai do bat Khai ra | - The men claimed that the police had beaten the confession out of them. Exereise 8: 47. They threatened to beat me if I didn’t give them my wallet Aout B. out of Coup D. down 48. Virgin Airlines must____ stiff competition to win the contract. ‘A. beat down B. beat out C. beat off D. beat on 49. Tcould feel the sun__on my head A. beat down B.beating down ——_C. beating off D. beat on 50, t's time you stopped beating yourself__over this, Aout Bot Coup D. down 51, He wanted £4,500 for the car, but Ibeat him __t0 £3,850. A. out Bott Coun D. down 52. His brother the flames with a blanket. ‘A. beat down B. beat out C. beat off D. beat on BLOW 9 | Blow down=knock sito the | Tim d6, kim sip, thi |- 4 big tree had blown down ground bay in the storm. Blow in=arrive orentera | -Dat chot den! bude vio [= Look who's just blown in? place suddenly Blow off ignore - lo di, khong quan tim | - Just blow off his comments, he’s only joking - move st off a surface - théi bay edi gi knot b3 | - That wind today blew off all mat of the clothes Vd hung on the clothesline. - make st explore fai nd - The bomb blasts blew off the side of the building, Blow out: ~ extinguistv/put out by blowing =disappoint sb by not meeting | - im ai dé that vong vi them or not doing something | khdng gap hay khong, that you had arranged to do | Iam vige ea hai da dinh together - defeat sb easily - inh bai ai mat each d& dang, + He blew out 60 candles on his birthday cate. = Ske was supposed 10 g0 10 that party with me, but she blew me out - They've blown out every team they ve played shis = extinguish/put out by blowing | - thdi cit disappoint sb by not meeting | - lim ai dé that vong vi them or not doing something | khdng gap hay khong Blow down =knock sitothe — [=Timd5, lim sip, hoi [= hig iree had Blown down etound bay in the storm. Blow in=arrive orentera | -Datchotdén! bude vio [= Look who's just Blown int place suddenly Blow off ignore - loi, Khong quan tam | - fust blow off his comments, he’s only joking - move st off a surface = théi bay cdi gi thai b&— | - Thar wind today biew off all mat of the clothes I'd hung on the clothesline. - make st explore fai nd - The bomb blasts blew off the side of the building, Blow out: - He blew out 60 candles on his birthday cake. + She was supposed to go to that party with me, but she that you had arranged to do | lam vige ed hai da dinh | blew me out, together - defeat sb easily - inh bai ai mét eéch d& | - They've blown out every dang, team they ve played this Exercise 9: 53. My brother always just___ with no warning and expects me to entertain him. A. blows down B. blows out C. blows up D. blows in 54. The leaves of the trees_in the strong wind. A. blew off B.were blown off —C. blew out D. were blown up 55. A sudden gust of wind ___the fence. A. blew off B. blew down €. blew over D. blew out 56, He decided to sleep in and blow this class Aout B.up C. off D. down 57. The wind the candle, so we couldn't see anything, A. blew off B. blew down C. blew over D. blew out 58. They the door with a small charge of explosive. A. blew off B. blew down C. blew over D, blew out 59, It is inevitable that tyres like that will __ when travelling at a high speed. A. blow off B. blow over C. blow out D. be blowing out 60, My dad_at me when he saw the bill, A. blew up B. blew down C. blew over D, blew out 61, Tell the students to the balloon and then tape the siraw to the balloon. A. blow down B. blow off C. blow out D. blow up 62. The storm raged all night but by morning it had__ A. blown in B. blown over C. blown off D. blown down BREAK 10 | Break away: ~ escape = trén thost, thodt khai | - The prisoner broke away from ~ stop being member of a group because of a disagreement ~ end a relationship or connection = 101 nhOm, té chire vi bait dong ¥ kién va dé gia nnhp nhm khic -k thue méi lién quan, quan hé his guard. = The people of the province wished to break away and form a new state: - The small racial faction broke away from the independence ‘movement. Break down = stop working «= fail/be unsuccessful and so come to an end ~ (may méc, phuong tign) bi hur hong, khong hoat dong = (hg théng, méi quan hé, thao lun) khéng thanh = The telephone system has broken down. = Negotiations between the two sides have broken down, cong = become upset ~ budn bi vi bit dau = He broke down and wept when Khée he heard the news. Break in: = interrupt or disturb s/sb - ngit tei, eft ngang = She longed 10 break in on their conversation but didn't want to appear rude, ~ enter illegally = dt nha, xong vio tras phép ~ Burglars had broken in while we were away Break into: = suddenly begin to do st ~ enter a building or car by using force, in order to steal st = bit di lim gi = dot nhip vao (dé trim cap) = He folt so hoppy that he broke into song. = Someone broke into my car and stole the radio. Break off = end a relationship ~ suddenly stop talking - chim a, etait quan he ~ dt ngat dimg lai, thoi = The US has broken off diplomatic relations with the regime ~ She started to speak, then broke off while a waitress served us coffee. Break out: - appear/happen suddenly ~ escape from a place! situation ~ become suddenly covered (in arash etc) nd ra, bung nd, bing phat (chien tranh, bénh dich) = trdn thoat (khoi ta) - ndi nga, n6i man - The second World War broke ‘out in 1939, ~ Several prisoners broke out of the jail - She broke out in a rash after ‘eating some strawberries Break up: come to an end = stop classes chia li ~ chia tay, chia ft diu ki nghi 6 emg hi két thie nm boc + Their marriage has broken u = We broke up for the holidays in June. = sop being heard khong aghe théy (do | -/can‘t hear you, you're ign thos song yéu, bi | breaking un nhiéu) Break wits = depart fromicease to follow = quarrel with and therefore dit bi, khing tuan theo = chi co va do dé cit dit = We decided to break with tradition and not spend Christmas with our family. = She had broken with her family 15 ‘Stop being connected with] quan hé years ago. Break through: ~ pass over st - vuot qua - Several demonstrators broke through the barriers despite ‘warnings from the police. =find a way to deal with = tim huding gia = He's a very talented young, problem quyét ‘actor who's just ready to break throug Exercise 10: 63, The printing machines are always _, which causes us @ lot of troubles. A. breaking up B. breaking down —_C, breaking out D. breaking in 64. Dad would occasionally with an amusing comment A. break off B. break out C. break up D. break in 65. He grabbed her, but she managed to A. break out B. break off C. break into D. break away 66. She__ in tears when she heard the news of her mother’s death. A. broke away B. broke down C. broke out D. broke off 67. Someone had_ through the bedroom window. A. broken up B. broken off C. broken down, broken in 68, They to work independently and become their own masters. A. broke away B. broke down C. broke out D. broke off 69, She__their engagement only a few weeks before they were due to be married, A. broke away B. broke down C. broke out D. broke off 70, There's a sense of foreboding in the capital, as if fighting might at any minute A. break up B. break off C. break out D. break into 71, Tleft London when my marriage A. broke down B. broke up C. broke out D. broke off 72.1____ the conversation and answered the phone. A. broke in B. broke away C. broke into D. broke off 73. They __of prison and fled the country A. broke out B. broke down, C. broke in D. broke with 74. L was consoling Liz on having broken ___ with her boyfriend. A. through Boup Cwith, D. out 75. The country’s leadership is determined to past practices and to solve urgent economic problems A. break up B. break off C. break out D. break with 76. Itis possible that at this election some of the minority parties might succeed in_into parliament. A. breaking out B. breaking away C. breaking through breaking up 77. Detergents make my hands ‘A. break out B. break off C.break through, break into 78. He was on the subway when he called and started to__before I could answer A. break down B. break in C. break up D. break into 79. Sales have finally broken __the $1 million barrier. A. through B.up Cwith, D. out 80, That was the year he broke __ the Labour Party. A. through Boup C.with, D. out 81, Hewantedto___the advertising business. A. break down B. break in €. break up D. break into BRICK Tl] Briek infup=builda wall of ]-xay tong gach bit | - The windows were all Bricked up. bricks to fill or enclose st Iai bao quanh Brick over=coverst with | lit gach ~ They bricked the road over. bricks Briek st off = separate an area | - xay tong ngan cich | - Some of the rooms had been froma larger area by building bricked off a wall of bricks Exereise 11: 82. To avoid being muddy, the surface of the road has been bricked Aup Bain Cover D. off 83. The doors and windows had been __to prevent squatters from getting in. A. bricking in B. bricked up C. bricked of D. bricked over 84. 1's better to__this room from the house. A. brick over B. brick in C. brick up D. brick off BRING 2 Bring down: - make sb lose power = make sb fall over = reduce the level/rate/ ~ inh bai, ha bé aifedi gi = lam ai nga (trong thé thao) = Lim ha, tut giam mize - The scandal may bring down the government He was brought down in the penalty area, = We aim 1o bring down prices on amount of st do/sé Iuong/tiléctia | all our computers. cai gi ~ land a inh - The pilot managed to bring the plane down safely Bring forward: = cause to happen earlier - suggest st for dieussion = dign ra sém hon = dB ra, néu ra, a2 wat + The meeting has been browght forward from 10 May to 3 May. + Please bring the matter forward, at the next meeting. Bring in: - ask sb to do a particular job/be involved in st = bring sb to a police station to asklarrest - introduce a new law = makelearn a particular amount of money + give a decision in court - attract customers to a shop or business = nhé ai dua Io Khuyén’gitip 46 vige gi ) bit gitrai/ dura vé dén dé tra hoi! bit ~ ban han mot Iuat Ie méi = lam ra tién hole dae nhan tién = dua ra phn quyét tai tod ~ thu hait khdch hing - Experts were brought in 1o advise the government. = Two men were brought in for questioning. They want to bring in a bill 10 limit arms exports. + His freelance work brings him in about $20,000 a year. = The jury brought in a verdict of guilty: - We've got to bring in more business if we want the restaurant to survive. = thank eng (trong vige i kh6 khin) = Tewas a difficult task But we brought it off “cause st (bad) - help to develop’ improve + bring a player onto the field to play during a game ~ gidp phat trién, cai thign = dua vio sin ~Tthink the loud music brought my headache on. - Her new piano teacher has really brought her on. = The manager brought him on in the second half Bring 0 - to produce/publish st to sell - to make a particular quality or detail noticeable ~ dua ra, lim ra d8 ban ra thi trudng, ~t6n Len, Lam bat len mt gid tri hode diém ni bat nhat - The band has just brought out their second album, - That dress really brings out the colour of your ees Bring over = take sh or st from one place to the place where someone else is, especially their home mang ai ho8e ci gi chi nity én ch3 kia, nhit a mang vé nha agua néi ~ He's bringing his new girriend over 10 our house tonight. Bring round (around): - bring sb to somewhere (somebody’s house) = make sb become conscious, again + persuade = dua ai di choi cing, dura ai ve nha im ai tinh Tai sau khi nit, bit tinh = thuyét phuc ~ Bring the family round one evening. We'd love to meet them = We threw water in his face 10 ry ‘and bring him round, + She won't listen to me. Let's see if ‘Sue can bring her round. Bring forth = cause stto happen or be seen or known = Khign cho cai gi xay 1a/ duige tong thiy/ biét dén = Maddie brought forth a new line of clothes. Bring through = help sb successfully deal with a very difficult event or period of time ip ai dd vugiqua sai doan khé khan = Thanks 10 her supports, Thave brought through extremely difficult times when my mother died. Bring about = cause = gly va, dem Tai = How can we bring aboui a ‘change in attitudes? Bring back: = reintroduce - gi6i thigu lai The city council has decided 10 ‘bring back the old electric trams. = remind sb of sb/st = agi nhs = The wrip brought back a tot of happy memories. Thigu cai gi ~The matter will be brought before before sb/st thao luan the board at a meeting on Monday. Exercise 12: 85. A huge amount of environmental damage has been _ by the destruction of the rainforests. A brought about —-B. brought round ——_C. brought up D. brought off 86. I slapped his face a couple of times to try to bring him Acover B. round C. through D. out 87. the death penalty has done absolutely nothing to reduee erime A. Bringing forth B. Bringing on . Bringing in D. Bringing over 88. The Prime Minister will bring the crisis__the cabinet meeting, A. after B. when €. during D. before 89. Hewas___by the defender and awarded a penalty, A.brought about —--B, brought round. brought down —_D. brought back 90. If Thad a place of my own I'd have to bring Louisa ___here Ato B.up Coon D. around 91. The government has_ new proposals to tackle the problem of increasing crime A. brought about —-B. brought forward C. brought forth —_D. brought back 92, An outside adviser has been brought ____to arbitrate the dispute between the management and the union Aoll B. round Cin D. out 93. The Clinton administration would not release oil from the nation’s Strategic Petroleum Reserve to help bring prices A. down B. forth Cain D.on (94, That music always happy memories. A. brings back B. brings out C. brings off D. brings around 95. I'm sure I ean ‘him around to our point of view. Aget B. bring C.make D. put 96. The government hopes these measures will help to_ inflation. A. bring about B. bring to C. bring down D. bring forward 97 He agreed to__deadllines for reducing phosphates in the lake. A. bring out B. bring down C. bring in D. bring forward ‘98, Harsh anti-trade union laws were in the early 1980s, A. brought about B. brought in €. brought on D. brought to 99, They managed to ___the most daring jewelry robbery in history. A. bring on B. bring out C. bring off D. bring around 100. Teachers have to__the bright children and at the same time give extra help to those who need it A. bring on B. bring up C. bring in D. bring to 101. The spices really __the flavour of the meat. A. bring out B. bring round C. bring down D. bring back 102. Both my children have brought me extremely difficult times since my husband died. A.about B. forth C. through D. out 103. I'd like to___Doctor Hall here and ask him his views A. bring in B. bring up C. bring back D. bring before 104. Stress an asthma attack A. bring about B. bring up C. bring on D. bring over 105. The sale of the house only brought_ about £45,000. A.down B. forth cin D.on 106. They've just brought __a new record. A.down B. out C. back BUILD 13 | Build around = base st onan |-duatrnmoty tong | - Successful Businesses are built idea or thing and develop it hode sy-vat va phat | around, good personal from there trién n6 tir 46 relationships. Build - makefinelude st as a - them vio, ~ You could build in a wardrobe permanent fixture in with mirrored doors. make st apart of something | -biénthanh mgebs | - They have built an extra clause in else phén cia edi gi the contract. Build on: ~base ston an idea or thing | - dua trén cdi gi - Our relationship is built om trust. -use your achievements as a | - dura vao thanh eng | - The new plan will be built om the base for further development | da cé dé tiénxahon | success of the previous programme. = add more room to a building | - xay dyng thém phing | - 4s first she flar we bought was very in order to have more space ‘smaill but we built two new rooms on 10 make it larger Build up: ~ become greater, more + gia ting, = AU the pressure built up and he powerful or larger in number ‘was off work for weeks due to stress. + The play was built up to be a = speak with great enthusiasm | - ving béc ‘masterpiece but Ifound it very about disappointing. = You need more protein to build make sb/yourself healthier or | - im ai dé khée manh | yourself up. stronger tom = She has built up a very successful create or develop st + sing taoiphat trién ei | business. gi Build over = construct stso | -xay efi gid nd che | - We built. a deck owt aver the pond. that it extends over something. | kin cdi khac else Exercise 13: 107. You must__some way to cancel this contract if things don’t work out, A. buildup B. build in C. build on D. build over 108. The independence movement sought to unify the country with a national identity __a ‘common language. A. built around B. built on C. built in D. built up 109. We must__ our reputation to expand the business. A. build up B. build in C. build on D. build over 110. He has___ the family firm into a multinational company A. built around B. built on C. built in D. built up LL. The house is famous for building an outdoor area out _a waterfall Acon B. around Cover D.up 112. If you don’t express your feelings, frustration and anger can ‘A. build up B. build in C. build on D. build over BUMP 14] Bump into=runinio | - tinh cb gp = We bumped into Amy when we were in = come across = meet accidentally town last week Bie thu oa = They think someone bumped hira off tang en ~ Prices were Bumped up By 10 percent last week Exercise 14: 113. They tried to bump her__but she was too clever and got away. Aoff Bool C. into D.up 114.1 bumped___Jean in town when I was going shopping with my mother. Avot Boot C. into D.up 115. The distributors will probably __the price of the software when the next version is released. A. bump into B. bump up C. bump off D. bump over BURN 1S] Burn away: ~ continue burning = tiép tue chiy = The candles on the birthday cake burned away while Molly made a wish ~ be destroyed by fire = bi chay trui - All her hair had been burnt away. Burn down: ~ be destroyed by fire (building, ect.) = embarrass sb = (the flames) become weaker and it produces less heat = bi chdy trui (108 aha...) = lim ai phat nguong (agon lira) ti = They weren't injured, but their house burned down, = You just want 10 burn down everybody to make yourself seem better - The flame burned down and then went out. Burn off= remove si by ~Togi bé edi gi Bing ~ The plastic is removed by burning burning it ich dét m6 it off a process that creates a haze of toxic smoke. Burn out: - stop burning = ngimg chay = Get the birthday girl in here before the candles on her cake burn 3 out! - stop working properly, often | ~ngimg hoat dong (vi | - Unfortunately, 1 think the motor in through overheating ‘qué néng) your lawn mower has burned out ~ overworkibe exhausted = Tam vige qua site, kiét | - The relentless pressure to make sie ‘money means traders burn out fast. Burn up: have a high fever -bisétexo = "You're burning up!" she said, touching his forehead, = make sh very angry = The way he treats her really burns me up. ~ be destroyed by fire = Most of the woodland has now been burnt up. -use alot of stim a careless | - phung phi ~ He just burns up money! way ~ use energy that is stored in | -tiéwhao ndng hong | - As we get older. our body your body, by being physically | (co thé) becomes less efficient at burning up active calories. Exercise 15: 116. Andrew must be really insecure because he’s always trying to burn other people __with snide comments. Aaway Bott Coon D. down 117. [decided to go for a run to try and __a few calories, ‘A. burn away B. bum down C. bur off D. bum up 18. I's getting cold in here again because all the logs in the fireplace have ‘A. burned through —_B, burned into C. burned out D. bumed off 119. Ifyou keep staying up so late working on this report, you're going to bum yourself_ Aout Bot Coup D. down 120. It looks like the starter motor on the car has A.bured down ——_-B, burned up C. burned out D. bumed away 121, Women tend to__calories less efficiently than men. A. burn away B. bum down C. bum off D. bum up 122. Gossip like that just burns me__I can’t believe people would say such awful things about me! Aout Bot Coup D. down 123, Jenny bas been lethargic all day, and she’s now, so I’m taking her to the doctor. A. burning down B. burning up €. burning out D. buming off CATCH 16 | Catch on: = to become fashionable or = tr nén hop mét, phd ~ He invented a new game, but it = to show that sb is doing wrong, =10 trick sb into making a mistake = cause sb difficulty bit ge ai dang tim i si, tra hoi tim ra cai sai =, bly = dt ai vio thé kno popular bin never really caught on. = to understand after a period | -hiéu, thong suét (sau | - He didn’t catch on at first. oftime ‘mot thei gian) Catch out: = He asked her casual questions 10 see ifhe could catch her out, = The interviewer may try to catch you gut with trick questions =A lot of people were caught out by the sudden change in the weather. ‘Catch up: ~ reach same standard as sb/st - do st you did not have time to do earlier - learn/discuss the latest news ~ dudi kip, bit kip ai/ cdi gi - Tamm bi dé kip cng vige da le «thao lugin ede tin tie - He was off school for a while and is finding it hard to catch up - She's staying late at the office to catch up on/with some reports - Let's go for a coffee - I need to catch up on all the gossip. ‘Catch sb up on st= give sb the latest news or information about st = cung ep cho ai thong tin méi nhat vé cai gi = Can someone caich me up on the latest developments? ‘Cateh up on st= do st that you have not been able to do ~Tam digu ma ban gan day khong thé lam ~ Thave to eaich up on my reading. recently ‘Caich on to st = understand | ~higu ~ He is very quick to catch on to things. Exercise 16: 124. By the time coffe came, RJ. and Angelo had alittle bit. ‘A. caught out B. caught on C. caught with D. caught up 125. He doesn’t take hints very easily, but he'Tl eventually Acatch up B. catch out C. catch on D. catch up on 126. I suspected he wasn’t telling me the truth, and one day [caught him___ when T found some letters he'd written Avup B.with Con D. out 127. 1 wonder if the game will ever _ young people? A.catchon with -Beeatch up with. catch on to D. catch up in 128. The interest rate is very competitive and fixed for the term, so borrowers won't get_by rising interest rates. ‘A. caught out B. caught on C. caught with D. caught up 129, Would you mind catching me __ the latest news of the epidemic? Avup with B.upto Cup on D. onto 130. Thave been on business for a week and now have to___ my work. A.catchon with Beeatch up with. atch on to D. catch up on 131. The examiner will try to catch you__ so stay calm and think carefully before you speak Avup B.with Con D. out 132. Will Western industry ever_ Japanese innovations? Avcatchonwith —Beatch up with. catch on to D. catch up on CALL 17 | Callout: - shout/speak loudly ~hét, la Kim dé ai cha y | - He called out. but she didn’t hear. = criticize sb/st publiely = chi trich aif ef = People were calling him out for his negative comments. sh to come, especially to = The governor called out the an emergency bist a trong trun | National Guard to prepare for the hop khan cp hurricane. Call on/upon - officially ask sb to do st ~ yeu chu, di R6i ai | - They called on the company to Lim gi reverse its decision. ~ ask sb to speak = 48 nghi ai ndi/ phét | - The teacher called on me, and 1 bigu didn 't know the answer «visit sb for a short time = ghé thim, tat qua (48 | - Small booksellers often don’t have (especially to sell st) bodin tht gi) ‘ime (0 see all the reps who call on them. 26 ~ make use of st, especially a quality = tan dung efi gi 46, de bigt 1A mot thir chit hvong ~ Companies across the country hhave called on her expertise in designing marketing programs. Call Tors need or deserve a particular action, remark, or quality, ect = demand publicly that st should be done pick sb up ~ ean hoge xting ding ‘di mot hinh déng, anhin xét hose chat Inromg eu thé = d0i hai c6ng kha ring cin phai kim didu gids don ai = ‘ve been promoted.’ — ‘This ls for a celebration!’ = The opposition have called for him to resign. = I'll call for you at 7 0 ‘clock. Call at= (ofa train, ete.) to stop ata place for a short time = dig Ta, da ~ This train calls at Didcot and Reading. Callin: visit a place/person «telephone a radio/TV program asking for information from the public telephone the place you work - ghé thim, vidng thim - goi din cho chuong trinh phat thantvtruyén hinh €@ hoi thong tin tir eOng chung - goi dign noi ban lam =I called in to see Jeff yesterday. = Call in 10 this radio station and ask the governor a question. = She hasn't called in with her viée schedule yet = demands sb to pay back the | - dai Iai tién da cho | - He needs to make the business money vay work before the bank calls in the loan Call off: ~cancel -hwy - The game was called off hecause tell an animal/person to stop attacking people = dimg hanh dng tin cong, of bad weather. = yelled 1o the man to call off his dog. Call bad = return to a place in order to = quay Iai noi nio d3 + She said she'd call back later 10 27 see sb or collect st ‘ip ai hode lay tht el] pick up the report «telephone again ~ goi lai = He called her three times but she never called the guy back. Call by = visit somewhere for [= tat qua thim noi nio_[= /just thought T'd call by on my ashort while on your way to | trén ducing t6ich3 | way into town. somewhere else khée Call up: = phone sb - g0i dign cho ai = Naney had called up to invite him. = make sb join the army ~ goi nhip nga = Two of her brothers had been called up. invite sb to play inateam — | - moi, ‘ao cahdi cho | - He was called up for our team ai vio di choi bring st back to one’s mind} = goi nhé lai cdi gi | - The smell of the sea called up memories of her childhood. + find and show information on | -tim va chigu thing | -/ called his address up on the computer sereen tin trén man hink may | computer. Call over =ask one to come to Twill eal her over tows, and you a particular place can ask her what you want to know. Exercise 17: 133, knew about the public outery against my article, so T was not surprised when the editor called me to chat, Ain B.on Cover D.up 134. He was at the beginning of the war. A.called up B. called in C.called on D. called out 135. It would be unusual for a company going into receivership not to__Loans to settle creditors. Avcall for B. call in Cecall up D. call back 136. Its the sort of work that__a high level of concentration Avcalls at B. calls in Cells for D. calls off 137. She _ local employers to commit themselves to equal opportunities, Accalled at B. called in C. called on D. called out 138. People were __to report suspicious activity A. calling up B. calling at C. calling in D. calling out 139. You can use the seareh facility to__all the occurrences of a particular word in a document. 28 Avcall for Beall in Call up D, call back 140. Can you ask John to call me_when he gets in? Aout B. back cin Di at 141. The army was__to help fight fires. A.called up B. called out C. called for D. called off 142. [knew the task would__my every resouree on B. call in C. call out D. call back 143. Social institutions are often __to assist the poor. A. called off B. called up C. called for D. called upon 144. They an investigation into how the investments were made and who is responsible, Accalled off B. called up C. called for D. called upon 145. People were asked to if they wanted further information on the proposal. upon. B. call in out D. call back 146. The police have__the search for the missing child until dawn tomorrow A.called off B. called up C. called for D. called upon 147. Something about her manner_an old school teacher T used to have. Avcalls at B. calls in C. calls up D. calls off ‘CARRY 18 | Carry forward: = add on ~ cong vio = [forgot to carry them forward. = succeed in making progress | - tinh cdng trong viée | - The new team have to carry the with st tao ra tién bd vai work forward, Carry off: = succeed -thanh cng, = Lill ry 10 carry your wishes off ~ remove = logi bé, mang di khéi_ | - Thieves broke the store window and carried off jewelry worth thousands of dollars. = win - chién thing ~ He carried off all the prizes. = cause to die = gidt chét = He was carried off by pneumonia. Carry on: = behave badly -curxirkhdng ding | - The children have been carrying onal day. have a sexual relationship | - dan diu =Is it true that Rachel and Marcus 29 have been carrying on? = continue . = You've gor to carry on as though nothing happened, = Police say they believe the attacks perform or complete a job or were carried out by nationalists ‘activity = fulfil ‘Carry over=moveto or | - chuyén sang =I ry not to let my problems at ‘come from a place or time work carry aver into my private fe. Carry through: = complete ~hoan than - We are determined to carry our plans through to completion. = help to continue ~ giip tigp tuc = My savings account really carried ‘me through that difficult time of unemployment. ‘Carry back: make sb remember a time in | - lm ai nhé lai khoiing | - The smell of the sea carried her the past thoi gian trong qué khir | back 10 her childhood. = take st back to where it came | - mang tré lai ~ Please carry back the empty box from after you take out all the books. Exercise 18: 148, The championship game was so intense that I really had to rely on my mental toughness to carry me A. through B.over ©. back D. forward 149. Lam very upset because I have just discovered that my daughter with a married man. A. has been carrying through B. is carrying on Chas carried over D. is carrying forward 150. I wouldn’t dare wear anything that outrageous, but Michelle wonderfully A. cartied it off B. carried out it C carried it back, carried it over 151. Stresses at work can often be into your home life. A.cartied through —_B. carried over C. carried back D. carried off 152. The average assets from season to season varied from minus $630,000 to plus $770,000. A.carry back B. carried forward C. carry off D. carried out 153. Everyone was shocked when that little-known band ___ the night’s biggest award. 30 ‘A. carried on B. carried out C. carried back D, carried off 154. Dianne the family tradition by becoming a lawyer. A.carry over B. was carrying back C. is carrying on _D is carrying out 155. We don’t have the confidence that the UN will ___a sustained program A. carry up B. carry back C. carry though D. carry on 156. This earries me to the times of knights and jousting, A. through Boover C. back D. forward 157. Good quality, well integrated staff will carry the company Acout B.over Con D. forward 158, Ethel forgot to put that expensive necklace in the safe, and one of the party guests A.carried it forward B. carried it off C. carried it through —_D. carried it over 159, A survey is now being carried _ nationwide. Aout B. over Coon D. forward 160, Unfortunately, the injuries from the accident were so severe that they him off. ‘A. carried B. put C. 100k D. called CLEAR 19 | Clear away = remove st to leave a space = don di, eat di = J want you to clear all these toys away before bedtime. = move away from st = trdnh xa edi gi ~ The sound of approaching sirens caused most of the Clear off = go awaylleave = x60 di, bbdi, bién di—_| - Clear off or I'l call the police! + remove st that is covering some | - don sach cdc thirdang | - She cleared off the papers area dé La tigt that were cluttering her desk. Clear 0 = leave a building or other place, esp. | -rdi khdi toa nha hay noi | - Her landlord gave her a without much warming Khic ma khdng ¢6 thang | week to clear out of her bio apartment. = remove some contents or occupants | - don sch thi bén trong. | - We finally cleared ou the 31 rom a container oF region chi gi/6 chd no junk fn the attic = impel or force someone to leave a | ~ bude ai dé di khoi dau | - The fire alarm cleared the place building out in a hurry Clear up: - become brighter = tr@i quang dang, thei | -J hope it clears up in time tiét dep for the picnic. = become better/ healthier = ténén tét hon, khoé | - if my cold doesn't clear hon up, it will rain my vacation. = make st clear or understandable | - lam r0, sing 16 - How did two teens clear pa murder mystery that stumped the police? Exercise 19: 161. I opened up the old cabin and cleared the cobwebs__with a broom. A. out Boup C. off D. away 162. They've all cleared _and left me to clean this mess up. Aout B.up Goff D. away 163. Now that I've __ those overgrown bushes, our living room gets so much more sunlight! A.clearedaway —_B, cleared off C. cleared out D. cleared up 164. The doctor thinks this new allergy medicine will clear my sympioms right Aout B.up Coff D. away 165. The staff cleared _ when they saw the boss asking for volunteers to work on the weekend, Aout B.up Coff D. away 166. If we call the cops, they’ll___that raucous house party immediately A. clear away B. clear off C. clear out D. clear up 167.“_, both of yout”, she shouted at them angrily. A. Cleared off B. Clear off €. Clear out D. Cleared out 168. The police the crowd in preparation for the celebrity's arrival A.cleared off Buclearedaway clears away D. clear out 169. He the worktable to make room for the new equipment. A.cleared away BB, cleared off C. cleared out D. cleared up 170. Itsure became a beautiful, sunny day once the sky ___! A.clearedaway —_B, cleared off C. cleared out D. cleared up 171. That tutoring session really _my confsion about sine and cosine ‘A cleared up B. clear up C.have cleared up cleared out CHANGE 20 | Change down = move toa slower |-veedxe "ke driver changed down to third gear ‘gear coming into the turn ‘Change into: = become a different thing = chuyén thin, bién | - dn affection gradually changed i than into rea! love. + dress oneself in different clothes | - thay quan éo Khée | - /'H change into an old pair of trousers. ‘Change over = go from one thing | - chuyén doi > We ve just changed over from gas to another thing central heating to electric. ‘Change up: - improve thign = If something's not working, they change up. + shift to a higher gear ina motor | - én sé xe - You'll probably need to change vehicle up once you get on the highway. Exercise 20: 172. The farm has. to organic methods, A.changed over —_B. changed up C. changed into D. changed down 173, When you accelerate, you have to change ‘or the ear will stall Avon B.into Coup D. off 174. As soon as I get home from work, I want to__ comfy elothes immediately. A. change down B. change into €. change up D. change over 175. You'll probably need to to first gear to climb this steep hill A.changedown —_B, change up C. change over D. change into 176. At what point does boiling water vapor? A.tum down B. change into C. change up D. come over 177. The cafeteria the menu after people complained that they were tired of macaroni and cheese. A. changed down B. changed up €. changed into D. changed over ‘CHECK 21 | Cheek in: 3 “arrive (ata hotel/the airport) and sign the register ~ contact sb by making a phone call, short visit, et, usually in order to make sure there are no problems or to tell them that there are no problem - Cheek sb in = record the arrival ofsb ~ Check st in = leave bags or cases with an official to be put on a plane o train ~ ding Ki Khach san/sin bay (le dén) - béo edo tinh hinh thong xuyén (qua dign thoai/eude ~ bio Ia ai do da dén ~ dé lai d6 dae, hanh li dé duoc sip xép trén tau hodc may bay = You can save time by checking in online. ~ My son checks in regularly with me when he’s travelling. - Ask the guard to check you in when you get there - We checked in our luggage and went through 10 the departure lounge. (Cheek off = Mark st(7) = dah dau tich, = Check the names off as the guests arrive Cheek out: = leave a hotel after paying and rotuming your room key ~test/examine (information/faets) borrow st from an official place = tra tién va roi khoi khdch san_ sm tra thong tin/su that = muga dé tir mét noi nao do = Could you ask the taxi driver to wait? - We're Just checking out - You have to check out the nursing home before putting your mother init = The book has been ‘checked out in your name. ‘Check up on: = Check up on sb = make sure that sb is doing what they should be doing ~ Cheek up on st= find out if st is true - chie chin ring ai dé dang tim | - My parents are always nbiing vige ma ho nén lam ~ kin ta, kidm ching ‘checking up on me. = Ineed to check up on a few things before Fean decide. Exercise 21: 178. ‘The commissioner sent an investigator to the rumors, A. check up B. check out C.cheek in 179, Passengers are requested to two hours before the flight. D. cheek off 34 A.check on B. check off Cheek in D. cheek up 180. As I packed my case 1 everything on my list A. checked - up B.checked-out Cy checked-off ——_D, cheeked - in 181. What books did you from the library this week? A. check up B. check out C. cheek in D. cheek off 182. Hi mom, I’m just to see if you're feeling any better. A. checking in B. checking up C. checking out D. checking off 183, We of the hotel at 5 am to catch a 7 am flight. A. checked out B. checked on C. checked off D. checked in 184. My mum ‘on me most evenings to see that I've done my homework ‘A. checks out B. checks up C. checks off D. checks in CLOSE 22 | Close down: = (company, shop, ect.) stops | - pha sin/ngimg hoat = The local factory closed down in hon, xu hon operating as a business dong (cong ty, ca | June, hang...) = (radio, TV) stops (Ahi vii radio hay | - BBC 2 clases down at 12:45 broadcasting at the end of the | tivi) ngimg ehiéu vao | tonight day cudi ngay ‘Close inz = Close in (on sb/st)=move | -tién gin dé tan cng | - The lions closed in on their prey. nearer to sb/st, to attack them | ching ~ (night) get darker = (dem) t6i din - They huddled around the fire as the night closed in - (weather) get worse = (thoi tiéy tro nent | - The weather clased in when we arrived here. - (shop, building, ect.) shut for | - (eta higu.. a short time tam thoi - (days) become gradually = (ban ngay) ngin lai | - In she autumn the days bogin to shorter lose in ‘Close st off = stop people fiom |= déng cita, ich i, | - Police quickly closed off the area. entering phong toa Close up: - Why don’t we close up and go out for lunch? 35 ~ come closer together ~ become narrower + hide your thoughts or emotions ~ tiga lei gn - din déng lai, to nda hep hem - gidu di nhong suy nghi va cim xtc cia ban than = Traffic was heavy and cars were closing up behind each other - Every time he tried to speak, his throat closed up with fear. - She closed up when I asked about her family. ‘Close with: + (event, performance) conclude st with sb/st - have a very friendly = (su kign, budi bidu ign) ket thie v6i cai al 6 méi quan hg thin = For the talent show, let's close with a choir performance. ~ Iwas very close with Pauty when relationship with sb thigt véi ai we were kids, but I haven't talked 10 her in years. Exercise 22: 185. Why do you every time | mention your father? A. close in B. close down C. close up D. close off 186. A spokesperson denied that they had bought the company in order to, it A. close - down B. close-up C. close-in D. close - off 187. The hunt chased the fox until it was too tired and weak to run and then for the kil. ‘A.closed in B. closed with C. closed up D. closed off 188. Don’t use cold water as it shocks the ‘A.closing down 189, Half of the museum was Acmade up B. closed off B. closing in on lod vessels into C. closing up C. closed down 190, It felt as though the walls of the room were closing, A. out for B. up off 191. As the storm approached, everyone began ‘A. closing up 192. The show is almost over and we will B. closing down Cin with C. closing out D. closing off while they made the changes. D. put up her. D.inon their businesses. D. closing with Sarah Miles, who will announce her own song title. A. close down B. close in C. close with D. close up ‘COUNT 23] Count against =be a TTEDALIgi cho ai dé | - For that job her lack of 36 disadvantage to sb experience may count against her Count GbIst) among Tinh chal tong mgt | - cous her among my closest = include sb or stin a group | nhém Jriends Count for =be worlh Tob gid WH aghial | - Your promise counted for noihing quan trong tome. Count in =inchide sbi stin an |~bao gion eh al dG, vit | - Coun this old ray in with the activity or plan nao dé trong mot hanh | other things to be sold at the yard dong hoic ké hoach | sale Count on: = Count on sh = rely on sb = da dim vao ai = Tean count on my parents to help = Count on st=expect st to - tinh toan ditu gis | - Sorry J’m late, I didn’t count on xiyra being held up in the wajfic ~ khOng cho ai/ tinh ai_| - Seuba diving? Oh no, count me in an activity tham gia vio mat hoat | out- I hate being under water! dong ~ say that (a boxer) is the loser | - bi tuyén b6 do van | - Cooper was counted out in the because he can’t get up within a | do dém dén 10 ma final round. ‘count often seconds khong day néi ~ eliminate a possibility -loai tri kha ning | - We'll have to count out the ‘possibility of his being elected. -Count st out =count stone | -aémtimg cai mat _| - She counted the cookies out, one by one by one. Exercise 23: 193. If you're going to watch the football, you can count me It’s not my cup of tea, Ain B. out C. among D.on 194, He is reliable man, so you ean count hhim for his support Ain B. out C.among D.on 195, He has a eriminal record but we hope that prospective employers won't it him A.count-against —-B,count-among —_C. count - for D. count - out 196. She pulled out her wallet and slowly what money she had A. counted in B. counted on C. counted out D. counted among, 197. Lcertainly my daughter my life's greatest blessings. 37 A.count-against —-B.count-among —_C. count - for D. count out 198. If fail the test after weeks of studying, all of that effort will nothing. ‘A. count for B.countamong _C. count in D. count on 199. Affer the boxer collapsed to the mat, the referee counted him and ended the bout Ain Bout C. among D.on 200. Lhear you're organizing a trip to the game next week? me A.Count against B. Count among C. Count —in D. Count -on 201m the meeting ending on time, or I'l miss my bus. ‘A. counting in B. counting on C. counting among counting out 202. Don't cour dream of buying this home just yet - we still have time to make counteroflee ‘A. count out B. count on C. count in D. count with COME 24] Come about = happen ~ ay 1a, xay den ~ Can you tell me how the accident came about? ‘Come across: -meet sb/find st by chance | - tinh ed gap, bit gap = She came acrass some old photographs in a drawer. = make a particular = giy an twong = She comes across as very self- impression ‘confident. ~ be understood ~ duge higu ~ He spoke for a long time but his ‘meaning didn’t really come - provide or supply st when | - cung cfp cfi gi khi ban clin | - F Aqped she'd come acrass with you need it some more information. Come apart: ~ break into pieces - tich lia ra, bung ra thank | - The book just came apart in my ting manh hands = be unsuccessful that bai - The global economy is showing signs of coming apart. Come at: - move towards sb to attack | - tién dén tn cng ai ~ He came at me with a knife. them 38 = think about a problem, question, etc. in a par way ~nghi Ve mot van 48) mot cau hoi theo mat eéch cu thé nao d6 ~ We've getting nowhere let's come at it rom another angle. Come out at st =add upto Ti, Hing ti ~The whole trip, including Jares, comes out at $900, ‘Come away = become separated from st ~Bong ra Ehai cai gi ~The plaster had started to come away from the wall ‘Come back: = return to a place - (fashion) becomes popular again = remember st you had forgotten = quay tre Iai + (hdd trang) quay lai mét - nhé lai cdi gi da quén - We've just come back from Amsterdam ~ Long hair on men seems 10 be ‘coming back into fashion. = Once you've been here a few days, your French will soon come back ‘Come back (at sb) (with st) = reply to sb angrily or with force ~ dap tra ai mét cach gin dir ~ She came back at the speaker with some sharp questions. ‘Come between: = harm a relationship = cause disagreement or argument between people = stop sh from doing st that they like doing - distract sb ~ can thigp, xen vio méi quan hé hai nguéi ~ gay tranh efi, bit ding gitla ngudi, nhom nguai gin ai Kam digu ma ho thieh + lam ai mat t8p trung = Don't let one litle quarrel come between you. = He didn't want this to come between them = Nothing comes berween Jim ‘and his food. - She never let anything come berween her and her work. Come by: - to make a short visit to a place, in order to see sb = to manage to get something ~ ghé thim, thim ai 18 ye lam duge ei gi - She came by the house. = Jobs are hard to come by these days ‘Come in 39 ~ fo enter a room + (ashion/products) becomes available or popular - be received (news/ information/money) - be involved - when the sea gets higher ~ di vio (nha, phong..) «= (thoi trang, sn phd) ter nn phd bién, thank mét = nhan (tin tite/tign) Tiga quam, la mét phin cia k8 hoaeh, ct chuyén, = (bin, thay trigu) dng (Come in and sit down. = Tewas a time when short hair for men was just coming in, + Reports are just coming in of a ‘major accident on the motorway. - Would you like to come in at this point? - The tide comes in very quickly here and you ean soon find yourself stranded. ‘Come in for = to receive blame or criticsm phe phan ~The director has come in for a Jot of eriticism over his handling of the affair. ‘Come into + inherit st from sb - st influences st ~thiva ké tign, tai sin - li quan trong, thich hop = She came into a fortune when her uncle died. - She married for money - love didn't come into it ‘Come off = happen as planned, or to succeed - end up in a particular position = to be able to be removed + theo ké hoach, thinh cing ~ kat thie bing mét vit nao do = bong, rai ra, c6 thé ga ra = They had wanted it10 be a surprise but the plan didn't come ofl. - The team played hard and came off with a victory, = That mark won't come off. Come on - {0 slatt, to operate = (illness) starts gradually encourage sb ~ (person) to work onto the stage = (may mbe,..) bt du, van inh ~~ bj bénh = Khich 8, ¢6 vi, hi thie ai bang loi noi - (nguiri) buée lén sn khau = All she lights came on, + Think I've got a cold coming = Come on! We don't have much time. - There was a great applause when the Russian ballerina came 40 § Come out - to go somewhere with sb for a social event - (book, record film, ect.) be published = (moon, stats, sun, ect.) appear = become known publicly = to achieve/be in a certain condition at the end of a process - be removed (dirt mark) = photo can be seen clearly = words are spoken - workers stop working because of disagreement ~ di véi ai én tge, sw kién -xuit ban (phim, sich...) + (ing, 0, xt hig + eéng khai edi gi, duge bit din = dat duvac gi, két qua Ia = loai bé bui, vét = phin hin anh rd ring = tir ngit, Ibi n6i ra = nguéi lam nghi lam vi bat dang ebng vike. ~ Would you like to come out for «a drink sometime? - When is her new novel coming ou? = The clouds parted and the sun came out. = After her death, it came out that she'd lied about her age. = The figure has come out wrong! I don’t understand it = Did the red wine stain came ow? = The photo didn't come out because the room was so dark. + Tried to say ‘ove you,” but the words wouldn’t come out. + The postal workers have come ‘out in support of their pay claim. Come over = to appear to be a certain type of person + travel to place far away - to suddenly feel st = t0 visit sb’s home + change opinion to another to afleet sb ~ 06 vé Hi ngusi, tinh each ra sao = du lich dén mét noi xa ~ bing ed cam gic gi dé ~ dn tham ai, nha ai = thay di suy nght,§ kin + te dng, anh hudng dén ai = Iwatched the interview and fel he came over as quite arrogant. = Why don’t you come over to England in the summer? =A fitof - Ron came over for dinner the iness came over her other night = We must try t0 convince him 10 come over to our side of the ‘argument, he will see that we are right. + Fo not know what has come over her, she was very rude to 4 ‘him today. ‘Come (a) round ~ to happen again - to change your mind = to become conscious = 10 visit someone at their place (at their house) = to be sent to several people ~ nay 1a tin ta, lip Lai - thay d6i suy nahi, tam trang, ¥ inh, + tinh Iai «thm ai tai noi ho 6 (nha) = due git, dura t6i a - Christmas comes round so quickly? - He'll never come round to our way of thinking = Your mother hasn't ye come round from the anesthetic. = Do come around and see us some time, - A nove came out asking for new ideas. Come up - unexpectedly happen + to be mentioned or talked about in conversation = to Gob! opportunity) become available = bing xay din + duge d& ofp, nie wi cong vide, ca hi) sin c6 - 'm afratd something urgent has come up - The question is bound to come up at the meeting. =A position has come up in the accounts department, ‘Come up with - to find a new thought + usually referred to ideas and referred with the name of the person who produced it - nay ra J tuéng, suy nghi - ai d6 nghi ra Ot cai tén - Leame up with a thought to help the man out = It is usually the father’s sister who comes up with a name for the baby Come up t0 = be good as you want, need, or expect st to be = get nearer to st ina process = dat t6i nhtng diéu mong, muén, bi vong = dén gan cudi, cham cai gi (khoang thoi gian, giai doan = Their tip to France didn't come up to expectations = The water came up to my neck = As we come up to the end of the qué trinh..) JSirst half the score remains France 3, Italy 3 203.1 my home town to see if I could find out more about my parents A.came up to Became up with C, came back to D, come down with 204. Nis public life began to carly in 1987 A.come apart B.come between C, come at D. come on. 205. How did the problem in the first place? A. come over B. come round C. come about D. come off 206, She well in interviews. That is why she was chosen for the post. A. came into B. came across C.came by D. came away 207. 1d hate anything to come us, A.away B. back Coff D. between 208. When she was walking, she children sleeping under bridges. A.came at B. came apart C. came back D. came across 209. As soon as she entered the school, childhood memories came rushing A. into B. back Con D. by 210. Ipicked up the book and it__in my hands. A.came at B. came apart ‘C. came back D. came across 211. The dog ‘me but luckily I was able to escape from its attack A.came at B. came apart C. came back D. came across 212. I turmed some of the pages and they in my hand. A.came away B. came apart C. came back D. came across CRY 25 _| Cry off stidoing st = to decide | - quydidinh Khang lim | - WWe Warranged to go logether but not to do st that you have digu gi ma ban da sip | Luiz cried off atthe last moment. arranged to do xép hay déng glam ruse 46 Cry out= shout ormakea — |-lahétlGn visg hai |- She cried out in/with pain loud noise because you are frightened, hurt, ete = g0i to cdi gi - She could hear a voice crying out her name, ‘Cry out against = complain — | ~ phn nin, ban tin xGn | - People have been crying out loudly about st xao v8 vide gi against this abuse for years. (Gry out for st=need st'very | -rit ean = The country is crying oui for a B much change in leadership. Exercise 25: 213, Women’s rights groups have the proposed cut in benefit paid to single mothers. A.cried out against B, eried off C. cried out D. cried out for 214, Barron invited her to the races and she agreed, but she caught flu and had to__at the last minute Avcry off B. cry out for Cu ery for D. cry out 215. This room is some new furniture Avcryingofffor ——_-Berying for C.crying out for. crying out against 216." ‘Your Name" is a song performed by Swedish pop singer and music producer Loreen A. Crying Out B. Crying For €. Crying Off D. Crying Out For 217. She in pain as the bullet grazed her shoulder. Accried out against B. cried off C. cried out D. cried out for cur 26 | Cut across: ~10 take a shorteut over or through | - di tit (dén noi nao) —_| - il be quicker if we cut across (aplace) the park ~10 pass in front of ~ cit ngang phia true | - The lorry cut across the futle ~10 affect different groupsof | = tée dng, anh hung | - The daw cuts across all social people dén cde nhom khde nhau_ | efasses Cut back st = reduce = giam dang KE ~The firm cut back production considerably because sales were sluggish Cut st back = cut = tia bét, ct bot ~ We cut the tree back every off parts of a ree or other plants ‘winter 0 that it becomes smaller ‘Cut away = remove by cutting olf |= cli bo or away ropes of the skiff and let it fall of. Cut down: = reduce an amount of st = cit gid, gidm bet = How can you cut down the risk of cancer? 44 ~ start doing Tess of st ~eut through the trunk of tree kill sb ~ cut sb down to size = show sb they aren’t as important as they think/humiliate sb = giam (lam gid) ~ chat eay ~ giét ai dd m cho ai d6 bét ao. ‘tuéng v8 ban than/lam bs mit ai ~The doctor advised him to cut down his working hours, ~ In Haiti alone, about 30 million trees are cut down every year, - So many of our young: women have been cut down by this needless war. = Someone should cut that man down to size! Cut in: - interrupt sb or st «start operating automatically/tum on = move into a line of people or things out of tum ~ cut sb in = allow sb to get part of the profits = xen vo, ngit loi bit diu van anh (mot eich tu déng), bat Ibn ~cit hing + chia Idi, lai (wong kin doanh) = 1'm sorry to cut in, but T have some information that might help. = The fans cut in when the ‘engine starts getting too hot = It’s rude to cut in while other people are queuing. + They wouldn't cul me in on the deal. Cut intoz «= slice or carve st + interrupt an activity or process = reduce an amount of st that is available (time or money) = Khe, cham, cit bing dao ~ cat ngang, dia quing = gidm bot (thd gian, tién) = The outlines of animals were ‘cut into the rock. = His voice cut imo her thoughss. = The teaching days I do really ‘cut into my time at home. Cut off: = remove st from st else stop providing st such as cloctreity, gas = prevent sb = loai b6 cai gi tir edi gi - eft dign/ga = nglin can ai = Remember 10 cut off the fat before you fiy the steak - The telephone’s been cut off because we didn't pay the bil. ~ Having a new baby can cut a 45 - isolate or sequester sb or st = ech li 06 lip, chi ot ‘youig mother olffrom the adult world, - The snow has blocked roads cand cut off a number of villages: Cut out: ~ suddenly stops working = eliminate or remove sb or st = bd lai, logi bo ai edi gi = One of the plane’s engines cut ‘out, so they had ta land with only one. = He felt that he was being cut out ~be well-suited in a particular |= phi hop (liah vwe ew | - don't shink that P'm cus out area tha) | for studying any more. Cut through: - quickly understand the problem | -nhanh chong nam bat | - Ske always manages to cut or deal with it ~ penetrate its surface = to move across an area, often as a shorteut - overcome = make a path through st by cutting van dé va xit li nd ~xuyén qua =i xuyn qua, bang qua, tit qua = vuot qua (thé khiin) = to li di (bing toush the complex theory and getat the facts I don't think that knife is sharp ‘enough to cut through the fruit's tough rind. + He decided to cut through the forest - She always manages to cut through the complex theory and get at the facts. = Our foonprints cut a path through the freshly fallen snow Cut up: ut st into several pieces = behave in anger or become angry, violent = joke or play around ~ edt than nbiéu manh ~ our xi 18, ndi dig = Ham tra hal lor dang - She cut up the carrots and put them in the pot - When Steve cut up rough, she realized she'd gone too far = Steven! Do not cut up and focus on the things your mother jas said. 46 Exercise 26: 218. With her speed and agility, Cage all her competitors in the hurdle race A.cut out B. cut up C. cut down D. cut off 219. Follow the river to where it to the left and then you'll see the picnic area A. cuts through B. cuts across C. cuts off D. cuts down 220, 1 was just talking to Jan, when Dave cut on our conversation. Ain Boamay Coon D. down 21. We've had to cut. on staff to save money. Ac in B. into C. back D.up 222. His teaching cut all human cultures and races. Aup B. across C.down Dain 223. I'm sick of all these kids cutting ‘my yard to get to the school down the street. Aaway B. through Ceout D. back 224, 1 don’t like doing the shopping on Saturday aflemoon because it cuts. my weekend Aaway B. into C. back D.up 225. A lot of soldiers were by grenade as they stormed the airport A.cut into B. cut up C.eut down D. cut off 226. A loud rap on his office door cut, his thoughts. A. back Boif C. into D. out 227. I we cut the field, it" save time. Avaway B. across C. out D. into 228, For example, try cutting down on less-healthful foods, rather than cutting them A. down B. back C. into D. out 229, What did they say when they were cutting the last palm tree? A. through B.down C.out D.up 230, Thad to take a detour because the water department had blocked a bunch of streets, cutting me from my house. Aout Boup Coff Dain 231. Boys! Stop cutting and focus on these math problems! A.away B. into C. back D.up 232. The town is without electricity and the water supply has been cut A. into Bott Ceout Dain 233. You have taught me that I'm not cut for this kind of work Aaway Ceout D. into 47 234, That vegetable has a tough skin, so you'll really need to apply some pressure in order to cut Aup B.away C. imo D. back 235. 1 won't have a cigarette, thanks - I'm trying to cut A. down B. across C. away D. out 236, Many things were regular and pattemed, and cut contours of the country and the flow of things A.across B. through Ceout D. away 237. With this new thermostat, the heat will cut ‘once the temperature drops below 70 degrees. Aup Beaway C.down Dain 238, A: "That guy always dominates the class discussion with his rambling, inane thoughts like he's, some genius.” B. "Tino! It's time to cut him tosi Aup B. across C.down Dain 239. He cut__the old branches from the tree Aup B.away C. back D. across 240, The customers queuing at the check-out would not let anyone cut just because they had only 2 few items. Aout Baway Goff Dain 241. He cut his way the jungle with a machete Aaway B. into C. through D.up 242. The investigators plan to cut the suspect from his bosses, in the hope that he will confess, A. through Bott C. out Dain 243. The woman cut the watermelon and shared it out among the four children, Aup B. across C.down D. Out 244, We need to cut the political rhetoric and see what really lies behind the policy Aaway B. into C. through D.up DIE 27 __] Die away = become quicter or | -bign mat, mi dan, bat | - The sound of his foosteps ‘weaker and finally stop din ‘gradually died away. Die down = lose strength = gia dan) tat din | -The wind died down during the ‘gradually; subside night. BR Die for: = die in order to save or help sb | - chét d8 ciru ai ds | = would die for my wife if would save her from danger. = 10 die for a particular cause - Soldiers who die for their country or thing cao ca have made the supreme sacrifice. ~10 desire excessively or long |-Khaokhét, cwcki | - I'm dving for the weekend - this for sbist ‘mong muén week's been so hard. Die of = dic as a result of ~ chet vinguyén do, | - The doctors did all they could, but sUperish from an injury ora | (bénh tat.) he finally died of cancer. particular disease Die off = stop living, one by | =Kigt sie din ch&t, | - The vererans of World War Mare ‘one, until there are none left | ehét din chét mon (mot | now old and gradually dying off him) Die out: = become extinet ~tuyét chiing = These species of birds will die out if we keep destroying their habitat. ~ become outdated or obsolete | - lac hau, 18i thdi - Nowadays, this technique is rather die out Exercise 27: 243, When my girlfriend dumped me, | thought I would a broken heart A. die for B.dieof C. die off D. die out 246. Dinosaurs died about 65 million years ago. Aolf B.down C. out D. away 247. The sound and silence reigned. ‘A. died away B. died off C. died down D. died of | 248, We cannot be sure of having something to live for unless we are willing to die it Aout B. down C.away D. for 249. As sensitive organisms resistant strains may come to dominate, and over time an antimalarial drug ean lose its ability to cure infection. Ac die for B. die away C. die off D. die out 250, Itwas on the front pages of all the papers for a few days, but the interest gradually died oll Bof C.away D. down 251. Pm willing to the woman I Iove. I just want to take 75 years to doit. Adie for B. die of C. die off D. die out 49 252. The prevalence of cell phones today has caused the use of landlines to die A. off B.down C. out D. away 253. I'm just nap. I can hardly keep my eyes open A. dying for B. dying off €. dying down D. dying of DO 28 | Do away with = abolish/get rid offkill = xod B6, thi tiéu, Toat bolgiét ngudi = The company had to do away swith free lunches in order to Do down: = humiliate/denigrate/ belittle sb - deceive or cheat - gian lan. = They do not have to do dow rivals in order to benefit themselves = That jerk did me down, selling me a car that doesn 'teven work! Do for: - seriously damage, hurt, ruin or kill sost ~ do the cleaning for (a person ~ phi buy ning né thir glam ai bj thuong, giét ai ~ don nha (cho ngwoi than, ~ Driving on those rough roads ‘has realty done for my car. ~ Mrs Bradley used to come in = do sb in: to make so extremely tired - lam ai dé mét moi or private household) quen) vice a week to do for us. Doin: kill sb = thi tigu, giét = Treckon someone did her in 10 ‘get her money. - Playing basketball all day really did me in. Do out = make tidy or cleans decorate ~ don dep, tan trang. trang tt ~ They did the room out with balloons 10 ready for the party Do out of = prevent from = ngin ean ai Khong of duoc = Pensioners have been done out - do st again from the beginning - decorate a room or part of a ~ Lam lai tir du - trang tri phOng theo mat obtaining st of value by thish nén c6 (gian lin) | of millions of pounds as a result cheating of the changes. Do over: - OK, we'll do it over, but try to sing the right words this time = Can we afford to have the house in a new way Kieu mei Thowse done over? attack and beat sb severely | - tin edng va danh trong | - He was done aver by a gang of thuong ai 46 thugs. Do up: «fasten st or become (quin fo, day bio | - These trousers must have fastened dam.) shrunk = Tean't da them up ~repair or paint st so that it | - sit lai, trang ti lai (toa | - We spent our weekends doing looks attractive ha, 616..) up a 1934 Rolls Royce. = wrap st in paper ~ abi gi dé (thanh quai) = She always does her presents up beautifully in gold and silver paper Do with: ~be relatediconnected ~ 6 Lién quan t6i =I think there is nothing to do sth lum; he is a newcomer. = want/need st = mudnvedn cai gi = I could do with a nice cup of tea right now. Do without =manageor | -xoayxdma khOng cb cai_|- There's no more milk, soT succeed without having susb | gi/ ai guess well just have 10 do without, Exercise 28: 254, He does old houses and sells them ata profit Ain B.with C. without D. up 255. Lknow you don't like him, but there’s no need to keep doing him in front of the boss Avover Boi C. down D.up 256. What are you going to all that junk, Larry A.doawaywith —— B.dowith C. do up D. do out of 257. twas climbing that lst hill that really did them A. out Boi Cover Dain 258. The alternative is to sue the school, which parents regularly matters of questionable significance A. do over for C. doin D. do up 259. He soes himself as the little man being done by the powerful A. down Bout C. off Din 260. You'll be gone for six days? I think we can do you for that long, Avwith B. without Coup with, D. away with 261. He held a small parcel in colored paper and ribbon A. done out of B. done with C. done for D. done up 262. That no-good rotten lawyer did me thousands of dollars fiom my grandfather's will! Aout of Bout C. off Din 263. If you put any more in that suitease you won't be able to t over—up do = for D. do -off 264, Most ofthe articles have to ‘America’s role in the world since the end of the Cold War. A.doaway with B.dowith C.doup D. do for 265. People thought that the use of robots would do boring low-paid factory jobs A.doaway with B. do with C. do up D. do for 266. We plan w do the kitchen next year. A.over Boll C. out of Dain 267, Should they be slowing down because sooner or later their hectic pace will do them ? A. for Bout Cin D. over 268, Reynolds has always claimed that he had nothing to do her disappearance Aover B. with C. off Din 269. They've had their kitchen in light wood and blue tiles, A. done off B.done in . done with D. done out 270. Lcould do a few days off work. A. without B. with C. away with D. do over 271. Joe had been by his teacher so often that he had lost all confidence. A.done over B.done for done down D. done up 272, Itwas the flu that did her in the end. A. for Bout Coll Din 273, Pm sure Fames could some help. away with B, do with C. do up D. do for DRAW 29] Draw aside =pullorsieer sb] -KEoaidb sang mii bin | - The teacher drew Bob aside to aside (46 noi chuyén/thi thim) | have a word with him, Draw down: -useup an available resource | -siedung hit nguin dir | -s went ou to chop more frewood tre since we ‘ve drawn down our supply this winter, ~reduce/deplete ~ giam/can Kiet ~ During the next 50 years, US coal reserves will draw down significantly: Draw in attract sb or st = engage in ~ induce to enter or participate = becoming darker earlier thu hat ai/eai gi = dinh liu vo ~ xii giue tham gia ri tro nén t6i (thuong, vao thu, dng) You need a bright new sign to deaw people ita your store. - Trefuse to be drawn into a fight, ‘no matter what passive-aggressive thing Addison says 10 me today. - They tried to draw in as many new members as possible. The days draw in and the mornings get darker Draw off = remove a small amount of liquid from a larger amount chit, d vio, hut ra (rong chit léng) ‘Doctors drew off.a pint of his blood. Draw on: = acegss and use a helpful resource = 10 approach or came closer ~ happen or pass by slowly + sir dung mgt nguba bru ich ~t6i gn hom (thuding 18 thoi gian) = xiy raltrdi qua mot céch chim chap = She had! a wealth of experience 10 draw on. - My anxiesy level grew as the ‘exam’s start time drew on, + As the lecture drew on, most of the students started to doze off. Draw out: = make st continue longer than usual ~ encourage/make so feel less nervous take money from a bank take out = become lighter in the evening as summer gets nearer = kéo di digu gi = dong vign, an di ai dé = nit tién ra = rit ra, lay ra =i mugn hon (kbi thsi het vao hé) = The director drew the meeting ‘ut for another hour. = Her mother tried every approach to draw her out - The bank allows us to draw out £500 a week - Suddenly he drew out a gun = The days are drawing out. Draw up: (a vehicle) stop ~ axe, dimg xe ~The cab drew up outside the rouse ~ prepare and write st ~ chun bi, ehi chép ki | - Guidelines have been drawn up (document, plan, ect) for dealing with emergencies. = move closer ~ dich chuyén t6i hon = He drew up a chair and sat down. Exercise 29: 274, She waved to me and called out my name as T A. drew on B. drew up C. drew down D, drew in 275. my experience speaking in front of my class definitely helped when Thad to give a speect to the whole school A. Drawing on B. To draw out C. Drawing up D. Drew off 276, The government worries about drawing ‘our oil reserves. A.down B.up Coon Dain 277. The beginning of this book was so good that it just drew me ~ [ haven’t been able to put it down since! A. down Boup Con Dain 278. To someone's horoscope, you need to know their date and exact time of birth, A.draw up B. draw aside C. draw out D. draw in 279, We do not want to get drawn along and expensive confliet, oll B.up Coon Dain 280. The steward drew some wine from the cask Aon C.down D.up 281. Fund managers drew ‘on cash reserves and bet that the bull market would continue through the summer. A.down B.up Ceout D. off 282, I drew the nurse so that I could ask a few more questions about my dad’s surgery. Avaside B. down Cin D. out 283. Depositors drew so much money Of the bank that it was forced to close down, Avaside B. down coin D. out 284. The days begin to after the summer solstice A. draw up B. draw down C. draw out D. draw in 285. As the journey was drawn. _ he started to feel tired Aon B.up C.out 54 286, Just when I thought the professor coulda’t this lecture any more, he droned on about torts for another half hour ‘A. draw over B. draw on C. draw out D. draw in 287. Consumers continue to draw inventories of aluminum, copper, and other metals at London Metal Exchange warehouses, A.down B. out Cover D. aside 288, Well then, a seat and tell us what you think A.draw on B. draw up C. draw out D. draw off 289. She was good at drawing young people and getting them to talk about their fears and hopes. Ain Bott C.down D. out 290, He drew hhis experience as a yachtsman to make a documentary programme, Aup B. out Goff D.on DRIVE 30 | Drive at= try to explain or | -cOnbi, gidi hich, y _|- ean understand what she’s driving say st; mean or intend inh, 06 9 at, Drive away =make sb (or | ~xua di, dudi di, lam | Rising prices are driving customers animal) want to go away ai khong muda t6i dau | away. Drive back: = retum to some place by = Idi xe quay lei dau | - Hey, will any of you be driving back driving (0 campus soon? = force so of st to move away | - diy li, ngin chan ai | - Tis tactic should help us to drive from so or something else | khoi dau back the enemy troops. Drive off: = leave some place by driving | - réi di bing xe, di dau | - Once my parents had driven off.1 bing xe called my friends and invited them over. = repolor chase away sb orst_| - diy li, audi (khi | - Mem drove off the dogs with stones. bi tin cing) Drive out = make sb orst_|~limai/eai gibign _|~ He cud his rates to drive out rivals disappear or stop operating | mat, dimg hoat déng 30: 291. It only took us an hour to get here, but with all of this traffic, how long will it take us to drive Exercis Aat B. back Caway D. out 292. The police drove the crowd to give the rescue workers more space A. back Bot cout Di at 293. The campers drove the cows before the animals trampled the tents Acat B. back Coff D. away 294, Without a shotgun you cannot. the wolves and jackals A. drive off B. drive back C. drive out D. drive away 295, He tas tried his best efforts to corruption. A. drive out B.driveaway C. drive off D. drive in 296, What exactly are you driving with a critical statement like that? If you have a problem with my work, just tell me. Aa B. back C. away D. out 297. She slammed the car door shut and drove _without saying a word. Avoff Bain Cat D. back DROP 31_] Drop away — become weaker | -nho din, you dan (ve 50 _ | - Support for him has begun to or smaller in amount long, con sé) drop away Drop back=move back, | - bi bo lai, bi dinh bei, tut_ | ~He gor tired and dropped back retreat, drop behind tai pha sau, bude Ti as the race went on Drop by = visit ~tat vio tham, tién ghé | - He dropped by my home on his informally/make a short visit} thim way home from work somewhere Drop on: - let st fall (on sb) = fam 10% edi gi vio ai = The bricklayer dropped some ‘mortar on me: - deliver st umpleasant to sb | - mang str khé chiu dén | - Sally dropped some really bad cho ai news on Walter. Drop off: - become less, lower in level, | -it hon, gidm (mite d6, gid | - Business dropped off a litile value, price, ete ci.) during the summer. = fall asleep quickly = ngi gat = I dropped off during the play and woke up when it ended. - leave sb/st ina place they | - tha khach ~ Let's drop off Tom and Jerry at 56 want the hamburger joint Drop out=Teave st an ~bb gita ching, bohoe _ |- Too many snudents drop out of activity, school, or college after only one year. competition) before finishing Drop round = visit tat wao thi, tien ghé | - The kids drop round and see her somewhere fora short period | th from time to time. 298. Can you drop the kids at schoo! this morning? A. back B. round Coff D. away 299, She let the sewin to her lap and her shoulders drooped a little A. drop out B. drop off C. drop on D. drop by 300. Sometimes, you have to drop a few steps when a particular design decision doesn’t make sense A. back B. round Coff D. away 301. I must have dropped during the show, because I don’t remember how it ended Aaway Bot C.out 302. I'm sorry to drop all of that _you, but I had to tell someone about my moms illness. A. out B. back Coff D.on 303. I'm going back to school because 1 always regretted of college. A. dropping away B. dropping off €. dropping on D. dropping out 304, The attendance has dropped in recent months, Aout B. round Cady D. away 305. If you still have questions on the material, why don’t you my office sometime, and we'll ‘go over everything step by step. A. drop by B. drop on C. drop back D. drop away 306. The daily toll of casualties has dropped _shaply A. out B. back C. off D. away FAT 32 | Eat away (at st) ~an din an mon, phi] - Jealousy is eating away at him. damage or destroy st buy din Eat in = have meal at home ~eb bata in tai nha | - Neither of us felt like going out, 37 instead of in restaurant ‘30 we will eat in tonight Fat into = use or take away a large part of something valuable = ding din din tha gi 6 6 gi tri (dd khong muda) ~The high cost of tiving in London is cating into my savings. Eat out = eat away from home, esp in a restaurant "an ongoailin hing =T'm nol implying anything about your cooking, but could we eat ‘out tonight? Fat up: = eat all of st = use large amounts of available time, money or resources ~ be very jealous, angry, guilty, = an hat, an sach = tiGu ding, iu thy, si dung (48 c6 gid tri, thoi gian..) - cam thay ghen titire = [you don't eat up your greens, you won't get any dessert. = This car gats up much perro. ~ Paula was eaten up by guilt for etc. so that you cannot think gidnhdi Ibi... dén mire | days. about anything else khong thé nght durge vige gi khée Exercise 32: 307. She was eaten by jealousy, so she couldn't congratulate Mary on her success. Avaway Bout C. into D. up 308, One of the many advantages of living in New York is that you can At almost any time of day. Aveat out Beat up C. eat into D. eat away 309, Then they will sit straight and all their nourishing gilt-edged stock. Aout B. into C. away D.up 310. We didn’t like going to a restaurant so we Avate up Bate on ate in D. ate into 311. The acid began to eat al the edge of her tunic, the hottom strands of her curly hair Avaway B.out C. into D.up 312. This is not cheap’ housing costs 14% in the 1950s, Avcat out B. cat up 313. Unfortunately, the cost of selling can really eat Avout B. into 44% of a typical wage-eamer’s income, as opposed to C cat into Caway D. cat in your profits. D. up 58 FACE 33. | Face about = turn and face in | - quay ding sau, | - The soldiers jaced about and the opposite direction mat, thay di hin started marching south Face down = deleat sb ort -danh bai, ha guc ~He admired the Presidents ability 10 face down erities Face up to= cope with ~ durong dau veil chap |~Many people find it hard to face up nhan 1a:the fact that they are gesting old. Face with: - have to handle or deal with | - d6i mat, giai quyét, | - She's faced with a difficult xoay xo decision. ~ install ston the surface of st | - bao phi, che phu, lop | - We faced the kitchen walls with yellow tile - present evidence of st to sb | - dua bing chimg cia | - When I faced him with the ci gi cho ai xem evidence, he confessed immediately Exercise 33: 314, The CEO was the problem of bringing the bankrupt firm back to profitability. A. faced up to B. faced with C. faced down D. faced about 315. She drew an apple on blackboard, next asking a student: "What is this?” A. faced up to B. faced with C. faced down D. faced about 316. You could eight years in jail for spreading rumors considered prejudicial to security. ‘A. face up to B. face with C. face down D. face about 317. The house was faced blue stucco. Awith B. about Coup to D. down 318. My meditation practice definitely helps me whenever I'm 4 stressful situation at work A. faced up to B. faced with, C. faced down D. faced about 319, She faced ‘amid-carcer crisis and emerged with a high position with one of the industry leaders, Awith B. about Coup to D. down FALL 34 _| Fall about = Taugh ~abinghieng nga | - We fell about when we saw him: uncontrolledly

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