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Letter of Self-Introduction

Please type in Korean or in English. The letter must be single spaced within ONE page, with the font Times New Roman,
size 10. (*10 points)

o Your course of life, your view of life, study background, your hopes & wishes, etc
o Your education and work experience, etc., in relation to the KGSP program
o Your motivations for applying for this program
o Reason for study in Korea

I come from a big family of educators. My father is a lecturer at Institute of Public Administration and most of
my relatives are a teacher. As a second eldest child in the family, I was taught to be independence and to be able to take
care of and prioritize my younger siblings. It helped shape my characteristics to become more responsible, independent
and mature. My parents never force anything on me. They allowed and supported me to do whatever I like. I like
learning and experiencing a lot of new things. I believe that life is a learning process that has no end. We have to keep
learning as long as we live. So since childhood I have always studied hard even without being forced by my parents and
always have good grades at school. Realizing the importance of learning, made me interest to have a job in the field of
education. I decided to become an educator because being an educator is not only had to teach but also had to learn a lot
of things to improve our knowledge. Thanks to their support and believe, I can choose my own way to pursue my

My interest in computer made me decide to pursue my bachelor’s degree in computer science education major.
During my college years, I began to find out that there are many branches of computer science. I especially find
database and web programming interesting. So for my first 2 years in college, I joined database laboratory as laboratory
assistant and teaching assistant. As teaching assistant, I was active in teaching my college juniors in practicum of
database and database system. I was also active in non-academic activities. I joined student organization and Informatics
Students Association of Bandung. These experiences are very useful to improve my organizational skills, interpersonal
skills and soft skills. In my last year of college, I taught Digital Simulation at a vocational school for 4 months as an
intern teacher. For working experience, I have been working at UPT E-Learning Bandung Institute of Technology for 6
months as help desk and junior programmer responsible for developing and maintaining e-learning website. After
working as an intern teacher and a programmer, I came to realize that working in the field that related to education and
technology is not easy, because it is required to have a lot knowledge to be shared. We also must always keeping up
with technology that continues to grow rapidly from time to time. In order to pursue professional career in this field, I
need to expand my knowledge in both education and computer science. So I decided to continue my education in
master’s degree.

I prefer to continue my education abroad because I believe it would be better to learn about computer science in
another country with better in technology and developing science. Studying abroad also can be an opportunity to step
outside my comfort zone and gain valuable experiences by learn new culture and language, meet new people and
experiencing different style of education system. In order not to burden my parents, I am looking for information about
scholarships to study abroad. Then I found out about Korean Government Scholarship Program (KGSP). I read the
guidelines to find out more about KGSP. In my opinion, KGSP is a great scholarship that gives you not only a chance to
study in Korea but also a chance to learn their culture and language. The one year language program provided by KGSP
makes me more motivated and interested to apply for the program. Therefore, I have been learning Korean language for
two years by reading books. I believe that my basic knowledge in Korean language will help me settle in Korea during
my first year in language program.

My future goal is to develop myself to be a specialist in the field of English teaching. I would like to contribute
actively in addressing the issues faced by school-aged children’s education in remote areas in Indonesia. As a matter of
fact, school-aged children’s education in Indonesia is facing a big crisis. Every year, there is ….. that drop out of
schools…. etc. I have a strong commitment to develop the community learning centre that ….. ago. I plan to facilitate
….. for elementary, junior, and senior high school students in remote areas of …. Province, such as in …. Regency, ….
Regency, and ….Regency. In the community learning centre, I will play a significant role in the English teaching, such
as conducting need analysis, developing materials, designing syllabus, curriculum assessment, and evaluating. I further
plan to implement contemporary English teaching and learning methods, with the use of audio-video, computer
software, and internet, to motivate students and stimulate an effective teaching and learning process. At this point,
KGSP will enable me to learn more about how technology can be integrated successfully into classroom and how it can
be useful as a means of addressing the inequalities in education quality in remote areas, specifically in Indonesia. One of
the universities in Korea, which is the university of …, has actively conducted research focusing on educational
technology. I have read some publications regarding ….. I believe that KGSP will be once in a lifetime opportunity for
me to learn deeply about my field of study as well as serving as a bridge to reach my future goals.

My friends asked me why I choose to study abroad in Korea even though there is many good university for
Computer Science major in Indonesia. Since Computer Science is a science related to technology, I am believe it would
be better to study it in another country with better technology development. South Korea is among the world’s most
technologically advanced and digitally-connected countries. Moreover, I am interested in learning about “SMART
Education” program implemented by Korea government. The main goal of this program was to digitalize the entire
school curriculum and reflect modern changes of the 21 st century. I believe that study in Korea through KGSP can bring
me one step closer to achieve my dream and also gives me a lot of valuable experiences both for my professional career
and my life.

Studying in in the U.S. is a way to in realize my future goal and link between my background study and future
goal. I’m very sure that this country has definitely occupied an absolute world leading position in English education.
Advanced theories, technologies, and information in this country will facilitate me immensely in the achievement of
remarkable progress, fulfilling my aspiration to become an accomplished professional in the field of English education.
FORM 3. Statement of Purpose
This form is required for applicants in the Master’s or Doctoral program ONLY.
Please type in Korean or in English. The statement of purpose must be single spaced with no more than TWO pages, with
the font Times New Roman, size 10. (*10 points)

Goal of study &

o Goal of study, title or subject of research, and detailed study plan
Study Plan

Paragraf 1
 Tujuan studi s2, jurusan apa, kampus mana
 Gambaran tentang program studi yang diambil, bisa ttg apa yang akan dipelajari
 Jelaskan keterkaitan minat kita dengan program yang akan dilamar (atau dikaitkan dengan latar belakang
pendidikan dan pengalaman kerja yang sudah dimiliki)
 Tutup paragraph dengan statement kalo jurusan ini benas2 cocok untuk kita, sesuai dengan latar belakang
pendidikan dan pengalaman kerja, serta bisa membantu kita dalam meraih future goals

I am applying for a master’s program in Teaching English for Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) at the
university of ….. I have a high interest in developing capabilities essential to the theories and difficulties of
language curriculum design, assessment, and evaluation, and the further developing of English teaching method
related to issues of diversities such as culture, mother tongue, and communicative competence in order to result the
most suitable method fitting the learners need and background. I believe that this master’s program can prepare me
to assume a specialty in the field of English teaching especially about theoretical approaches, language analysis,
curriculum design, and intercultural communication in reaching the language learning goal in variety of contexts.

Assistance and possibilities: Analysis of learning-related factors affecting the online learning satisfaction of
underprivileged students
Kim, J. & Lee, W. 2011 Dec 1 In : Computers and Education. 57, 4, p. 2395-2405 11 p.

Paragraph 2 dan 3
 Menjelaskan research plan
 Judul, latar belakang, research questions, literature review, methodology, manfaat penelitian dimasa depan.

In the master’s program, I plan to conduct a research concerning about integrated practical English teaching method
resulted from incorporating various life contexts of the learners. This idea comes along with my awareness of
English teaching method should be varied between one to another place. So many are factors influencing the
successful of learners learning such as, culture, experience in learning new language, knowledge, family
background, and future goal, that the English teaching method used in the classroom to reach the language learning
goal must be varied among the different learners. Simply, this research will raise issues of the learners’ diversities
in English teaching, then exploring and integrating the diversities to develop the most suitable pedagogical method
and lesson plans.

My bachelor study on English Teacher Training and Education has prepared me with a strong grounding in English
and theoretical aspects of teaching which can contribute in developing my self swiftly to reach my future goal in the
master’s program. I have learned about Study and Learning, Professions of Education, Teaching English as a
Foreign Language I and II, Curriculum and Material Development, and Teaching Practice in my bachelor study, of
which I got the highest marks. Furthermore, I have also written scientific papers and articles on education since I
was an undergraduate student. My paper on education was awarded as the runner up in “Sayembara Ide (Idea
Competition)”at provincial level. My articles have also been published in a bilingual newspaper. Then, I completed
my study by receiving the highest mark in the study program for my final-year undergraduate thesis on English
education. Such experiences surely link one another, of which I consciously learn that English teaching should be
dominated by advanced concepts and assisted by effective teaching strategies. For this reason, I have totally
provided my self to perform well in my future study.

Paragraf selanjutnya
 Literature review
There have been so many studies focusing on ……, but still a few explore why the ……

………………terus lanjutkan pada apa yang ada di literature review.

 Methodology
The research that I paln to conduct will be carried out by using qualitative/quantitaive research method… I will use
the …. as the samples ….. terus jelaskan tentang rencana methodologynya nanti…

 Manfaat
I contend that this research will be valuable in the future considering that the issue of ….. is still … Indonesia.
The findings of the research will highlight …… terus lanjutkan.. fokus pada bagaimana riset ini berguna untuk
orang banyak atau bisa bermanfaat dalam mengatasi sebuah isu tertentu di masyarakat

Dengan terus berkembangnya teknologi di dunia pendidikan, proses pembelajaran tidak lagi terbatas hanya di
dalam kelas. E-learning sebagai mediator yang menghubungkan sumber informasi dan layanan dengan pengguna yang
dapat diakses dari mana saja. E-learning digunakan untuk memberikan kemudahan dalam proses pembelajaran,
diantaranya untuk mengakses materi belajar, tugas, kuis dan sebagai media atau forum diskusi. Oleh karena itu,
kebutuhan-kebutuhan tersebut harus dapat dipenuhi agar e-learning dapat dimanfaatkan dalam pembelajaran secara
efektif. ITB telah mengembangkan dan menggunakan E-learning sejak tahun 2015 untuk mendukung proses
pembelajaran mahasiswanya. Tingkat kepuasan dosen dan mahasiswa sebagai pengguna e-learning tentunya memegang
peran penting sebagai acuan untuk perbaikan dan pengembangan e-learning menjadi lebih baik. Untuk itu, saya
bermaksud melakukan penelitian untuk membuat sebuah system informasi untuk mengukur dan menampilkan data
tingkat kepuasan pengguna e-learning di ITB dengan menggunakan metode EUCS.

After I entered college, I found out that there are many branches of computer science. I learned many interest thing
about computer in college. It was my second year in college when I learned about database and found it interesting. I
joined database laboratory as laboratory and teaching assistant so I can learn about database seriously. During that time,
I was also joined a project in charge of making a database for an information system development. I really enjoyed
create a web based information system that allows us to access or manipulate information.



I decided to continue my master’s degree at Korea University after I saw a research list that has been done by
Professor Lee Won Gyu relating to technology in education. Because I am interested in doing a research related to the
use of technology in learning, it will be an honor for me if I could join Informatics and Computing Education Laboratory
and learn many things from Professor Lee Won Gyu.

Background of the study

In Indonesia, education considered as an important thing in life. Many parents tried to get their children into a
good school in order to give them a better education. But the role and support of parents in their children’s education is
needed no matter how good the school is. Parents have primary responsibility for the future of their children. School
only as an institution that facilitates learning process so the active role of parents is very necessary for the success of
their children in school. However, most the parents, especially in Indonesia, seem fully devolved their children’s
education to the school without involved in monitoring educational development of their children. It is because parents
cannot monitor their children’s education at any time so they only see their children’s educational development through
report cards each semester. So for my research, I am interested in developing WEB BASED ACADEMIC
INFORMATION SYSTEM that provides information about educational information of students. Through this system,
parents can easily monitor their children’s grades, achievements, interests and activities at school so they can decide
what is best for their children’s education based on their academic information.

To develop a web based software that provide student’s academic information

Research Methods
The research that I plan to conduct will be carried out by using Prototyping Model for the development of
software. Prototyping model is the process of developing a trial version of a system in order to clarify the requirements
of the system or to reveal critical design considerations. Following is the stepwise to design a software prototype:
 Basic requirement identification: understanding the very basic requirements of product especially in term of user
 Developing the initial prototype: The initial prototype is developed, where the very basic requirements are
showcased and user interfaces are provided.
 Review of the prototype: The developed is then presented to the costumer and the other important stakeholders in
the project. The feedback is collected in an organized manner and used for further enhancements in the product
under development.
 Revise and enhance the prototype: The feedback and the review comments are discussed during this stage and
some negotiations happen with the costumer based on factors like, time and budget constraints and technical
feasibility of actual imolementation.

Expected Outcomes
 Develop a web based academic information system that can easily accessed by parents in order to monitor the
academic development of students
 Implementing the web based academic information system in vocational school in Indonesia

Impact of the study

The success of this research will be valuable in the future considering that the active role of parents in monitoring
their children education is still lack. The system developed in this research can make it easier for parents to monitor their
children’s academic progress in school.

To pursue my master’s degree on time may require a lot of hard work. So I had planned what I must to do within 3 years
during study in Korea. For my first 6 months of language program, I want to focus learning Korean language because it
will very helpful for me during my stay in Korea. Then in second half year of language program, I will study Korean
while reading necessary materials for my research. After I finish my Korean Language Program, I will start my master’s
degree program. During my first year of master’s degree, I want to join database laboratory and study hard to strengthen
my knowledge on database. I also want to publish a paper during my first year. In my second year, I plan to start
preparing for my research by reading many journals that necessary for my research. Then in my last semester, I will
work hard for my thesis.
Future Plan
o Future plan in Korea or another country after study in Korea
after Study

 Jelaskan apa yang ingin dilakukan setelah studi. Future Goals?

 Ingat tujuan apply beasiswa KGSP ini yg dijelaskan pada essay intro
 Bisa jelaskan mulai dari karir yang diinginkan, ide atau projek yang ingin dilakukan, kontribusi apa yang akan
diberikan untuk Indonesia dll
Penjelasan harus meyakinkan komite penyeleksi bahwa anda akan melaksanakan “tujuan” dari beasiswa ini yaitu : The
Korean Government Scholarship Program (KGSP) supports the future global leaders and promotes the international
cooperation in education by inviting talented international students to Korea for an opportunity to conduct advanced
studies at higher educational institutions in Korea
 supports the future global leaders
 promotes the international cooperation in education
 inviting talented international students
 conduct advanced studies at higher educational institutions)
Contoh :

My future goal is to be a specialist in the field of education, developing research-based instructional, professional, and
outreach programs and promoting effective and equitable educational practices for all learners. I would like to be a
researcher in higher education and governmental organizations informing the policy makers and public about the
progress and challenges in education and taking part to solve the issues in educational fields in Indonesia.
…………………………………… dan seterusnya…

My future goal is to work in the field related to education. After finish my master’s degree, I want to get a job in
Korea at least for 2 years. Because Korea is a technologically advanced and digitally-connected country, having work
experience in Korea will be a good and helpful experience for me before comeback to my country. After comeback to
my country, I want to teach database subject in vocational high school or college so I can share my knowledge onto the
future generation.

I believe I can use the knowledge and experience that I get from study abroad in Korea to contribute in the field of
education in Indonesia.

After studying this master, and culminating that wonderful experience of living and studying in Korea, I would like to be
able to take all that knowledge and the image of Korea wherever I go and where I work, I plan to continue improving
and always work in a correct and effective way, Proposing innovative designs and structures that solve different
construction and habitat problems.

In the future I would like to have the experience of working in Korea for a while, as it would complement my studies
and could apply the knowledge acquired in the masters, positively contributing to Korean society in the importance of
building buildings and places to live, but Taking into account the care of our environment, as well as the development of
more projects focused on sustainability and comfort as the wonderful example of 청계천 that meets those
characteristics. I also hope to be able to work as a bridge between Korea and Colombia, participating in the design and
construction of large projects and working cooperatively with some Korean companies that are already developing
construction projects in Latin America and other parts of the world; I think that continuing along this path will allow me
to have an international performance in my profession, which I believe is very important these days with our globalized
world; After finishing my master's degree, I will be able to expand much more the subject of sustainable architecture and
construction technologies, and thus be an example of the quality that there is in the construction industry in Korea.

Thanks to this opportunity given by KGSP, I know that I will complement my professional training, in addition to living
an enriching cultural exchange, being able to take all this experience to the labor field in both Korea and Colombia, so
that in my country there is also an important development in technologies And that in the future in Colombia, sustainable
design can also be explored and applied as a solution to the environmental issues we have today, providing a better
quality of spaces, buildings and life to people.

1. Think of the course you are interested in. What brought about this interest?

2. What specific field are you now interested in? Why? How far has your country gotten in terms of treatment research
related to the topic of your interest? Is this why you feel Korea offers you a better opportunity to study the problem and
develop a possible solution to the problem?

3. What is the problem that most attracts you to this research? Explain the reasons for the attraction. Why would this be a
good topic for research?

4. Do you have a specific university of interest that you plan to apply to in Korea? Do they specialize in this sort of

5. What is the current research that the university is doing in your line of interest? Does it align with the problem that
you hope to resolve with your own research?

6. Is there a specific professor you want to mentor you as you write your thesis? What makes you think that he / she
would be able to help you further advance your research?

7. How can the university help you achieve your study goals?

MENTION SMART EDUCATION.. Many Asian countries have been pioneers using food with a functional objective
not only as a body energy source, for this reason Nutrigenomic discipline might have an advantage in Korea due to its
cultural heritage. In addition, among Nutigenomic area articles Asian countries stand out because of the number of
publications, especially names of Korean researchers. For this reason I imagine how honored I would be if I have the
opportunity to participate in projects and learn from Korean Professors involved in this research line. Furthermore
Korean Universities are quipped with the needed laboratories and some of them with projects totally related to what I am
wishing to deepen; there are National Institutes like Korea Food Research Institute with a Division in Nutrition and
Metabolism Research that might be a useful tool to complement any education in this field. I have been considering all
this facts and I hope to get the opportunity of be accepted in this program

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